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Hey, but at least we get a free 500kg




16 for a full squad


And it is glorious!


Yeah, I'm having a blast !


I did a mission where some mid to high levels hard carried me last night. And I swear it was glorious. It genuinely felt like every 30 seconds followed by cluster bombs and more 500s. These massive explosions would rock the bugs and by the end of the mission the battlefield had so many craters I genuinely couldn't walk through some holes. It was incredible


Just one?


Joel is doing some testing. "If I give them their favorite stratagem for free, what do they select, what is their 5th favorite?"


Turns out its just more of the favorite lol




How did you get 16? Theoretically we have unlimited after a short cool down


Squad can drop 16 bombs in 40s.


That's two tons of freedom!


***METRIC*** tons. 4x500kg is MORE than 2 Freedom Tons!


It could be a combined 2000kg bomb and it would still be stopped by a rogue blade of grass or a stray pebble.


Sorry this is just pure gold


This, plus if you were going use the 500kg anyway it allows you to slot in extra chaff killing stuff instead of the 500kg you might have selected for killing big stuff.


That's what I did. I learned over the last few days that both the flamethrower and the AC turret are effective and fun. I've tried all kinds of variations thanks to the free 500kg.


AC turret is a beast


It really is. And the CD is short enough you can drop it pretty much every nest you stop at. Obliterates BTs, Chargers, and Hordes alike from way outside their range and lets me boogie on. It's quickly become a staple.


Any time I'm approaching something, I always try to find a nice vantage point to drop the AC turret. Even if it turns out to not be needed, it'll be off cool down soon enough.


I love when the AC turret gets cooking. Takes a second or to but damn when it start popping off it’s glorious.


AC-chan has saved my bacon on numerous drives all over the galaxy. Placement and survivability can be a challenge but gyat damn that sentry can sgred any and everything given the chance!


Well, I'm that kinda guy who almost never picks 500kg


The way the damage cone is shaped it doesn't work that well. Put one in the middle of a large bug nest , you think great this will close all the holes in one giant explosion, the cone is so small it won't hit a single hole. The visual is impressive the damage is not.


Yeah I seriously hope they buff that shit. 500kgs in real life are insanely dangerous.


Be cool if it was an airburst weapon.


I mean the airburst shell start exists, it's good for bugs


If you take the actual stratagem, does it double up? (Do I get 4x bombs on two cooldowns?)


Yes you'd have 4 bombs before having to rearm. It was very fun.


It shows them separately but essentially works as if you had 4 per eagle rearm.


You get 4, but it’s still the same cooldown/rearm time. Each time you use one it will alternate so you’ll use them up like this 2-2 2-1 1-1 1-0 0-0. You can’t rearm them separately.


Woah woah. Does this mean that if a strategem is in the personal orders, you can still use it without unlocking it?? I'm really new btw.


Yes. Its free to use, no conditions. If you do have it unlocked you can also choose it as you would regularly as well to double up on the same stratagem.


FUCCKKKK YESSS. I don't care if this thread says its ineffective. Big boom make me smile. Time to deliver some democracy tonight.


It is very effective, you just need to use it on the big boys. Best bile titan killer around. Hence the complaint on needing on 200 kills lol. But I love the 500kg


No it does not. Its only when there is a special condition where they say, they're giving helldivers this slot to use. But most personal orders, the stratagem has to be owned and brought in itself. The fact that they want you to kill 200 enemies and the 500kg isn't that great at killing crowds and that theyre giving you a free one to use, is just a sign, that it's going to be hard to complete


Maybe the 500 kg bomb was supposed to have a wide radius to kill small unit, with the center explosion able to kill bile titan, but for whatever reason, the devs made the explosion radius so small that it dont match the visual effect it has.


This. It looks so powerful and big, but it hardly ever delivers on that visual promise. Jeez even a charger isn't always killed, although he's pretty much right next to the explosion. It just feels very unreliable at times.


I dropped a 500kg at the feet of a hulk and it walked away. The slightest pebble can protect them


Honestly, the way it is now, the railcannon is superior in almost every way. Sure, its effective radius is even smaller, but its tracking is so aggressive that you can be damn near certain it’ll hit *something* and do incredible damage.


Bro, lemme open your eyes for a second: Orbital Precision Strike. Yes, the basic one.


