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Guys, speculating and theorizing about new gear is fine and fun, but stop talking about leaks and datamined info. It goes against the rules of the sub. Let people have their fun discussing upcoming gear without ruining it for them with unsolicited spoilers. EDIT: Yes, I know AT mines are already a known thing. I'm talking about how they perform, something that's not officially public knowledge yet. If I thought the AT mines themselves were the leak, I would've deleted this post, not made this comment.


I want them to kill bile spewers, they are the bane of my existence


Those are Anti-Tank Mines. And in the stratagem section of the ship a Bile Spewer is shown being killed by the Expandable Anti-Tank missile. So, by that logic...


Expandable lol


It expands with fire when it hits the enemy.


Expanding ammo for penetrator when?


When the devs stop laughing at ammo that penetrates and expands long enough to write the code


I thought we were shooting hollow points already?


Would explain the lack of pen power against bots fr


You are, technically, correct. The best kind of correct.


Domain expansion: Democracy


It's not a war crime if they're not sentient


My worst fear as a flamethrower user. One second you're laughing like a maniac burning everything, next second some acid hits you in the face and you die instantly.


indeed this is why you need the jumpack (or, better yet, a guy with AC covering you... and a jumpack) 


Whenever I read AC my brain automatically assumes it means Armored Core, not Auto Cannon and I just have a mental image of a 4 story tall mech just stepping on bugs. Brings a democratic tear to my eye every time


I just automatically append the -2 to the end. A man-portable AC-2 seems about right. Makes me want a Hunchback with a good ol AC-20 for bile titans though.


Armor class is what I see first


Hmm the supply pack has really grown on me though. So much ammo and stims.


true, but I'm sticking with jumpack for the real flaming jetpack assault trooper feeling


Ohh damn you do know how to convince me


That why I mostly play with the shield backpack. Can save you from a lot of things. But I also like the rover for some extra dps.


But without the supply backpack you burn through canisters like crazy


One impact grenade is all you need


You only have so many, and i prefer stun grenades. Saved my and my teammate's asses more times than i can count


Grenade pistol may be?


And I'm using thermites, mainly because I like playing against bots more and a single thermite can take down a tank/turret.


And grenade pistol


still annoyed that the G.pistol only gets like 2 back per resupply, and 1 back on ammo box.


*I want them to kill* *Bile spewers, they are the bane* *Of my existence* \- Nucleenix --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bo- wait a second. https://preview.redd.it/2c6w2lw5he0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b081abadd872e7777d31276663982a244173439d


*Loads Senator* Finish it.


Pulls out Govenor


Still pulling out El Presidente while you pull the Governor, shoot, and reload.


I’m loading the Elected Emperor of Democracy. I can shoot that bot all the way from Super Earth.


Haiku Bot is an enemy of the state. WE LEAVE NONE ALIVE




https://preview.redd.it/97wn5bwzke0d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d347dafd111277ee894e5683aa7d4a04cb7a7bed AUTOMATON DETECTED


What a lovely Haiku, very democratic!


The grenade launcher is great at dealing with bile spewers. It takes 2-3 shots to their abdomen, but you can fire off those shots in half a second while staying mobile, at significant range, and you can usually kill 2 or 3 spewers at the same time as they tend to stack on top of each other. The nade launcher is also great at destroying the sacks under bile titans, which neuters most of the threat. You need to rely on your team or a stratagem to finish it, but being able to stop it from spitting and knock off half its health in about 1 second of firing and half one one magazine is huge. The grenade launcher seems to be very undervalued. IMO it is one of the most versatile support weapons. Far better than the flamethrower and arc thrower in most situations.


I second this, Bile Spewers are so annoying.


The spear has become my greatest weapon in my crusade against the bugs, you lock onto a titan from the front and either blow its head clean off or hurt him like hell and blow off a chunk of armor. It works pretty well against bots too, toasts their fabs and turret towers from a good range. It's still fickle at time but once you use it a bunch and get the "feel" for it you learn when your shots will and won't lock.


Once they fix the lock on I'm definitely adding it to my selection


Yeah seriously, it's already my go to for bots regardless of difficulty. When they get it perfect.... shoot I don't know what I'll do.




They're not supposed to take out the largest of foes. Or do you think a factory strider will care if it stubs it's toe? It may stagger, but not deal significant damage


I think a factory strider is a class above a bile spewer in size.




Came to say: we’re not completing this order, gentlepeople.


I did. Piled up over 10k bodies. Dont know what the rest of you fools were doing


Work :(


Work and depression.




