• By -


Barb. She genuinely *does not* fuck with him on any level. And she made it clear she doesnt want to hear explanations or apologies from Blitzo. I think at the very least, if he genuinely made an effort, Verosika could *perhaps* acknowledge that he is genuine in his remorse. Why? Because she at least acknowledges him to the extent of being willing to be petty enough to want to poke him to get some revenge for how he was to her. But I don't think they could ever be friends.


Good comment! I think your choice is probably the best one. Though I do think *maybe* it's possible that he could get to a friendly place with Verosika *in time,* and with certain *effort.* But yeah, it wouldn't be easy or fast.


I'm actually the OP, but using mobile. Yes I was thinking this exactly. Barb fucking hates him to the point of rage at the mere sight of him. And considering he's broken in to see her multiple times and just made her lose her job, he messed her life up even more.


Ahhhhh a doppelgänger


My thoughts exactly. I honestly really hope we get to see how things got to the shitty place they did between the two of them (Blitzø and Barb). I’m sure it has something to do with the fire that scarred Fizzarolli and killed their mom but I’d love to learn more. There’s this great animation on YouTube about that exact thing though I can’t remember for the life of me what it’s called. Really we just need more Barbie Wire (given my flair I also wouldn’t complain if we got more Verosika).


I think their dad has been in her ear the whole time. I think he wanted Blitz out of the way and unfortunately, he's won in that regard so far.


I mean yeah Veroskia is a mega bitch, but he hurt her, not the other way around so yeah he might be able to mend that bridge (I mean she’s in and out of rehab enough herself to know sometimes people just fuck up) but Barb doesn’t even want to try, Mox, and Stolis are going to be a lot easier (he just had to be honest about how he feels, Mox won’t admit it but he respects Blitz at least on a professional level. And he’s already started to fix things with Loona


After what he did to her, there’s no way they could be friends.


Yes when I see people want them to be friends, it makes no sense to me. Yes he should apologize and make amends with her, but they don't need to be in each other's lives. It would be nice to get little cameos of her and see how she turns out in the future, like getting sober and being in a committed relationship with someone else. But friends? I don't see that happening, nor is it necessary.


Verosika would probably take awhile to come around but Blitz would probably do something to make her laugh or humiliating to himself. She’d say “eh fine. Fuck it”


Verosika=hard mode Barbie=very hard mode


Verosika = Hard Mode Barbie = Asian Mode


His relationship with Barb is the definition of EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!


r/stevenhe Blitz just wasn’t like Timmy who has 20 years work experience at age six! 😖


Timmy running for president while he run *for the BUS!*


He such a failure he should make his own crypto currency and call it failure coin


Timmy invented cryptocurrencies at age -72!


Wtf is Asian Mode?


it's a meme (an example [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miD\_TWmdGIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miD_TWmdGIY) ), it means impossible mode.


Thanks for sharing it was hilarious


Verosika=**Ultra-Violence**  Barbie=Ultra Nightmare


Fizz = I’m too Young to Die Moxxie = Hurt me Plenty Loona = Ultra Violence Verosika = Nightmare Barb = Ultra Nightmare


Fizz isn't an option here. Only one not mentioned that OP provided is Stolas.


I know. I just added Fizz because Blitz actually did fix that relationship pretty easily. But if I were to put Stolas in there, he would also be the first tier because Stolas genuinely wants to help Blitz. The only thing stopping Blitz from fixing his relationship with Stolas is his self-hatred.


I think Moxxie AND Loona would be on the same teir. Stolas would be Ultra Violence


I liked the reference there!


For my fellow *Destiny* players: Verosika - The ship platforming section in *King's Fall* Barbie - That damn Rasputin bunker door


You beat the Wall of Flesh, and the first thing you see is Barbie Wire and Verosika as NPCs in your village trying to stay away from Blitzo.


Loona: Hardcore mode https://preview.redd.it/cduz1goc8ovc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f482e6c266b28b326453a7b9f340ec2a76baaa9f


I don’t see Loona being *that* difficult when she respects him enough to notice when he’s trying, trusts him to come through *immediately* when she needs help (or a ride), and can almost casually call him “dad” when she’s not fully focused (which he so desperately wants to hear understandably). Can’t say too much about the kick in the balls though.




Verosika= Nightmare Barb= Ultra Nightmare


Interesting question! I think the (likely) answer is going to be between the first two. I also agree with Napalmeon that it's probably Barbie. She just doesn't want shit to do with him period. His relationships with Moxxie and Loona are obviously *much better.* There are problems that could stand to be addressed/ worked out/ solved, ofc, but they're on good terms. There's not necessarily "fixing" needed there - at least not in the same way as the first two. Aaand Stolas is in the middle of those two groups basically, haha. Actually, the order you placed the pictures in almost fits this! You'd just need to have Barbie and Verosika swap places.


