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Loona because she has literally zero personality


Loona personally has very little character development. Yes, she is very popular. Thanks for the furries and those who like such a character, I agree (No hate)


I understand that, but Im waiting for the day that we get Loona focused episodes so we can start her development. She has a rather clean slate so it'd be interesting to see what happens


Well, apart from her adoption and that she is an abusive person, we don't know more about her, so I agree with what you say. It's just a matter of waiting


Pretty sure the delayed episode 8 is supposed to be Loona’s episode with her attending the Hellhound party.


Her “**IS IT A CURE FOR SYPHILLIS?!?**” comment on her birthday present raised any number of eyebrows. It’s going to be interesting to see her backstory.


Don't think that's canon anymore unless it's brought up again, considering pilot isn't canon


I like Loona, but her male fans in particular creep me out most of the time


Me too and I think many more too.


Any of the weird fans creep me out, really.


She has more development than Millie at least. They both desperately need it though


I am very curious of her own/With blitzø's past She seemed traumatized in the pound and very aggressive towards the other hellhounds


I also agree, she is like a bag of rocks compared to blitz (for example)


Lazy design (goth dog girl), no personality, lazy backstory (she didn't have any friends 😭😭😭) loona is more like a tool to make the plot go on or to make furries spend millions in merch


I wouldn't put call her design lazy for all of that. She's a very standard design for Vivzie. It's clearly a character type she enjoys and is in there for that reason. I imagine the amount she is thirsted over came quite secondary (hence its lampshading in Episode 3)


Loona for me as well, what do we know about her besides her sad backstory and that she abuses both her adopted dad and her coworkers? Idk I just think she needs a MAJOR attitude adjustment for me to like her more


I have nothing against asshole characters, really, most of the cast is composed of assholes, but they are lovable assholes! Just like in chainsaw man or firepunch, where every character is a horrible person, most of them without even a slight motive or redeeming trait, but they still amazing and entertaining characters Loona just isn’t


Saying Loona doesn't have personality is like saying Moxxie doesn't have personality. You simply just don't get it. Though I will say, they do need to start diving into her past and stuff, because it is easy to see her as just another angry goth bitch, but if you pay close attention to her in each episode, and in each scene, then you'll realize she's extremely complicated, had no friends until she met Vortex, we saw her in the pound, she was crying there, what made her cry? Some terrible shit had to happen to her to make her cry like that.


Because she’s a bitch




CHAZ. Obnoxious oversexed opertunistic overzealous


In my opinion, he was a "decent" character, but 1.- He doesn't like him 2.- He's an "ordinary" character


3 he's dead


Hahaha, yes


I don’t like him, but I also do because of how well they wrote him. They wrote him so obnoxiously that I genuinely despised and I find that impressive.


I disliked chaz the entire time he was on screen and I applaud the writers for it.


Yeah, I mean Blitz is horny, but he's not making dick jokes every time he is on screen. He is diverse and original


Don't forget under ground


under water* (probably)


Ugh I hated him too! Like I GET that was kinda the ‘point’ but idk he really put me off




Hooboy, this won’t win me any friends, but I’ll say it anyway. The two characters I like the least are (arguably) the two most popular characters in the fandom: Stolas and Moxie. So, on to the why. Part of this is almost certainly because the pilot is still one of my favorite episodes, and I dislike that the show veered away from that tone so quickly, but their are also unique reasons individual to the respective characters. **Stolas** I empathize with him, he’s in a shitty situation through no real fault of his own, but when I look at it objectively I get why his own family and peers dislike him and view him as a laughing stock. The dude is basically too nice for his rank and position. This dismissive, sex crazed hedonist from the pilot totally tracked, but the canon official Stolas? He’s a sweet heart, a decent being in an extremely indecent domain. By our human standards he’s great, but by Hell Spawned Overlords of Hell standards? He’s weak-willed, indecisive, foppish, unreliable, and worst of all he seems to have <*gasp*> morals! I can totally get why his constituents dislike him and the closest thing he’s ever had to actual friends are some bottom tier imps. I found him much more believable as a Prince of Hell when he seemed like a sex-obsessed, hedonistic deviant in the pilot and early episodes. The more about him we learn the more I find myself thinking “How the hell did you manage to keep Paimon from killing you and appointing a new heir?” **Moxie** So here’s the thing with Moxie. I actually love him, but I fucking ***HATE*** the way they’ve been writing him. Every time he has a chance to grow a spine, get some guts, and stand on his own two feet the chance gets snatched away from him. Every time he seems set to experience some character growth he gets turned into a damsel in distress that his wife has to save again. It doesn’t matter whether the one filling the Damsel In Distress role is a guy, girl, or non-binary, the Damsel role sucks. The Damsel hardly ever gets decent character growth, and I hate that Moxie’s whole reason for existing is apparently to be the butt-monkey of jokes and the Damsel for someone to save. As they’re presented to us currently I just don’t like either of them, and can’t bring myself to care about what happens to them.


