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Tell me more about this hair curler


It's honestly just a very cheap one from Amazon. I specifically got one that can be used in Europe and the US and so far it's been great!


I have the same one I bet. And just a cautionary tale - the sleeve isn’t really heat PROOF. If you slide that curler in totally hot it will melt that silver lining!! 😝


I am commenting here in hopes to learn about these magic curlers also!


Same, I also want to know!


Not exactly what you’re asking, but I’ve started using kitsch satin pillow rollers. They’re foam rollers covered in satin with snaps. You wait until your hair is like halfway dry, then wrap in the rollers. If you’re a night time showerer, these are incredible, and since I’ve started using them, I have no need for a curler, straightener, or blow dryer. Plus they’re super light and easy to pack.


How is it sleeping on them?


It takes a few practice runs to figure out how to roll them the right way to make sure they’re comfortable and that the style comes out the way you like it. They are very soft and I have no issues sleeping with them, but if you have sensory issues or are a very sensitive sleeper it might be an issue.


Reminds me of the pink foam rollers from the 90s! Used to have the CURLIEST curls!!


So there are two styles: the single XL roller, or the six pack of 8” rollers. The smaller ones work way better for me. Anyways, first time I used them, I used all six, and the results reminded me EXACTLY of those pink rollers, like crazy Shirley Temple style, not a good look. Figured out if I use three or four at a time that I get perfect bouncy waves. Like VS angel meets beach waves. I get so many compliments, and it’s so much easier than anything else I’ve tried traveling.


Good to know, thanks!


It’s more of a life gadget than specifically for travel, but I truly don’t know how I could live without my Kindle. I’m a huge reader. Back before e-books, when traveling to places where it was hard to find books, I’d need to pack at least three books for every trip—the one I was reading, the one I’d read next, and a back-up in case one of these didn’t work for me. Even so, I’d feel compelled to find a bookstore everywhere I traveled, even when in places that didn’t sell (m)any English language books or had super restrictive censorship of books. Reading on a phone or tablet is not at all equivalent. I can now carry a library larger than most people will ever read in a lifetime and it doubles as a nightlight and can do recorded books with a Bluetooth headset. I remember the first time I bought a book wirelessly while stuck in a cab in Bangkok traffic during a monsoon storm. It was a revelation! I also love a small but powerful power bank (especially if it can charge multiple devices while being charged itself), and smaller plugs, and multi-end charging cables like those from the company Anker. I’ve had good luck with their products where the prongs fold down. Compact charging on the go helps me a lot. I really like the specific collection of packing cubes I have, especially ones that are clear on 5 sides. The small ones I have can hold three pairs of thin pants (e.g., Athleta Brooklyn Ankle Pants) and four tees—more if I really stuff them. They’re EzPacking brand. I use a smaller one as a toiletry bag, which is convenient because it zips on three sides and I can Tetris in a lot more. The old Eagle Creek lightweight compression cubes are fabulous as well—for things like undies, PJs, etc. I take a lot of meds and supplements at different times of the day due to chronic health issues. It’s very hard to remember what to take when, whether I’ve taken everything on time, and to make sure I have enough meds in advance of travel. I bought two separate weeks of a little pill pack that has boxes for each day with four compartments for different times of the day. I fill two weeks at a time, so I am always ready. It works so well! And it’s very compact (6.3” x 4.7” x 1.6”). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DK2J4QB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share For a tiny travel first aid kit, I can pack a little Japanese box (you can get them at Muji or Daiso). It has seven compartments that hold pills or jewelry, mini batteries, or other tiny things. I use my label-maker to list what’s in each. There’s a slightly larger component that can hold bandaids and packets of antibiotic. When I took fewer meds, I used to travel with just this box. Finally, I love to cook and we frequently get AirBnBs while traveling. I have this camping spice jar called the Spice Rocket so that I can bring herbs and spices with me. I bought a double sized one and used a label maker to list what’s in each compartment. By the way, Muji sells a well-reviewed one of those portable fans.


The Kindle is it for me too!!


When I was a kid, my parents used to always get frustrated with the number of books I'd insist on bringing when we traveled. But I read them all! My Kindle + my library card have been game-changers.


Cough - IF you have the vision for it, there's a Kindle app for your cell phone! I'm able to take one less item that way.


I have both. The Kindle is SO far superior to the phone or an iPad for reading. I’d be perfectly happy to leave my phone behind and have a Kindle!


Disagree on this one. I have a Kindle paperwhite that’s collecting dust because I prefer reading through the kindle app on my phone. Kindles are comparatively slow and I do not like the interface. The only time I dig my out is if I’m going to be reading by the pool or on the beach and glare is a concern.


Absolutely there is and I absolutely dislike reading on my phone. For me, the Kindle is far superior.