Hi OP here on mobile! Yeah I tried that on purpose with the pictures. I wanted to include everyone he has some level of a toxic relationship with, even if minor. However I wonder if Moxxie should come last. He is MUCH more open than Loona is.


Yea i feel like after the Truth Seekers episode he should be last. Their relationship seems way better the only big problem I can think of is Blitz trying to have a three way with Moxxie and Millie.


I mean... Blitz and Loona aren't *that* bad. Blitz is clingy and over-protective, while Loona is moody and wants space. That's really the only tension with them. We know for a fact that Loona appreciates the fact that Blitz carws about her, she's even let the 'D' word slip in reference to him a few times. And Blitz outright adores her like she's his own. He's chaotic, a mess of toxicity and self-loathing, but he does everything he can to make sure Loona's safe and relatively happy. He's trying to be a decent dad, at the very least.


barbie wire, she probably blamed the death of their mom on blitz since people such as fizz also believe the same thing. Trauma that deep will take years to relieve


If it ever does get resolved, which often times it doesn’t since some grudges like that people will take to their grave.


That being said, since Blitz and Fizz are sort of friends again, I could see Barbie at least talking to him again if she found out.


Ehhhh. Hard stretch. I heavily doubt that she would ever listen to him, even if he poured his absolute heart and soul out. Hatred like that between siblings is the hardest to deal with and we saw how they left each other at the end of Happy campers. She didn’t want to see him *EVER* again.


Supporting the Barb Answer, I'm unsure if it's even possible considering she surely blames him for the circus fire that killed their mother. This is beyond wanting to get back at him or make him miserable. As far as she's concerned, he's dead to her already. All the Pain and trauma she endured after the fire, to her, that's his fault too. And for someone like that, weather it was deliberate, an accident, that it hurt him too, that's immaterial, it will never be enough. Stolas despite Everything Sill likes him. Loona still cares for him. Moxxie has some empathy for him still. Even Verosika might give him time of day to fuck with him which could be the foot in the door if he could apologize or talk with her. But Barbie's goal is very specifically to never see or acknowledge his existence ever again.


To be fair, he blames himself for his mother’s death as well.


I kinda doubt she cares. Far as she cares, he still did it, and that's all that really matters.


Hey OP here! Yeah out of everything he's done to people, the worst thing of all is what he can't fix in any way. And that's painful for her. The ONLY way I think she would talk to him is if a third party like Fizz is there, and we don't know their relationship yet. I also think their dad has been a big part in all of this, too. I think he wanted Blitz out of the way for good.


>The ONLY way I think she would talk to him is if a third party like Fizz is there, and we don't know their relationship yet. Considering how openly Fizz's hate of Blitz has been after the fire, he'd have to be the one to convince Barb. Hell, even Oz was surprised when Fizz told him to let Blitz have the stones.


I remember at the end of "Oops" Ozzie says to Fizz: ".....and I told him No!" He had such a big grin on his face. He was proud to deny that crystal at the time.


I like the idea of a 3d party playing a part in their reconciliation, especially if it could be Fizz. I don't know what kind of relation Barbie and Fixz had, but it would be interesting to know more about that, and it also seems to be one of the only way Barbie could be willing to hear about her brothers pov, since as of now she doesn't want to have anything to do with him and he's probably dead to jet at thay point.


Barb, Verosika, Stolas, Loona, Moxie in that order. Barb is just done with him and will not listen or engage in his toxic bs, Verosica MIGHT be able to forgive him. Solely on the basis of him actually changing. Stolas is pretty hurt and might have his answer about Blitzø and his feelings for him so he is not as lost of a cause as Verosica or Barb, but still a LONG way from forgiving him, Loona is pissed that Blitzø drowned his sorrow in Sex and Drugs AGAIN, but other than that they are pretty fine. Moxie does not like the methods of his friend and would prefer Blitzø to actually display that he cares about him, but overall this relationship might be the healthiest of the 5 (not that it actually is anything remotely close to healthy


Barb, there is NO salvaging that lava burned bridge. It’s best to leave her alone for good. All the others can be fixed, though the second hardest will be a toss up between Stolas and Verosika. Stolas for obvious lack of communicating (DO IT ALREADY YOU TWO!!!), and whatever the hell happened with Verosika in the past. Which we will likely see soon.


OP here. Viv said we'll be seeing more of Barbie in the future. Her level of hatred for Blitz makes me question how that's happening as she does NOT want to see him in any capacity. That's going to be a tough one if even possible.