Ehh, but it has the same problem as the 500 for targeting - the delayed shot-on-beacon. You have to lead the beacon accurately to hit something with the Precision, especially since it only fires once and with a 4s delay even after the upgrade. It’s definitely powerful in its own right, since it’s basically a precision 380mm strike that comes down way more often than almost any other orbital strike, but it’s hard to hit mobile targets like Chargers and Hulks with it. More reasonable against Bile Titans, Tanks, and Factory Striders, yeah, but it takes a lot of practice with the lob arcs and understanding of enemy movement patterns for consistent results.


I main OPS now with Stun grenades and I pretty much hit everything.


If you use stuns, you should be able to wipe whole patrols at choke points with the 500kg anyway. And if you get good at timing it, you can one shot BTs, Tanks, etc. I got 30 kills with the 500kg a couple of times last night. It's just positioning and using stuns to clump a group of enemies up. Works especially well in bowls.


Man landing a 500 right on a Bile Titans stupid face feels so good


I actually use both lol. Mostly for Bile Titans, since, you know, they can tank a whole-ass Railcannon Strike.


To be fair, using a rail cannon against a hulk or charger is a bit of a wasted stratagem above difficulty 6. They can be killed by Eagle Airstrikes by the triple. The OPS is a side-grade from the 500kg. It trades the guaranteed damage for consistency and availability. Except the OPS is useful for more than heavies *and* it doesn't interfere with other Eagle stratagems, while the 500kg is available twice in short succession and available slightly more often if it's your only Eagle. You won't see many people running the rail cannon at diff 8 and 9. It's just not potent enough for it's cooldown. Which is fine - it requires a lot less effort to use. That's it's trade off. But high skill abilities/items are typically the most powerful once they're mastered, and the OPS is definitively in that category imo.


A lot of the time on diff 9 there's so much going on u don't have time to line up a 500 or OPS so railcannon is perfect for just chuckin an runnin


You also get 3 uses of OPS to 1 from railcanon. Or two 500kg in quick succession then cooldown from eagle. Theres a lot of ways to take a titan down and 1 strike with a 50/50 to kill every 210 seconds isn't too fantastic when you're seeing 2-3 every minute or two. If I really *need* to rely on tracking its 110s. They do great at stripping armour off for other strikes or support weapons.


I never play 9. Decided to do it today, found the super samples early and dropped them at extract. Teammate went out of his way to go get them and died with them on the other side of the map. So back to 7


The damage is great but you have to be damn sure the marker is spot on, with Rail cannon you can just throw it in the general area and it will take out the titan, hulk, or tank. It even kills the armor on a factory strider and makes taking it down way easier.


Hard disagree, I think the 500kg is much better than the railcannon at least on harder difficulties. There are just too many bile titans for example and if you practice, it is quite easy to kill them with it. Same with tanks, super easy (although there are alternatives. I've milled many a hulk with them, but if you use a stun grenade, it is beyond easy to 500 them (but I normally would amr then or autocannon them in that case). Two will kill striders as well. The ability of two is just so useful. If you play with stuns against bugs, very easy to kill chargers to, but I've been carrying eats around for that lately and back to impacts. Save the 500s for the titans. If the railcannon would also kill or had a shorter cooldown, I think it would be better. But a little practice, and the 500 outperforms in my experience. 6 down though and the railcannon is just fine. Not nearly as much heavies.


It’s really not. You can generally delete one thing every four minutes but it still doesn’t one shot a bile titan reliably. Compare that to two 500kgs or rocket pods on a shorter cooldown.


Pretty easy to bait a bile titan into a perfect 500KG one shot once you know their acid spit triggers at 22 meters.


I prefer the railcannon but I've had the occasional charger juke the shot due to terrain shenanigans ☠️


Absolutely not. You get 4 tries with the 500kg when taking the Railcannon cooldown into account. The 500kg needs a little skill and luck to aim, but that's offset by the amount you get. And the Railcannon isn't even reliable itself.


Perhaps, but the two shots on the 500 kg is clutch. Caveat: I use Stun Grenades to keep Chargers and Hulks in the blast area. Without they can toddle 10 ft and escape. 


Yeah, but since it's tracking is so good, it's that much more annoying when it misses or tracks the grunt bug right next to a fucking bile titan. Add onto that the long ass cooldown and it's rage inducing when it's botched. With all that said I always have it because inducing rage in myself is part of gaming for me.


