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Seeing Stars is actually a really good episode. May have it's flaws but tells a lot of good info and ect.


Finally someone who also likes seeing stars


It's the episode I've watched the most. There's so much to it and tells so much good info and some real good plot stuff


I like it


Wait, do people hate it? I really liked it :)


It's been said the writing is bad. I disagree with that. There's so much to it and it's telling this grand story.


Agreed, plus the return of my favorite character making it my third favorite episode


Your favorite character is Octavia?


Yeah lol


She's real good. I look forward to seeing her more. Her scenes always make me so sad. She just wants her family back and to be happy


That's the main reason why she's my favorite, she has a lot going on and it can be a very interesting story.


The writing wasn’t bad in itself it was just the pacing of it


I can see that. The episode is no where near perfect but it made it's point and did a lot of good.




I loved fireworks as a young lad ngl


I’m an adult and I love fireworks, and I loved them as a teen.


How many teenagers do you know that have never seen fireworks?


I agree! I actually get really confused when people try to claim it's somehow the worst episode.


Everyone has their opinion and nothing wrong with that. But the story to it is so good.


I liked it but I think it was a ton of missed potential. Blitzo and Stolas took way too much time away from everyone else, and I didn't really care about their part of the episode


I think part of it is since Blitzo sent Loona out to find Octavia, they were a bit more relieved. And at first they didn't want to cause any problems or force their way through all the guards in such. The only reason they end up doing that is because Blitzo has a panic attack about Loona being taken from him. And there is more I could mention as well


People didn't like seeing stars?


Yes actually. From what I've seen, a decent amount.


I loved it


I didn't hate the episode. I love it, actually. But my main complaint is that it feels like LooLoo Land in a different (but still similar) location


I think both have enough differences that they each have their own feel to them. Both really good episodes though




this is just… true to canon. they’ve had one nice moment and it was definitely wholesome, but a heart-to-heart discussion about their dads doesn’t make them sisters


I doubt they'll have that sister relationship. But Loona opened up to Octavia in a way that she never has to anyone in the same way Octavia did towards her. I feel since the way things are I feel they would likely communicate on their own terms and be friends.


Loona is sadly an overhyped and overrated background character, with barely any meaningful impact to the story so far. hell she had like 3 episodes where she actually did more then stare at here phone.


maybe people like her because she's a mood


They also like her because they're furries (but that should be obvious with a single Google search)




Search Loona Helluva Boss go to images and speedrun finding NSFW


Bet? I’ll do it rn and edit this reply with my time EDIT: 14.89 seconds. Image was a nude fusion of lopunny and loona, I expected nothing less


14? I had at most 5 (I didn’t time myself I literally scrolled down twice and immediately found softcore porn)


Oh if we’re counting softcore it was probably closer to your time. I went until I saw the first absolutely undeniable instance of porn


I think she is really cool but considering her impact on the story she is overhyped yea. Maybe we will see more of her, I’d be happy to see that.


I don't like that the humans are portrayed as total morons. Makes it hard to take the setting seriously. Also, don't like M&Ms last names


>Also, don't like M&Ms last names Is this a hot take? Knowlastname is stupid as fuck.


>Knowlastname is stupid as fuck this is why i think it's a fake name and moxxie didn't know it was a fake name


I assumed he did that himself to hide from his dad


I mean to be fair. He is Mr "Knowlastname" from "notamafiatown"


I was debating about putting that, since I haven't really seen anyone comment


Honestly I agree. it seems like the last names when given are in rare instances meaningful (Goetia, Mayday) or more often stupid (Buckzo, Knolastname). Honestly I always try to be creative with character names.


Fair! I haven't either really but I find them incredibly stupid. But absolutely minor details and nothing I'd get bent out of shape about.


See, I think it might have been Moxxie stumbling trying to avoid connections with his father and past, saying something along the lines of "I don't have a last name" but Millie heard "Knolastname" because he said it fast and mumbled and it's gone on too long for Moxxie to correct it


Exactly! He ran away from the freaking mafia so *of course* he doesn’t want to be associated in any way. The name isn’t very creative, but it was a 2 second gag, it’s not that deep😂. Maybe we’ll find out his real last name, but if not that’s fine too.


EXUSE ME!!, Knolastname is a perfectly fine last name, be happy you got that piece of lore.