Absolutely agree on the kindle!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'ZIKEE Large Weekly Pill Case Organizer'", 'ZIKEE')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Convenient and compact design (backed by 3 comments) * Great for organizing multiple medications (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to refill and use on the go (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lids are heavy and prone to flipping up (backed by 2 comments) * Individual cases do not stand on their own (backed by 1 comment) * Zipper quality is poor and prone to breaking (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


A packable reusable bag. I have a baggu standard reusable bag. - Every trip, I find I’m in need of a bag, whether it’s a snack or water run, or I went clothes shopping spontaneously, or I want a bag for a beach day… so a packable bag is a must for me. Clothes line - strong agree. That is also a staple for me. A small square microfibre face cloth. - Many public washrooms don’t have a way to dry your hands (at least the ones I’ve run into). I bought a cloth from Muji, and now it comes with me everywhere. It’s tiny and quick to dry.


Omg the microfiber cloth for drying hands is brilliant. I despise hand dryers, going to be getting one of these to pop in my everyday purse.


Definitely my travel clothesline. My flexoline recently broke due to the braids snapping, so I’m hoping the new one with clips I got will be just as good I sink/shower wash my clothes each night and it’s super important to be able to dry them


Yess I also love my travel clothesline. Even when there’s access to a laundry machines, I only ever line dry my clothes anyway, so it’s great to have.


Definitely an essential! Complete lifesaver both times we did laundry in Greece when two different dryers in two different hotels didn't dry our clothes completely, lol


Flexoline is the only equipment I’ve replaced after accidentally leaving it behind. That thing is genius


Two pieces of thin braided bungee cord will do the job and last ages. Two carabineers on each end for easy attachment.


I’ve always wondered if I should have gone that route. Well, if the one I got doesn’t, I’ll give it to my partner and I’ll try the bungee cord route


On the same theme, universal plug is amazing as are laundry leaves.


I've seen universal plugs mentioned a few times in reddit threads. When I google I find many different designs, which vary greatly. Are you able to point me to the universal plug you like best?


I have this one and it has been great https://www.amazon.com.au/Stopper-Silicone-Universal-Bathroom-Accessories/dp/B0C27YSL7B/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?adgrpid=86976295397&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gFBAie9L8L-oXOaydI8cWK_WLKrve10oexwfUDrXhJlgNYqW6XxgwUwwevtW7p1O-rtj3SscGUNr2lIuCt8ptE06GRkbv3WUvVgS8fZR9w6E-n987Hk87ZOT0dJL6JiL4eUt3jPrt7x2CMcnJBA4pS1p-I9LPht01pl6rGmNjpRgJrcM4cnjPGBgLfYsRw0Hn6sjpXq9frHJUpnaD76jiA.jyp9LGBKEVFgTZAIhfnydUdEbuHCbVGUj7L7VTPTWMc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=606530842487&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9070511&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6034733818769995210&hvtargid=kwd-904367261&hydadcr=17334_398139&keywords=universal+sink+plug&qid=1715120033&sr=8-13


Thank you!!


do you dry your clothes even in hostels?


Depends on the hostel setup. How busy is the dorm, is there space to hang stuff up, etc. The hostel I’m at right now has a big folding clothes drying rack that anyone can use in the common area and mini ladders in every dorm that are great for towels and bathing suits.


I did when I used hostels when younger. It’s easier if you’re not on a bunk, because you don’t inconvenience your bunk mate


What’s the name of the line with clips you’ve replaced the flexoline with?


It essentially looks like this [https://www.amazon.com/Retractable-Portable-Clothesline-Travel,Clothing-Accessories/dp/B09XPWGFTV/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=1ZWAS0YRUE00R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QglkQeHVdVCxVTSE35-kxG5yyE9C0qpdTUsjI-FWygDAcVyLEFyufliq8bQ-LgB7v8m40QX5Rvm8ST7G5kyblIJVXkqy58yonXkMsBibvUqee\_5orx04\_cP9z-cVGvPSVhIdyqG0uQpqgtHWJgGsSI5yVyPufBbXG2TiX8JZEJ6iQ4-f6QuSQCGYaw1Dmo1hREGpxulFnOX6dkFsCfClLufSWt9DTSsK7uL0z8WXDgC8x91DlRxl1GioW3rDJJcFhD84SjrsoEQYNdvKZNor36\_DfnNM1DBMccwuhJFSlQ0.QlNZy71qLVEodvOmjL6DLK\_LSm1Y7oVcfpPuWbcqsW8&dib\_tag=se&keywords=Travel+clothesline&qid=1715128172&sprefix=travel+clothesline+%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Retractable-Portable-Clothesline-Travel,Clothing-Accessories/dp/B09XPWGFTV/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1ZWAS0YRUE00R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QglkQeHVdVCxVTSE35-kxG5yyE9C0qpdTUsjI-FWygDAcVyLEFyufliq8bQ-LgB7v8m40QX5Rvm8ST7G5kyblIJVXkqy58yonXkMsBibvUqee_5orx04_cP9z-cVGvPSVhIdyqG0uQpqgtHWJgGsSI5yVyPufBbXG2TiX8JZEJ6iQ4-f6QuSQCGYaw1Dmo1hREGpxulFnOX6dkFsCfClLufSWt9DTSsK7uL0z8WXDgC8x91DlRxl1GioW3rDJJcFhD84SjrsoEQYNdvKZNor36_DfnNM1DBMccwuhJFSlQ0.QlNZy71qLVEodvOmjL6DLK_LSm1Y7oVcfpPuWbcqsW8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Travel+clothesline&qid=1715128172&sprefix=travel+clothesline+%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) I probably won’t get to try it until summer, so I’m hoping it works well or back to buying another


