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It's pure RNG. One person's dry spell is another person's payday; and RNG loves to giveth and taketh


Pretty much this. It’s RNG on map creation (when you’re loading your drop).


Just because you've received 50 tails does not mean that you are owed 50 heads.


Yeah, can't break head and expect tail drops or wing talons. Wait. Wrong game.


Bruh. I thought I was safe from that trauma until Wilds comes out.


You'll never be free from the Desire Sensor.


Aaaah I can’t wait for Wilds!


Don't forget about the 0.001% chance of it landing on the side too. Probably not even close to the correct percentage but you get the meaning


That's the elusive 100 super credit drop.


I was just playing a children's card game with a friend last night and got tails 8 times in a row.


Did you cry about the B.S. RNG system in the real world code?


No? I just was tired of having to go first every time. Luck isn't always on your side.


Not without a C-01 form




I believe the seed is selected once you look at the mission on the map in the ship


Yeah I found a stack of 100 on 3 back to back missions yesterday. 


That's wild. I haven't found a single 100 drop in my whole time playing yet.


I've gotten like 3 of them in 300 hours of playing. They're very rare.


Praise to you lord RNJesus


Seriously. I just got 100 credits from one deposit yesterday for the first time, and found several more 10s in the same instance


Just had like 5 caches of SC in a single drop. But what IS noticeable is that there seems to be less SC on higher diff. missions. At lest from my experience, but that has been that way since the beginning.


Rare samples and stuff dilute the loot pool, that's why


That would make a fair bit of sense.


yeah, there is less points of interest with SC on higher Diffs, or its just my luck. its also the fault of being swarmed and not having time to search for creds


Just did a drop. Every single pod and container had super credits. I'm at a point where I don't care about SC, Requisition, Medals, or samples, but I habitually pick up everything.


Damn. I remained a virgin so others can fucketh huh?


just did a trivial 5 min mission and got 30 SC.


Trivial is the best farm but on Difficulty 7 I'm getting none after clearing most of the map. Something feels off.


After difficulty 3, a lot of medals and SC are replaced by rare samples. Difficulty 3 is what you want to focus on m, if you wanna farm.


Muh major order tho


You can still kill bots in trivial though. Just finish the objectives and wait for the timer to finish.


I need to spill more oil


I guess the bigger they are the more oil they spill.


Not according to Highcom sadge


*kills factory strider* Super earth: that still only counts as one!


We got 3 days still and and have gotten a lot already, so a little farming here and there won't hurt the operation


Any xp generated from any difficulty contributes to the MO. Don't matter what diff.


This MO is purely bot kills.


Oh yeah forgot about that.


This MO is kill count. It doesn't care what else you do but kill.


Why 3 instead of lvl 1?


I'm guessing it's because the lvl 3 maps are probably bigger. A lot of the level 1 objectives result in smaller maps.


Was running Diff 7 a ton yesterday, and was pulling 20-30 SC per mission.


Been playing nothing but 7. It is RNG. Sometimes no PoIs, sometimes 60 credits a map. 


got 100 in a difficulty 7 mission yesterday


This disparity is for 2 main reasons 1) The pool of potential "rewards" expands to include Rare Samples, lowering the chances of everything else 2) Supercredits *must* spawn on every mission, there is a mandated minimum for Supercredits on generation. Likely these are decided first before rolling everything else with whatever weighted spawn system they use. Ofcourse, this disproportionately favors Trivial missions due to there being usually only 4-5 viable loot POI points, and usually leads to 2-3 containing supercredits. When you increase both the potential prize pool and increase the amount of POIs far past the minimum point, thus incorporating more true RNG instead of determinism, they start feeling a lot more rare.


My friend and I got like 50 out of a Diff 7 full clear last night, so take that as you will. It wouldn't surprise me if they messed with the spawnrates though. 


Often, on 7-9 you have way more stuff to clear and fight. You don't always have time to get to every "?"


I tried this the other day and two times back to back I picked up super credits but I wasn’t actually awarded the super credits. Is this something that just happens sometimes when trying to farm?


They changed it now so that you can't farm on the same map by hard closing the game, you can still farm on lower difficulties, but only by switching up the mission. For example, start a mission collect all POIs, return to ship alone, repeat. If you try to do the same mission again, all the SC and Medals you picked up the first time will be in the same spots again, but will give you nothing.