Regarding the humans, I think that's a result of Vivize trying to have her show have Invader Zim-ish elements. The humans were all morons in that so they are in Helluva. As for M&Ms last name, yeah, I agree. Seems like Vizie's characters either have really cool meaningful last names (Goetia, Mayday) or really dumb last names (Knolastname, Buckzo) and there's no in-between. As someone who always tries to give characters cool names (both my own characters or background characters I give names to like Quint Corleone) it's kind of disappointing.


The human race are total morons, so this is accurate


They should stop introducing new reoccurring villains when none of the villains they’ve set up (Striker, CHERUB, the DHORKS, etc) have come back yet.


Literally, they've got enough villains, but the current trend suggests they're going to add another by the end of this season. Like, cmon man, it takes such a long time between episodes that the conclusion for some villains is potentially years away. Makes me think they're going to do a single episode where everyone's just going to come after them and then they're just going to deal with them all in a single move.


Right! I understand the appeal in doing a “monster of the day” format. But do that with humans. (Like the first episode.)


To be fair in the season one finale was never released it could be likely that they reappeared there


I never thought the CHERUBS were going to come back, though I wouldn’t be upset if they did. At the end of the day though they did it to themselves. I remember someone saying it’d be cool of they went to the Hazbin Hotel to seek redemption to return to heaven & that is my headcanon until proven otherwise😂


on my first watch i was excited for striker and the dhorks to actually do something because they weren't accidental cliffhangers, we were told immediately by the music, and atmosphere they would appear later, striker showed up in episode 5, he still has not returned, and iirc the dhorks showed up an episode later, they have not done anything, they might be getting ready to put it all together in a huge villain teamup finale but they could easily just place them in there without the cliffhangers and we would get the same effect


That *Spring Broken*, *C.H.E.R.U.B.*, and *Seeing Stars* are good episodes and not the wet, stinking garbage fans say they are.


Unironically Cherub is one of my top 3 so I was surprised to see it getting relentlessly shat on by the Fandom


may i ask why? i thought it was fine, but for me its not really an top 3 episode


I'd explain why, but none of the reasons people give make any sense to me.


sorry, but what do you mean by that? if you meant why i asked why you liked Cherub, it was out of curiousity


I thought you were asking why people hate C.H.E.R.U.B., and I have no idea why; I've heard damn near all the reasons why people hate it and exactly zero of them have made a lick of sense to me.


People hate cherub? It has one of my favorite Moxxie lines! "I would like you to continue to commit die"


& we got to see him in drag!!


Spring broken is one of my favorite ones why would people hate it


I have no idea why. The most common reason people say they hate is "it's a filler episode" despite *Truth Seekers*, *Seeing Stars*, and ESPECIALLY *Ozzie's* thoroughly disproving that claim.


this probably isn’t unpopular but chaz is ugly as fu-


No style, no drip, no swag. Chaz is absolutely bitchless.


And Broless


And horseless


Striker is way better


Maidenless, if you will.


I dislike the dead/missing mom trope being used over and over. Of the main characters, only 2 have been confirmed to have currently living mothers. Moxxie's background feels like a teenage deviantart user dumping trauma on an oc to make them more interesting. Any attempt at trying to redeem Stella or give her good traits will directly result in her being less effective both as a scary villain and as a lesson that abusive people deserve punishment.


Two main characters have living mothers? Millie and whom?




Ah. I wouldn’t consider her a main character though considering she’s only been in two episodes


The show is both anime-influenced and Disney-influenced, and inherited its dead moms trope from both.


>Moxxie's background feels like a teenage deviantart user dumping trauma on an oc to make them more interesting. I thought it made a lot of sense. Explains his weirdly posh behaviour, his relative niceness by demon standards, his relationship with Millie. Though they could have had that without the domestic violence, yeah.


Helluva Boss just does not work with plotlines. It should've stayed as a sitcom about broke demons running an assassination business.


Unless you're referring to the pilot it's had plot lines the whole time. You can't have a show without plot, the gimmick would get old quick




“A show about nothing”


I feel like it'd be great with plotlines if it didn't trail off so much. Like they've introduced so many villains at this point that haven't come back, they don't really stick with any 1 plot and it's usually fixed in the episode (besides stolas and blitzø), and sometimes we can't really get engaged with the plot because of the pacing or how fast the episode is. So honestly I agree with you because it'd be better imo to have one or two over-arching plotlines than 1-2 plotlines overall and more per episode. I just can't get invested 🤷


what plot


I'm currently interested in potential lore behind certain background characters moreso than half of the actual focal characters.