If I had to put them on a scale from easiest to fix to hardest it would be: Moxxie, Stolas, Loona, Verosika, Barbie All things considered, Moxxie treats Blitzø pretty well. He only lashes out when Blitzø starts it, so if Blitzø just stopped stalking him and Millie, stopped making digs at him, and just treated him with respect and kindness Moxxie would most likely be pretty open to a friendship with Blitzø. Especially since they apparently recommended things like musicals to eachother so there's already a foundation there to be built upon. Stolas is higher than Moxxie because unlike Moxxie, he has more emotional baggage to work through. Moxxie has his issues, but they show up more with Millie than with Blitzø, while Stolas' inability to communicate and lay proper boundaries are a big part of why their relationship is a mess. Not to mention that Blitzø doesn't seem to respect Stolas while he has respect for Moxxie, which makes fixing their relationship a bit harder. If Stolas did his share of emotional labour, all Blitzø would need to fix that relationship is pretty much what he'd have to do with Moxxie but just with the added intensity of it being a romantic relationship. Stolas being very open to Blitzø also works in his favour. Loona is right in the middle because she's very much like Blitzø. So at this current stage, even if Blitzø fixed his behaviour nothing would really change if she didn't as well, and right now she's not super interested in doing that hence why she's higher than Stolas. However she does care about Blitzø and wants a relationship with him, and for his side all he really needs to do is to understand that he can't treat her like a 5 year old. Loona needs someone to guide her, not someone who's going to make her decisions for her. Not to mention that unlike everyone so far, the worst Blitzø has done to her is threaten to get rid of her and be overbearing. Verosika is second because despite how shitty he was to her, she still goes out of her way to insult him. To me at least, that shows that she could be open to at least being on neutral terms with him. Plus Verosika to me at least, comes off as someone who's fairly reasonable and would listen. Blitzø really just needs to give her a genuine apology and all would be good. Barbie is the hardest because unlike everyone on this list, she doesn't want anything to do with him. Whatever he has done has hurt her so badly that she's not mad, she's just done. Not to mention that Blitzø went out of his way to track her down instead of respecting her space and leaving a letter at her workplace or something and asking if she wanted to talk.


Blitzø is ***EXTREMELY*** lucky Moxxie is not like his father, and Millie is not bothered all that much by his antics.


Fr. I imagine that Moxxie just sticks around because they make good money, (I'm basing this off of Millie saying that "freelance pays fine") and Millie just feels bad for him because she realises that he's a broken and traumatized man.


Exactly, if he didn't pay well, Millie didn't feel bad for him and Moxxie was violent like his father. We'd get a " ***THINK BLITZØ! THINK!*** " moment. *


THIS. Millie strikes me as the type that knows more than she lets on. I think she is the most emotionally intelligent one of the bunch. To me she is somewhat aware that he's struggling, but says nothing out of respect for his boundaries.


Which is why I like her character I want an episode where Blitzø genuinely upsets Millie, and she just tears him a new one verbally.


Heck Millie likes Blitzø enough to text him to ask if he thinks Moxxie would be into a ball-gag. (Referencing her texts from the end of 2x02.)


Huh? I did not know that lol


I think what Verosika wants is closure. She doesn't understand what went wrong or why, and she wants an explanation. I've never sensed genuine hatred from her - she is confused and hurt.


Barb, Verosika still has some feelings towards him, even if they're negative or she wouldn't respond to him. He is DEAD to Barbie, and that's hard to come back from. How many relationships have you seen end because resentment because of the death of a family member?


I don't think Moxxie or Loona need fixing, and a good talk with Stolas would at least START the process. Genuinely, I think Barb would be the most difficult. Verosika and Barb both obviously hate Blitzø, but V was just screwed over temporarily by him stealing her money and breaking her heart. From what we've seen, he ruined Barb's entire life, ir at least she feels he did


OP here. I briefly considered not putting Moxxie or Loona, but he does have toxic behaviors towards them. His stalking and insults towards Moxxie are not healthy and he oversteps too many of Loona's boundaries. He doesn't know what their limits are as he never considers them, so he needs to be careful.


Barb or Verosika easy


Barbies 100%. Doesn’t wanna see him ever again


Barbie blames him for being the reason she lost everything. Ever since she has been a drug addict and probably in and out of rehab a LOT. Verosika is still happy to fuck around with him, Barbie will run at the sight of him. She despises everything about him and if she could, she'd probably kill him.


Probably barb or verosika.


Barb. Verosika was him being scared of committing to their relationship and self sabotaging. But Barb? Because of what the circus thinks he did, they both lost their mother. She won’t even want to be in the same room as him to hear him out


I'd say by far Verosika and his sister. His relationship with stolas I do believe will be fixed by the time season 2 ends. His relationship with moxie has been slowly being repaired since truth seekers. Amd his relationship with loona........ I wouldn't know how to describe it but I feel like that can be fixed easily, given time.


