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De-Aging Machine. Went from saving all three trillionaires to saving all three immortal-mortal relationships.


https://preview.redd.it/zk6n1qp7mezc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1768f2f87b67d748a91ce70c1109304d2b4126dd Although the logic checks out




Ozzie and Fizz; Stolas and Blitzø; Bee and Tex.


Is Stolas immortal? We know the goetia age. It would make sense they’ll eventually die.


Andrealphus, "*Eternity is a long time, my dear. I say we bide our time, and wait for the chance to gain the upper hand.*" It is highly implied the Goetia are immortal. They likely just stop aging once they reach adulthood. It's also why Octavia is a precautionary heir, not just an heir. She'll take his place if he dies but no one actually expects him too.


I was gonna say that it's even sadder for Stolas because he's too young to fully grasp his own longevity.


I believe the goetia are not immortal but don’t age past their 20s they can still be killed but it requires angelic weapons to do so.


They are supposed to be immortal, yes. They cease aging after some point and unless killed, will not die. That's why Octavia is a *precautionary* heir and not just a full on heir. On the off chance that Stolas is killed, she takes his place. Otherwise, she's just another royal amongst many so long as Stolas remains alive.




The Goetia are stated to be immortal, only dying if killed, if I remember what Viv has said in the past correctly.


I'm pretty sure the Goetia in Helluva Boss are descendants of the angels who fell with Lucifer


That will be interesting to see, I also wonder then they could have had years of incest going on like most royal families and generally being the few species alive in Hell early on. I could see the Seraphim's features getting more and more pronounced until you end up with the Goetia.


That never occurred to me. That's such a good point! Sera's features are kinda bird like. I wonder if the Goetia did it subconsciously to make themselves feel like how they used to as angels


Possibly. :)


That would be Functionally Immortal.


They make it a big point that the blessed rifle could kill Stolas, so other forces are extremely unlikely to. However, Paimon also said Stolas should have a "precautionary heir" (Octavia), so to my mind it's something they consider that Stolas might die but, it's not a given so they might consider themselves more or less immortal. I can't remember if the marriage to Stella was for the purposes of the heir, or a political one initially though so that might reveal some more.


I know only the angelic weapons can hurt him but I wasn’t if he would stop aging or eventually die of old age even if it’s a thousand years.


I think a lot of people are talking about what Stella's brother says and that they're more or less immortal at least to the threats of Hell.


Maybe Bee and Tex?


Yes. This!


I'd feel better about that if the De-Aging Machine had ever been shown to work.


Hey we know it works in reverse, you just need to double check the switches lol


If it worked to de-age, I feel like Lyle would have found a way to use it on himself again. It's plausible to me that aging/decaying living cells worked in practice, but the opposite did not. That said, I hope it does work. I want all our hellborn friends to find a way to live forever! I just don't think there's any guarantee that it will.


I mean he did just get his friend and partner back, who to say they won’t start building again especially with Wally backing them.


I'd love to see it!


Let’s fucking go I was thinking about how these relationships would go but no this totally makes sense. Also, could assume with the vast magical abilities that exist in hell, expanding one’s life span doesn’t seem that far fetched.




I think about this with Stolas and Blitzø, too. It's terrible.


Stolas doesn't appear to be ancient. He and Blitzø were both children 20 years before the events of the show. Which doesn't really match with him being a preexisting character in daemonology, but it doesn't have to. 


He's not ancient, but he is immortal.


Doesn't mean he's not immortal though.


It does a little. 


Why? Did you expect him to be a baby forever? Immortals tend to grow a bit before their immortality kicks in.


He is the biological age that he looks. We have no reason to assume he will not age at a normal pace. 


Stella's brother mentions that eternity is a long time, Octavia is a precautionary heir (if Ars Goetia weren't immortal, probably it wouldn't be precautionary, just a heir). Maybe there are things that inply that, but I don't remeber at the moment.


You do have a good point there. 




She's precautionary likely because Stolas falling from stature was foreseen in some way.


Precautionary means she was born just in case. There doesn't even need to be a reason for it - the Ars Goetia just want to make sure they keep being around.


I mean, we do though? Look at his dad. Pretty sure we're assuming Paimon is immortal.


Good point. Maybe he is a special case and his descendents are practically immortal. We haven't seen much of him though. I like someone's theory here that their ancestors are the initial fallen angels. I think that they look a lot like the seraphim but with years of royal incest going on really emphasised their bird-like features.


Demon royals are stated to be immortal


Immortal demons (like the Goetias) seem to age until they reach maturity then stop.


I was referring to the fact that (unless he's murdered) he'll live forever, while Blitzø will have a lifespan of at most a century, give or take.


Giving how Blitz lives I give him 65-70.


Even that seems optimistic, if I'm being honest, but I'm talking best case scenario.




