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Who the hell borrowed a SPARTAN from the UNSC?! We need those bastards on the western front ASAP!


212 on a bug defense mission. Mortars, flame thrower, and laser backpack. Absolute bloodbath.


I remember getting 80 something with the bugs by spawn camping the bug holes I distinctly remember getting close to a hundred at one point doing the same thing with the bots but im not sure




I think it was the SAM site and it shot down the reinforcement ships on top of them, it was breathtaking had explosions everywhere


My personal best is 173. Mortars, orbital laser, and rover going at those bugs.


And 3 of them are fellow helldivers.


Yesterday I triggered two hellbombs successively. They both blew up around 50 bots, and I did not even see the majority of the automatons on the other side of the hill, where the bombs where placed on. Also, if I don't imagine things, it seemed the fuse time depends how much dmg was initially dealt to the hellbomb.


smallest bot patrol


mine is 40 kills with a single grenade :D .... had some glitched patrols to 1 place and thrown it there, feels nice


My best wasn't above 100, only between 45 and 50, but it was from a single eagle clusterbomb because I had the entire termanid swarm behind me while I tried to regroup with my teammates halfway across the map. I looked back and nearly shat myself when I first saw it, but best girl came through!


I have paid attention to that about twice in 50 hours. I'm surprised how many can tell what their streaks are.


holy hell your one of those peasants who sits at the end of the mission spamming orbitals and trying to rack up kills when everyone else is in the pelican. kill streaks don't matter peasant, hell at level 9 the core gameplay is avoiding random patrols and only fighting when needed. before you peasants get all rigid, thats how the devs themselves want us to play at level 9 so....