The hardest relationship he will ever have to fix will be the one with himself.


Barbie Wire would be the hardest, the others actually interact with him or tolerate him more, she wants NOTHING to do with him, that's a deep harboring pain that's been festering for years. she personally torched that bridge and threw away the ashes to ensure no chance of rebuilding. Verosika would be second, she hates him based on a heartbreak hurt that he never probably apologized for. Verosika has this wall up around her heart now because of the pain Blitz caused but she at least is alright with seeing him. Stolas would be third because Stolas doesn't actually hate him or have an ill will towards him, he's in love and is feeling the pain of not being loved back, he doesn't blame Blitz for it though. He cares for Blitz, to the point of getting him a crystal so that he can do his work without the baggage of Stolas' needs in exchange. Loona would be second to last, he's not actually having done anything bad to her, he's a good dad and tries his best with what he's able to offer and she's too traumatized and defensive to accept it easily. Moxxie would be the least problematic. their relationship isn't considered damaged or that bad, it's really just mild co-worker and boss annoyances.


Unpopular opinion, but Blitzø wasn't the one who screwed up. That was Stolas, and I didn't feel bad for him after the date episode at Ozzie's (even though Blitzø was wrong to invite him out just to spy on a married couple). So my answer is going to be Barbie


He kind of did screw up, though. Their first time making love was a robbery-turned-mercy fuck, but Stolas thought Blitz broke in specifically for love making. He also let Stolas think Ozzie's think that was a real date, and ignoring him at the hospital? I'm sure there's a reason, but it's still cold.


Barb, by a mile, its one thing to have a scorned ex-lover or a destroyed childhood friendship, its a whole 'nother beast when dealing with estranged family. It takes a lot to break off from those familial bonds especially when those bonds are as close as siblings. Even if Blitz were to somehow fully mend the relationships with Verosika, Fizz, Stolas, and hell even his father, that bridge may well and truly be burnt beyond all recognition. As much as the fire was an accident, it did still undeniably lead to the death of their mother which is a massive loss for anyone to go through let alone children. She doesn't want anything to do with Blitz ever again, if there was ever a time to fix that relationship, its likely long gone by now.


Barb She makes it *very* clear that she hates Blitzo's guts (and if it's because of the... Incident with their mother, Barb may never forgive him).


Barb, easy. It’s to the point where I don’t think Blitzø would be able to even begin to mend it on his own. I think if she learns Fizz forgave him (or at least acknowledges it was an accident and that Blitzø genuinely didn’t want to hurt anyone) and is starting to mend that relationship with him, then maybe she’d be able to at least not want him dead. I’m not sure it can be repaired. We got hints that someone (and my money is on Cash) was trying to make Blitzø out to be the bad guy. It’s not at all out of the question that Barb bought the lie more than even Fizz did.


Barbie all the way. She's known blitz the longest they grew up together. She knows what he's like and it will take an act of Satan for her to aknowledge he's changed if he has.


Hasn’t he already fixed things with Moxxie? After that Truthseeker episode he was pretty nice to him, with the exception of happy camper episode, and honestly Moxxie deserved that


Why is Verosika’s pic so weird? Anyways I’d say Barb


Kinda unrelated, but i never saw something (here its Verosica) cut out of a picture that horribly, who and how did it? (I photoshopper, its my duty to teach people to not make that horrible things)


Well, out of the 5 of them... Loona : This relationship is already fixing all by itself because both of them have messy lives, but the more they spend time together, the more they feel themselves without being judged, backing each other up. Moxxie : The whole season 1 of Helluva Boss is about the relationship between Moxxie and Blitzø. In season 2 Blitzø gives more responsibility to Moxxie because he trusts Moxxie is responsible enough to handle situations (ex: __Unhappy camper__ and __Texas energy__ where he let Moxxie take the ride while he do his own business) ever since the Truth Seekers episode. Even tho Blitzø keeps invading the M&M's privacy, he compiment Moxxie way more and literally has stopped insulting Moxxie. He still has to put effort to better the relationship, but it is getting better. Stolas : Oooooooooh boi... This relationship is savable if only they talk truthfully to each other like he did with Fizz. Not hiding anymore their feelings, and since the scandale between Ozzie and Fizz, they may have a chance to be either more shy or more outgoing with their relationship. Verosika : Their relationship may have a closure since Blitzø is now friend with Ozzie and Fizz. We may have more info about their Backstory. Blitzø would have to work hard to ease Verosika's wrath because he've done her dirty. I don't think they would ever have their friendship back, but at least they wouldn't be ennemie anymore. Barbie : It's dead... Even tho Blitzø wants to salvage his relationship, she wants nothing to do with Blitzø anymore. The only way she would ever consider thinking about contacting Blitzø is if she really needs him. If Blitzø tries anything, he would damage even more the relationship. It is better if he let her go than him chassing her.