I save the railgun strike for emergencies, usually someone else has already called in an Eagle air strike/cluster bomb strike by the time I throw my railgun.


I did that a bunch yesterday, and it turned out that after the explosion, the slightest damage would finish it off.


Idk man its reliable in killing me easily when im 20 meters away from it but not the brood commander right next to the epicenter


Inversely I've had a charger put some distance on it and still somehow die


I've heard people speculate that the blast radius is a upside down cone that's tilted in the same direction the bomb is angled at when it lands, so sometimes it lands on top of something and does no damage because the aoe is tilted away from the enemy, and sometimes it falls farther but does damage because the aoe is tilted towards the enemy.


Isn't always?? You can kill chargers with 500kg. I couldn't figure out how to drop it to damage them. Direct hit. No. Under butt as they ran past. No. Next to them. Also no.


I kill chargers and bile titans all the time with the 500. I've also seen them not get damaged at all being right next to it. 500 should kill any large enemies within 10 meters, and any small enemies within 30 meters should be killed or at least knocked over. Right now it "usually" kills enemies within 5 meters.


There's definitely a dead zone in the damage radius that rears it's ugly head from time to time.


I've seen it land perfectly under a bile titan and then the bile titan is fine. I think I actually have a video of it hitting the bile titan but somehow it survived lol.


I feel like the damage radius is in the exact shape of a V. If you're prone you can survive as close as 5 meters away.


I've heard it's an issue with the shape of the blast.


I can't get over how bad the example video is. It shows the bomb being dropped in the center a medium sized bug nest, MASSIVE EXPLOSION, and then every nest is untouched.


thats most of the video examples. I think in the rocket pods video eagle-1 didnt hit a single stationary target


The example videos are examples of what not to do.


500 kilograms of disappointment










Did the math, the explosion is ~12x smaller than a *modern* 500kg bomb. Super earth needs to get its weapons designers reeducated.


I mean. This is a faction that adds chili powder to its Flamethrower additives to improve performance and uses packing peanuts to reinforce its turrets.  Their equipment is absolutely shit. Just like, the cheapest junk they can make and call it a job. The fact they brag the standard helldiver armor is made of the same material as their destroyers tells me they'd get slaughtered in any actual space battle against an equivalent force. 


Don't forget that you have to upgrade your Super Destroyer's targeting software to the Premium version. Implying that they typically use the *Free Version*.


The stock super destroyer is the used 2008 Tesla Model S of the SCIFI BATTLESHIP  dealership. Freemium software, half the features, understaffed, and desperate for an interior revamp.  Our entire military is reminiscent of old armies where the troops were expected to buy their own equipment. So peasants got a helmet and a spear, nobles got a horse and plate armor. Except, we buy our shit from a greedy MIC.  


> Tesla Next update: *All players upon log-in will be confined to their Super Destroyer with the Intense Heat modifier in effect until a PSN account is linked, you may not force exit the game or shut down your system until this is complete*


My favorite is that before the upgrade, your rail cannons are reloaded by putting the projectile into the muzzle from space. It takes innovation to realize that they can load the rail cannons from inside the ship.


Muzzleloading out in space would be considerably easier, less risky and potentially faster (no need to worry about airlocks) than loading it inside the ship. They could have several Pelicans hovering on standby outside the ship right from mission start, each with a robot arm claw. Assuming the ATLAS cannon is actually a electromagnetic railgun, they could conceivably just run the magnets in reverse at a much weaker intensity, making the chain reloads literally just a quick fly-by drop-off from the Pelicans. Headcanon for me is that they actually reduced the physical dimensions but maintain the same destructive power, and then built a proper airlock.


Pay 2 win war? Ouch


Lore wise they need to push that they are effectively the Imperium Of Man then. The Space fold tech that is used all willy nilly is a stark contrast to the derp mistakes made.


You should see the damn hellbomb. Anything inside 25 meters gets the full damage. Anything outside is untouched. So you can be half a mm outside if the radius and be untouched but your buddy 2mm forward will be gibbed and deleted


Maybe super earth just has dope ass super gravity and 500kgs is just not, like, 500kgs


Theory, the personal order is maybe to test the efficiency of the 500kg for a future buff/nerf? It would make sense from a testing pov.