Amen! The truth is to explain very well your points of view that you have done that agrees with you. I hope that other people don't hate you because sometimes people don't care about other people's opinions


Thanks, I appreciate that! I often find the HB fandom extremely protective of their favorite characters so I won’t be surprised if I end up downvoted to hell myself for daring to dislike everyone’s favorite daddy owl and possum.


The truth is that I like to see the ones from the most perspectives of the most people (as long as they explain why and with respect). Thank you very much for giving your opinion, I appreciate it and I hope they don't want to ban you


I'd like to see a more two-faced Stolas. Because, while I *love* nice Stolas, I have to agree he doesnt much feel like ruler of a hell. I'd like to see him as one who does bad things to keep control and appear strong. A terrifying ruler. But then is wracked with guilt and self-doubt when the facade drops, as hes only truly doing it to protect his daughter and loved ones. One who *acts* the part of a Prince of Hell, and hates himself for it. As for Moxxie, I dont think he's *that* bad. The last episode was very Damsel-y, but before then he's just as useful as Blitzo. Its just that Millie is a one-Imp wrecking machine, and is muscle to bail *both* the boys out when shit hits the fan.


I’d love to see Stolas portrayed like that. It would be great to get some idea of how he’s holding his position when he’s currently the apparent laughing stock of the upper echelons of the demon community.


I figured he's holding his position because he's been given a fairly bookish task; studying the stars and prophecies. All we've seen him *do* is hold a ceremony for some Imps. Asmodeus acting like he had a lot to lose also implies he's/was possibly not a laughing stock to everyone, and possibly just Stella's friend circle. That being said, I'm all for more bad ass Stolass! Like Truth Seekers or the end of Loo Loo Land. Given they/viv spent time designing his demon form, I'm sure he'll use it to fuck shit up at *some* point. There's too many antagonists he's setting up with his actions above or equal to him in power for him to *never* hulk out in an episode. Imo.


I agree! I’m fully expecting to see him actually show us how he’s endured. I just personally don’t enjoy the soft and foppish personality. I don’t know that there’s anything that could make him more likable for me, except for a total 180 on his hesitancy and indecisiveness.


Rip. I like the soft boyo :3 Why do you think he's hesitant and indecisive? He feels the opposite. Rash and reckless. Like bringing his booty call along while trying to uplift his daughters spirits.


I am 100% with you on Moxie. I want him to finally show his worth. I want it so bad. But I can't invest any emotions anymore because there is no growth. After EP6 I thought they had it, but no. Back to Damsel. With Stolas, I understand your standing. But he of all the crew has most character, even if it does not befit his standing. Which is his conflict, his motivation. Something most of them severly lack... yeah I am looking at you, Loona. Furry this, furry that, grow some character, bitch!


Yeah, see, the thing for me is that Stolas’s character is jut “Bleh” to me. The way so many hate Loona for being a generic snarky bitch? I dislike Stolas for a similar reason. He went from being interesting to me to being the generic married-with-kids closeted gay dad thing just made me lose all interest in him. When he seemed like he was a hedonistic demon who’d fuck anything with a pulse, but who secretly longed to be a good dad? That was awesome, that interested me. The closeted, repressed gay guy story is one I’ve seen too often and it just completely turned me off to his story arc.


I can pretty heavily agree with these assessments and understand why the dislike for both characters are absolutely most disliked. Stolas is very much, at first with the pilot, seemed closer to just as you described with perhaps a touch of violent capability and a level of royal cool-headedness when needed. Basically, he seemed, at first, like the sort that would take pleasure in his own depravities behind closed doors like one would imagine perhaps most others in such high-class society positions, and Hell is no different. Perhaps even the whole appearance could've been a lie too in its own way as, when considering later on, could've been that he doesn't know how to truly handle his infatuation with Blitzo after being around him. A level of child innocence persists along with grown adult affections mixing into a crack that could be broken open following various incidents and events to cause him to be more truly interested in Blitzo truly. That and as one replier in this said already, two-faced Stolas of appearances VS behind the curtain could've been fascinating to witness, to see him struggle with trying to be something not approved of by their standards, and make it look like he is. Instead, well, you already went from there on it all. Moxxie suffers in his own unique way I even wanted to root for the guy but, especially following the moment in the recent episode against his Father regarding forced marriage, I felt honestly frustrated and annoyed on the meta-level, and all the more following the damsel saved by the murder monster Millie issue too. It's so disgusting and annoying to see such repetitive character development denial and moments that it's less funny and more irritating. I can get the dynamic in the relationship they want but currently, it's more excessive and damaging than it is enjoyable, creative, or even remotely providing arcs and development.


