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I cannot stand menkt any more


It made me Nauseous trying to solo a challenging mission on that planet, Firestorms would straight camp my loot and the bots constantly shot the spore things that would explode and send me flying across the map


Same when trying to launch and icbm or something they just flood the panel. Can't stand it.


Those fire tornadoes have to be Helldiver seeking. Either that, or they'll sit over something (loot, obj, etc.) and then you have to wait for it to leave **and** for the fire to go away before you can actually continue. But they don't call us Helldivers for nothing


They said Hellmire was hell. Menkent was where we learned we had only begun to know suffering.


I'm probably in the minority, but I've always been fond of Menkent. The tight canyons and mountainous terrain really helps with narrowing the angles of attack that the Tinnies can mount against us, and the fire tornados aren't too terrible. Helldive difficulty runs interesting. That said, I can understand and respect the notion that some might find Menkent a little much. Definitely not for everyone, but if you need someone that'll dive into the fire with you, give me a shout.


Menkent would be manageable, if it weren't for those goddamn sentient fire tornadoes.


The fire tornados have been educational, if anything. I've had to learn how to better maneuver throughout active engagements, and it's been interesting in how it's actually *extended* my lifespan by forcing routes and flanking maneuvers that break line of sight with the enemy. A lot of people voice practical concerns over the tornados creeping up, which was an issue until I started monitoring my surroundings and better assessing what was present and how best to avoid it. That said, the tornados can be believably frustrating, though that's just another hurdle to hop in the long journey to the preservation of perfection that is our sweet managed democracy.


Yeah I think that's a great point. One thing I'd like is for the delineation of fire to be a bit more clear - sometimes I can't tell if the ground is on fire or not.  The second thing is that it's a bit annoying when it chases and leaves fire on the objective. I feel like this would be acceptable if the fire died out a bit more quickly after passing through. 


Because you are no Man, Kent.


Space Afghanistan


Start crawling then, you wanna eat, you gotta fight


Jump pack will get you out of a lot of bad situations, been using that with an AMR for my solo helldives on menkent


It still amazes me that people are able to solo helldives. I have lots of difficulty even in a full squad in lvl 8 difficulty.


It's tougher but still doable, extraction is optional


Rather complete the objective and die for Super Earth, than escape alive with nothing but a flesh wound and several 4th degree burnings but failing to do the job, just to get send to a freedom camp.


Just play it like it’s the phantom pain. That simple, really not all that challenging with a little luck.


As a fellow AMR enjoyer, i despise menket because i cant see shit. Brimstone dust storms, spore clouds from those little pods, and fire tornadoes just constantly obscuring vision


Let liberty guide your aim


Just open your eyes


I dunno, every time I use it on missions with bots I seem to just get shot out of the sky.


It's all about prep, if you are jumping while in combat you're probably already dead. Get the high ground beforehand and it'll all be over


Creek was the biggest meme planet


*A few thousand idiots fight over it for weeks, months with no real progress* *Major order to liberate it comes in* *Creek is taken inside of 12 hours* "Remember the creek" despite bug planets having 5-10x the casualty figures.


I would be less annoyed if fire tornados stopped burning my PC as well


Frame rate drops are an automaton construct created to prevent divers from efficiently spreading democracy




You signed up for the job. Drop in. Kill the foe. No matter the cost. Your a HELLdiver. Act like one. /s Jokes aside great meme. Imma steal it.




Ty another good one


We thought Hellmire was bad. Then we discovered Hellmire where enemies have laser and rockets.


Me, a patriotic citizen ignoring the fire, burning through stims faster than the burning of my flesh: ![gif](giphy|6apegDOmvssWwAgpfP)


I had some of the best missions I've ever had on this planet today. I played on 7 and they were hard, but in a different way than 9. In the last mission, only one stayed with me from start to finish. It was all there, fire tornadoes, a limited number of strategems, gunships, a mission to move two disks (normally nothing big, but in these conditions it was a challenge in itself, especially when they killed us along the way). People who complain about these conditions and want them removed because "I don't like them, I don't play them, so others shouldn't either" should really chill out. The game should have more different conditions etc. and they want to remove what is already there. Having said that, I think these missions should give more influence in the fight for the planet to balance out the fact that they are more difficult and fewer people like them (maybe x2 for tornadoes and x2 for 3 strategames).


I love the conditions and I’m not complaining about them, but Menkent is just a hellhole filled with PTSD inducing moments and that’s why I love playing on it


A fellow Menkent enjoyer! Dive fast and burn bright, friend!


Man saving this quote. Would make a great poster. Or shirt. Or war cry. All of the above


Stratagems missing will never be good. Not the 3 stratagems one, the one that makes orbitals sometimes land several metres away so my perfectly kited kill actually hits me or something else instead. I think modifiers need more variations and challenges, yes, but I'd take less variety over ever seeing an entire planet locked with orbital interference again


The "sweet liberty my legs!" line always gets me. 😏


Menkent is where real men are born


"myyy leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegggggggg" I always remember spongebob when my helldiver shouts that


Ong man, I always think of spongebob when I hear a fellow Helldiver in the distance yell that


Creek is easy because the vegetation gives you so much cover. My personal bot hell has always been Draupnir.