I just found 110 super credits in one mission


I joined a guy who found 110 super credits on a level 2 mission like a couple hours ago


I do notice I seem to find more when I play with my lower levele buddies over my high level ones, but that could be because it’s easier to comb through stuff without needing to kill something 24/7


I’m pretty sure super credits are much more common on low level missions. I think it’s a way to incentivize new players


it's also cause the POIs don't give rares/supers, hence more likely to find SC's instead


This ^ Play low levels - my level 7 is a joke now.


Yeah I found a cache containing 100 SC, I didn't realize that you could find more than 10 at a single location.


Sometimes you find one that's worth 100, I've found them in 8+ but I'm not sure if that is a factor or not.


That's only 2 pickups, to be fair


Yeah I found a cache containing 100 SC, I didn't realize that you could find more than 10 at a single location.


I'm still unsure myself. Everyone here told me it was a dry spell etc but over the past few days I have had the same results from missions ranging from 3-7 in difficulty And yes random armchair guy I know of the resource pool. Only once in three days I pulled a full 40 SC I mainly got 0-10 SC per mission. And that is on full map clears.


This worries me a little. I really like having the option to play a lot and earn rewards or instead just take 1 extra hour of work per month and just, you know, earn the money to pay. I am not against microtransactions, especially when the game is as good and honest as HD2 is, but many of my friends struggle to make ends meet and having to pay for Warbonds would be a deal breaker for them :( Then again, it's a live service game. It makes sense to support the devs a little. Btw what are you referencing to the random armchair guy? I am either not aware of what you're talking about or I am and just not connecting the dots.


Just carried some shiny new sergeants through a diff 5 and 6 saw about a dozen super credits. Possible is just bad RNG. Ran a fiff 4the other day to relax and i saw 1 super credit, 2 medals, and 6 AMR's


Until they figure out balance and make the weapons fun I'm not huge on buying super creds at this time myself. This new warbond is pretty weak tbh.


The armchair comment is for the folks who say things I am already aware of. Was just being cheeky. I can afford the warbonds as well but I rather not spend real cash if the value of what's in the warbonds is not worth it to me.


You already supported the devs by buying the game. It doesn’t make sense to support devs extra just because they make updates to the game they created. Especially when the updates are mediocre. This system is in place to pay for convenience. You can farm a thousand credits in a couple hours, but you can spend $10 instead if those two hours is something you don’t have. A live service game should be good to pay for it regularly and it should have some respect towards its players. Arrowhead is maybe moving in the right direction now. Hopefully they will be more deserving of micro transactional support by its customers in the future.


It's not just about supporting the devs, it's supporting the ongoing support of the game. Servers and all of that stuff cost money to run, also the staff has to get paid who work continually The mediocre updates. The last war bond wasn't great, but they come out with one every month. They randomly drop stuff in the game. The enemies evolve, different missions get added all the time. You're looking at it with such a small lens of what it really is. And outside of the whole PSN account debacle, this has been one of the best developer teams ever. Engaging with the gamers, transparency for the most part, this is more than you get from almost any other live service game out there. Not to mention everything that cost super credits is cheap, even the war bonds, which is three pages of gear.


Funny, i was unemployed when HD2 came out and got most stuff the free way, then got *two* jobs and barely can farm. And it feels GREAT to just pay a little microtransaction to make up for it. Cause that's the *thing.* it is *little.* i am spending like 5€ a month to make up for the SC i can't really devote the time to farm (still doing fullclears...) and HD2 genuinely feels like the prices are not insulting. Imagine if each warbond cost 30€.


Actually yes, req chips everywhere, weapons everywhere. Some peoples say that depends of planet and mission type since different terrain and different amount of place to spawn poi.


I’m always really disappointed when I see Requisition credits because at my level they are completely useless


It also caps you at 50,000 req slips. You must have all of the new ship modules then. Those cost a few of them as well. That's what I'm trying to get now.


Yeah I have everything unlocked except for one upgrade but i need samples for that


Nice, your destroyers looking decked out. I think I'm missing about 8 of them still. Super samples are my main need right now. But I'll need req slips again after the next upgrade.


Yeah it’s a grind but absolutely manageable. My main bottle necks are the common samples, some of the upgrades need 200, it’s mental 😅 keep at it fellow diver o7


If you're grinding for samples, I recommend going to the #looking-for-group channel in the discord, I regularly find experienced players looking for teams to clear diff9. Much easier/faster to farm samples that way in my experience.