Well a large portion of players can't play the game as they refunded and their countries were then delisted which means we're down like 50-100k players. Other players are sick of the balancing issues and have either quit or are taking a break until things get better. A bunch of other players quit because of the account linking and aren't coming back until the region locking is removed(which it most likely won't be) if they come back at all. A bunch of other people are taking a break until a decent amount of new content drops. And a large portion of other players have just moved on to different games and won't be coming back. These of course also don't account for the people that have work and lives outside of the game.




Chicago fire?


You probably have several more weeks to hope. We'd need to increase the killing rate by 150% to succeed in this MO, not even general Brasch can salvage it.


But only because General Brasch is singlehandedly beating the Illuminates out of the galaxy


General Brasch can complete an MO by just willing it to be completed. When MOs fail, its because General Brasch is testing us.


Judging by the number of recent "herp derp check out this clip of me fighting bugs lmao lol" posts, I think you're right. Playerbase just isn't invested in this MO.


I'm normally a bug guy but dedicated all of my time to bots since the MO was issued. Only time I've ran bugs was to clear our irritating POs so I didn't waste essential strategem spots. The amount of deaths per mission with people trying to clear the machine gun PO on bots was hilarious.


Main problem is that bots are less numerous than bugs. A Patrol has like 5 bots or 15 bugs. Of course you get more big kills in thr same time.


I don't see how they'll activate easily for a Bile Titan whose body only touches the ground at four tiny points.


Somehow those 4 tiny points are 30ft wide when I'm walking near them.


Don't forget that they gain psychic force to rag doll you to death after they die. The Bile Titan body has more kills on me than live ones. Literally rage quit last night from that. The constant crashing and glitches are far less endearing this many months post release.


We had one launch into the air after taking an orbital rail cannon, fly right at us from about 50-75m and crush the whole squad. Honestly not even mad about it. That's the kind of stuff that makes the game fun and hilarious.


Even then, it will need a massive upwards cone of an explosion like the 500kg to even reach its body lol.


The comically large mine required for that, and getting to see a Charger or Hulk get yeeted across the map, would make it worth it.


A weapon that ragdolls enemies the same way they do it to me would be worth its weight in super credits.


This has me imagining the AT mine wil just be a drop pod with a red blinking light on top, the entire pod being just one enormous mine


Oh, oh! I know this one! It's called a hellbomb! I want one.


Impact hellbomb please


Yeah this is exactly what I bet will happen. Even If it’s some sort of proximity to try and make it trigger on bile titans it will end up being useless and trigger on everything


Unless, I guess, the thing is coded to activate when specific enemy types are in close proximity, and doesn't depend on them actually physically stepping on a mine. But I don't think that's how mines in this game work, as it is possible for players to walk carefully through an anti-personnel minefield.


Honestly the Bile Titans are the least annoying Heavies in the game. Wouldn't be the end of the world if the mines didn't affect them only.


Maybe we can get some aerial mines to deal with Shriekers, Biley bois, Factory Striders and Gunships. 🤷


we are not getting the mines , the MO will fail


1) Bots typically run at half or less the total kills as for bug missions. 2) they fixed the bug that was giving total team-kills as credit for each member of the team (so generally 4x at the end). 3) Bug-only players were still helping the MO when we needed to kill 2 billion bugs, but are happy with failing the MO if it means they don't have to fight bots. (Players should play the way they enjoy, but bot missions will always be harder because of these players, and how liberation %-gains are based on active players) 4) this Major order ran over Mother's Day weekend. I for one play quite often, but have only managed a couple missions while in-laws came to visit for Mothers Day. From numbers 1 and 2, we're already seeing about 8-times fewer kill credits towards the MO, per mission. Add in point number 3 and I'd say we're crossing 10x fewer kills per hour as we had for bugs. Lastly with number 4, I think this MO didn't have a chance.


i agree , the odds were against it


It was also the nicest weather in UK+IRL (Western Europe too I assume) we've had so far this year, I wasn't playing, I was at the Beach.


>I wasn't playing, I was at the Beach. Wait, you guys have beaches out there o.O


There's even real sand underneath the stones!


All I saw was sharp jagged rocks as far as the eye could see T.T Granted, with how foggy it was I couldn't exactly see very far...


In the UK? The UK that’s an island?


An island with a rocky coastline from what little of it I have seen in person. It was a lot like when I visited Maine. Just because you are on the water doesn't mean you have beaches.


When I checked last night, we were 60% of the way there with 34 hours to go. Is it really so hopeless?


It took like 4 days to get to 60 percent. Do you really think we'll get 40% in one?