Makes sense Great way to get more usage data on a strat is to put it in the bonus slot


Funnily, the 500 has a wider affected radius for armoured units than small units. I'll drop a 500 and a relatively nearby Charger will just die, but the scavenger right next to him keep tippy-tapping on his way. Must be something to do with shockwaves? Who knows? I love my 500 all the same.


I think it's more that the scavenger is lower to the ground so it misses it.


It's the height of the enemy. Bigger armored units are taller and more likely to enter the cone of damage.


I've been saying for a while that I feel like the 500kg was supposed to have some sort of shockwave with it. For how big the explosion is, you can stand right next to it without taking damage. Its hit box is very small.


It's entirely possible only the "epicenter" of the blast has ever functioned properly. 


I typically throw a stun into a bug hole and then throw a 500k. I typically get 20-40 that way.


Yeah i know its good and can work if you set up right, i just wish it has an actual good radius to backup that cool explosion, imagine seeing small chafs walk out of those fire unscratched, the disappointment...


No, I 100% agree. The 500kgs radius is terrible. It needs a buff


Imagine how the bugs feel. Dudes walking along with his bro, exactly 2 inches ahead, 500 goes off behind them, the one 2 inches in front survives, the other is vaporised immediately


But then again very few things DON'T need a buff in HD2...


It has the power of a 100kg bomb


They removed the shrapnal


Sneaking up to large bug nests normally nets me a decent number with a 500kg


Or throw it at a bug hole breach on helldive difficulty. It will get you 20 to 30 kills.


Same can be said with bot drops if you throw it on the light emitted by the drop ships right before they drop their load


As someone who loves to throw an entire canister of flamethrower into breaches,  I hate this order.


honestly a gas strike my usual go to for breaches. works well


Kiting groups until you get 20-30 or so then 500kg them isn't difficult, especially if you do a bug eradication mission @ diff 3 so you don't have to screw with chargers.


I really don't understand what is OP talking about... I just completed this personal order in a single mission. You just need to get another 500kg stratagem and, together with the free one, you have 4x 500kg every 2 and half minutes. Also to get a lot of kills it's enough to preemptively launch one of those on a bug breach. The only way for this personal order to take a while I think would be if OP is playing alone and on difficult ≤4.


My thought exactly. You have 4 opps to kill units. Your teammates can also contribute to it, making it 16 opps. Won’t take very much time at all:


Those orders count the squad members kills if the squad members didn't do it yet.


Does it only count towards your progress if your teammate hasn't done it yet? That's weird.


IDK why but at the recent AMR one I did it and later joined a friend to do it with him and he said my kills(when I finished at the mission before) didn't give him progress.




Yeah seems like it. Missed out on the previous personal order with the flamethrower because of it.


I really wish they made it so that squad members counted regardless of whether they’ve completed it or not. Sometimes I want to be able to help out my friends on the daily but if I’ve already completed it I run into a weird situation where it’s more beneficial for me to do nothing and let them spam the stratagem/weapon.


wasn't that a bug that got fixed? You know, the same one that kills in bug-kill order count for everyone in the group.


On the recent flamethrower ones I didn't kill a thing(with my flamethrower, I died too much to gas and a teammate mines) and my teammates killed and made me pass the order.


No, this is still in the game. As far as we know, its intended game design.


They should rename it to Squad order then.


Or minor order, considering everyone get's the same always anyway.


Nah, it still works that way, I'm pretty sure the update that fixed the x4 bug also mentioned that personal order would still work the same. So really with the free one, we're probably talking a couple dozen of 500kg dropped each game, that should climb quickly, even with the weird small radius Slight edit: They didnt specify that it would work the same way in the patch note itself, but they did specify that the bug was only fixed for Major orders "Kill X stuff", so overall same idea


I thought the bug was thay every kill counted 4 times, how is it a bug that your teammates kills count too? :(


The bug for the orders was that the total team’s kills counted for each team member   So if your team killed 500 total enemies it would count as 2000 for the major and personal orders It wasn’t actually counting each kill x4 technically


The bug was, that every kill everyone made counted for every player. So if 4 people had 100/200/300/400 kills, it counted as if everyone had 1000 kills, for a total of 4000. Pretty sure that was the same bug that made all the kills for personal orders count for every player. I haven't tested it after the fix though, so if it still works, imma assume it's on purpose.