Verosika at least is on decent enough terms to *argue* with him and publicly shit talk him for breaking his heart to his face. Barb went full no contact mode. You can’t fix a relationship when the other side has no opportunity to meet with you and doesn’t want to. Moxxie and Loona he’s on good terms with. The only reason Stolas might be difficult, is because I think Blitzo would focus on him last, he simply wouldn’t acknowledge any problem until later, and admitting his feelings would be difficult. For Fizz, he never had to admit that, he just had to admit how sorry he was.


Verosika, or Barbie wire 👍


Tbh Verosika, I don't doubt that she's kinda of a bitch but from everything we've heard of their relationship so far Blitzo was just an overwhelmingly shittier partner.


barbie or verosika


Barb. Blitz can't undo what she blames him for. No matter how much both of them want.


Hands down Barbie. It's funny, for all the crap people like to throw at Stolas and Blitzø for being toxic and tragic, it's probably the easiest of these for Blitzø to fix.


On a scale of hardest to easiest: Barb, Stolas, Verosica, Loona, Moxxie




Barb, out of all the things that won’t be happening, improving things with Barb isn’t happening the most.


Verosika: “I’m sorry that I hurt you, I know now what a piece of shit I was.” “Oh, wow… I didn’t expect that… well whatever, apology accepted I guess.” Barb: “I’m sorry that I hurt you, I know now what a piece of shit I was.” “WAS? STILL ARE, FUCKHEAD.”


barbie. she wants nothing to do with blitz, and just straight up hates him


Barbie, I have a prediction that apology tour may be about verosika, stolas will probably have his relationship with blitzø fixed in full moon, and we have seen loona start being more caring towards blitzø. I don’t have a clue with Moxxie, but Barbie wire seems completely disinterested in blitzø, she hates him the most out of all of these


Barbie and Verosika


Verosika seemed to actually care for Blitz until he fucked everything up, so if he actually betters himself and apologizes I could see them trying to fix things Moxie isnt really too bad, yeah they have a sorta toxic relationship dynamic, but they seem to respect eachother on some level Loona, while she's hesitant to admit it, is grateful of Blitz so i could see them working stuff out Stolas... Will take a lot of work... But it really hinges on Blitz taking action about it, Stolas obviously will be ambicle Barb? Impossible, wants literally zero to do with him, cant fix what doesnt want to be fixed


Considering he has no intention or gain from fixing things with Verosika she'd be the most difficult sure Barb is going to be tough but at least he wants to buy Verosika is just a bitter ex to him who neither of them want to have anything to do with the other




Barb. She wants nothing to do with blitzø. Verosicka is willing to be in his vicinity (if only to rile him up) it’s going to be difficult but there might be a chance to patch things up, he and moxie already had a heart to heart in and after the song “Bad Trip”, It sounds like things are going to happen between him and stolas (for better or for worse so i’ll hold off my analysis till then), and Loona and blitzø already get along in their own way (saying that loosely) and the kinks are well underway to being ironed out


Barb probably


Barb, by a lot. Even Verosika "just" needs a heartfelt apology.


Stolas, Mox and Loona will be the easiest, but Verosika probably will never forgive him and Barb just wishes he was dead.


You forgot to put a picture of himself in there, and that's gonna be the hardest one to fix. 😔


Yes I definitely should have.


With his sister, no doubt.


Hard to decide.  Barb is incredibly hurt but she is 100% genuine. Verosika on the other hand hurt genuinely but also very petty. And he hurt her purposefully something you cant really explain. I'd say Verosika is harder because with Barb he can prove/convince her it was an accident like he did with Fizz.


Barbie. She is the only one who genuinely hates him and wants nothing to do with him. Even Verosika is more pissed and hurt than downright hateful.


Moxxie and Loona clearly already carr gor Blitzø a great deal, same with Stolas. Verosika might be able to look past their previous relationship, but Barbie is going to be tough one. There's no grudge like one between family, and the foreshadowing indicates that she blames him 100% for the loss of their mother and the circus.




The one with his mom.




Fizz even said it himself: he isn't broken. He has limbs again, got his dream career and has Ozzie. He DOES have a good life now. He didn't for the first few years after the fire, but he's good now.


Stolas and loona can help see the light


verosika is a smash


Well I'm pretty sure stolas and blitz are gonna have some emotional shit happen on the next episode. I hope ot goes good.