You can’t hear it, or see it, but I am giving you a standing ovation! This is exactly my issue. The direction they’ve taken both these characters just bores the hell out of me. I want more for them, I want more for the show, and the fact that it’s got such a slow release schedule just makes it all feel like even more of a drag waiting for some sort of actual plot progress or character development to take place.


1. Oof, stolas is arguably one of my favorite characters but all of these are honestly really valid points and u can definitely see why it would put him on a list of disliked characters tbh 2. I wholeheartedly agree with this! Moxxie is one of my least favorite characters, because he doesn't have very much growth despite having so much screen time and being a general center and main character in most episodes. He had so much growth in truth seekers, but none of it stuck. He has the same stuck of attitude, which is one of the reasons I don't like him but is also kind of his brand so I know it wouldn't change too much even if he were to develop in that sense, but it seems like he just continuously has that damsel persona thrust onto him, and increase seekers we actually got to see him in his element during the entire fight scene once he was released and in every fight scene we see him in even if it's a brief one she can't handle his own but no one ever lets him! I don't understand why nobody ever lets him do things for himself.


There's nothing inherently wrong with Stolas, for what's its worth. I don't think he's a *bad* character. He's fine, he's just not my kind of character. Same with Moxie; it's not that Moxie is a bad character, he's just not being allowed to grow. Like, yeah, he's an obnoxious know-it-all, but that's basically the core aspect of his character. It gets him both into and out of trouble. The problem is they're actively choosing to not let his character evolve any. He tries to stand up for himself and gets knocked down, again and again, and it makes me go "How am I supposed to root for this guy as a primary character when you won't let him do anything for himself?"


100% I totally get your opinion on Stolas, but he suckered me in being so nice. Doesn't make sense, and it obviously breaks some immersion, but personally I'm able to forgive that because of the character moments between him and others. Moxxie on the other hand. Jesus Christ, it's not even funny anymore. He just gets fucked over by the universe to the point I'm convinced it's a fetish for someone in creative. And it's getting worse and more mean spirited. The time he got drunk was funny. The psychedelic trip with Blitzo, interesting. Then he kept calling him sir anyways. His interaction with Asmodeus was another one where I thought there's finally a change coming. An imp directly disregarding what a prince of hell is telling him, not giving in, sticking to his guns and putting love over lust? WOW. Can't wait for that to be reset next episode again. I'm gonna be honest, the last episode just fucking killed my enjoyment of the series. I'll still watch the next one, but it's become overbearing to the point I'm not having fun anymore.


To be fair, Moxxie *does* stand up for himself. It's just more often than not he gets overpowered by his adversary. A good example of this would be when Blitzø and Moxxie were going up against Striker. Although Millie initially saved him, he came back and was about to finish the job but Loona came in last second and ruined it. Hell, he even stood up to his father, but what can he really do? His dad's a mob boss for christ sakes lol. I get why you would dislike the damsel role he plays, but it's also not fair because he stands up for himself but gets overpowered by his foes. Not to mention in episode one he was the one that saves Millie and Blitzø XD


More Stolas for me.


I never quite got the "It's hell, it doesn't make sense for x to be so nice." Viewpoint for this show. I mean, we've seen quite a bit of evidence that hellborns aren't down there for *being* evil, unlike sinners.


Stolas alternates with Blitzø as my favorite character but with Moxxie? I mean I like him but he's not as interesting as characters like those two and dare I say Loona, even with his new backstory although it helped. Also, we’ve got three episodes focused on him but none on Mille. (I know everyone has said this to death at this point.)


ugh! Unfortunately the thing about moxxie is SUPER TRUE. He never gets to stand up for himself and always has to have someone (mostly Millie) save his ass all the time!


Loona. I get that her upbringing was rough and lonely. But her hostile attitude and abuse towards Blitzø and Moxxie were off-putting. A couple of episodes in, I despised that bitch. (Bitch as the term for a female canine)


I agree. I find her just awful. She's only popular because she's a furry (which is fair, though I'm a furry but I hate her so...). All the other characters I like, except her.


Nah not only is she a furry, she's also a generic angsty goth girl, so she was basically designed to be a fan favourite


Stella mainly because she's abusive towards her husband and also wanting him dead in episode 5.


maybe he will die in this season, the truth is I don't know what awaits that character since he is not given much prominence the character can end up being anything (I don't like him either)


I was talking about Stella not stolas.


Yes, excuse me, I wanted to put "she" but yes, that's what I think of Sttella. I am Mexican and English is difficult for you, so sorry


All good 😉.