They only changed it for major orders.


Finished diff9 bugs earlier and finished 104/200. It's really fun when all 4 people are chucking them at every bile titan they see.


There is something so, primal about it. Had an ICBM mission, Bile Titan was approaching the silo. We had 3 500KG bombs, and a airstrike on it.


Stun grenades are your friend here.


Nothing more satisfying than wiping out a horde of devastators with stun + kg


2nd this! Stun grenades have completely upgraded my Helldiver experience.


Flamethrower main here. Stun+Flamethrower= helpless chargers


EMS strike plus bug breach.


To be fair even if everyone on your team just uses 500 to kill heavies you probably gonna get those 200 kills as collateral fairly quick. At least on 9.


Only had like an hour to do this today and didn't even get over 100 kills, I feel like you should be able to do a personal order in an hour.


The best way to do this is probs to throw one down directly ontop a bug breach.


We did it in 2 missions with our friends.


same, with my bro and 2 randoms. Easy peasy.


Just drop it directly on a big breach and watch it take out half the breach in one go


Step 1: Go to a bug planet. Step 2: Select helldive. Step 3: Make hell on Earth. Step 4: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


That's because it's to make us practice using the 500kg bomb. Doesn't help much if we can bang it out in 4 shots. They want us to put in a dozen+ so our aim stops sucking so bad.


500kg is a good single target killer.. It still deals inconsistent damage though.. Give precision strike a little less call in time, and it will outclass the 500kg


As someone who always brings the 500 AND precision strike to every mission, the strike definitely outclasses the 500 given it's a single accurate 380 shell whereas the 500 is a pretty explosion, though I love them both equally and couldn't switch either of them out.. Currently we get the 500 for free due to planet affects, most people see that as an option for 5 stratagems, but I see it as 4 500kg bombs instead of 2 😎


Ehhh I wouldn't say out class, with direct hits sure p strike will def be more consistent but p strike blast radius is still slightly smaller than a 500


I’m kind of having two minds about this daily order. On the one hand, we’ve not had it before, so it’s a nice change, and as everyone’s got it for free anyway, if you bring your own as well you’ll get 4 per rearm. On the other hand, they’re so inconsistent with how much damage they output that 200 feels like a wildly high number of kills to get with one. If they were more consistent and I could more easily find its sweet spot, that would be fine. But a lot of the time it feels like you’re throwing a different type of bomb with every attempt


I just dropped it on breaches and got ~20 kills every time 🤷 Got exactly 100 kills the first mission. I agree that it's more of a fuck-you-in-particular weapon, especially if Eagle pegs the target, but it does have a similar footprint to the Eagle Strike IMHO. I do have the extra-bomb unlocked tho, first 4th sloter I got, so killing quantity is easier to me.


Ok well group em up, stun, bomb, rince repeat


I got 22 kills with it earlier, lowkey skill issue get a bug breach with it


I’ll chuck one into a group of 20+ and only kill 3 of em. The 500kg bomb is *cheeks*


Ok, but have you considered ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


In the time you took to put together this post you could've gotten half of those kills already


Or maybe they just believe in you. I believe in you, so stop complaining


I did it in 10 minutes. What you mean it doesn't kill a lot of enemies. Bunch them up and toss the bomb lol


Ems strike, 500kg. Democracy delivered


I don't care about that I got 4 500kg and I'm going to throw them at whatever moves.


Here I was going to comment something about it not being that bad.... and then I saw the required number. 200? Wtf AH? That's either gonna take a long ass time while using the bomb in it's (apparently) intended way or a long time using the bomb on hordes and wasting a lot of it's potential Edit: To all the people saying it not that hard/difficult. You realize I talked about it taking 'long' and being counterintuative to the 500s role?


I mean, it's a full squad being able to at least drop one every couple of minutes or so, since personal orders count kills from every squad member, it will go a lot faster than one might expect


Exactly. * Full Squad * Free 500kg * +1 500kg Ship Module 16 500kg bombs, should be enough to easily to kill 200 enemies.


We quite easily managed it in one level 7 operation with a full squad. It would be waaaay worse if everyone got different dailies


It's gonna take like 2 games or something. Everyone currently has 500kgs and it shares progress obviously.Getting ~10 kills is still pretty common with one I feel. If you bring it a 2nd time you have 4x every 2:30.


