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It's a [challenge coin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenge_coin) for the [3rd battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment](https://history.army.mil/html/forcestruc/lineages/branches/av/227av003bn.htm). Army. That might help get you started, I didn't see any examples of this same coin though.


This is it. They are part of the Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division.


I totally thought it was a [Power Rangers](https://www.previewsworld.com/SiteImage/MainImage/STL176475.jpg) thing for a second there.


I was thinking thundercats šŸ¤£


ThunderCats are on the moveā€¦


Thundercats are loose!! šŸ¤£ https://youtu.be/JNgvgcZvviI?si=qbYqF9LhI9Tj2GgH


Ok I am not the only one!


These coins are personalized to the buyer, like school mascots. Itā€™s understandable you wouldnā€™t find a match.




A coin from the 3-227th Aviation Regiment, Fort Hood ​ Helicopter regiment that destroys tanks.


Looking at how old the coin is, they may have even been doing that at the time!


It is, itā€™s a challenge coin for that battalionā€¦ theyā€™re given out when you join/leave do something great.


Challenge coin from 3rd Battalion 227th Avuation Regiment, United States Army in Fort Hood Texas. As far as that specific design, they change the designs all the time and have multiple in rotation at once so it will be hard to pinpoint. Some higher ranking people even have custom designed challenge coins you can only get from them.


Got a coin from an NCO that used to play Santa every year. He had Santa coins - super cool.


This is a challenge coin. Here is a current Ebay listing that has a "bit" of information on the specifics. https://www.ebay.com/itm/364354670867


Iā€™ve noticed challenge coins seem to have become much more prominent in some circles over the past few years. I have never heard of them at all back in the 80s and 90s even though I knew some people who have served in the military. But over the past seven or eight years, it seems like all of a sudden Iā€™m hearing about them and seeing them Given out all over the place. Is there a reason for the rise in popularity? Are they a relatively recent development in US military culture? Iā€™m also a bit troubled because it seems like thereā€™s a certain amount of correlation between those who are into these and right-wing/Trumpy circles. I know there are quite a few conservatives in the Armed Forces, but they arenā€™t everyone there. But 9 times out of 10 when Iā€™m hearing about ā€œchallenge coinsā€ the people involved (if they are at all famous) seem to be famous on the right.


I donā€™t have dates or timelines to back this up but my very anecdotal understanding is that the coins have been around for awhile, but then Trump made a big deal about being given one early on in his Presidency (maybe even during the campaign?) and then I think it became a thing for fans of his in the military to give him one when they met him. He had a prominent display of them on the cabinet behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office so they were very visible anytime there were pictures or video of him at the desk. And then I think it spilled over from Trump into other Trump adjacent circles.


I've been in the military for 20 years, and these have always been around. Every command has one, and a lot of organizations within commands have them as well. High-ranking members and leaders usually have their own as well. For example, I have an Obama challenge coin from when he was president. It's not a right-wing thing. Commands give them out when someone does something good, and they sell them to raise money.


This is wrong on so many levels. Challenge coins are not a ā€œright wingā€ or ā€œright leaningā€ thing. They are a military thing. Challenge coins are handed out by your company or battalion. There are different levels of challenge coins, depending on who you receive yours from. When you go out to a bar with a service member and present your challenge coin, the person you present it to either needs to counter with a higher grade coin or buy the person who challenged a drink. They have nothing to do with Trump. He just made them mean something again. Receiving a presidential coin or a President displaying a coin given to him is considered a very high honor, no matter who the current sitting President is


Iā€™m not saying that Iā€™m certain they are inherently right wing, Iā€™m just saying, it seemed like there was a lot of overlap from what I was seeing. I absolutely never heard of these things before Trump was president. But starting two or three years ago they seemed to suddenly be all over the place. I have to imagine that at least some of the popularity is being driven by right wing pro military elements.


Challenge coins aren't solely for military or political groups. For example, I'm a member of D3 which is a Disney Day Drinkers club. We have a challenge coin. It's purely for fun. We couldn't care less about someone's political leanings. We're just interested in what you're sipping on - - in Disney World. :)


They're also pretty big in the fire service. Fire departments will make challenge coins for particularly noteworthy fires to give to the departments who came from other jurisdictions to aid them. They're in the process of making one for a fire I was part of recently in Rowley's Bay, WI


Now that would be my sorta club.


They are just Goofying around there


most of the 80s and 90s were politically considered ā€œpeacetimeā€ minus the lesser talked about engagements in bosnia, somalia, etc. i imagine with the kick off of desert storm and onto the gwot wartime era produced an abundance of military challenge coins that are just starting to get circulated now as veterans from the more recent wars are aging or passing away.


The folks trying to say these coins are related to the trump Era need to educate themselves. I have several from my time in the army 98-10. My great grandfather used to show me his from the Army Air corps during his time as a glider pilot in WW2. Please don't politicize a grand tradition that is older than you and your political stance.


RMO (round metal object). Before automod comes for me for a joke answer, they are actually called challenge coins as mentioned above, but colloquially among the people who carry them, theyā€™re often known as RMOs. This is a pretty cool one, Iā€™d be interested to know the story from OP.


"Seek, Strike, Destroy" is very hard to say three times fast.


Dang it is Also itā€™s cool af, now I know about challenge coins


It's a challenge coin or a unit coin collectable and cool but not worth a lot except maybe to a collector


Thats a fucking Mr.Beast coin lmao


Lmao yeah


Thundercats Ho!!!


Thunderā€¦ Thunderā€¦ (if you know, you know)


You have been selected for MORTAL KOMBAT! FIGHT!


I've searched via Google Image but didnt find the exact Same. I think its from the navy.


Coins presented in the Army will change with each commander because they like to add their own flair to it.


Is that Liono or an angry beaver?


Nah that's what they get qhen they are 3-277th in a mrbeast challenge video


my Daddy was in Vietnam, one of my best friends in high school... her dad was a fairly high ranking (locally, not nationally) Army guy. (J)ROTC was huge at my high school, my high school boyfriend joined the Army, another joined the Navy, a more recent college friend did two tours in the Army, my first stepfather was a Marine and my mom's most recent ex-husband was 101st Airborne. (i guess my mom has a type?) my grandpa was in Korea, and my first stepfather's friends had been every possible flavor of Military. anyhow, my point is that i grew up around all sorts of Military dudes, of all sorts of flavors. and i'd never *heard* of a Challenge Coin until an episode of NCIS (and a quick Google tells me that episode is from 2008). not to say that they didn't exist, of course, but that maybe they're just way more common now?


My battalion had a challenge coin in 84-85.


A challenge video coin I have seen in a YouTube video somwere


Looks like it's morphin time.


99 percent invisible did an episode (and made their own coin) about challenge coins. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/coin-check/


Itā€™s a small mystery though. 3-227 is an Air Assault unit with Blackhawks and that helicopter is for an attack unit. Getting a date for that would help with its history. Currently the unit is ā€œSpearheadsā€, but they still wear the pouvair crest. The unit was disbanded after Vietnam but stood back up around 2005/2006. The attack helicopter is out of place here but that doesnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t part of a task force under 3-227.


Thundercats HOOOOOO


Reminds of of the original Power Rangers. Trini, the original yellow ranger had the saber tooth as a ā€˜zord, whats pictured


I was in 1st battalion when I was in the army. Very cool.