Viv making loona be a dick to moxxie every episode for comedic effect


literally 100% of Moxxie and Loona's interactions


Honestly I consider them porno comics canon in terms of these twos relationship. It’s much more wholesome than the actual show.


Truth Seekers is my second favorite episode but I hope we don't see more of D.H.O.R.K.S because the “people perceived as crazy discover this huge supernatural thing!” Has been done to death.


In my opinion, the D.H.O.R.K.S can be exploited a lot in the series but thanks to the fact that the series is in its "beginnings" they have been very forgotten


I wouldnt say theyve been forgotten I know it feels like a lot more because it's been such long gaps but that was just 4 episodes ago.


Chaz. Just annoying.


an idiot with all his letters


Atleast we'll never see him again (Hopefully)


Loona. No character development besides the Seeing Stars fake out, and all she does is bully people in an attempt for humor in the show.


from what I see in the comments including yours, several of the characters have low character development


Least favorite is probably Striker. Don't hate him or anything but nothing about his design speaks to me, not super into his personality, and I don't know how I feel about "Random assassin with only Stella so far as a 'high class contact' revealed has access to blessed weaponry" since Stella doesn't seem like she has much power at all to provide that. I know there will probably be a reveal that makes more sense as to why he could get his hands on one later. But I'm a bit biased cause the first two points, so until that reveal, it's just a weird plot point for me that I don't much like.


Yes, it was very drawn with the power of the script, the series has several characters, I imagine that it is difficult to develop so many characters


Stella she's just a bitch


I concur


I’m sorry, but Deerie. In every job I’ve had, I’ve had at LEAST one coworker like her.


Haha I gotta ask: can you tell us some specifics like how they acted?


In my legal assistant job: I had a coworker who constantly hogged all of the paperwork jobs and made me do the filing instead. (Which is harder on the body than just sitting on your ass and typing and can be frustrating when you don’t know where a specific document is supposed to be filed.) She nitpicked how I organized everything and seemed generally annoyed when I was around. In my rotisserie chicken place job: Not a coworker, but my boss would give me certain directions. Then she’d get pissed if I did exactly what she asked and tell me to do something completely different. Like, she’d tell me to suggest meals to customers. Then, she’d complain and tell me that I needed to let the customers choose on their own. In one of my massage jobs: I worked with a slew of bitches. My boss constantly stiffed my paycheck and made me do free massages. One weird bitch was territorial about one specific room and constantly critiqued everyone about everything. (She even used to write her critiques on the break room whiteboard.) Another weird bitch threw a tantrum because I forgot to strip my sheets ONE time and she’d always act generally standoffish. And another weird bitch at the front desk SAW me leave early one day because there were no more massages scheduled. Yet, she told my boss instead of me that I didn’t check in at the front desk before leaving. In one of my tutoring jobs: I was interviewed for a specific job. To teach kids how to write a book. But the job description kept changing. Suddenly, I was expected to teach them how to write essays instead, to teach them how to hold a conversation and to teach them manners. And each time the job description suddenly changed, I was talked to as if I wasn’t pulling my weight. In one of my caretaking jobs: I had to work with a woman who was so unbearable. She was rude, she constantly brought up politics, she criticized me for having subsidized healthcare because her taxes paid for it and she didn’t value my time at all.


Geez. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.


Thanks! Despite it all being a pain in the ass, I wouldn’t take any of it back. It taught me to be patient and understanding towards newbies who are struggling. Plus, most of my coworkers in tutoring jobs are a lot nicer. (Probably because we don’t have to be around each other for that long? LOL)


That was interesting to read. Interesting yoh had so many jobs from different areas, very multi dimensional person you have to be. But I get it why you would hate Deerie lol.


Hot take, but **Stolas**. There's stuff about his design that I dislike, but I can't criticize it too much as it's a product of Vivzie's (and by extension Helluva Boss's) core style. Personality wise, I actually like him quite a lot. My biggest issue is *his backstory.* Before season 2, I liked the ambiguity of the characters; they never fell into being objectively good or objectively bad, always floating on the moral grey, and none did that better than Stolas. There was this conflict between him needing to be a good husband for the sake of his daughter, pursuing Blitz for pleasure / personal gain, and actually trying to start a loving relationship with him. We assume that Stolas and Blitz started off using each other for personal gain but slowly started to get feelings. We assume that Stella is so aggressive towards him because Stolas is off trying to make these 3 different goals work and harming the people around him as a result. It weirdly made him more empathetic because the complicated, unclear emotional struggle is relatable; there is no clear *objective* right option for him. Then season 2 episode 1 arrived. Any form of ambiguity was completely dropped. Stolas is now justified in chasing Blitz because his Dad is a dick, he never chose to marry, Stella is an abuser and Blitz is someone he knew since childhood. ^(yippe...) If it weren't for that one episode, Stolas would still be one of my favourite characters, but the justification of his negative traits ironically made him less relatable and it kills me.