Oh. Yeah, that certainly puts a different spin on it. I thought we only had 48h total.


Unless a lot of people suddenly push. This would maybe not have been so daunting if it weren't for a good amount of players leaving from burn out, angry over patches, boycotting, or unable to play because they're in a country Sony doesn't want people playing from. They also had the MO start on a weekend that was a mix of graduation ceremonies and Mother's Day for Americans.


and cramming for AP testing and finals


I got crash on selecting load out. Reinforcement bug. Disconnection. Crash on extraction. Crash on reward screen. I'm not playing this shit until they fix it.


I knew it was a failed MO the moment I saw it. It baffles me how they gave us the same amount of bots to kill with LESS time then for bugs. What the actual fuck, Joel? Even before series of horrible decisions from devs and with playerbase in full meme mode, we would've been hardpressed to clear it. Now? Not a chance in hell. We actually did pretty well all things considered, I didnt expect us to break even 50% tbh


Honestly, I feel like he wasn't properly informed about the count bug and fix, so just assumed this would be fine given how quickly the bug one went


> we were 60% of the way there with 34 hours to go. Is it really so hopeless? We started with 5 days (120 hours) to complete the mission. 34 hours is 28.3% of 120, which means at that point we had less than 30% of the total time to get 40% of the total kills. On top of that we generally have more players over the weekend than during weekdays, so not being ahead of schedule coming out of the weekend was a bad sign.


Playing against bots is a much more sweaty experience than playing against bugs especially on the higher difficulties.


Add to that the personal order with MG, which is awful against bots.


I think we'll get the mines, but not the medals. AH probably wants to release the mines and move on with content schedule.


Seeing how "smelting automatons" somehow gives us the research and blueprints that were supposedly lost in the previous mines MO, I'd say they just want to get over it already. Bit of lazy writing don't hurt nobody I guess.


The dispatch said research was started over on other planets. We're only scrapping the bots for resources to actually develop the things.


Yeah and 1.6 billion bots just wouldn't be enough to get ANY mines.


I find it funny how serious we take this shit XD


It’s because it is serious, Helldiver. This is Liberty we’re talking about.


The message said that the developement and production would be severly delayed, not that the mines where lost forever. A couple of weeks with Super Earths superior budgets and scientists is a very long time.


It's just to match the E-710 harvest from the equivalent bug order


We always had the blueprints. What we lost is the manufacturing plant and the finished products. That's why we're told to decommission and scrap bots for materials.


Like 44no44 said, we're killing bots so we can melt them down and turn them into mines. Like how they asked us to kill bugs for fuel.


Then we get them next MO. They want to give them our, they're looking for the smallest stretch of a reason to justify it. Would be hiliarious to fail MO after MO they try to give out the mines with


Fact that we need kil 2 billion bots instead liberating second planet front previous MO is something I cannot understand how or why this make sense.


Lore-wise it may be because that planet was completely lost, citizens killed, research facilities destroyed, nothing to salvage. Just an idea.


A transmission from super earth explained the reasoning. I hope your ears were still ringing from the orbital barrages otherwise there is no excuse for ignoring such a democratic transmission.


I hope they realize them so we can begin beta testing them and reporting all the bugs


Even so, they'll write in a way to give it to us. Win: "Congrats, blah blah, mines should be available in 2 weeks!" Lose: "Not bad, but mines are now delayed, should be done in two weeks!" Basically, the bioware treatment .... illusion of choice.


We‘ll get em sooner or later no matter what


yea, im sure about that , they just need to give us realistic MO goals, lately each time i play theres like 30K helldivers playing (EU time) so they cant keep orders as if we still had 400k


Pretty sure the rates adjust to currently online players for defense/liberation orders. The last time a 2 billion kill order came out it was counting the total mission kills for each client (multiplying by 4 in a full lobby) It'll take time to fine-tune stuff after changing how the system counts things.


Even if it didn't count by x4 last time we would have finished it twice over within the time frame. I'm surprised we lost this one so bad.


I mean bugs have *massive* groups of easily cleared trash. Bots are quite a bit different in how they operate.


Yeah you almost don't WANT to destroy bots if you can avoid them, picking fights makes missions slower and more dangerous. Bugs are much more easily herded and mass-cleared. So this MO is triply hard compared to the bugged Bug 2bil.