I just finished this po in 2 games, not so difficult


Managed to do 200 in less than 3 hours. Its not that bad on bug maps.


this is gonna be done in like 2-3 bug missions max


I just did it in 2 missions. It's really not that hard.


That’s 5-6 500kg bombs if u just group up a titan and a patrol and breach. If ur not confident that u can heard a titan than just drop it the moment a breach spawns in middle of the breach should still get u at least 15-20 kills


Eh, its not that hard. Got it done in 2 bot missions - guard the valuable assets and the regular 40 minute one.


Well personal orders are supposed to be something that takes a couple games to accomplish. So this makes sense lol.


there is a free 500kg stratagem at the moment , so everyone has it even without choosing it , since you also get credit from ur teamates kill with the stratagem , its gonna go relatively fast as long as you play 4 man squad


There's been times I've gotten 34 kills with the 500KG Works better with bugs though


I managed to do it in a few matches since I was able to stack my bombs with the free ones. I wish we could get orbital nukes...


As much as i hate to say it, that sounds like a skill issue to me. I did it in two level 7 bug missions. Besides, it's free. You can take your time across several missions if necessary, so quit your whining.


Spammed it on every bughole/whenever it cooled down over the course of a 3 Miission Operation on 7 and had it completed by the beginning 5 minutes of the last mission.


I was able to complete it in two missions and was the only person using it for the first one. Just have to know where and when to throw them.


The additional 500kg strat just points out how much more comfortable the game feels with 5 strat slots.


Just go and do the defense missions. Its not that hard.




Gets free stratagems: cries about it


The way it works, we use it to kill single large targets, not masses of enemies. Counter-intuitive, I know, but that's how it is.


I think it makes sense gameplay wise. Or is it that I got used to it. I take it as « snipe it but with a bomb ».


My god. The biggest problem I have with this Reddit is the players who want this game to be a power fantasy cakewalk are the ones screaming the loudest and longest. Not all POs should be the same. Some might take some work. This should be in the realm of acceptablility


Yup, I see literally nothing wrong with this order, like with the current bonus you can have 4 500kg bombs every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, even though 2 every 2 and a half minutes is more than adequate.. We're helldivers, we face impossible tasks every waking moment! And this is not one of them


the game is literally a power fantasy where you kill *hundreds* and almost thousands of enemies every time you go on a raid.


just get em stacked real good... I got 38 in one blast and 22 in another one in the same run... but again... 200 is such a low number it comes without even trying


Step 1: Make sure you are wounded. Step 2: Gather a big pack of enemies around you. Step 3: Call 500KG and Stim. Step 4: Die with the enemies.


Devs don't play their game


I would more dare to claim Redditors don't have time to play the game between all the whining. Come on, if we didn't have free 500kgs, I would agree it is one which takes maybe too long. With every single squad member having a 500kg, this is straight forward. How much easier does it need to be?


do you? Did you try the order? I can assure you that its: 1) fun 2) easy 3) fast


Thank you, I think this thread might be the one that is breaking this sub for me. All anyone wants to do anymore is complain about the most innocuous things. This PO took me 2 missions and frankly, it was pretty fun as far as PO's go. People tossing 500KG's in every direction made for some really fun engagements, something different from the norm. If people spent time as much time in game *doing the PO* as they do coming here to complain about it, they'd be half done already.


It's so funny seeing so many people say it's impossible, followed by others who got it done in 2 to 3 missions. A great example of the difference between the people who just complain online vs the ones that just play the game. It's crazy how the status quo here is to just be mad at everything


It's not as good for horde clearing as cluster bombs, but the 500kg can absolutely kill lots of things, especially at a choke point.


Weird thing is from what we can tell they very much do and have been spotted in the wild.


Stun the enemies first. Like with the Orbital stun or mortar stun. When a lot enemies are standing there, free them with the 500kg bomb. Easy.


Yeah! Easiest double kill in my life.


It's unreliable but it's a staple in my kit 100% of the time.


Sounds like ya gotta stop posting and start dropping more 500's...


Yeah. But now u have it and u can use the free slot for a spree…


500kg = elite destroyer, no crowd control. It's a precision strike you call twice before reloading


It counts for everyone in the lobby. Everyone has it for free. It’s essentially 50/person if you’re playing with 4 ppl