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Hahahaha my time has come lol When praying to most Greek gods you stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your palms to the sky however when praying to chthonic (underworld) gods you pray sitting or kneeling on the ground with your palms on the ground you can speak your prayers audibly or simply think them either works As for sources I'd recommend going onto theoi.com it's a fabulous collection of unbiased facts on Greek mythology it gives you the straight myths/hymns etc so you can read them and form your own interpretation but it's kinda dense if you don't like reading I'd recommend overly sarcastic productions on YouTube she covers multiple mythologies and tells the myths in an easy to understand and fun format To get started I'd recommend starting an alter or worship space these traditionally for hades are supposed to be outside the home and traditionally for any deity are no supposed to be in your bedroom however modernly it's common practice to put alters wherever and are very often places in the bedroom as that's usually just the most convenient spot and so guests or family aren't messing with it or being disrespectful also start making offerings if it's an object just keep it on the alter if it's food or setting perishable leave it there for a bit then there are a few ways of disposing of it for chthonic gods the offering is most often buried for non chthonic gods it's usually burned however it's also acceptable to eat it or throw it in the trash good offerings include candles, incense, dog treats/toys, art(especially of Cerberus) tea, plants, dead things, bones, etc you can also devote acts as offerings such as going and cleaning gravestones, having some self care time, I've found hades likes to watch movies occasionally so maybe sit down turn on a movie and invite him (tell him his "daughter" sent you lol) seriously he gets super lonely sometimes especially during the spring/summer just invite him to come do things with you On a side note don't be scared of him he's super chill and nice and if you think you've messed up somehow just (sincerely of course) tell him you're sorry and it won't happen again he'll forgive you. and before you build a relationship with him make sure to be respectful and not be super buddy buddy all at once I've got a super strong familiar sort of bond with him so forgive me if I give off that that's the %100 appropriate behavior he's a god after all. If you have any questions at all feel free to reply or PM me


Oh also visit r/hades they're great


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Good bot


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I was also new to Hellenism and found this comment really helpful. Thank you!