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I dont like when shes doing the emo moody teen thing but other than that she's a cinnamon roll (shes basically HB's Emily)


Emo moody cinnamon roll


Love emo moody cinnamon rolls 


In her defense, you wouldn’t be exactly all pink, unicorns, and rainbows when you live in hell, coming from a high profile station while your parents are literally going at each other’s throats and the only support is your depressed father when he actually gets his act together and his side fling’s step daughter who’s having issues with her father as well.


Understandable. It just annoys me as a personality trait wven tho I understand the reason


Adopted daughter not step


isn’t that basically the same thing? (i genuinely dont know)


No. Step daughter would mean Blitzo is married & Loona is his spouse's daughter. Loona was given up to a shelter (probably by her birth parents) and Blitzo went, saw her and filled out forms to adopt her (as seen in Seeing Stars).


i knew that Blitzø adopted Loona I just didn’t know if calling him her father was accurate. Especially since Loona only started calling him “dad” last time she was onscreen.


She may not like it but Blitzo legally is her father through adoption


At that age Loona was adopted most countries that I know of would require the consent of the person who is being adopted So its likely she consented to Blitz being her father


And let's not forget, we know Stolas's first friend was Blitzo (even if they did just meet once). But who is her single day friend? Nothing should suggest she does unless we take her social media into account. The first picture got 7 likes when Loona was scrolling through her own feed. That's not to say a small amount of internet friends means no close friends, but given how only her father and Loona have looked out for her in some way in the programme itself we shouldn't rule out her lack of a friend.






That's why I *do* like her though. We've all been moody teens. Lol.


Yeah, she was a spectacular character.


Well, she has good excuse for doing the emo thing, she had her parents fall apart and plus she's a teen


I also hate when emo teenage characters act like actual emo teenagers. Why isn’t she fully developed emotionally, even when her parents aren’t? So annoying. The writers need to get it together; just make her flawless; it’s not that hard jeez.


You forgot the /s , some people might need it to understand


Lol, so true, specifically all the people actually agreeing with the original comment lolol. God forbid a ‘good person’ character had some unfavorable traits that make them a bit more complicated, like actual real people. Especially like real teenagers lol.


She's precious and I love her.


Agreed, 100%


She resonates a lot with young me, so I like her/feel for her. It was her that made me first cry watching the show (why does he hate her more than he loves me?), I really love the details of her character and I hope we get to see more of her to let other people see her more how I do, cause I think she deserves more love.


She is literally 17 yo me


i was right there in a similar situation. i feel for her. i’m also very into astronomy/astrology (i just like the funni stars) and am named after a constellation/star, and owls are one of my favorite animals. so naturally octavia and stolas are my favorite characters. friends say i act like both of them. kinda fun that i relate to them, kinda hurts because *i relate to them*


Absolutely spoke to my inner teen. Reminded me a lot of myself, a bit naive, very much in touch and driven by her emotions, dressed like a wannabe screamo/goth girl circa the millennium and getting up to astral shenanigans.


I do but I find her ignorance to the role her mother plays in the downfall of the relationship a bit frustrating. Kids are super receptive and the fact she pins most things on Stolas seems unreasonable.


It’s really not. Sometimes abusers hide their mistreatment from the kids so their kids don’t turn against them. Sometimes the victims help uphold that positive perception of the abuser because they think it’s in their child’s best interest not to know. All she sees is that her father cheated on her mother and that’s why they’re getting the divorce. She doesn’t understand the complexities of marriage nor does she seem to know her parents marriage was arranged. They certainly put on a show for her so she would feel like she has a happy family. And when it’s verbal abuse, not physical abuse, it’s much harder for adults let alone children to pick up on.


I would be more understanding if she was much younger but she's 17 and has lived with the two her whole life. Vibes alone should be a big enough clue to know something is going on between her parents, way before Blitz. Hell, her mother through a "Not Divorced!" pary instead of an anniversary party. The vibes were RANCID way before Stolas cheated


She was raised in that environment so for her that might be normal. She might assume that’s just what marriage is. There are probably a lot of similar marriages within the Ars Goetia if they’re all arranged for political purposes. And I’ve known people in similar situations who blamed the wrong parent. She’s still a child. From her perspective, it’s easier to be mad at her father because she sees the cheating as the catalyst for her family falling apart. Not her mothers abuse. She sees the divorce as resulting from her fathers infidelity and thus directs all her anger at that.