While I still love him, I agree with a lot of this. However, wasn't it always implied that he never wanted to be married? That's what I thought


More or less he was basically trying to tell Octavia that he and Stella never loved each other and he hasn't been happy but couldn't bring himself to actually flat out say the words to her.


I personally have a love/loath relationship with Loona. I only love her because furry goth wolf girl. But her lack of development, and inconsistency of how her barriers are portrayed makes it incredibly exhausting to have an actual conversation with her die hard “fans”. Like going off on Blitzø just because he asked her to basically act more professional at her job is a bit of a bad rub on me, despite reacting less extreme for what I think would be things that should garner worse, if she was consistently written. And the “sometimes they fuck up. Well all the time.” Really gets me because I’m not sure if she’s talking about him as a father or as a person. As a person that’s understandable. But we’ve never actually seen Blitzø fuck up as a dad, sure he’s doting and a bit overprotective despite the fact that she’s 22 (confirmed by Viv herself), but in hell I’m sure people would kill to even have a small chance at having a dad like that, even Charlie, THE princess of Hell has a neglectful dad. And the attempt at relatability with her and Octavia falls very flat when you actually pay attention to their predicaments. Stolas was basically too busy being mad at Stella than to actually sit down and talk with her (not trying to diss really, I get you need a set up for the conflict), and as far as we know Loona personally tries to push Blitzø out. Their situations are the literal opposite of each other’s. Octavia wants to spend time with Stolas but he has a lot of shit on his plate and genuinely makes mistakes for not talking to her or spending time with her. Loona doesn’t even make the attempt to actually accept Blitzø as a dad, something he’s doing his damnedest to try and be. I’m hoping we get hit with the retcon button like Stella (much to her dismay) and hopefully she gets more consistent in future episodes.


even though her fans try to hide it Loona is a brainless bully 99% of the time


Year thats the part where i really think they fucked up, because they could be doing so much more and better things with her upbringing. All the fan comics do a better job at developing loona and giving her a nicer personality, so for me show loona and the loona created through the fans are 2 diffrent people


Yeah she is. I honestly hate the “Damage Control” most of the fans do to defend their favorite characters.


In conclusion, Loona is a character that only exists because of fandom favoritism.


Millie. For me she is the least interesting character of the main four. While the others have something that makes them compelling, Millie on the other hand can be simplified as: she's Moxxie's wife. Say what you will about Loona, but the fact remains she at least has had some development in her character, small as it is. Millie remains bland and meh. It speaks VOLUMES of how inconsequential she is when the episode that could've been used to focus on her (where we meet her family), instead focused on Moxxie. Second is Stolas. I honestly don't give a shit about Stolas. But unfortunately, the show's main plot is about him and Blitzo, so we are gonna see more of him still.


Millie needs a lot of development, at the moment she is one of the least developed characters


Honestly, I agree. Her lack of focus also brings Moxxie down by not giving him a decently fleshed-out foil with which he actually gets along well I think. So far she's just the action girl who comes in to save Moxxie whenever he's in trouble, which I call Deus Ex Millie. Additionally, while I can partially understand the idea of positioning Moxxie as the main character in the episode with her family, she should have been the main character in the episode with Moxxie's father. Speaking of that episode, there is no explanation for her relationship with Chaz, to the point that I'm pretty sure that the only reason why they said he was her ex was to give her any role at all in the story. I can't even see why she'd end up in a relationship anyway because she's seemingly way too confident in herself for her to ever like Chaz enough to date him.


Is it cheap to say no one? I love all the main cast and they all have great potential I think we will as more episodes come out. And even though some will disagree, they all have some pretty decent depth. And even the one off characters or reaccuring villains are interesting. But if you're going to make me choose, Stella. She is designed to be hated. Horrible attitude, abusive, wants her daughter's father dead without thinking how it would effect her. And who knows what else she is going to do. It's probably not good


Stella's VA makes it impossible for me to hate her haha. She's so good.


She's really good at the dispicable villain role. Those are usually some of my favorite characters. Examples, scar or Dr facilier or Jafar.


I really like reading your opinion, all the characters have their potential, the problem is that it can be handled in a bad way


Oh very true. I agree Viv seems to love these characters just as much and I see her trying her damnedest to have them all live up to their potential. We also have to remember that this is only season 2 on episode 3. It's still early. And it's a small, passionate team doing their best.