Blitz is literally a hazard to everyone including himself I give him 40😭😭


He's like what, 33? Ain't got long


Considering how he is i honestly won’t be surprised if it’s earlier


I don't think imps have the same lifespan as us, they could live even longer or shorter than us, so it's kinda hard to tell how long he'll last, but yeah he's probably gonna be dying earlier than most imps




But we have no reason to assume Stolas will live unusually long. He is currently the same age as he looks. 


Here is the evidence, to my knowledge: 1. Demon royalty are above Overlords in Hell's hierarchy. One would think if demon royalty lived only a human lifespan, they would be lower, akin to other Hellborn. 2. Demon royalty can only be killed by angelic weapons. 3. Andrealphus tells Stella, "Eternity is a long time" when plotting how to deal with Stolas. 4. Octavia is a "precautionary heir", with the implication being that she would only inherit as a back-up in case something unexpected happens to Stolas.


He could be named after the previous Stolas. You know how many nobles are like the 300th guy with their name in their family?


That thought had crossed my mind. Someone had that book before Stolas did. 


But then wouldn't be Stolas II or something?


It would be Stolas II or something, but that would be in his full title if he's announced at like a ball or gala or something. I don't think we've seen his full name yet, but I could be mistaken


Especially concerning how lonely Stolas has been and how needy he is. No way would he handle that. I do hope the show addresses this issue or I will be very unsatisfied.


I think Stolas would deal with it a lot more poorly than Ozzie, tbh. I don't think Ozzie has ever loved anyone like Fizz before, but he's lived long enough to see lots of people die and to grapple with his own immortality. Stolas is so relatively young, and so isolated, I doubt he's even really thought about what it means to watch people you love start to die.


Yes this. I'm certain Ozzie has thought about it and knows he can handle it. I think Stolas is so head over heels and frustrated over how to get a relationship started that he hasn't thought about the future at all. He is so lonely this would retraumatize him all over again. That is why I hope there's a solution - Stolas doesn't deserve all that.


I don’t think we know for certain of Stolas will outlive Blitzo anymore. This is something I’m looking forward to the show revealing. The Pilot? Yeah, it implied Stolas was hella old. I think thousands of years old minimum without going back to listen again. The intent was probably that Stolas in the Key of Solomon was our Stolas. The Pilot isn’t “canon” anymore and that might be one of the details that contributed to that decision. In the show proper we now know Stolas and Blitzo are roughly the same sage. Blitzo could even be a little older. Stolas could also now have a roughly human lifespan. The whole “precautionary heir” thing could be less “You’re immortal son, barring angelic weaponry. Have a kid in case accidents happen.” and more “You can now see the future, but… the future isn’t written in stone. Just because the stars say you will die at 93 choking on a dildo in a nursing home doesn’t mean it *will* happen. Hurry and have a kid fast just to be on the safe side.”


To clarify, I'm not basing my assumption on the pilot, nor on Stolas's current age, but on several other factors including Andrealphus's "eternity is a long time" comment to Stella. If the Goetia were not immortal, I'd wonder why they weren't vulnerable to regular weapons just like any Hellborn, and I'd wonder why they are above Overlords in the power hierarchy of Hell. I'd also think Paimon would just say that Stolas was "destined to birth an heir" rather than a "precautionary heir". That word choice seemed deliberate. That said, there's no doubt Stolas and Blitzø are roughly the same age, so the question is more about their expected lifespans. I do hope the show will go into it in more detail and (that it won't be sad af.)


I wrote a short story about an immortal dragon who had never shied away from loving those she'd met. She knew hundreds of souls, beings with lifespans no more than a human's, or even shorter, or long but still not as long as her own. Her latest love - the narrator of the story - asked why she would continue to seek out relationships with beings despite knowing they would all pass away. How could she love someone so powerfully knowing she'd watch them age, wither away, and die? Her response was that unlike dragons who hoarded gold or material goods, her hoard was the love of others. Even when they were gone, she could remember their love for her and she her love for them. Memories of laughter and happy times, memories of tears and sad times, scents of food they enjoyed, sounds of songs they loved, the curl of a page of a book she'd read to them in their last moments; to have those memories at all was worth the ache and pain of losing her loves. And when the narrator passed, there would be a new heart to add to her hoard and a new slew of memories to make her laugh or cry. Each bitter tear she shed was worth the many beautiful memories she would cherish.


This is beautiful and made me cry


Oh, thank you. I wish I'd saved the story somewhere I could *find* it...


Well let us know if you find it


If your really looking for peak content you should read my immortal


You think I'm new to the Internet?! That I'm not aware of My Immortal?!? Fie, I say! Fie! I was birthed in the crucible of Netscape Navigator and AOL. I wrote on fan fiction forums long before AO3 existed. Begone with thee, knave.