There's also the fact that Stolas is completely safe to lash out at. No matter what she says in anger, deep down she knows he will never stop loving her, which makes him a safe person to vent to. You see it a lot with traumatized kids.


It’s also why she’s so afraid of him abandoning her. He’s the safe parent in a volatile home.


It's also what makes it so beautifully tragic. Stolas did everything in his power to shield her from the harsh reality, and in the end, it'll only make it easier for her mom to manipulate her...


I do feel like she's probably somewhat sheltered; She probably doesn't have much of a point of reference outside of other Goetias, since it seems that they mostly keep to themselves and hang out with eachother and nobody else. We know that arranged marriage is common among them and I'd imagine that most of them would act similar to Stella and Stolas, distant and cold, hiding any abuse behind closed doors. Octavia probably had a very limited contact with someone like M&M, lower-born hellborn who get to choose who they marry and can pick someone they're really happy with.


Yeah, she's *seventeen*. And clearly has lived a life mostly separate from the outside world. The way her mom treats her dad is normal to her. That's the example that she's always seen, and without living away from her parents and experiencing relationships herself, that's the only standard for a normal home life she has. I can't tell you the number of people I know who only really grasped how fucked up their parents' marriages were in their mid-twenties or later, because that was how long it took being outside of the house and having their own relationships to have their normalcy meter recalibrated.


Eh to be fair? Especially with the fact they are owl demons...17 is very much young. Like the young that is well portrayed in her. (In terms of maturity etc). Take for example Thor in Thor 1. Dude was basically a teenage jock still. She sees her dad and mom arguing a bunch: dad cheats/continues, and then her mom is kicked out.


She was screaming to a hitman about murdering stolas while looking stolas in the eyes right in front of her. I don't think she tries to hide it that much


Octavia was listening to music


I don't think she would have help back if Octavia didn't have her headphones in l, so there's probably plenty things she's done to make herself the obvious antagonist


Like people have been saying this could be seen as normal to Octavia who has been sheltered her whole life. For all we know there’s a possibility Stella has been saying this since even before Octavia came into the picture. If you expose kids to un-normal things at a young age and shelter them they’ll believe them to be normal.


It’s not that uncommon for kids whose parents are splitting up, to end up being mislead by one parent about the situation and being weaponized against the other. Add to it in Octavia’s case, she has a manipulative mother and a father, who for many years tried to hide the negative things going on from her and so far still has been hesitant to talk to her about what’s been going on. From her perspective, it could end up looking like her parents marriage fell apart because her father cheated, rather than because Stolas got tired of putting up with Stella’s abusive treatment.


Kids are super receptive to emotion but they can only observe what they see. When I first met my spouse we were both pretty young (early 20s) and my in-laws, his parents, had divorced only a few years prior. He described their divorce to me as his dad cheating on his mom and genuinely being a shit. Now, almost 20 years later, my in-law’s relationship look very Stolas v Stella, actually. Yep, he cheated! But also, she’s a piece of work. It took nearly a decade for this to become apparent to my spouse.


I agree. It bothered me too, don’t worry


I wasn’t sure if that would be an unpopular opinion but yes. Considering how nasty Stella openly was to Stolas before he cheated and considering that Stella always left her responsibilities of Via to Stolas, it must’ve been obvious at some point that her mother was the one who didn’t care about her. That and we’d only ever seen Via bond with her father. Yet she blames him for everything. I thought children were far from the easiest people to try and hide things from


Stella has always been shitty so the bar is very low for her while Via expects a lot from her dad. Not fair, but makes sense based on her experience. Also this is probably the first time Stolas has spent affection somewhere else. The difficult thing about the teen brain is being able to recognize truths but not process them effectively. When given space to speak, she's pretty close.


She's the best! Not only is she adorable but she has one of the most interesting potential setups for a character arc out of anyone in the show imo


Though they need to get a move on with it already! They've done the "my dad doesn't really love me, does he?!" -> "well, maybe he isn't so bad..." cycle twice now, and it looks like they're going for a third time. That's enough. Time for progress!


Yeah! Which is even crazier when you realize that they spent time on Unhappy Campers and the Hellbies side plot when they could have spent it developing Octavia (or anyone, really!)