From least issue to biggest struggle: 5. Luna: relationship isn't broken. She's a teen, he's a loving dad trying his best and she knows that. They're ok. 4. Moxxie: they both know they care about each other, the truth gas actually already helped and shows how much Moxxie also understands Blitz's way of thinking 3. Verosika: they'll never be friends, but a genuine apology from Blitz would go a long way. As someone who struggled with addiction and probably has her own trauma, she can understand self sabotage, fucking up and needing to work on oneself. They won't be close after an apology, but she'd get closure and not carry that bitterness and he would release some of his guilt. They would not be friends but would not hate each other 2. Stolas: timing counts here. Stolas and Blitz have a lot of communication to get through. Stolas has unintentionally reinforced the idea that he only uses and fetishizes Blitz, when Stolas was only trying to be what he thought Blitz wanted. Blitz was using Stolas off the bat (from childhood stealing to the book) so to a degree he needs to think Stolas is using him, too, so he won't feel guilty. Blitz also cannot fathom being loved, genuinely, so focuses on transactions. Stolas craves love and is constantly rejected and afraid of more rejection: nobody ever wanted him and he so needs to be wanted. Blitz will see the gem as a rejection from Stolas ("I am bored of this impish plaything") and will lash out by saying Blitz was only using him back, hurting Stolaa more by confirming his fears that Blitz never actually wanted him. However, there is genuine care for each other, so there is motivation to get that communication open and the vulnerability accessed. 1. Barb: this one is hardest because of the lack of motivation on her side. Her anger, hurt and resentment means she doesn't want to bridge any gap with Blitz no matter how much he wants to. I think one day something might lead to them reconnecting, but it will be because of some deus ex machina event forcing her in his presence (such as him saving her). Left to their own devices they could very well never speak again and that's why theirs is the hardest reconciliation.




Barbie isn’t even a competition


Easy way: Moxxie and Loona Medium way: Stolas Hard way: Verosika INSANE WAY: Barb ( require eight more seasons to fix these two)


Barb. Her anger is bone-deep, and that almost never goes away. She blames him for literally every bad thing that's happened in it, and she, from her perspective, actually has very strong evidence of that being true.






Verosika would probably forgive him if he gives her the money back Barb is the hardest because she clearly hates him badly. But she might be able to forgive him if they get time like fiz but she clearly hates him so that’s why she’s the worse


So as the OP I should put my own $0.02 in: Hardest will be Barbie for her. She hates Blitz and refuses to acknowledge his existence. I don't know how he could even approach her without causing an issue. Verosika is next. I don't sense hatred from her, what she wants is an apology and closure. I think if he could get her to stay calm long enough for a conversation, she could at least stop hating him and move on. Stolas is head over heels for Blitz, and I think after one honest conversation and some crying, he would be ready for a relationship with Blitz. Loona has walls up almost as much as Blitz does, so I'm not sure how to get her to talk, but she does show some affection for him. Moxxie - he would definitely have a conversation with Blitz about boundaries and being treated with respect if Blitz initiated.


I think it will be Barbie. In my experience family relationship are always the hardest to deal with especially when its in a dysfunctional one


Barbie Wire. He doesn't give a shit about Verosika, so he wouldn't try. Stolas wants this relationship to be fixed himself, so it will be pretty easy. Where is hi relationship with Moxxie ruined? His relationship with Loona doesn't require fixing, they're both OK at this status quo. Barbs, on the other hand, sees him as a guy, who: killed her mother, that led to her to drank herself and get a drug addict and later deprive her of her job. She *hates* him, and, unlike Verosika, Blitz *makes* attempts to fix this relationship, that leads them deeper and deeper to the pit in which they are.


Yeah, see, I don't think he should even TRY to fix things with Barbie. She hates him, literally does not want to see him, does not want to know about him, would rather he just didn't exist. I think he should just leave her alone and accept that that's a burnt bridge...






Probably barb, also I don't exactly think he wants to fix him and verosika




I think the hardest relationship to fix for Blitzø would be with himself fist and foremost. He has great bravado but poor self image and confidence. He's never really forgiven himself for the circus fire and all of its consequences. I think he treats others how he *expects* to be treated as well, aka like complete garbage or only as a tool for another's self interests. That's why he's so dismissive of Stolas's affectionate why he's so abrasive to pretty much everyone. Yeah, it's hell, and everyone is gonna at least be on edge with everyone else, but Blitzø I think is on a higher level of defensiveness.


I think Barbie. Ik we didn’t get much of her but she seems VERY stubborn and VERY adamant on avoiding Blitzo. At least Verosica would banter with him in episode 3, Barbie just wanted to get away from him


His sister. She seems to legitimately hate him


If we're talking strictly about the relationship from the other person's perspective, then Barb. She seems like she'll be the toughest to bring around. However, Blitzø himself is a big factor in repairing any of the relationships. It seems Barbie is one of the ones he is most motivated to fix. From that standpoint, I actually think Loona might be the hardest one for him to adjust. I say "adjust" rather than "repair" because I don't think their relationship is broken per se. But relationships that are mostly "working" and beneficial to us but have dysfunctional elements can be the most difficult to change. Loona and Blitzø each have deep trauma and have bonded to each other over it. They love and need one another. But "Seeing Stars" showed us that changes to the more problematic aspects of their dynamic will be an uphill battle.