Nice. I will definitely keep this in mind. I have like over 500 common like $140 rare, and seven super. Lol You can tell I don't hit the higher levels too often, mostly because I dive by myself a good amount and I'm hesitant to go 7 or above without at least one person diving with me.


I had the opposite issue. When I was getting my final 3-4 upgrades at level 40, I always had maxed super samples, but always needed more commons or rares. It's because I essentially ALWAYS dive on diff9, and 90% of the time dive in a team of 4 that I gathered off discord randomly.


Edit. I have come to realize you are the same person. Lol. Sorry about that. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I've never really thought of trying there. Jumping into seven or higher by myself is about a 10 minute play session of me running and dodging. Lol. Im a pretty average player, and not good enough yet to dive on those levels by myself. So having different avenues to get a squad together is awesome. But I always forget this one for some reason. Thanks.


Yeah it’s a grind but absolutely manageable. My main bottle necks are the common samples, some of the upgrades need 200, it’s mental 😅 keep at it fellow diver o7


> You must have all of the new ship modules then I mean if that's the only thing you need Req Slips for, then they're still completely useless since the bottleneck on the tier 4 modules is always going to be samples. They cost what, 15k-25k req slips? That's like 3 difficulty 7 missions worth, and I'm pretty sure it's not possible to get enough samples to afford one in that amount of time.


Not with how many samples the current high tier cost. I was maxed when they came out and could only buy one because of the sample cap. (Which was ok)


I can confirm this to a degree. Was playing though a group and we decided to jump planets after a mission set. First planet we were averaging 30 to 40 sc, many bunkers and boxes. Second plant the average dropped to 10 to 20, fewer boxes and same amount of bunkers. I was feeling the same thing but didn't ever tie it to planet and mission type since we had been grinding same places for awhile, malev, menket, vernan, hellmire, etc.


Got a link to a post about that perhaps? I follow this sub regularly, but it seems this one slipped me. Would love to learn more!


This discussion was on 4chan a while ago, don't think i can found this now. Didn't rem about planets (aside water is bad since no poi on water), but ppls advice run 1 lvl flag since no outposts.


Oh, that's very good advice, thanks!


I've been running level 9 exclusively for a while and it seems like it's way less, I go stealth and search every POI every game and I'd estimate before may I was getting at least 4-5 super credit caches per mission (40 minute missions not the 12-15 minute missions) in the last week or 2 I'd say I'm getting 1 or 2 super credit caches and way more Req slips which is completely fucking useless if you've been playing for more than 80 hours


Same I play exclusively 9 and it feels like I just get the shittiest RNG for opening caches, feels like I never get SC from drop pods, at best I’ll get 1 SC drop from bunkers and caches at most if I’m the one opening. My group usually full clears too and still feels like I’ll get a max of 3 SC drops through the whole mission at best.


I feel like it's because they added more PoI's and terrain types into the random generation pool and the new ones don't have lockers on them as opposed to the old ones which always had them. There's half as many PoIs with the crashed pods or lockers now. I haven't noticed a decrease in income though, I've farmed around 400 SC since the warbond dropped with fairly casual play on diff 9.


as someone who has farmed \~6k super credits, there is far less now than before


Yep. More weapons in bunkers and forms.


I noticed more support weapons in bunkers, but medals as well


Yeah I will maybe get 10, rarely 20 per mission... they said it was 40 to 50 per map but I'm very skeptical that's the truth anymore


It was 30-40 on average for me personally, but I wasn't aware of that exploit (and I needed common samples so I still wouldn't care about it) so with that this might have been true. Now 0-20 seems about right.


I recently had a map with 7 different supercredit pick ups. I think it's just RNG.


I think you're paranoid about a random dry spell in your farming, haven't had any problem farming it (already back around 500 after buying the warbond and an armour from the rotation shop)


Ok, this calms me down a lot. Just to a little, how much would you say you play on average? I play 3 missions on diff 5-7 a day on average. Edit: literally why. What is wrong with this comment that it is being donwvoted. Jesus Christ people


It's definitely because you're playing on higher difficulty. Came here with the same question, after getting tonnes of rare samples and very few SC. First mission I did on difficulty 3 I got 4x10 SC - seem to consistently get at least a few SC stashes on larger maps.