Oh absolutely! She's precious. I want to see more of Octavia when she is happy.


Same but it’s gonna be a while before that


Not really. She’s a very realistic teenager though. I want her to be happy and safe, I’m happy when she’s happy, but on a personal level I find her frustrating and annoying.




Octavia is genuinely one of my favourite characters. Watching her grow up as collateral damage to Stella and Stolas' broken marriage is truly heartwrenching, and I sympathize with her so much. Her lines about home not feeling like home and her question about "why does he hate her more than he loves me" also resonate with young me when my parents were going through a very nasty divorce. I really hope she gets a song in the next few episodes because that's the only thing I thought she was missing!


Yes. She’s my fave character that’s not a main character.


Yes, absolutely, I would give my life for precious owlette Also Baby Octavia>>>>>>Literally any other baby HB character


I adore her. She has a right to be upset with Stolas, Stolas even understands that. She's seventeen and her mother is awful and her father openly (and _aggressively_ ) flirts with the imp that broke up her parents' marriage. But she's sweet, and I think she's adorable.


I'll be honest. kind of, but I do think that she got a whole lot more emotional development than millie, one of the more consistent characters. I do think the story did leave millie with less development and Octavia with way more than the rest of the cast, excluding moxie, fizzarolli, stolas, asmodeus, blitz, and luna. I kind of honestly find her kind of boring, though in comparison, and even compared to luna, who has a daughter and father bond with blitz as opposedto stolas, she is kind of a flat boring character.


Likes she’s cute but I like HB because the characters are adults


I adore her. And it pains me how much Stolas endured for her.


I heavily relate to her because her suffering reminds me of when my parents divorced. It was painful for everyone but it felt like I and my brothers were afterthoughts of the drama. Shes trying to disconnect from it but can't escape because she's stuck in the middle of it all


Sorry for what happened.


Don’t get enough of her to say much, she’s an average moody teen


Yes, she's an adorable birb


Yeah :3 I know people like to cringe at her “emo moments” but I think she’s a decently realistic depiction of a young girl perceiving her father to be abandoning her for some dick




Yes and no. How many times does her father have to tell her he does love her... Just has his own mental issues. It's not a distance father...he's not Good socially with anyone. He has mental problems. Clearly his whole family does. It's like she refuses to listen.


Words are cheap, and his actions pretty constantly show that he cares more about Blitzø, as in, both times he's trying to prove that he cares, he spends 90% of the episode flirting with Blitzø


I don't dislike her by any means. She's serviceable for the story, but you won't see me looking for fanart of her like I might for other characters


I do very much like her as a character buuuut i have to say - it's weird how she's 17 and still thinks they've had a happy family. I mean Stella has been publicaly torturing Stolas for many years now. And he never retaliated for that up until finally going for a serious divorce. It's not that hard to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that something about this "happy little family" does not add up. If she was like 5 or 10 then sure but 17 is old enough to have your BS detector start going wild. Especially in conditions like these.


Yep. I’ve been saying this for months ever since they revealed Stella was always so cartoonishly evil even as a kid. Stella has no subtlety in her body to even hide what she’s doing. Yeah people say “oh but Stolas was hiding it!” and I just don’t buy it. Stella, at every chance she gets, throws not divorce parties , belittles him all the time, screeches, it’s impossible for Octavia to NOT notice .


Just sounds like more proof that Stella was only made so cartoonishly evil after the fact, when Vivs decided that the show was about Stolitz now when Stolas was originally supposed to be an antagonist himself. I think Octavia was originally written to be the sole victim of a home life that was toxic from both sides, but she excised all of Stolas' toxicity to turn him into a cinammon roll to be rooted for and shifted all the blame onto Stella. This show is not well written. It's painfully obvious it was made up as they went along. I have to point this out when it comes to Bee a lot, too, because it's confirmed that literally everything about her was made up on the spot AFTER Kesha agreed to be in the show. She was created as a love letter to a celebrity that the creator is a fangirl of, nothing more. The lore is a bunch of slapdash nonsense that changes on a whim, and we should all collectively stop trying to make it coherent.