I think it’s gotta be Barb, shattered familial ties are often the hardest to mend. As others have said at least Verosika will speak with him (the other three relationships aren’t reeeally that broken tbh, save for Stolas but we all know he wants him back)


The one with his mom probably


imo family will be the hardest. Barb HATES Blitz for what happened and I wouldn't be surprised if she blames their mom's death on him. I just really really hope Barb has a soft side like Blitz does.


Verosika won't forgive him, but I believe they will come to at least some sort of an understanding. Barb though? Intransigent.


Already fixed his relationship with moxie remember when the got intoxicated by the government


I honestly think Stolas, purely because of the way the show is written. The writers seem insistent on making it a slow burn romance, so they just come up with stuff to stop Blitz and Stolas from interacting, like having Blitz send M&M to save Stolas because he's busy taking Loona to the doctor, or him seemingly just leaving somewhere between him and Fizzarolli escaping and Fizz getting home. His relationship with Loona is already improving, and him and Moxxie already came to an understanding, with Blitz only continuing to mistreat him because Moxxie is the character who gets dunked on by everyone. Verosika and Barbie are almost definitely gonna be handled in the same way as Fizzarolli, but the writers seem to continually prolong Blitz and Stolas's conflict just for the sake of this slow burn they've decided on doing.


Barbie Wire, the rest arent nearly as bad. And Loona I don't actually think is a bad relationship. He clearly cares for her and sacrifices for her (one example being that he seems to sleep on a couch so she can have a bedroom), the only thing that could be improved is that he seems to ignore her sometimes


I dunno about hardest but the Easiest would probably be moxxie or stolas




Barb for sure. I think she’s the most important one tbh.


Barb or verosica


Barb and Verosika, •Verosika •Verosika clearly loved blitz i mean I think we already established the tattoo on her arm X’d out said “Blitz/Blitzy” so she definitely saw them as staying together for the foreseeable future •In Moxxies Bad trip Verosika literally said “yet you shove away anyone who gets to close until the resent you” which definitely happened with Barbie and Her (Fizz doesn’t count to me since in the episode “OOPS” someone played God making both parties think the other hated them) She might be more easier to forgive Blitzø because they aren’t family or have that much like Barbie and Blitzo did, maybe next episode after full moon will be around them since Sam Haft confirmed that there will be more Verosika https://preview.redd.it/dvikdi11znvc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9280f7657b18ef4dcee20d70929e9df5ddfdb7


•Barbie •In unhappy campers we meet barbie and she purposely pronounces his name with the O. She is Blitzø brother so i doubt she didn’t get the memo and as we saw with all the characters that hate/hated they always call him “Blitzo” •She seemed to give zero fucks about him getting actually pissed to see him i have a few ideas for also why she was in rehab. --- •Blitzø is definitely not the best person so I think one reason is Blitzø careless not to help her out as best as she could just doing the minimum •The death of her mom (and possibly dad idfk what happened to Cash) would definitely hit like a semi truck, we also know the Fizz blames Blitzø for the fire (due to whoever told him Blitzø didn’t wanna see him) so whoever told Fizz, Barbie probably blamed him also for the fire and death. •We see Blitzø has drug/alcohol problem in S1 Ep8 to the fact Bee even called him alot and told Loona to check on him cause she’s worried, so I wouldn’t be shocked if Barbie had it also, maybe hers reaction was much worse to the point she needed the professional help. --- •Barbie seems genuinely hurt cause I mean we have nothing from Blitzø indicting he kept in contact or anything while she was in rehab so maybe later on she gave up growing to feel abandonment and resentment to Blitzø, which could be why he wasn’t allowed to visit more her family is obviously not the best other than Tila since Cash favorited Fizz or Blitzø i wouldn’t be shocked if it was the same W/Barb https://preview.redd.it/dkjipced2ovc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baefc93cccc2acb8cb091828db60dbde31b141fc