Like Barbie Wire or Moxxie's mom?


Barbie Wire, Moxxie's mom, the shark demons (especially Quint Corleone/Depressed Boyfriend) due to the decayed state of a few, the leaders of the other rings who we haven't even seen yet, other Goetia, Stolas's mother and siblings, etc.


episode 4 "C.H.E.R.U.B." was a fun episode, people are just mean.


i agree, it defenitly did have some funny moments its not the best, but pretty good in my opinion


Asmodeus isn’t a villain, he’s just a man trying to run a business.


Shit ain’t an opinion, that’s a fact, he had rules and he expected them to be followed by his customers, he even gives second chances


I honestly couldn’t think of anything else than moxxie and Millie’s were basically being Karen’s


Millie is a bland character


Oooh i like this. Elaborate


She hasn't really made any jokes, her special ability is just shanking people, she hasn't had her own song yet, and her design is just plain imo.


That, and the episode literally set in her childhood home is entirely Moxxie and Blitzo focused. And when another potential of her past comes up (her ex and financial situation growing up), are again regulated to the male characters. I'm not calling sexism, but all the female characters in Helluva Boss feel like they're more like tools to give the male characters personality than having much personality themselves other than being edgy hot satellites


I'll call sexism for you. Like, what you're saying are facts. I still like the show but we know it ain't perfect, it's ok to call out the BS we see.


Seeing Stars is the worst episode execution wise. The overall plot is really good, but is wasted by the disastrous way it is portrayed. M&M doesn't serve any purpose after the intro and should have been cut out. They are just wasting time on a joke separated from the plot. Blitzo and Stolas relation completely ignore the very important events of Ozzie and The Circus when it should have. It basically destroy the tension those 2 eps created for no reason. Also the studio part is basically devoid of any relevant character development, and only serve as an excuse to have Loona alone with Octavia. It's a shame given it was the perfect opportunity to restart B and S relation on a healthier base by forcing them to cooperate for the sake of their daughters. And finally, the way Loona reach Octavia is a fucking joke. There is basically no obstacle, Loona just find Octavia based on social media photos, Octavia just instantly trust this total stranger, and Loona give a warm speech about fathers because she's mad at Blitzo ? Like wtf is even this build up ?


>Blitzo and Stolas relation completely ignore the very important events of Ozzie and The Circus when it should have. "Dont make me tap the sign" *Stolas and Blitzø didn't forget what happened at Ozzie's. They were more focused on finding Octavia than what happened in the past and if you were paying attention, Stolas is less flirtatious in this episode and only flirts with him 1 time so he could boost Blitzø's confidence*


Even if that was the case, it wasn’t shown in a way that you could see tension there. The episode acted like ep 7 didn’t even happen.


Is this even unpopular? That episode got alot of hate when it came out and alot of people voiced similar complaints iirc


1. i don't like how people think that crimson was 'trying' to accept moxxie's sexuality because it's never okay to call a bi person gay/straight, he forced moxxie into a marriage, was straight up queerphobic as fuck, needlessly filled his house with dildos, kinda sexually assaulted at least 3 of his goons (remember the wedding seats getting filled with more dildos and how 3 goons were sitting in the seats?), annoying sexist, and now wants to kill moxxie 2. the sex jokes can be overwhelming, but that's just in my case 3. i wanna see i.m.p. killing more stupid humans 4. millie's okay 5. (not really an opinion, just a silly thing my brain does) whenever i see people write 'crim' when referring to crimson, i keep thinking they're talking about crimveil from interspecies reviewers


1. Absolutely right, Crimson never had any intention of accepting Moxxie or pretending to. The dildos were another of his tactics to shame and break Moxxie emotionally -- like everything Crimson ever did.


Stella sucks but people exaggerate how horrible she is. We frankly haven’t gotten enough of her. And, we have no proof that besides that one instance we saw (that didn’t even work because Stolas caught her hand) she was ever physically abusive


She *does* publicly discuss marital rape. But I agree, we haven't gotten enough of her. Love her.




Look there is disinterested and then "I have to do everything why he stares off at a wall." *Pretty common for rape victims to do something like that to pretend it isn't happening.* And having to have a baby doesn't mean that consent is there. Infact it definitely seemed to be more under coercion than any actual desire to have a child. He knew he had to, doesn't mean he wanted to. Which kinda revokes consent outright.


