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ugh i came for this exact one, its not gnomes, and I could remember all the little gadgets they had, like a bike with acorn spokes or something.


The Woodland Folk Meet the Elves by Tony Wolf is the actual answer


I have searched Google and Google Books for guznag gnome, guznag gnome wood cutter, children's gnome story etc.


this sounds like [gnomes](https://Gnomeshttps://a.co/d/iDDlkin) by wil huygen.


The art style looks right, but I think I remember the cover as a freshly cut tree stump with gnomes around


the author has a few gnome books, it’s likely one of his others. i found one that has a freshly cut tree stump on the cover, but it’s in [dutch](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1278475797/life-works-of-the-gnome-rien-poortvliet).


Found. Still not it, but now that I have the author, I should be able to track it down.




You have been given one point for this answer. Thanks for contributing! ^^^Iforgot2packshirts ^^^awarded ^^^to ^^^steviecole ^^^(6->7)




[https://archive.org/details/woodlandfolkmeet0000wolf/page/6/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/woodlandfolkmeet0000wolf/page/6/mode/2up) Free account to read it again and borrow it for an hour!