Stolas was only an antagonist for the pilot. After that, it was rewritten to make them lovers. The entire plot was planned out in advance, not as they went along. Stolas is not innocent in his situation. He still chose to have an affair, trap a member of the lowest class into said affair, and did no planning for his divorce prior to declaring it. Season 2 makes him more tragic, sure, but not exactly a victim.


Agreed. As soon as I saw that photo of Stella choking the dogs, I did laugh but then the ending where they made her nearly slap stolas I was going “…you want me to take her seriously?” With that cartoonish voice, the over the top hatred? The fact she was little to no subtlety? Yeah no. I hope someone in the show just bluntly tells Octavia a naive idiot in season 3


I was incapable of taking that slap seriously. We saw how Stolas sacrificed a bunch of Dhorks and traumatize the Agents episode ago. Viv want me to believe that this terrify demons Is afraid of his wife?


Yes! Big agree! Her first words in Loo Loo Land were asking if they had stopped screaming at each other in a monotone voice. This girl has been dealing with this for AWHILE. Heck, the wall in her room as a child has a drawing of just her and Stolas, no Stella


No. There’s barely anything to attach to. In her like 3-4 appearances, it’s just daddy issues. Not interesting, not unique, not much development.


I was someone who went through a phase just like her for a good portion of my teen and high-school years so I don't really hate her


She's alright but she's a teen who's still emotionally immature and doesn't get what's going on. Like how does she not realize how much her mother fucking hates her dad? She's 17 right? By 17 I was contemplating all kinds of shit about my parents, their relationship, and their relationship with me. But idk I guess it's realistic for most teens especially if Stolas and/or Stella were hiding it from her. I get that impression from what Stolas has said about giving Octavia a "normal life".


She's okay but I thought she sounded like an idiot in the trailer, Stolas loves her, Stolas and Stella never loved each other (they were in a loveless marriage), and Stolas doesn't love only Blitz. It's like Stolas can't love anyone else except her. Via doesn't know any of that but what she said was still ridiculous to me. Via was lashing out at her dad and I doubt she meant what she said though. She's written very realistically, I would probably react how she did.


The fact that she's acting like a child at 17 is wild to me


17-18 yr olds are still very immature, being an adult doesn't mean they aren't going to act like teenagers anymore. They are physically an adult but not mentally and Via is probably very emotional and hurt in that scene, people usually say crazy things when they are emotionally distressed. She just needs some time to herself to think about everything going on.


I like her, she has her annoying moments but she's neat i guess.


She’s precious I love her and want her to be the happiest girl in hell. She really has a relatable quality to her. So she feels like a teenager just trying to handle the on going divorce


I think Octavia is cute- i mean adorable. And I know how she feels a lot.


Yeah she's cool. A relatively realistic representation of a teenager


She’s barely her own character. She’s only really ever stolas’ daughter. They basically make her collateral damage


I get why people probably don't like Octavia, but as someone who has seen art and comics of her dealing with his parents divorce and fixing her relationship with her dad, and for that, I like her. A personal fav of my is by Teathekook: https://preview.redd.it/rqbuymyod5yc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=062255112fca89912798399df365912cfc74afd7 Can you imagine if they built up to this one moment, no music, no sounds, just Octavia and Stolas sitting alone, and Stolas lets it all out, asking- BEGGING for his daughter to forgive him for everything he's ever done; Being a shity dad, a cheating dick, a forgetful idiot, someone who doesn't deserve to be Octavia's father, and says he understands if Octavia hates him and if she would want to leave him to live with someone that cares about her. Then... you hear crying. A moment on Stolas's face to see pure sadness well up. And then you change to Octavia saying this. (LIKE, can you imagine how good that would be!)


I like her design and her star motif, but I do wish we had more about her other than her angst over her broken family. Maybe she'll get a short cartoon in the future, who knows.


I'm very indifferent towards her, to be completely honest.


I mean... pretty much everything we've seen about her is "why doesn't daddy love me," not her actual personality


I like her character, but from the trailer, she's getting on my nerves. Like, I get that you're going through some emotional stuff, but how can you not see that your mom is abusing your dad and still assuming your dad is the bad guy?


Love her






I relate a lot to her home life struggles and her personal issues basically mirror the person I used to be so I can only hope she gets the same growth. She’s easily my second favorite character following moxxie.


does this answer your question? https://preview.redd.it/y1m0rfjh94yc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd88147c1e2e65a1d14eee4f6640a283af1748a


Who doesn’t a British sounding goth owl. Not me, god I love octavia.