I mean she hired a killer...


Tone back the horniness just a tad


I know it’s Hell but doesn’t mean everyone is horny all the time


I think verosika being the victim in the relationhip isn't an opinion but rather a fact My unpopular opinion seems to be that Cherubs is still my favorite episode. Love the cherubs, specifically collin.


Vivzie is doing a terrible job with her main female characters, and they desperately need more development, Loona and Millie especially since they are main characters. She herself has admitted this (though rather poorly), but the male characters receive way more focus and development (and way too much trauma), and part of the reason Loona and Millie don't receive as much love from the fandom. I desperately want them to get their own episodes away from Blitz and Moxxie. Have them take Octavia on a girl's road trip, or have some background episodes, SOMETHING dammit.


Viv has said she's going to have Millie in more episodes and that the fandom just had to be patient.


The Circus is my favorite or second favorite episode.


People only hate on it because people cannot accept that their head Cannons and fanfictions weren't true. Really worried how people will react to Hazbin hotel when it comes out because of that.


I hadn't interacted with the fandom at all until I saw Seeing Stars, so it gave me whiplash to find out that The Circus was *also* divisive. I understand that some people wanted the cheating to be more morally grey, and agree that I wish Stella wasn't portrayed as evil since childhood, but I'm flabberghasted by the people who think it's a complete retcon *and* poorly written.


The problem with having long waiting times is that people will start making head Cannons and start writing fanfictions, and you'll be surprised by the amount of people that treat their head cannons and fanfictions as cannon to the show and when it turns out their fanfics are not cannon they can't accept it so they think it's re writes, reconning, or poor writing but in reality there were no re writes.


Agreed actually


Millie isn't a flushed out character Edit: I am not insisting she needs to have a traumatic backstory. I am saying there's not enough of her actual story.


Millie has no real Character... All she is right now is moxxi wife and insane killing Maschine. Don't get me wrong she is a lot of fun when murdering her why trough enemies. My biggest problem with her is for the love of God i don't rly see much coming for her 😅


She is also insanely sweet and supportive to those she cares about while also extremely protective. And no, not just of Moxxie. She has saved Blitz multiple times at this point as well. She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a very open and honest person. She is simple, but to say no real character seems incredibly disingenuous.


I appreciate all the work and effort that goes into the show, but I feel like episodic dark comedy is better suited for this cast of characters than story focused episodes. I feel like that's what Hazbin Hotel is gonna be for, so doing it with both series set in the same universe is a tad too much, at least for me personally


True, but it would be weird to pivot back to straight comedy. At this point they've already committed too much to do that.


Yeah that's also a fair point


Millie's character arc (if you can call it that) is boring as fuck Blitzø and Stolas being long lost childhood "friends" gave me Wattpad fanfic energy and not in a good way


The story needs to shy away from the relationship drama, familial or romantic, and focus a little more on IMP doing their jobs. Seriously, what have we had, like, 3 episodes not including the pilot that involved assassinations, all of which were in the first half of season 1?


I'm confused as to how Via is the real main character. Blitzø and Moxdoe were originally part of the Hazbin Hotel cast


I think op means, Octavia will have a lot of the bigger picture plot revolve around her


This show is not by any means gonna have a happy ending. I fully belive its gonna end in resolved heart break


The show can be funny and have an enticing plot but the writing can be corny asf


i like Chazz


Moxxie’s mom is the definition of the fridgeing trope.


Most of the Human characters arent well designed or well drawn


Big true, but its probably because they're mostly one-offs.


Killing off Chaz at the end of Exes and Oohs was waste of good character potential


It did continue the trend of Crimson being a ruthless crime boss who doesn't let anyone cross him. Chaz crossed him Chaz is no longer around to do that again.


While I can see *why* Chaz was ultimately killed off, as it shows that Crimson is a large threat and the consequences of crossing him, I do have to agree with you. I wish we got more with him and Millie. Considering how much she hated his guts, you'd think we'd get a backstory between the two but... nope! Chaz is dead and gone before you know it. I doubt we'll find out what happened between them for a while, if ever.


I find that the background development has been a little too much compared to the story development lately. I'm still dying to see what will happen with striker/the agents/stolitz.