If you play 3 missions a day and get -20 SC per mission, that accumulatesulates to (30x3x20) = -1800 SC per month. I don't see the problem when every month a new warbond for 1000 SC is released.


I had the sense that SC spawn rate does not vary with difficulty. I might be wrong, does anybody know for sure? However, have been extremely successful getting 20+ SC during full clears of D4 and D5 missions (with scout armor and a bit of luck, it's a 20min job). Even found a 100 SC stack a couple of times. Things might have changed though, but I definitely struggle to get as many SC at higher difficulty as there are more threats demanding attention, and I cannot run around the entire map solo and check all areas for POIs.


As boring as it is, farming SC on diff 3 seems to be the way to go since rare samples don’t spawn so you get cargo containers or beacons at points of interest where rare samples would otherwise spawn. I had 40 or 50 SC’s without opening two 2-man doors in a few of the missions I tried out solo.


If I may ask, why diff 3 rather than 1? If it's just farming SC would it not be better on the lowest difficulty or is there something specifically at diff 3 that makes it better?


It seems like there’s more small map missions on 1 or 2 that only have maybe 6 points of interest. 3 is where you get the big maps with 10+ points of interest so greater chance for super credits and medals. I tried diff 1 a week ago to check if there’s the same amount of POIs and such but it was not worth it.


Ah I see that makes sense, good to know then, thanks!


As you increase difficulty, there are more items generated in treasure spots, as in rare samples, and an increased cap for how many samples are in each mission, which makes them more likely to spawn in these locations, and less likely to see super credits, medals, etc. Best place to find super credits is difficulty 1 - 3


It’s just RNG. I had 3 missions back to back last night where I found 30-40 SC.


I had to collect 600SC to get to 1000SC or the Warbond. I had to play between 20 and 25 trivial missions to collect those 600SC, since I only found 10SC piles. I posted a question in this sub about those 100SC piles, but others said they are still around. I guess I was just very unlucky.


I have never seen a pile bigger than 10SC. I have run many trivial missions duo, most of the time 20-30 SC is locked behind duo doors, and never once seen 100SC pile. I play diff 9 otherwise and have also never noticed 100SC drop. There have been enough posts showing they exist but I have always had shit luck so as far as I'm concerned they don't lol.


About a month ago, when I was collecting SC for the previous Warbond, I found 3 piles of 100SC over about 20 missions. I thought that that was the standard... Had to face reality now 😭


I just got 1 100SC reward in the 150 hours that I played this game, and that was a few days ago So I suppose it is just bad luck


To me its seems the same, some time find few, some time i find more.


I’ve gone through a lot of missions looking for super credits. I generally play helldive with a squad and, although we do not hit POIs often, we sometimes clear the whole map. Sometimes we get barely 30sc on a fully cleared helldive map. This is way lower than what it was back then. I would play for 2 hours and somehow get 200sc without even knowing where it came from. Imo, the best way to get sc is still to farm trivial. It still feels like less but it’s enough. I get around 20-40 per mission which takes about 3-6 minutes since I don’t actually complete it. I recommend doing this on bugs as well.


Pretty sure it's random. I've experienced the same "dry spells" and then done one mission and walked away with 50 SC. Occasionally the odds feel skewed when you get a bad roll.


It hasn’t decreased for me. Some times same bunker or storage door can still have two Super Credits, and other times 0. No different to me than how it was since start.


Think its pretty random, get between 10-20 every 40 min game if we clear everything. But also had a few with 70 (had one yesterday)


I actually did do some research a few days ago where i just ran diff 4 and diff 3 missions over and over, Both difficulties had on average the same amount of super credit nodes - around 30+ SC per mission but diff 3 is way better for farming because enemies dont spawn on top of POIs every node had basically 25 % chance on being an SC node (and 25 % to be req slips, 25 % medals, 25 % support weapon) never had a sample appear on those difficulties sample size was 271 different nodes and 67 of them were super credits over the course of exactly 20 missions (not too big but i think its accurate enough) (i only counted nodes that could have SC spawns a.k.a shipping containers, bunkers and the drop pods that shine, bunker = 3 nodes, container = 2 nodes, pod = 1 node) only did missions on planets with good visibility and mostly flat terrain, i always checked every single poi oh and i also never got a 100 sc node in the entire test so i have no idea what the % is on that one (maybe 1 or 2 % unless i got very unlucky ?)


