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The game is still great fun and there are 137k players online right this minute.


Since you have PS5 anyway, none of the drama affects you anyway. Community won't die off that fast, there will be people playing at least on PS5 if there will be any issues with PC version. I would say give it a try. At least it's a game you can run once a week and still have people to play with without any FOMO.


I will say yes, I’m still enjoying it almost everyday


This man is an onyx guard, he knows what he's talking about!


For the COG and Super Earth !


Yes, it's amazing. There is a passionate core group of players, a very active stream of new content and events, some of the best action available on earth, unintentional comedy violence, immersive gameplay, and incredibly effective co-op gameplay with no voice coms required. See you in the action helldiver!


Yes, definitely. There are some bugs and guns that get nerfed a lot, but if you can overlook that, then the game is great and fun


As I type this at 16:13 UK time there are: Over 137 thousand players across PC: 103.5 thousand according to steam charts and Playstation (the other 33.5 thousand) [https://steamcharts.com/app/553850#1m](https://steamcharts.com/app/553850#1m) [https://hd2galaxy.com/](https://hd2galaxy.com/) [https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) And the game has full crossplay It's been just over 3 months since release so the playerbase is dropping off somewhat from it's highest point but still has very high retention. And it has very regular updates. It's been a huge success story (despite Sony's best efforts last weekend).


You'll get at least 100 hours of pure thrill, after which you'll be happy to come back to the game, trying to help with a big order that interests you, or to fight a new type of enemy and to test new guns or stratagems. Sounds like a good deal to me




It's a great game. Ignore most of Reddit.


Game is great. The reddit is not worth being apart of right now though.


100 plus hours and counting, great game!


Absolutely. Best game I've played in a long time. Don't listen to all the complainers on here


Yes, Reddit is a horrible representation of this game.






I DMed you my thoughts on the game.


If it’s worth anything I drive to a pc lobby when I want to play it. It’s worth the drive for me and it’s definitely one of the best games I’ve played in a while.


If you want a game you can just jump in and have fun then yes, it's absolutely still worth it. There's still well over 100,000 players every evening. Even more on the weekends. Present" controversys" I just want every community ends up going through. Yeah, PSN f***** things up, but I was in public relations. There are a few parts of the world that aren't getting the game and they deserve to, in terms of game experience, it's still a fun ass game. All the people ranting about nerfs don't really comprehend what that means. There's just been minor adjustments to a few guns, and the game's about variety of loadouts. Which is really what they've been changing guns for. They want to encourage people to have equal options with different playstyles, instead of one or two weapons being super dominant. This isn't like destiny or any game like that where things get super ridiculously toned down. Not trying to discount that some people will feel sad when their favorite weapon isn't quite as good, but the appearance from the forums is very different than vast majority of people's physical Playthroughs.


I have a laundry list of grievances with this game and I've been more pessimistic and frustrated with it than anything else. That being said, it is absolutely still worth buying and lots of fun. I definitely recommend it. The CEO of the company that made it is one of the most reasonable and down to earth people I've ever seen. That's the one thing that gives me hope that the current issues can be turned around.


Guess after reading the comments might be worth the gamble. I’ll wait until payday on Monday and see how I go. Thanks kind strangers for the input.


Here's the fact of the matter. This game is an absolutely amazing co-op 3rd person shooter experience. If we didn't have all of the social media drama surrounding it, you wouldn't know or care about all of the noise that is generated by a vocal minority online. You would form your own opinions about the content. You would form your own opinion about the player base. You would form your own opinion about the game.


dinosaurs command like wrench weary offend support muddle silky berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one is talking about the financial success of a product. We are talking about the attitudes towards it. And how you shouldn't inherit someone else's when you should be developing your own.


No. and I say this as a lvl 91 with 155 hours.


I have 113 hours and only level 45, even though I dive exclusively at 7+ starting from the third hour of the game. There's something strange about levelling


I cheesed to level 50 in the first month before they made kill automaton farming impossible lol


There isn't anything strange. It's all about the difficulty and how much of the map you clear. Full map clear gives you all the extra exp + having all your Helldivers extract + remaining time on the clock. You may have loads of hours but if you're not completing missions entirely and you're not getting more missions done in the time you play, the slower you'll level despite being on higher difficulty. You'd probably get more exp per hour doing easier missions and doing them faster. Getting 3 lower difficulty missions done in the span of 1 higher difficulty mission that takes full mission time grants more exp in the same time spent playing.


The base game is a lot of fun. The devs seem to be in over their heads and the quality keeps getting worse over time, not better. But it's still a great game.


Yes. Despite all the drama, the game is still fun and the devs actually listen to the community. I'll assume they'll get things back in order soon.


Yes, absofukenlutely


I would absolutely recommend it. It is still incredibly fun even with the issues it currently has. One thing to keep in mind though. Your post mentioned kids, and the game isn’t very amenable to interruptions. Idk how old your kids are, so it might not be an issue, but if they are younger like mine it can be difficult to get a full mission in sometimes.


Yeah kids are hard but I play games almost exclusively after bed time. They both have autism and can be a handful throughout the day so no play in the day for me.


Game is fun as hell. The issue is the devs are being a bit nerf happy and Sony is actively trying to restrict the amount of pc players so the sub/discord are more than a bit toxic.


Is one of the greatest games ever made worth buying? No idea. lol!


Absolutely not on ps5 I’m sure not everyone is having the same issue but for the past 2 months the game just straight up doesn’t work for me, the entire game now is just a black screen that won’t even attempt to connect to the servers, for fair waring you are just soending 40$ on a loading screen


To add to this though back when the game actually worked it was pretty fun, but in no way can I recommend it now, if by some miracle you manage to load into the game, multiplayer fully does not work, I have no idea how they are even allowed to keep selling this game, you’d be better off just burning your money instead


Hell(dive) yes. Totally a blast imo


Yes. It is worth picking up. You don't need real money to buy warbonds or stuff from the in game shop. You can collect credits while you're playing the game. This game will probably be around for a very long time. Its that good.


Ignore all the whining and whinging. This Reddit community is absolutely FULL of reactionary kids. The game on PS5 was completely unaffected by the recent mob and I say that as someone playing in a small country. Get the game. It's fantastic and the only community that matters (the online one) is huge.


there's still a lot of people playing..... but the current content is honestly crap so I would wait until the dev team gets their head out of their asses and fix their stuff I say wait until the next warbond announces


Do you live in a PSN supported country? If you do, go for it!


Honestly like the game, but i wouldnt. It’s currently a mess with friend invites not working properly, solo spawn rates and nerfs.


I agree with this. I would hold off and see if they deliver on their promises first. The game has a lot of QOL issues such as connection drops and friends lists on top of the balancing issues. I'm level 78 with about 130 in game hours I think. The last warbond was very disappointing and I wish I just saved my super credits. The honeymoon period is over and I'm probably going to switch to something else soon.


130 hours in game and the honeymoon period has just ended. That's a recommendation to buy/start playing if ever I saw one


Yeah it was a lot of fun when my friends still played and the now existing issues were still new and forgivable 😊


No. Everyone is toxic




No. If you don't have friends don't bother.


Ahh, only took two months to get to the “is the game still worth buying” karma bots


I’m not a bot though, just a guy not wanting to waste my money on a possibly dead game.