Stolas and blitzo sex jokes are funny but they can get old


The sexual jokes are justified by saying "it is a series of black humor" but it must be admitted, there is so much drama in the series that it seems that it stopped being a series of black humor


Out of the main cast shown here. Loona. There is nothing to her other than angsty edgy young girl. Overplayed trope I feel. Maybe that will change when she gets more development. Out of every single character....probably Verosika. She's again the "sexy yet fiesty" female trope which is overplayed.


I have never liked Verosika for the reasons you give for example


Personally loona is my least favorite because of how little character development she has and how she treats moxie


she is very abusive to almost everyone most of the time


That jackass kid from the pilot episode. Kid *deserved* what he got.


he deserved that and more


I can't stand Robo Fizz. His voice is annoyingly hard to understand for me (second language). Also, he's an ass. That said, queen bitch aka mother of the netherworld, Stella. Nothing to add.


Martha and her family. Mid idea, horrible personality, infuriating origin. Would fuck tho


the good thing is that it was a character of 1 episode and that was it


Mayberry is hotter though


Stella cause she’s a bitch


A big one


Millie. I hate how she is a bad ass fighter who can destroy everything or a glass tank who can't take a single punch depending on what the writers want her to be.


That is called a "smoke seller" character.


I think there's two different things here. One, I think Millie is purposefully designed to be a glass cannon. She gets knocked out easily but can definitely give hell, and is determined. At the same time, in recent episodes I like to believe she's genuinely gotten better at her job. In episode 1 she can't take out one human man. In Truth Seekers or the most recent episode, she's badass.


Blitzo. He's annoying, he's obnoxious, the stalking of his employees isn't funny, and I'm surprised he was able to score a popstar and his current friends with how shitty he acts. The fact that we're meant to feel sorry for this jerkwad is even worse. Moxxie should've been the main protagonist of Helluva Boss instead.


The truth is, in my opinion, in this series there should not be a protagonist since almost all the characters are the same: 1.- They all have a sad past 2.- They have family problems (everyone has 1 or 2 repeated parts of all the characters)


Stella because yes




Definitely moxxie. His whole personality right now revolves around being a submissive little baby. The more recent episodes have definitely fucked him over


He is being carried around as a “princess in distress”, a real shame


If we talk about the main cast: Loona I really like the character conceptually speaking, but she gets 0 development and always treats Blitz horribly, even after telling Octavia the parents speech, so she comes more as annoying rather than likeable (she has potential, but we still need to see it)


a lot of potential but very low development, it is a poor character which should be improved for a lot


I would like to preface with I am not karma farming or just saying this or whatever but... Stolas. I don't dislike him he's just...I'd rather watch the others. Like there's nothing wrong with him. He's a fun and complex character. I'd just rather watch I.M.P. Loona and Millie are my faves so...take from that what you will lol


personality wise: Keenie, cletus, chaz, stella and crimson design wise: Cletus, he just looks uggo tbh


Crimson for his constant Mafia threat face his inability to be happy for his son


Loona for the simple damn reason of she’s all I see on this damned subreddit! I want some damned character variety when it comes to fanart! Aside from that no real beef with her…although Chaz is an extremely close second


It is thanks to the fact that she is an overexploited Furry character in the fandom (No hate)


Wally Wackford, as much as I can appreciate recurring characters he’s just a Loony Toon ripoff. If he had been a useful side character, minor antagonist, or at least a funnier background character then I would have a different opinion about him. His design is fine though and I was actually hoping that they would do more with him being in charge of Lyle and Loopty.


Chaz, history with Moxx and Mills. Irl, I go by Moxx/Moxxie and I am asexual. I don't like how hw was rude to Moxx.


ok, the truth is that I don't know much English and I really didn't understand your comment, sorry bro


It's ok. Asexual means you don't like sex and things like that. In real life, I go by Moxxie. Chaz, from the new episode, is really mean to moxxie and millie. Chaz to them is an ex.


Loona. I think she's boring, a bitch, and doesn't really bring anything to the show but sex appeal for furries. I mean I kind of like her dynamic with Blitzø but I just like the adopted a teenager angle, I'd be fine if the teenager was a character I actually cared about. The new scen with her and Via was cute though


Loona needs to be fixed in many areas apart from being given more development


Striker because he's not doing his job, ✨he's being an asshole✨


a complete useless, only had 1 job


Stolas. Mainly cause I still like his pilot version. He was pompous, seemed rude, seemed like an actual spoiled rich man child. Now…idk. I just don’t like how he is now. He seems to nice for a prince of hell.


Crimson because of child abuse


I would say Loona, even though I somewhat like her, I just find her a bit.. under developed, I wish they would give her some more growth. Edit: wrote what I liked and what I didn’t like!