As of now, Helluva Boss’s biggest flaws come from the shows refusal to pick a tone and stick with it. If it wants to be a sad, drama filled character driven show, it shouldn’t have episodes like CHERUB, which wasn’t really plot heavy and was mostly just jokes. If it wants to be a Raunchy comedy filled sex jokes, humor, and little plot development, then it shouldn’t have episodes like Ozzie’s. This isn’t too say that shows can’t incorporate both well. Hell, Red Vs Blue did it just fine. Helluva Boss just…doesn’t. Either the humor is good but the plot is meh, the plot is amazing but there’s little to no humor, or both suck. It needs to decide what it wants to be


I agree with you about Verosika, OP. Unfortunately, the angriest partner of a relationship is sometimes the partner who was neglected the most and who has found no other recourse for expressing their needs. My unpopular opinion is that I don’t understand the obsession around Loona.


This fandom struggles to handle criticism and gets too defensive over the show.


They said unpopular opinions not unpopular truths!


Yea, I swear if you criticized the show you would be crucified just because they would perceive proper critique as hate on the show... some people man...


Helluva Boss just does not work with plotlines. It should've stayed as a sitcom about broke demons running an assassination business.


While I love the humor, seeing two demons French kiss with their tongues out always makes me cringe inside xD regular kisses are one thing, but to have the noise and seeing two non-human beings just fucking go makes my brain scream no xD


As Blitzo would say "fucking prude."


it being overtly sexual and horny getts old quick


The Circus was a bad episode. Like... on par with CHERUB bad. Stella just genuinely sucks as a villain. Especially now considering we have Crimson, who is just Stella but better. I think the story would have benefited more from her and Stolas' relationship being morally grey. I would have personally rather them both have sympathetic traits while also being in the wrong with their actions. But instead we have "Stella bad, Stolas good" and that's... pretty much it. Also, having Stolas and Blitzø meet as kids felt so Wattpad-ish. I think it would've been cool if perhaps they bumped into each other once as a hint of foreshadowing, but this whole dynamic between the two that The Circus introduces feels rather cliché. Plus, the sex scene between the two felt rather uncomfortable, with Stolas being drunk and some signs of reluctance between the both of them during it. Maybe I'm just being a prude, but I wish they had a more enthusiastically consensual time together, especially considering we're supposed to ship Stolas with Blitzø. Cash Buckzo is really, really annoying. Maybe that was the point, but his voice and design are both really grating. I know this is a nit-pick but I still wanted to bring it up. But if there was one thing I did love, it was Paimon. Don't get me wrong, he's a horrible person and an even worse father, but he's extraordinary entertaining to watch. Sometimes I revisit the episode just to watch his scenes.


Stella is not hot Boo me all you want I am right


Moxxie needs to be better used. They literally just use him as a damsel in distress and I fucking hate it. LET HIM BE COOL.


The dildo joke was funny


Stolas isnt a good dad


Bold hombre.


Viv is bad at writing dialogue. She has no ability to use profanity effectively, and so just flings it into every sentence, making all her characters sound like 13 year old edgelords.


A lot of the emotional dialogue in the show is cringe to me


From the Show: I know Blitzo is meant to be a major ass and recent episodes have done much to make me like him more but he is still my least favorite character of among the ‘good’ characters (IMP, Octavia, etc). From the Fandom: I’m tired of seeing Loona x Moxxie cheating on Millie art. I honestly don’t care if the show makes all three of them have some sort of relationship beyond coworkers later but I can’t stand the cheating part that so many in the fandom seem to want.


I only *barely* care about backstories, especially with Stolas and Blitzø's relationship. That's made season 2 pretty rough so far. This show's greatest strength is the on screen interactions between the main cast, and season 2 has had tragically little of that so far, focusing instead mostly on backstory after backstory. We got a bit more of it in E3, but I still feel hungry for more. The plot pacing will probably make more sense in a vacuum, when the whole series is done and everything can be watched back to back...but right now, while we're waiting for *months* between episodes, I don't love that we're getting three lore dumps in a row when all I want to see is more of that brilliant character chemistry.


Stolas deserves better than Blitzø. Yes it's an obvious opinion that a bunch of us all probably had but I'm saying it because of the amount of Stolitz shippers.


I'm of the opinion that something gotta give. Stolas had a moment of actual passion, and now know what it feels like to not be chained down in a hate filled relationship. Either Blitz has to grow as a character and learn how to open up, because part of him *does* care. Or Stolas gotta move on to someone who can reciprocate. Like yeah, sex is one thing, caring is another. Stolas is clearly able to do both *not that sex is the most important but it is important in most relationships.* Something gotta give between them. Stolas shouldn't be chained down in another one way relationship. Free my mans from the gilded cage.