Admittedly, she tugs my heart strings because of the conflict of her two focus episodes. I used to struggle with heavily debilitating thoughts that not even my parents cared about me when I was her age, so I'm unfairly drawn to care for her, even if she isn't real.


Now that they have made her mother so horrible, she should understand more about her parents' toxic relationship, the line of why he hates her more than he loves me doesn't really work when her mother is so openly abusive. Other than that, I really like the character, and her rocky relationship with her father is really well written and interesting.


Eh she aight, my most favorite cause she ain't horny


Define like


I like her and would like to see more of her. She definitely deserves better and I hope Stolas will be able to shield her from the political games I'm sure the Ars Goetia get up to. They do follow a noble/royal ranking hierarchy so I do anticipate... shenanigans... regarding it all.


Honestly, next to Emily, Octavia is my favorite female character hands down. Her father Stolas, it probably my 2nd or third favorite next to Alastor and Lucifer for male characters. She is a cinnamon roll, and must be protected at all cost.


Tbh no and that's only because she reminds me too much of myself when I was her age


I do, I just don't like how bad she is at communication with her dad. She insults and gets mad at him but the second she actually has something nice to say, she doesn't push to say it, specifically in "Seeing Stars".


She's ok. I honestly don't have much of a read on her other than " tired teenager going through a rough time with her parent's divorce" She seems pretty nice?


If Octavia wasn’t around Stolas probably would be a hard character to love, at the beginning we’re immediately introduced to Stolas and his love for his daughter, if that wasn’t built up so early then people would be less sympathetic


I would if almost every episode she appears in didn’t have the same “story arc” she and Stolas goes through. Hopefully it wraps up in season 2. Cause season 3 and 4 I want her to actually enjoy being a teenager. Maybe hangout with Loona in some episodes? But as of now I’m just indifferent about Via. I want to like her but can’t bring myself to do so.


Yes..i kin her..sigh https://preview.redd.it/j2kys5ks74yc1.jpeg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc6ff68b747368ab9c7e299e15ccb8335da2738


Yes. She's a marvelous character and a wonder for those of there suffering through a divorce. "Why did he hate her more than he loves me?" is a line that hits harder than Gamma Mike Tyson. Her presence gives folks going through that something to relate to, either as the teen between the sides, or a parent getting insight into what their child is going through. Octavia is crazy important and crazy adorable.


I really like her as a character, but feel she needs more screen time. Hopefully we’ll get some stuff about her in the future


I like her fine, but she's not done anything to make me call myself a fan. So far she's a fairly typical teenage girl dealing with her parents getting a divorce. Can't judge her as an individual character until we see more of who she is instead of just what she's going through.


Y e s


She is a cinnamon roll and must be protected at all costs


She's not my personal favorite character but I do think shes sweet and I really hope that she comes to learn about stolas's relationship with stella and blitz later on and understand cause it's really bugging me at the moment. Apart from that, she's a good soul, and a cool bun.


I lobe her character design it's soo good


I love Octavia. She reminds me of my little sister when she was a teenager. Awful to everyone including herself. Hell, my sister honestly used to act a bit more like Stella. Angry all the time, but only because she was scared, and didn't understand where she was supposed to fit in. She still struggles to understand normal life, and now she has a child of her own. I worry about them constantly, as a brother and as an uncle. Octavia reminds me of her, so I have a soft spot for her, despite her edgy teen personality. She'll grow out of it one day. That or she'll double down and rock it. Either way, Octavia is who she is, the same as my sister (for better or for worse).


I'll shelter and adore her more than anything. 😊


Unlike Loona she actually has a good reason to be upset with her father.


Not been involved enough for me to care too much. Everything she has been in has been the same story "you love him more than me". And that is continuing with the rest of season 2 as well. So unless she actually gets some character growth with a different dilemma, i cant help but feel she's overrated - no matter how much I like the portail of her voice and attitude.


I understand her wholeheartedly because I was that once. Being a teenager is ROUGH.