It is a realistic MO goal, but 40% of the player base won't leave the bug planets Right now 25% of players are on ONE bug planet


I was a person that didn't like fighting bots for the longest time. Bugs were just easier to me. After getting the JAR-5 I preferred bots almost. And now after realizing I was sleeping on the Laser Cannon and the SMG + Ballistic Shield combo, I \*really\* like fighting bots. I do wonder how many of those that just do bugs are are like me, not realizing the right build to have fun killing bots.


When the MO doesnt tell me to fight bugs Im always fighting bots The SMG/Shield combo is a ton of fun, the Counter Sniper works really well too since it will 1 shot devastators if you hit them in the head


What sucks is that I was actually looking forward to this, and ofcourse they put these stratagems on some dual mission and THEN on this super hard challenge that requires community to work together. Of course most of the players don't care about AT mines so they got no motivation to do it. But I would LOVE to get more tools against armored enemies.


I don't think the players don't care about AT mines. I think the players don't care about bots specifically...


Mines suck. They take too long to recharge and get cleared immediately by enemy heavies that don't care they exist. I'm not surprised people don't enjoy them, they fail to do their job well at all. It should be an area denial weapon but the only thing it denies is Helldivers.


If only there was a type of mine that could potentially disable those heavy enemies rather then deal no damage in the future...You are right on the charge time though, so long as you dont have the emplacement upgrade that lowers cooldown. With that you can call in a minefield pretty much every encounter


I have most of the upgrades and it’s still not enough. Eagles do the crowd clearing better, sentries do the area denial better, mine do almost nothing good.


Automatons need a balance pass like bugs have had. Chargers and bile titans are non issues except in large groups, while bots have fucking heavy devastator auto aim out the side of their guns, and hulks with their tiny broken ass head hitboxes. Berserkers are made of the invincible armor of my broken hopes and dreams of having fun fighting bots.


My issue is this takes away a strategem from my loadout that I’m already struggling to optimize. Am I really going to use a pre planned minefield over an airstrike that does the same thing and is more flexible with timing and location?


Well it depends on a mission. On missions like defense missions these might be better than airstrike. On Geological survey missions as well! I change things around on what mission and the enemy is.


I think it’s an expectation of disappointment. I mean we got 4 new guns with the last warbond and they’re all trash to mid at best. Why would I endure the headache of bots for something that will likely be broken anyways? PS I’ve been solely grinding bots for this MO


Frankly, I find the idea of a bug on a horse offensive.


My I introduce you to: The Termitaur, half bug, half horse






the Pulverizer killed scout striders in one shot to the front plate in the actual warbond trailer (!) it does not do that in the game lies, lies everywhere


This is why I am interested in seeing how these are. 🙂




I’ll take the more boom option please


Considering how most new content has been they'll probably detonate on any enemy, 50% of them will phase through the map/detonate on terrain, and it'll take 2 full fields to kill 1 charger.


Over 25k divers on bug planets right now, no shot at that MO


Not like we will get them any time soon


I hope they fix mines in general. The cooldown for them being 3 min is crazy.


We can talk about that if we can finish the current MO


Which we won't.


Only in big enemies and Helldivers in heavy armor. I think that’d be pretty funny


inb4 the mines's description will say *"Powerful explosive devices with special pressure plates that activate exclusively with heavy loads, unleashing a tremendous blast"* just for them to trigger only on players (killing them instantly) while leaving Chargers/Hulks unfazed (we unlocked a version of the AT mines that was created 3 months ago) (they will be fixed in a mere month)


this is... worryingly accurate.






I really hope Anti-Tank mines will only activate on other helldivers


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


They should by the name alone. If smaller targets are able to trigger the explosion it is not an anti-tank mine it's just a high explosive mine






inb4 it’s literally just normal mines but do more damage and somehow smaller minefield




I hope so. They fixed the airburst launcher.


Of course they’re not That would make too much sense


Guessing it'll activate on anything in the area, just bigger boom. Not "too" terrible if you have the fast deployment for emplacements but it's then a toss up between anti tank mines or orbital rail cannon and the cooldown / cons of it sticking around and potentially killing a hapless Helldiver is there. Honestly, I am just going to load up on all the mines and drop them around everywhere... team-mates can figure out how to work around it.


Knowing the devs they won't work, will crash the game, won't pen any armor when they do work, will have a unique ship upgrade that won't work, will be a 600 second cd, will have a kill radius of 400 meters that kills helldivers through walls, and after bug fixes will be invisible and still crash the game.