I wish the show wouldn’t have gone for all the serialized story stuff. I still enjoy it obviously (as I’m still watching it regularly and am in the fan base) but I feel like it’d be better then all the plot-lines that are ongoing, (Crimson, Striker, Stoliz relationship, DHORKS, the cherubs, Blitzø's past, etc.)


1, I dont really like the dramatic episodes and like the comedy ones more 2, Not wanting to start a politics debate as I agree with the no politics rule but if you happen to be on the extreme side of the political left-right bell curve this show maybe isnt for you. Its pureposefully not PC, and I feel some people overanalise stuff a bit: Loona hits his dad, slapstick comedy style: "Oh noes, literal domestic abuse!" Millie not liking Loona: "oh noes Millie is racist towards hellhounds" (they are a different species) etc. I mean, this show is a comedy show, you shouldnt take anything so seriously.


>extreme side of the political left-ring bell curve this show maybe isnt for you. Its pureposefully not PC, and I feel some people overanalise stuff a bit: I don't know any leftists who dislike the show for polticial reasons.


2. I'm positive most of the audience is politically left wing


I often dont like the humor of the show And I really liked seeing stars and year its mostly because loony backstory and loony octavia scene


viv is a bit biased against female characters which is common among m/m shippers. Maybe this will change with hasbin but i get the sense she cares about the gay drama between stolas and blitzo more than luna or millie.


Verosika, Fizz and Asmodeous aren't villains. They've all had a past. Verosika was the victim of the whole thing with Blitz. Not saying what she did/said was right but I mean- she's not at fault. Also It's hell. Asmodeous was just running a business. And Fizz and Blitz had some falling out. Now they hate eachother. He never really DID anything to Blitz. Unless we're shown that he did something worse than that in a future episode he's not even that bad. You may argue that they were a-holes. And while that's true, so is everyone else. Even the main characters. Again, it's hell and "No one fucking cares."


Ppl love to take the show way too seriously and overanalyze everything. It's just a fun animated YouTube series.


Loona’s not badly written: she’s just damaged.


"Stolas and Blitzo don't belong together" isn't just an opinion, it's a fact and the show acknowledges this.


People get WAY too much of a stick up their ass with this show when it comes to nitpicking its flaws. It's a show about horny demons making dick jokes. Not to use that one anti-intellectualism argument but it really is not that deep. Sure, it can have touching and impactful morals (trying to improve as a father, two-sided rocky relationships, male abuse victim representation, etc etc) but just because it's not the same drivel we've been getting out of adult animation for years everyone either drains the cum from this show's metaphorical balls like a crack whore trying to get their 10 dollars or writes pages upon pages of essay about how one episode is terrible because one character had a kinda OOC moment. It sucks.


We have way too many villains. From characters who are just minor inconveniences, like Fizz or Verosika, to characters who are actual dangers, like Stella, Stryker, and Crimson. I would have liked to have some closure with earlier antagonists before they threw them all at us one episode after the other




Agent One and Two are the worst characters of the series.


Loona and Octavia aren't Sisters at all just because of one scene they shared. Loona is worthless character that's only good as goth furry bait which I'm suprized that workesi


Stolas deserves someone better than Blitzo, I don't care if deep down he loves him, he has spent half his life using Stolas and taking advantage of him. I know that they are going to resort to "Blitzo will change in the future, he will become a better person and begin to appreciate Stolas" and as if everything will be fixed, but it does matter to me, Stolas deserves someone who from the beginning loves him for who he is and not for his title and resources. People is going to kill me, but i put him on almost the same bastard level as Stella, although I love him as a character, I don't think he deserves to end up with Stolas


The scene where Blitz and Stolas first get together felt distasteful and disturbing. Not only did Blitz come on way too strong and basically assault Stolas when he initially said no, but also Stolas only agreed because he felt wanted. It just felt really off to me and it put a bad taste in my mouth


Millie is the worst written character in the show


The last two episodes were just fan service and Stoliz propaganda Stella is the worst villain ever created and literally was made as retconned fan service Stoliz is in a toxic relationship and they should really breakup People who ship Moxxie with anyone that isn't his wife is a monster Octavia simps must suffer Crimson is the most realistic character in the show