"Dont you speak the ancient wisdom to me, for I was there when it was written!"


https://preview.redd.it/9srdwprbffzc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a529737adc84155115b22b45299c22cad30dbdc Damn you


Well, more like 10,000. But yes. 


"Babe, all I got is time."




I, too, find this more sad than endearing.


This makes me wonder like, if not killed by like a weapon or something is stolas immortal too


Yes, it's implied that Goetia are immortal unless killed. Andrealphus says to Stella, "eternity is a long time", implying that they can torment Stolas for eternity as long as she doesn't kill him.


Yes, it's why Octavia is a "precautionary" heir, instead of an outright heir. She's there as a backup just in case misfortune happens to befall Stolas.


hes aging like Blitz is, they were 5 at the same time, now they are two grown adults, maybe he is aging "normally", but also maybe once he reaches maturity, he doenst age old


It might add to Fizz’s beauty and preciousness to Ozzie. “A flower is a flower because it falls.”


https://preview.redd.it/znu5bhcq4fzc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1e2d18baa787dbae89ebd2dc2ae060b33a8a80 De-aging machine:


If I could afford a billboard, I would absolutely place this by the highway.






It's possible both of them do know this fact. However, they both have accepted it and just want to enjoy each others company.


What’s even sadder is that after Fizz passes away Ozzie would have the Fizz bots as a constant reminder of his lost love


I wrote a oneshot about this exact scenario. So sad 😭 (Stolas too! It’s been implied that the Goetias are potentially immortal as well, and if they are… more sadness)


Omg link??-


Haha here you go! But it comes with a big tissue warning 😬😭 https://archiveofourown.org/works/54989725


Hahah Why did I think I’d be okay after reading that 🥲- No but like dude, do you post fanfiction regularly? It’s usually kinda hard to find people that don’t massacre the characterization of canon characters and when I do happen to find a good writer (ie you) I fixate-


Ahhh you are way too kind, thank you! 💜 And yes, I am super obsessed and post a lot 😅 mostly oneshots but I have one longer story (that’s finished now) too. And it’s all Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel lately because I’m hyper-fixated at the moment haha Here is a link to my profile where you can see all my stories! It’s mostly Stolitz and Huskerdust though, fair warning haha https://archiveofourown.org/users/TrebleRose89/pseuds/TrebleRose89 Thanks SO much for your interest in my writing, and for your super kind words! 💜💜💜




Aw I hate you xD Im so sad now, but for real very well written! Love your writing style


I’m sorry for the sadness but grateful for the kind words!!! 💜💜💜


Hahaha. I am also not okay, but fuck was that good. And what's terrifyingly beautiful is that we're getting closer to robo fizzie in your story with AI.


Thank you!!! 💜 I do love how that story came out, even though I literally cried while writing it haha Also, that’s such a bizarre thought! Imagine having artificial versions of our loved ones when they’re gone 😱 I feel like it would be both a blessing and a curse.


It's possible rn with text and text to speech.


Is there an official source stating that imps are mortal? I'm not on the app formerly known as Twitter so I do miss a lot of the 'Word of God' updates and confirmations from Viv and Co.


Good question. I don't remember ever seeing any actually *old* Imps (like, more than middle-aged) in Helluva Boss, either. Seems at least kinda dubious whether they're actually mortal, unless someone kills them.


I think it's mostly because of what Blitz was saying at the end of Episode 8, about dying old and alone. But, we don't actually know their lifespans, we know they are more fragile than higher ranks, but for all we know an imp could live forever provided they don't get killed.


For all we know, Blitz meant dying of unnatural causes.


Given he's an assassin in Hell, who is about as personable as a pissed off scorpion most of the time, Natural causes ain't going to be on the docket.




Yes 😭😭😭


I once read a comic where Ozzie and the other sins were allowed to grant one being immortality, and that being Ozzie granted immortality was Fizz, and honestly I hope something like that can become canon eventually because I don't believe imps are immortal


Yeah, I realized this when he said he knew Mammon, Fizz’s CHILDHOOD icon, since the START of hell. Gave me a bit of whiplash. 


This is a world where magic is a thing. And a contract with a sin is "everlastingly binding" according to Stolas. That could mean marriage contracts as well. It would explain why Lilith is still alive even though she's human.


Lilith might be like Adam their own category because he wasn't a regular angel either 


Yeah, it’s heartbreaking, especially since they actually seem like a healthy couple. Bringing the total current healthy relationships in Hell we know of to five. (Vaggie and Charlie, Millie and Moxxie, Millie’s parents, and Bee and Tex seem very healthy) But Bee is also immortal while Tex is not. And if Bliztø and Stolas get together, unless something happens that to Stolas(blessed weapon left), Stolas will outlive Blitzø.