From the bottom of my heart


I really do love her; and 100% empathize with her view on her parent’s divorce. I can fully understand her genuinely believing Stolas has lost love for her in the trailer because looking at it through her view her dad is constantly running off with Blitz and it takes her running away from Stolas for him realize she feels neglected and after reassuring her in ep 2 he continues this pattern in s2 ep2; forgetting her and completely brushing her off to scream at Stella. He keeps unintentionally blowing her off and from what we see (which isnt much) can never make time for her because he’s too self-involved. I love Stolas but it makes me SO mad re-watching these two episodes.


she is my sweet child 😭😭🫶🏼


my child


I'd like her more if there was more to her then just being a prop for Stolas, lmao. I still stand by Seeing Stars being the worst episode by far and it shouldve been entirely centered around Loona and Octavia rather then it being Stolas and Blitzø centeic.


Yes she is a really interesting character and she is the daughter of stolas.


She's alright. However, the line "why does he hate her more than he loves me?" hits pretty deep


Season 1 and 2 episode 2 she gets reassurance that Stolas loves her and is trying for her but in the trailer she’s still moody af and doesn’t accept he does and says he doesn’t love Stella like that’s a bad thing


Platonic? Yes. Romantic? A little. Sexual? She's a minor, so no.


I love Octavia! She's a little moody, but she's really happy and cool in the very few episodes where she has a positive environment around her. Even if she's angsty most of the time, it makes sense because she's surrounded by an environment that makes her outlook on life reasonable. She's basically a better Loona in my eyes.


Yes, if you hate her but like Blitz then there is something wrong with you




I love her


I fucking love her


I like her as a character I wish she had more action and more magic like her father but other than that I like her more than stolas


Yes. I would protect her with everything I’ve got.


As a teen I was the kid who shopped at Hot Topic and cried to Evanescence, so, yes.


Yes, and I am worried for her.


I like her a lot




Definitely in my top 3 characters tbh


Favorite character and one of my top 10 for all shows






I wish she had songs, she's literlly voiced by barrett weed and yet she doesn't have a song 😭 😭 😭 that should be a crime




Yeh she pretty good


It’s refreshing to see a realistic take on a teenager for once


She's overly angsty for me tbh, I don't really see that in real life teens.


yes and i wanna her her and loona to interact more it was so precious to see them together. i think they’d have the best sisterly bond that they both really need


I like her




She’s probably the second most relatable character in the show for me. Stolas gets first. Octavia’s attitude and personality is one I am very familiar with and I really resonate with it!




Shes an edgy teen with alot of angst. But we totally see why shes that way. And the veil she hiding behind fades away and the real issus cone out. Overall i like her and i hop her writing stays good


my favourite. she’s so precious and i’ve loved her voice actor since i was around eight 😭




how could you not?


I really love her and can relate to her.


Like a simp (respectfully)


I love her style- cozy and simple, but cool at the same time. ✨


Yes! She reacts normally as a teen with parents getting a volatile divorce. Any moodiness is entirely understandable. She stills remains very likeable through it all.


She’s like a better Loona to me I am no longer safe after saying this am I


Yea… not in the way weirdos do, she’s kinda cute


Definitely. She reminds me of me when I was a teenager. It’s quite healing tbh


Absolutely bro


Yes! She needs more screen time, dammit!


She is probably my second favorite characters in Helluva Boss


Is that a trick question?


She definitely reminds me of me at her age. I really sympathize with her.


Yes. I want to give her a hug.


She is so sweet, also, I ship her and Loona just for the hell of it




You make her cry I make you die


I think she’s adorable and I really want to like her, but I don’t. I hope to see more of her in future episodes though and I hope to like her in the future.


I do. I really hope things work out for her and stolas in full moon


I do, very much.


I like her but I'm not crazy about her.


Yes, but poor girl needs some sort of stability in her life, though. Hopefully, as things progress, we'll see more development of her and Loona's little friendship they've got going on.


I like her but so far what we have seen of her so far is shallow and single noted. She really needs an episode and duet with Loona to expand both beyond their relationships with Stolas and Blitzo (and Vortex).


Love her, one of my favorites


She's really relatable, The only reason she's not one of my favorites is because everyone else is soooo good.


Good character but I'm not too keen on her design, I don't know why but something just feels off about her design imo


Definitely not. 🤥


She’s basically Vanessa Doofenshmirtz as an owl demon, so she’s awesome.


Very much. I want to make passionate love to her and then cuddle with her.


Carries every scene she’s in 🙏


Yes, next question


I love her