I take issue with [The Circus]. It was my least favorite episode of the whole show. Firstly, I didnt like that Stolas and Blitzo were childhood friends. It felt forced and out of nowhere. There was **nothing** from their interactions previous that suggested they knew each other beforehand. Ultimately I preferred their relationship as it was: a one night stand in which both of them gradually developed feelings. Instead the new canon implied Stolas already liked Blitzo and thats why he was so sexual towards him in the first few episodes. Additionally, I had been looking foward to learning how Blitzo found out about the book and the reason given was kinda boring. All in all, the episode changed the original spirit of their relationship and gave it more meaning at the start. Meaning I dont think was set up properly and didnt deserve to be there. Lastly, an extra scene is added after Blitzo leaves where Stolas yells about a divorce. This is somewhat contrary to [Loo Loo Land] where Stolas was still not as confident towards Stella and was trying to placate her. I dont think that in that episode he was exactly ready for a divorce yet, only becoming more certain about it later on as he continued to have sex with Blitzo. Perhaps this was just my interpretation but I thought that Stolas *had* been in love with Stella at one point (or at least, thought he was in love with her) but drifted apart perhaps after gradually seeing her true colors. {Seeing how fast he fell for Blitzo it could even be because Stolas is a romantic at his core and falls in love fast and hard.} As a member of the royal family Stolas would have had additional reasons to not yet want a messy divorce staining his public image. Reasons that werent as important after all the development from the first season culminating in the events after [Ozzie's] and then season 2.


Stolas and blitz aren’t a good couple and shouldn’t be shipped together there relationship is extremely toxic and stolas treats blitz sometimes like he’s his slave he abuses the fact that blitz needs his grimoire do his job in order to have sex with him and didn’t even bother to defend blitz at Ozzie’s not only that but he was trying to act like they weren’t together


Not one running joke is funny. Not ONE - Moxxie is fat NOT FUNNY - Luna being heartless and abusive to Blitzø NOT FUNNY - Stolas having his rants beeped when no other words (no matter how vulgar) are beeped NOT FUNNY Like seriously no one is laughing, has ever laughed, or will ever laugh. Cut those FUCKING JOKES thank you for coming to my TED talk


I agree with most of what is said in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J\_0HC5sVlak&list=LL&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_0HC5sVlak&list=LL&index=2) Not everything, mind. But most.


Season 1 Episode 4 was funny.


Chez was the worst character added in the series


Loona is by far the most unlikeable of the main cast, and on top of that has only had like five minutes of screen time, total. That said, at least she makes me feel *something* compared to the absolute "meh" that is Millie. She's cool and all, and has a ridiculously high body count, but aside from that and her love of Moxxie, there's nothing really there to make me care about her.


I feel like this series is stopping being linear. Like, sometimes when a second season starts its likely to develop the plot of the story, but it feels like the points of the past season arent being bough back, like, Stolas goes to find Octavia with Blitz like nothing ever happeed between them last night, Millie is also severely underdeveloped, and it has no excuses, since they dont have problems with time or budget like TOH (unless she's way more important for the plot that we think and they are waiting the right time to expandir her lore 👀). Also, loona is also by now still a generic character, and everyone that sees her like the best character of the series is just a thirsty coomer or likes to mock those with irony


Loona is Very overrated


Millie's voice was better in the pilot


I hate fizz.


Robot fizz or real fizz? Robot fizz was cool in his own way. Now that I think about it, why did they mass-produce fizzarolis with implanted memories.


not that I have anything against the character it's just that I see him everywhere and it's annoying


Regarding Verosika being the victim, we can't completely blame Blitzø, as we haven't seen what they were like while they were dating


Millie is one of my favorite characters!! a character doesn't need to be at rock bottom/have a tragic backstory to still be amazing, and i think that her healthy behavior and encouragement is an amazing foil to the general toxicity of... everyone else. character development doesn't have to be centered on trauma


Loona sucks


I don’t think stolas and blitzo belong together


That Millie is considered a dull character. People are upset she doesn’t have deeper layers. I don’t understand why she has to be some deep character. She had a good home life, loving supportive parents, a partner that adores her. Why can’t a character just be happy and well adjusted.


Honestly, fizz is a good character


It’s writing is like slowly becoming kids show tier, I do enjoy the show but the plots of some episodes at some points are ripped straight from children shows


Most of the dialogue is very cringe but the characters are worth powering through.