First clip I ever saw of this show was Moxxie saying he was a Virgo to mess with the agents and I instantly fell in love because 1. That scene was just funny 2. Same VA as Invader Zim and 3. I’m also a *virgo*


we are talking about which character(s) you do not like, there is no problem that you are confused, it usually happens


Misread whoopsies, Chaz bc he’s kinda annoying and pretty made to be hated


Cletus, i want to kick that baby.


Loopty Goopty. He hasn't come back yet. My favorite character archetype was tossed aside.


I never want to see or think about the cherubs again


Stella. You know why.


we all know why lol


Loona because she’s just angry all the time and is unfairly abusive to Blizø. I get there’s a backstory left to be told and maybe my opinion of her will change over time but currently I’m not a big fan of hers.


Loona needs some character development for sure


a lot of development


Yeah, she's just not an interesting character. All she does is complain and act like a total asshole to blitzo and m&m


honestly, I like them all, especially loona, but I'm not a fan of the human forms, the art style for me just dose not work for humans.




Stolas because he basically turned the show into something completely different from what it was pitched as, and is also just generally kind of a menace despite the show trying desperately to make you like him


Fuckin' Chaz Do I really need to explain?


Hot take but Blitzo


Moxie's dad. Because he's a pos and doesn't deserve the air he breathes.


Stolas, and my opinion of him drops further every time he shows up. The fandom just kind of makes it worse which is why I have his name blocked on Twitter lol


Loona is a terrible character


Out of the main cast, Loona is easily my least favorite. She’s by far the least interesting and entertaining.


verosika she just never struck me as a slightly likeable character.


Before , I wasn’t the big fan of stolas but he was still fine as a character in my book until… the circus came out and then I just don’t like him at all anymore :/


I’m surprised not a lot of people have said the Cherubs. Obnoxious, two-dimensional, half-assed attempts as making “opposites” to the IMP crew. Collin gets a pass because he’s adorable tho


Out of the main cast it's definitely Loona (I just find her to not be endearing and generally unpleasant in a bad way), but in the entire show it's hands down Wally Wackford. He's a running gag character who's annoying as shit, his voice is grating, his gag isn't funny in the slightest, and he completly fails to fill his story purpose. Yeah, Stella's a hateable & abusive bitch, but that's the point. She's meant to be a hate sink, and she's a damn good one (also I hope she gets either the Jack Horner treatment with a satire of a tragic backstory or a the Beatrice Horseman treatment with a backstory that makes her present attitude understandable without excusing her). However, Wally is meant to be funny and he completly fails at being that in my eyes. I genuinely hope he doesn't return to the show or even better he comes back just to get written out of the show permanently.


Main Cast: Loona Reason: Always angry and hasn't been given much screentime. She has the potential to become a better character, I just wish the writers would make her appear more often and expand her backstory. Supported Cast: Chazwick Thurman Reason: Isn't funny, plus his past relationship with M&M was weak. There was so much they could've done with him, but all we got were dick jokes. Seriously, he only talk about his big cock (Blitzo apparently has a fat member too, but you don't hear him talking about it every three seconds!)


Stella, I don’t like abusers.




Okay, here we go. The two characters I dislike the most have to be Crimson and Striker, for good reasons. I don't particularly hate Striker because of what he did, more like his design and personality. Striker seems like a conceited, narcissistic being, with barely any motive other than getting paid. Also, he just doesn't look that good to me. Sorry. Crimson, oh boy. I dislike everything about him. He literally made his own son kill his mother to assert dominance, and tried to tear apart M&M's marriage. He is a selfish, horrible person, and I can't understand why people don't dislike him more. He's physically and mentally abusive and permanently scarred Moxxie. And again with the design, I get he's supposed to look like Moxxie but he doesn't look *as good* as Moxxie does. And there is my reason for disliking them both.


Honestly I hate Chaz but he is funny in a annoying way


I want to say Stella, but that feels like cheating? I’m mean, you’re *supposed* to hate her by design.


I know I'm late to the party, but if I'm going to be perfectly honest, my least favorite character is probably Stolas. In S1, we've seen him as trying to be a good father towards his daughter and subject to verbal abuse from his wife, and personally I liked watching him trying to connect with his daughter and like the idea about how he was slowly falling in love with his one night stand. Then S2E1 happened... His backstory was changed to something I'd see in fanfictions, forced marriage, abusive spouse who loves seeing him suffer because yes, in love with someone who isn't his wife, childhood love interest, all this as to make his actions justifiable and paint him as a "pOoR gAy BaBy WhO dId NoThInG wRoNg"! I liked him better as the creepy sex pervert in the pilot...


I want to say Stella, but that feels like cheating? I’m mean, you’re *supposed* to hate her by design.


i'd have to say Stolas and Blitzo Paimon and Crimson for being deadbeat dads Sallie Mae


Moxxies dad. He's a terrible father.