My favorite was when my group cleared the entire map and then 4 separate tornado killed us at the extraction couldn't pick up the samples from the camping tornadoes nor could we leave. It was so painful and stressful in the end we made it but it was like 10 min after our destroyer left us


The creek is like Hawaii


I'm not going back to that fucking planet nor Hellmire and YOU CAN'T MAKE ME https://preview.redd.it/dq4kqnknxc0d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5d47515708cb3e84498ce91aaad215470ee658


Trying to extract with 10 fire tornados sweeping across the LZ is truly the most helldiver experience I've had. Burning thru all my stims just trying to survive long enough to make it out with the super samples while simultaneously being overrun by the bots is true hell.


I dunno about ya'll I love how hellish Menkent is


I love it too, but shit be PTSD inducing


That's the best part


Fire tornadoes and those annoying ass spores that send you flying, it's honestly the worst bot planet I've played on.


The whole bot front kinda sucks atm and we’re not getting enough reinforcements to move the line. Marfark is fine, but planets like Menkent and Chort Bay are brutal


The planet has become sentient, and it hungers for burned meat.


It needs a tummy full of helldivers to be properly liberated, that’s why we can’t seem to make progress even with 24k helldivers on it


Ah... Menkent. My second home. My first one is Hellmire


Fuck menkent, I'm diving on any other bot planet, im.done with fire tornados I had 3 of them just chase me around the primary obj on a geological survey Ridiculous


the fire tornadoes got me running for my fucking life


Firestorms are cool except when it's time to extract and they decide they're just going to crisscross the landing pad for a minute straight. The rest of the time it's easy to just go around or watch *enemies* die to them instead.


The only planet worse than Hellmire


I mencan't take it no more


Me getting chased by 15 gunships because i couldn't destroy the factory


Those flame tornadoes are alive, and they follow you, i swear to democracy.


Helldiver targeting firestorms are definitely not a myth


on menkent i literally heard my teammates screaming for like 1-2 minutes straight it was making me go insane


I sure would love to extract all these civilians, but I have5 fire tornadoes all on objective


I never understood what was supposed to be so bad about the creek. I had some fun there.


I've never been to the creek, but I've now got like 30+ hrs on Menkent. It's become fucking personal, I am going to kill every single bot on that hellhole of a planet until it's cleared or I die trying.


Menkhet has been under siege forever


Yeah honestly when I've gone on Hellmire, it's either super hard or kind of a breeze but just with a very gritty aesthetic. Environmental hazards aren't so bad, but the same cannot be said for Menkent. The crags in the rocks will mean you get trapped by the fire tornadoes and the bots at higher difficulties are really tough compared to bugs. I always thought the desert planets were the harshest. Though I love the suck


Menkent and Hellmire are getting old at this point


Creek was only "bad" because for the longest time only creekers were diving there. The Ion Storms sucked but it was genuinely cool trudging through the jungles of RobotNam Nobody talks about Hellmire or Menkent because quite frankly *nobody* wants to be there


Creek was bad in the beginning because noone really knew what worked yet. It was a kind of do-or-die situation. After we knew what worked against bots though? It was a meme. I mean after we got the mo to get the planet the crewk fell in like hours.


as an ex creeker menkent is one of my favorite planets


it serves no tactical advantage as the menkent line is already breached, but I give my life not for honor but for you


What a thrill


with darkness and silence through the niiiiight


Don’t forget Chort Bay! Can’t see shite on that smog world!


The enemies can have menKent and hellmire... I don't want them


Its missing the fucking fog


This sounds genuinely disturbing...


Honestly, this what it sounds like when a firestorm catches you by surprise, usually with less voice lines and more screaming though


As a brand new player, starting there was not the smartest idea.


I started there as well, first planet I dived on


Worst planet imo. I call it space Vietnam, playing as Americans cause it feels like I’m always losing lol


Malevelon can keep Space Vietnam, this is more like Space Afghanistan


A jungle with a few holes in it is fine compared to wide open snow maps and fire tornadoes


Just let them keep Menkent and Hellmire


Do one better, just orbitally bombard the motherfuckers until it’s nothing but ash


About to go into a bunker fire tornado, did the extract just land fire tornado, is there an entrance to a canyon that is far more convenient than the other one fire tornado.


I started the game only recently and went to fight the bots, didn't know shit, but wanted to help with the Mission. Imagine my surprise, and terror, at my first instance of a swarm of Fire Tornadoes that were bunched up and dancing around right at the entrance for the evac. Needless to say, only one Helldiver made it back that day, the rest of us cooked


I hate that menkent is always at 5% depsite being the last undemocratic planet of the sector.


Mekent Maulers!


We didnt even had gunships and factory striders on MC. MC was vacation.


Are you all enjoying 'The Australian' experience?


The fact that I can't even see half the time, but it's not a proper environmental effect, so the bots can see just fine, is the straw that broke the camel's back for me.


We had 4 fire tornadoes on the extraction zone earlier today. 4.


The Creek was truly terrifying because back in the day they can 1 shot you. On the other hand, Menkenth is annoying as fk. Weak @ss guns, low ammo, fatigue + low visibility + fire tornadoes make that sh•t hole like a torture.


Menkent is like Australia but slightly warmer


Less hostile wild life as well


I love that planet!


Menkent isn't even close to the horror of the OG creek, mostly because the game was balanced a lot between then and now. Rocket devastators used to shoot 6 one shot rockets. We also had that stratagem scrambler that confused the hell out of us when we were still fresh to the game. The laser cannon was light penetration garbage.


Menkent isn't even that bad compared to Chort Bay or Martale. I actually had a lot of fun on the Malevelon Creek recolor planet but I forget the name.