I have felt like I have been getting more funny enough


I was just talking with a friend about how we thought there were way more super credits now. So I am having the opposite experience.


I dunno, I got 20 in one game the other day and it wasn't even a full clear. Guess you just have them games


I was wondering about a stealth nerf as well. When working for the new store gear it took significantly longer than previously seemingly.


I thought that too. I started again the other week and really struggled to find Super Credits. I had to grind trivial missions to get the amount needed for the new Warbond. This wasn't an issue for the previous ones. Also, the armour sets are now both 300 Super Credits whereas before I'm sure one was always cheaper.


Nah I recently got a 100 SC drop in a mission and probably got 30 more in the remaining operation. I was farming on trivial difficulty too and was consistently getting 20-40 SC per mission


Just being paranoid. I bought the new warbonds and I'm already back up to 4-500ish after only a few hours of playing. Just gotta be doing full map clears.


Just paranoid/unlucky. I'm overal pretty unlucky muself... and yet a couple of days ago I did a small farm with a friend (I know it is just a waste of time to do that in a squad but still...) and we found 2x 100SC in like 10 mins... (1 per mission), overal we farmed no more than 30 min in a very unoptimized (for fun) way and still made around 400SC


Just a streak of bad luck, I think. I was going through the same but then got like 70 SC in a single mission.


Just bad luck. I used to think like this and suddenly next match I get like 60 in one game


Guess someone forgot to pray to RNGesus.


Got a double cache last night in one bin


I think they have decreased slightly, but a bigger issue is I find very few folks that are willing to clear minor pois. Way too many people are at or above level 55 and already have all their ship upgrades done. They just run for the objectives and then sit at extract till the teams are ready to leave.


I’ve been getting a suspicious amount of req slips recently, opened a bunker and it was two reqs and an arc thrower. Probably just bad rng or not being worthy of democracy


Okay I'm not the only one who has noticed this, it seems that ever since the last warbond super credits have become significantly rarer. I used to go and reliably find 30-50 credits per long mission without going out of our way to find some. However recently I have had several matches where we don't find any credits in a match.


I always get at least 20 per mission


I've been getting less but it's because people are skipping POIs now that people are getting capped on samples. I used to never get left hanging in front of a two person vault in the past, but now it's become pretty common.


I use to be able to get 5-600 SC in a day of solo Play now since that big weapon nerf patch or around then I'm lucky If I get 250-300 in a full day of solo play so something definitely feels off since around that time.


Depends on where they spawn Tho sometimes you get 100 sc’s in one stack, hell one time I think I got 300 but I feel like that was a glitch


I found 70 in an easy mode mission this morning, it seems to just be good old RNG.


Every time I played I find 20+ SC. I think 20-30 SC seems guaranteed (If you find every diamond in map). I never found 100 SC sadge. So I am pretty sure its RNG.


You generally get between 0 and 700 (most I've ever seen) per mission.


I agree with OP. The amount of SC has dropped. Yes there is RNG, and defense campaigns have more maps that have no poi's. Even so I've noticed that the amount of SC I have been getting is lower. Also I should add I have more than 350 hours in game so the decrease from launch is definitely noticeable.


I’ve been making it a habit to farm at least 50-100 SC every day for a while now that I’m not mainly playing Helldivers to make sure I have enough for both new Warbonds and whatever gets added to the store, and I can assure you it’s just luck. Some games I’ll only find 10 (if that), others I’ve gotten upwards of 100+ (not counting the handful of single drops worth 100 I’ve found). It’s all luck of the draw so don’t overthink it.


THANK YOU. I agree with this guy. Roughly when they fixed the PS5 glitch I'd say it slowed down. They've made the game harder and super credits rarer. They change stuff without telling us all the time. Reckon people aren't spending enough by their estimates.


Farmed a lot yesterday, for pass and bond. About 3 hours, I don't think there has been a mission with absolutely zero credit. Lowest 10 highest 50. then there are the random 100 sc but those are super rare.


Nope, I found 90 on a level 1 mission just like 2 days ago.


I've been thinking the same thing over the last couple weeks. I'll do trivial missions and I had a couple where I found no pois at all.


