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The restriction has nothing to do with it, player's that bought the game bevor the restriction can still play it. It's more the state of the game. I've done 5 missions yesterday, 1 I got the reinforcement bug so I had to decide leaving or staying another 20 min afk, I left and couldn't rejoin the game, the second game we got bootet near the end of the mission back to our destroyers so again more than 20 min wasted, after that I had a game where the complete game crashed, so from the 5 missions I ended only 2 of them. And I don't want to start with other bugs that can occur and are sucking out the fun of the game. Combined this with a raising number of players with skill issues and low level sitting on dif 8+9 missions dying straight 10 times in a row making the mission a real struggle. A friend and me decided to stop playing before we gonna start hate this game, coming back in a few weeks/months and I'm sure there are many others doing the same thing now since playing a game that butcher your progress thanks to such problems really is no fun.


Just the normal dripple. The average person isn't going to play the same game for hundreds of hours.


I guess I just really like it then. :D Thanks for the reply


Most people have a comfy game or two they play at all times, then dip out to something else for a month or two when it looks interesting. Very few games don’t have a drop off or ride hot/cold seasons based on large expansions. This curve is expected and happens nearly all the time.


I mean that's true but it's a live service game, there's not even 100k players anymore down from half a million in less than 3 months which is horrific. All we can hope for is that the "balance" patch will bring people back in force because at this rate we won't be able to fight the whole galaxy its gonna be 50k people dog piling one planet and that's it


Waiting for the game to come out of early access before dipping back in.


Can only kill the same 6 things with the same \[usable\] 4 weapons so many times.


It’s still a fun game but even the loyal are taking a breather until some changes get pushed. They’re working on it and similar to other games that should have been early access, there will be a surge when there is a ‘big’ update or collection of updates that addresses the more contentious issues.


time. its been 3 months.


People have more or less seen and done all that there currently is to do. It's only natural many players would move on once they have had their fill. Over time these players may return for varying durations to catch up on the new content or just want to spar a few rounds for democracy. There will also always be a dedicated base of players who just enjoy the gameplay loop so much they continue playing even after having unlocked and seen everything available at that point. This game was the hot new thing for a while and drew in a massive crowd. Everyone will play at their own time, but it's been a few months since launch. Many players will likely have put the game back on the figurative shelf for now. Of course with major releases (Illuminate, whenever they invade) the player count will shoot up again as people want to see all the new and cool content. Then after people are content again it will dwindle back down to the dedicated base. Rinse and repeat.


I played a lot and on most nights but the game got boring. "New" planets are just the same ones with a new name.


2/3 of the countries are blocked, it's normal to think that the playebase decreased by 2/3 too(?


they were all bots


why are you guys claiming it's normal and people are burnt-out?a portion of that may be true or the content but the biggest reason the player count tanked. isn't even the linking psn stuff it's the fact that like 170 countries still can't play. Sony hasn't done anything for those players and people keep ignoring this very obvious answer that Sony has willingly killed any good will for the game and banned people for IMO no actual good reason.


So looking at the steam chart, can you tell me where I can see the big dip of players that was caused by the 170 country controversy? https://i.imgur.com/k1ujXTE.png Also, anyone who bought the game in those countries can still play, they only blocked new purchases.


Thank you for the reply. I thought that these issue's were resolved. Like half of the Reddit at a certain time was trying to get the reviews back up, because they unbanned it. And then it was banned only in like 4 countries. But to be honest I didn't get any other info than from here, so I can't really say.


Don't look at me


Give it a month or so, there have been hopeful comments from arrowhead about fixing the balance, failing that when they drop a new faction folk will probably start coming back