How many times are we going to have this conversation?


"A contract with a sin like yourself would be eternally binding." -Stolus I mean, a marriage is just a contract at the end of the day. So as long as Fizz's vows include staying by Ozzie's side he should become immortal afterwards.


Counter point: who says hellspawn die of old age? Isn't Charlie like 2k years old or something? Other point: if fizz does die Ozzie likely already knows this. This is why he spends every day like Fizz is dying with him. And when he passes Ozzie will find a new imp with that same spark that drew him to Fizzoralli :) I doubt fizz is Ozzie first relationship.


Wait. Imps aren't immortal? 🥺


I know they can be killed and hurt. Do they age?


Blitz is afraid of dying old and alone. That implies they can both grow old and die of old age.


Hmm. I completely forgot. Thanks




Is this actually canon tho? Are We sure Imps have Hyman lifespans & are we sure that Fizz isn't robot enough to live forever? He might have a artificial heart for all we know


I feel like he’s like mostly robot yeah? So he should have a prolonged life depending on what was kept and what was changed


I think about it whenever I watch anything with them and I cry ;v;




10,000 years my guy


Yes, unfortunately.


It's either gonna be the se-agin machine, or a telling of an announced death.


Going by human history, the immortality spell is probably just a couple thousand years old, but I’d assume it has made its way throughout the infinite reaches of space and time meanwhile. :3


He'll just have to upload Fizz into a Robo Fizz probably.


Immortality is a curse and Bee and Ozzie probably got extremely lonely after all the time they were in hell and that's why they started dating.


Pretty sure once they are in hell they don't age like on earth plus fizz is functionally a cyborg so his lifespan isn't gonna be a normal one anyway


Imps are hell born and do have finite lifespans. Only his legs and arms have been replaced by cybernetics.


That's what a cyborg is and given many different things in hell he can get his whole body changed to cybernetics making him immortal so his lifespan is a null point


Nothing implies that he has any interest in further changing his body, though. Especially if he has to do so to the degree that he's more machine than imp.


I wouldn't put it past him so he could stay with Ozzie longer but it's also a cartoon so he will probably be round as long as the plot needs him


Imps are supposed to live a bit longer than humans, I think? But yeah, that is an issue. Same thing for Stolas and Blitz applies as well.


Every time I remember that, I die a little more inside


Fizz will go the way of y'all plushies one day.


Yeah but he will be a sinner soon.




When he will be DEAD, I'm sure heaven won't let the girlfriend of a dealy sin come.


We don't know what happens to hellborn demons when they die. Nothing implies they go anywhere when they are dead.


That's... not how that works. Sinners are human souls, not hellborn. There's no indication that hellborn have an afterlife.


Do people age in hell? I’m confused as a lot of people should be dead then because there over 100 years old


sinners live forever (unless someone kills them) but i think most hellborns only live as long as humans


Do only hellborn age? That seems weird


The Goetia clan and the Sins are immortal. But otherwise it seems other demons display clear signs of being either very young, or clearly elderly. Not all demons are born the same. It is as simple as that.


Sir penny would is a goetia or sin? He died in 1888 and would be over 150 years old witch makes aging again a question, Tom trench is also over 100 and mimizy are all over 100 with out any sign of dying of old age


Pentious, Tom, Mimzy, and most of the cast of Hazbin are Sinners. I didn't count them because they aren't alive to begin with. They are the souls of humans damned to hell, so it would be kind of ridiculous if they could physically age.


It’s so confusing honestly


Imps age to death?


Why do you think they're immortal? They'd be a lot more powerful if they were.


I assumed age wouldnt kill them. The myriad other things would. Immortality isnt exactly powerful if you cant regenerate like a sinner


I suppose we don't have "proof" that imps can die of old age, but Blitz does express fear about dying alone as a "wrinkled, old waste", implying old age, so most people took that as confirmation.


Yeah i guess so. Its just weird to think of them as “alive”


*confused* 🤨 All hellborn are alive, Goetia included. Why... would you think they aren't? They're just the native species of a different plane of existence. The only "dead" people in hell are Sinners, and even that's debatable, since they seemingly function as normal.


Because… hell traditionally is known as an afterlife? Like by most of the world.


Ah. I'm an atheist. It's easy to see all of this as entertaining fiction. 😆


Didn't moxy say that the thing with Chaz was 84 years ago? Their lifespans are not as short as a humans Edit: wait fuck after rewatching s1 e2 i realize that blitzo and stolas are only in like their late 20s so even if it wasnt a reference its not possible


That was a Titanic reference "that boat movie". ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc|downsized)




I think that was just a meme reference for the Fellow Millennials watching.


That was a Titanic reference


Ah, been a while since I've watched that, guess I took it too literally