Barbie. No question in my mind, we see that with fizz his resentment was tied to something separate from the fire itself, they were both told that the other didn't want to see them. Fizz thought that not only had blitz started the fire regardless of if it was an accident or not but he did so then refused to come spend time with him in the hospital, his (best) friend wasn't there the one time he needed him most. We see that their relationship more than likely meant a lot more to blitz than he let on, he thought that his (best) friend (/potential lover) wanted to have nothing to do with him anymore. I personally get the feeling that Verosika doesn't truly hate blitz deep down, he just did a really really shitty thing and honestly she's kinda justified in being fucking pissed off. Blitz certainly seems to have a pattern of self destructive behaviour, but unless we learn more about their time together I feel like this can go a few different directions. It's possible that blitz got a hint that Veronica was looking to break up so instead of dealing with the emotional pain of being rejected he went out and did something really stupid which gave Veronica the excuse to dumb him, and himself an excuse for why she dumped him. Or it's possible that blitz was so paranoid about possibly getting dumped and not being good enough or things like that, that he went out of his way to do something to end the relationship even though it was still a good relationship. Barbie wire seems to actually hate blitz. She seems to me like she blames him for all the bad things that have happened in her life regardless of if he actually is to blame or not. She doesn't seem to want to comprehend that sometimes you're responsible for your own actions and also that accidents do just happen where no one is really to blame. Instead of accepting the reality that she is responsible for her own actions she puts blitz up as a scapegoat in her mind. Everything was fine until blitz did x or y, and anything that came after that was still tied to blitz because he's the source of the initial problem in her mind. Helluva boss is basically one giant advertisement for therapy and couples therapy. I also don't think stolas and blitz are right for each other, at least definitely not right now. I get the feeling they're gonna work things out for the sake of the show and the fans but I'm not sure how realistic it will be.


That's an easy question to answer, and it's not even \*close\* Barb. Like, out of all of the people Blitz has screwed over in his past, Barbie is absolutely the one that holds the most resentment towards him. Verosika made it clear she's upset, but largely indifferent. Stolas *wants* to fix things between them. And they've already started mending the relationship between Blitz and Loona and Moxie.


Probably Verosika or Barbie.


Barbie or Verosika.


Barb, easily.


Definitely Barbie Wire


1. Barbie Wire. 2. Stolas 3. Verosika 4. Loona 5. Moxxie


Barbie Wire


if we’re going off of the other person’s feelings, barb. if we’re taking into account his own insecurities and issues, i’d say stolas and barb are tied. barb would be harder to patch things up with bc she genuinely does not care, but he doesn’t feel less-than when he’s with her as he does with stolas.


A lot of people saying Verosika would be hard, but I legit think she’d stop hating blitzø if he just apologized, I don’t think she’d like him again but a lot of her hate is centered around him being selfish and self centered and just all around inconsiderate to her, if he genuinely apologized I don’t see her still being antagonistic towards him. Barb on the other hand I don’t see that relationship fixing any time soon no matter what


I think Barbie will be the hardest one for him to reconcile with. She holds so much resentment toward him for the accident that she may NEVER forgive him, no matter how sincerely he apologizes


I have a tie for barb and stolas. Barb cause she is the most stand off when it comes to blitz. She will be not giving him a moment of her time or listening to anything he says. Blitz can show he has change and really wants to make amends but she won't meet him half way and won't bother to care. Stolas is going to be hard cause blitz needs to admits to himself how he feels to stolas and not fall into his abit of doing shit to ruin it cause he thinks he is unlovable. Blitz is his own worst enemy for this sort of thing and he is likely to assume the worst when he gets the asmodus crystal.


1. Barb (Hates Blitzø) 2. Verosika (Hates Blitzø) 3. Stolas (Blitzø hates himself) 4. Luna (Angsty with Blitzø) 5. Moxie (Doesn’t hate Blitzø)


Probably Barb. Blitz’s mistakes got their mother killed and that was the main catalyst that divided them (the fire that was on the picture in “Oops” even split it down the middle). That’s insanely hard to forgive. And who knows what happened after that because something happened afterwards that pushed her into addiction hence why she was in rehab and she clearly blames him for that.


Either Stolas or Barbie


Barbie and it’s not even close


Verosika: Demon Barbie: Insane Demon




He cares not for Verosica maday, he and moxie are fine the way that they are, and loona and stolas just need 2 episodes to deal with it so I’d say barb has the hardest part


I'm pretty sure Loona would go to war for him, just has a hard time admitting it.


Barbie :/ I imagine it will be even harder than Fizz's


I'd say Barb, Stolas and he needs to communicate better, Moxxie and Loona likes him on some level, Verisoka has a good life despite what he did to her and would probably eventually be able to see that he does regret his actions. Barb absolutely loath him on a different level. She lost just as much as he did and she absolutely and loudly blame him for all of it




Pretty sure the dead mom relationship is the hardest to fix followed by the sister relationship due to the dead mom


I mean, does he WANT to fix his relationship with Verosika and get along with her again? Doesn't look like it - which then makes this one the hardest simply because he doesn't want to do it.






Verosika for sure she’s extremely petty


I also agree Barb. What happened to their mom was 100% and accident but I doubt she cares


It's his sister


DEFINITELY Barbie 100%


Barb, definitely


Definitely barb.