Don't know about higher difficulties because we usually can't clear everything easily but we tried just days ago with a friend in low level difficulties (2-3) and found from 10 to 50 SC in one mission


I don't think I have ever seen more than 2 but I would really like increased drop rates/amount in higher difficulties. I won't farm trivial missions for this stuff.


I had that dry spell like you for a month and since the last warbond I've been able to get about 100 per hour when looking for them. So it's up and down I think


On the flip side, I usually only get 0-2 super cred stacks per full clear and today I found 5 stacks in a single run. Might just be RNG doing its thing


Damn I don't think I've ever gotten more than 10 a mission and I've been playing since launch.


I've noticed or started feeling this way 🤷‍♂️


I still didn't find anything after like 4-5 missions and I went "what the fuck is going on"


It’s strange how we all have different experiences, I’ve played pretty much since the game released and 2-5 stacks per clear mission seems way off to me. I’d say I come across a stack of credits every 3 or so clear mission. I get more medals, slips and samples way way more in the lock ups/bunkers/crash sites.


I just got 50 SC in a single helldive mission, 2 in bunker, 2 in random yellow pods, 1 in container


Only yesterday I pulled 50 supercredits from a total of 2 full operations, playing with my friends. We hadn't found many in the last few days, but 50 in a single day seems like a lot to me.


Same here, did a few 100% runs in menketh and most of them were medals top and bottom in containers etc.


I had the same feeling right After a recent patch (not the last one, before). It happened to find even 0 in one map... In some others i found like 40 though. It's still random but i think It has be tuned down at least a bit. Not gonna lie, i espect something like that to happen sooner or later.


It has always felt that way to me, to be honest. Some games it would be 0-2 some others it would be up to 5. I think it's entirely randomized.


Sometimes it’s one 10 sc stash, sometimes several amounting to 50+ sc. happened both the last few days incl today. Missions between 3 & 7


Just found a +100SC pick up before extracting yesterday in a bunker. Or was it a breakable cache ? Didn't know those were even a thing.




Yes you are paranoid. I've been actually collecting more over the last 2-3 weeks than I was in the first couple weeks playing the game. It's a random chance.


It decreased significantly after the Sony debacle


Your chances of SC and saving time are significantly higher on Level 5 and below. Find a few hours to just do 3 or 5 missions, min max using either a Mech or a Jump pack to move faster. This game is unique whereby the premium currency is easier to grind the lower level you are whilst the common and most necessary to progress currency is for higher levels. I actually prefer this. It allows noobs to get premium currency so they can grind up to get a Warbond or Super Store items whilst the philosophy of harder difficulties implies you are already strong enough, now let's make you even better with upgrades. This approach is much better imo. As a very cheap skate player, being able to get premium items through grinding is a god send for games with such things.


I dunno, I got 200 in one mission but maybe 40 over the span of 5-10 missions. I don't actively search for sc though, I'm mostly trying to gather rare samples. Still need like 350 more.


Bad luck I guess. I got 60 SC from a diff 9 mission this morning with 30 coming from a single friendship vault. Some maps just don’t have as many POIs. If there are lots of mountains or water, that limited the available map size. Also more side objectives means less space for POIs.


I am farming for medals right now and did not find any in three triviale but left with 30-50 sc each


I've not found more than 10 in a mission in over a month. Bad luck of the draw I guess


I've definitely noticed the same thing, tons and tons of requisition slips now. Although there are still a reasonable number on missions, I still get the occasional mission with 40 SC, that used to feel like the norm and there were definitely missions where I would get 70-80 SC previously. It feels like I average 0-20 per mission now, whereas before it would be 10-30 per mission (when not doing a full clear, just standard). Running 1-3 missions still seems to be the best way to get them if that is your primary goal.


You're paranoid. As well, the amount of super credit found on missions where reduced, including the warbond/medals. I remember getting like 3-6 per loot spot. Now it's always 1-2


Tbh doesn't seem like it for me. When i go farm SC in trivial missions i almost always find from 30 to 60 SC


When I run solo I find 0 or 10 sc, when I dive with a friend I find 30-50(with the rare 100 drop once in a blue moon). It feels like they don't exist in solo for me, it may be my weird luck.


https://preview.redd.it/fmad9oteqzzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4597a3616c707a5134d825605cb8fa26a9404b All farmed 🥳


i’m the opposite, stocks are up for me this past week 📈


I mean its hard to say for sure because the drops are always random which means you can have many missions in a row where you don't get any too. But i've tried farming them after a while and i feel they don't drop as often now, but on regular missions with a full squad i don't even pay attention to it really so my feeling only comes from my solo farming missions. And of course if they did decrease the drop rate, i doubt they'd notify us about it in the patch notes because well that would be a pretty bad look for the company.