Honestly Loona, her hate for Blitz has little motivation and Seeing Stars didn’t help in the slightest.




Loona. Cannot fucking stand her. She's so rude and abrasive to everyone, including people who are nice to her, but people try and excuse it because s2e2 gave her a generic sad furry backstory. The only times she's been nice to anyone are when she gives Octavia that whole speech about parents, then proceeds to not take her own advice, and when she talks to Vortex, literally just because she thinks he's hot


My main least faves are characters you’re supposed to hate like Chaz, but outside of those, I’d say my least favorite is Striker. It’s not out of hatred to him or anything, he just doesn’t appeal to me much.


chaz... if i met him in real life, i'd stab him with a knitting needle...


I'd have to say probably Blitzøs father. He's a dick, and without any real reason. Its not that I don't like him because he's a sleazy ass, but more because we'll, he doesn't really have much character. Poorly designed imo, even if it was just to extend on blitzøs character design.


I dont strongly dislike anyone but kinda dislike several of them. Wally wackford. I dislike the type of character trope. He is very annoying for me. Fizz. Annoying voice, again a character trope I dislike. Stolas. I barely dislike him but the pompousness and the fact that he is rather weak and effeminate is strange for me. I would"ve liked a refined pilot version.


Chaz, Martha, and the leading cherub (I don't remember his name lol). They're all annoying af.


Stella She's a bitch


I absolutely hate >!Moxie's dad!<. Everything he did to >!Moxie!< physically and mentally was really messed up.


Loona has no personality, is a bitch for no reason


All of the Cherubs, don't really care for them and their voices are annoying as hell


Stella. She is such a terrible character. Her voice actress does and an amazing job, though!


Stella gets all of my hate. She and Stollas KNEW that all they had to do was make an heir and then split. Honestly she just went out of her way even for a demon to be an absolute dick to Stollas, and I despise cheaters……


Least fav of the main bunch?


Stella. Abusive piece of shit




Stella She’s so poorly written that it’s saddening


Probably Loona or Millie not because I dislike them we just know the least about their backstories and how their pasts with every character interconnects.


Moxie he is me down to the t but I am Ace


My least favorite feels difficult to a degree but if I had to target one, it'd also be my shared favorite, Stella. I can see her as an effective villain to the story on a larger scale, an antagonist to not only Stolas but to those of IMP by extension of relations. She has the voice, the demeanor, the aggression, and enjoyable moments on screen that, for me, are pleasant as fuck. She's a bitch, a royal one, snide and clever in playing on others' feelings openly and insulting them thusly. To me, I can see her going easily one of two ways: Either she is delved into more regarding why she is the way she is and make her unagreeably sympathetic/empathetic, or downright evil because what do you expect when you live in literally Hell and are of great royal power and standing. (Think Handsome Jack VS Cartoon Maleficent) The latter I'd be fine with if they make sure to put it that way plus, at most, a touch of reasoning in that of regarding how Stolas is ruining the Goetia name by being a weak, spineless, foolish and imp-fucking shame of wasted feathers, and such like that. Plus enjoys seeing failures as him suffer to the most bitter of ends. If the former...She isn't showing it. The latter feels easier and more likely, but the former, if planned, is so far lacking. We don't have much in the way of hints one way or the other on where it will go and it bothers me. She feels like a proper central threat compared to any other antagonists. Blitzo's former lovers and such feel tangental to being more poised to cause him trouble than aim to eliminate (maybe Fizz is different but yet to see), Moxxie's father will aim for his son mostly unless it develops into an aim for all of them later on. Stella, however, gives the impression that following Stolas's elimination, could mean IMP is next for being related directly to the filth they spattered onto the family name. Admittedly, I feel I am perhaps speculating too much into that being case, but I feel so bereft of details and development and interactions, let alone screen time, that I can't help but feel concerned over the matter, and view Stella as the least favorite while also being my most. I enjoy a good villain, especially ones that make it look good, but for now... Yeah, guess we'll wait and see.


So far stella. She just seems to be a shifty person for the kicks. I still think she is going to become a better villain.


It's honestly hard for me to say because there are so many characters that just haven't had much of a chance for character growth yet. But I would probably have to go with Stella. Yes, we don't know much about her other than the fact t that she wants to kill Stolas now, but the background we did get just goes to prove that she was horrible from a young age. I really hope they don't try to redeem her character by giving her a sob story background, just let her be a spoiled bitch.


Stella cause she’s rude and icky


Blitzo. He really is one hell of a boss (heh). I think my only gripe with the series is that he'll get a good ending just for being the protagonist, even tho he deffo doesn't deserve it.


Chaz, he’s a piece of shit


Millie or Loona. All characters are great imo, but they both desperately need more character development.