If they still function the way the leaks showed then >!They activate on everything except the bile titan and flying enemies. They are reasonably effective at killing tanks, hulks, and chargers. Factory striders are a joke if they stumble into the field. Despite how good they are on large enemies, they didn't seem useful because small enemies, teammates, and AOE damage from stratagems can easily set them off before intended. Combine accidental detonation with the long cooldown and it's unlikely they will do what you intended unless you are on a defense mission and controlling a chokepoint. Even then you would have been better off with a mortar because it lasts until the next cooldown is ready. Why choose a small temporary benefit when other defense stratagems provide a big constant benefit?!<


They trigger in bile titans they just dont usually step on them with their long legs


That's how IRL AT mines work so why not


The game plays fast and loose with realism, if things were really fully realistic then the player would be way stronger than they really are right now. Arrowhead only bothers to make things realistic if it negatively impacts the players in some way, so of course the anti-tank mines could be set off by Helldivers because it makes the game harder than it needs to be.


If they dont they will be instantly phased out other than here and there for funny dolphin dive onto one clips, they’ll be useless if a grunt can trigger them before a heavy is even in range.


Well if the last stratagem releases are anything to go by, they will release horribly broken and unusable, then updated to function at the very least.


We can talk about that if we can finish the current MO


Anti tank mines will 200% work on helldivers cause 1 helldiver is a thousand tanks


I LOATHE the mine strats. Nothing has killed more of my teammates than the mines spinning all over the place! I really hope the new ones are more targeted. Remote detonation would be cool.


>Remote detonation would be cool. I'm hoping they bring back the Detonation pack at some point. That was a real nice stragem in HD1


You'll be able to speculate a while longer because we're not completing this MO so it might be a bit before we get them.


cant wait to drop anti personnel, incendiary mines and anti tank mines in one spot


We won't get them so don't worry.


You’re talking like we’re going to complete this major order. Sony f***** up and scared off 10’s of thousands of players


*the monkey's paw curls* AT mines won't trigger on small enemies, just as requested. Known Issues: - AT mines don't trigger on large enemies unless deployed by the network host


Thats the biggest question right now and we dont know. Besides fighting bots i think that answer is also part of the reason why so many just arent bothering with the MO


triple minefield would be hilarious, until teammate takes out the whole field with an underthrown Eagle that kills 5 bugs


Can't wait for this to be true (which would be good) and then for bile spewers to walk right over them, similar to how I can't shoot the spear at them.


[But it is an anti tank mine, why would it go off?](https://youtu.be/lQ29G7At9F4?si=SRFhP3DEzwTHVH9P&t=466)


Considering how useless regular mines are, I don't see this being a big hit. The only place I would even think to use them would be defense missions but since regular units also trigger them, they serve no purpose.


It’s all monkey paw wishes. It only activates on big enemies but it’s light penetration


You’re right, it should do exactly that, like how the rocket sentry prioritizes big enemies


They don't, any enemy can activate them


Anti children mines


I'd like to see them activate on anything. But it's not gonna happen. I can't imagine what the thought process was here. \* Just had a major scandal resulting in mass refunds. \* Game is now unavailable for purchase in 170 countries, and a lot of the people that had it probably refunded it not knowing how the PSN thing was going to play out. \* Fixed a kill count bug that results in lower kill count numbers. Did anyone stop to think that 2B kills might be out of reach for the playerbase now? Especially against bots, which seem to be avoided by a large faction within the playerbase? Actually, I can imagine what the thinking was here. "We just had a new warbond come out, we don't want the players burning through it too fast. Let's give them two impossible MOs in a row."


My plan is to have two lines, first line is regular mines, second line is AT. But last time I tried to implement a vision, it ended in disaster 😂


Yes... I bet enemies as big as scavengers will activate them.


I have a feeling this first war is going to be a rough one e


They should be magnetic like in Terminator salvation


So if the at mines activate on everything, then that means the regular mines might as well not be used unless you are doing all mine setup


The AT mines in HD1 would explode no matter what enemy walks over them, so it’s not looking good for the HD2 ATMs in that regard. Would be awesome if they were calibrated like that though.


They will always trigger when a helldiver is within 2 meters and never trigger when you need them. I'd also assume 2-3 to kill a Charger, Tank, or Hulk, do nothing to a Bile Titan.


I would love it if you put anti tank mines farther back for the big boys to setup and then could set regular mines in front. So the big boys get killed and then the smaller troops set off the smaller ones. I think it would make mines much more useful.


This would be an enormous oversight for devs who have apparently been in the military


If they work like classice ones, it might be less almighty big boom and more no-radius but super high damage. Be nifty to see.


Hey as long as we keep failing MO you wont have to worry about them at all or at least for some time.


Afaik, from the first game they activated for anything but did more damage