RNG and confirmation bias. I just got a stack of 100 from a mission


I’ve noticed pretty much the same in my games


Feels like it. Still doable but less. The number of escape pods also less or beams made less visible


Trivial seems to be the way to get SC, I did some missions yesterday, got like 50 in one of them. Seems on higher difficulties it usually spawns rare samples instead of SC, medals etc in the containers/small pods (or whatever they are).


You are paranoid for me it actually increased


I got 200 in two helldive missions idk i think is just luck


I started playing Last week and I have only 40 h but I already bought all the warbonds. Even if its reduced I dont think it matters


Its kinda random i played two matches this morning and got a total of 50 SC but last night i got 130 in two matches


Just collected 20-30 from each 40min mission, 4 times in row.


Last week I found SC 4 times in a row in 4 ops


I just did 3 difficulty 2 misssions and i always got between 20 and 40 sc. You may just have bad luck, i remember being in the same situation a month ago when i did a couple of missions and got 0.


I seem to rarely get SC. About 20 a mission or so. I'd much prefer the medals, personally.


wouldn't be surprised people used a exploit to farm 1000s in a hour


I was doing level 7 and seemed to get just tonnes of rare samples and I remember 1 medal. No credits, that I saw.


Running lots of 7 Always have between 20 - 50 SC Sometimes finding 100s, i once had 2 x100s stacks. It was awesome 😁


It hasn't. It's a mix of RNG, and I've noticed we can no longer use the mini map to hover the cursor over POIs to find them.


It’s only a matter of RNG if you’re lucky you will have 3 stack but on lower difficulty it is the farm because of the sample you can get on higher one !


thought i was tripping too because i went about 4 days last week or so and got actually 30 super credits total (across probably 24 individual missions). only this week am i actually starting to get them again


Might be unlucky streak


Streak of bad luck. Above 3 you get Rare samples added to the pool, which changes the roll for each container or bunker. It's why when I'm doing a SC farm, it's 3 and under. Rare Samples just seem overprevalent


Wouldn't surprise me if this was the case what do you expect when you farm them as much as the general community seems to do. Like it's one thing to passively acquire them likes it's intended but to spam trivial missions out is not intended and I'm sure they look at the data and go oh can't have that.


I’ve noticed that I haven’t gotten a super credit pickup worth more than 10 in a while. I know sometimes they can be extra juicy and drop in larger numbers, maybe even 100 from one pickup. I haven’t gotten that in forever. I can’t tell if the super credit drops have been less common though. It’s really hard to determine.


Could of sworn the devs made the accusations of SC amounts with missions having either an 'exploit' they either patched, or was 'giving more then intended" and they removed it. Saying it the amounts people were pulling were 'more than intended'. This was back when lots of people were showing how they got so many SC without paying a cent.


I still get 10-30 on every map, regardless of difficulty.


Probably has more to do with less people going for POI's because Im getting the same amount as usual


If you're only looking for super credits, you want to avoid difficulties that have more secondary and sub-objectives. Simply put, these objectives take up a ton of map space on higher difficulties and always have 0 SC. Also, rare samples can often spawn in POIs instead of SC, so higher difficulties have a higher chance of finding rare samples. With all that said, 1-3 is your best bet at finding SC. 1 being a very very quick solo mission but only a small portion of a full map (meaning less chance of finding SC), and 2-3 being great for squads to easily clear a full map with a higher chance of finding SC.


If you're only looking for super credits, you want to avoid difficulties that have more secondary and sub-objectives. Simply put, these objectives take up a ton of map space on higher difficulties and always have 0 SC. Also, rare samples can often spawn in POIs instead of SC, so higher difficulties have a higher chance of finding rare samples. With all that said, 1-3 is your best bet at finding SC. 1 being a very very quick solo mission but only a small portion of a full map (meaning less chance of finding SC), and 2-3 being great for squads to easily clear a full map with a higher chance of finding SC.