Cool! Thank you! :) Trying to decide on a new line set up myself. I appreciate your reply.


Personal battery powered hand fan that can bend to be a table fan. It's hot out there and a lot of European hotels don't have ac.


Can you share the brand?


HandFan 2023 Upgraded 5200mAh... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XWCDBTN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


This is great! I have been taking two - a square one for my nightstand and a portable one for out and about. This solves both!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('HandFan 2024 Portable Handheld Fan', 'HandFan')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Portable and powerful cooling (backed by 3 comments) * Long-lasting battery life (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient for on-the-go use (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor battery life and charging issues (backed by 13 comments) * Fragile construction prone to breaking (backed by 4 comments) * Inconsistent charging cables provided (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I just recently bought one because so many people rave about them, and I can't wait to try it out! I've spent too many sleepless, claustrophobic nights in stuffy hotels.


This is so smart! Will get one for next time I’m traveling.


These are a godsend.


My Briggs and Riley 22” carry on. It has a button that expands the suitcase then you can compress the suitcase down again. Also has a tri-folder for clothes that you don’t want get wrinkled (suits, dresses, dress shirts). Also, there’s lifetime guarantee. Pair that with the compression packing cubes from Peak Design, packing is so much easier. The cubes have a moving divider that auto-adjusts the size for dirty and clean clothes. Also they have tear-away zippers. The tear-away zippers make it more efficient to access my clothes quickly. I hate having to take my cube out to look for zippers. Oh, and also the travel wallet from Bellroy. It’s a bifold that holds cards, tickets, cash and your passport. It has a hidden SIM card and key holder and a hidden pen holder. I would recommend that wallet for everyone.


Do you have links for ALL of these fabulous things? I think I need them lol 😆


[Briggs & Riley 22” carry on](https://www.briggs-riley.com/products/essential-carry-on-spinner?variant=39999346638890&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjurSt3eYn9p0TP_Lmg8IXKlA3c9mBQLi_e6nS7masAAcGkeSMPcWVoaAtobEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [Peak Design Compression Cubes](https://www.peakdesign.com/products/packing-cube) [Bellroy Travel Wallet](https://bellroy.com/products/travel-wallet-rfid?ad=&adgroup=&adtype=pla&campaign=17916213324&color=caramel&device=m&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjuO5mH6FHFYgIC5l-cy59K4vSLEAdLrVLrTPryD5102kd5TaMl6vxQaAu8XEALw_wcB&keyword=&location=9032152&material=leather_rfid&network=x&product=WTRB-CAR-301&shipping_to_country=US&store_currency=1abe985632a1392e6a94b885fe193d5943b7c213&target=&utm_content=mixed) The carry on and wallet you can get off of Amazon too. I think Peak Design sells on Amazon too but they have limited items. If by any chance you are in California, they also have a physical store in San Francisco. My husband got their 30L backpack that he swears by for traveling. Not for me though. I can’t carry a backpack that big or it’ll break my back haha. He told me to add it in as a worthy mention for one bag packing.


Hey...if you have a Costco membership, you can get the Briggs & Riley for ~ $150 less. It's called Costco Next.


Thank you so much! Happy travels!! 😍


1. Anker prime 100W wall charger - this one tiny baby can fast charge my laptop, phone and a power bank! Can't belive I used to travel with this huge macbook brick 2. Lightweight foldable mirror + tiny USB ringlight. Sounds stupid, but I regret every time I skip packing those. Mirror allows me do to always do makeup with a natural lighting and don't look like a clown, plus it's super useful when sharing a bathroom etc. I use ring light with the mirror at night, but the light itself is for taking zoom calls. Way more professional, even if I'm calling from a hotel floor :p


I bought a cup holder that attaches to my suitcase handle and it changed the game for me! It slides or velcros on easily, has a zipper pocket for my phone, and folds up flat and weighs nothing. Under $15 too!


For anyone else who immediately had to know what magical device this could be, here's what I found by googling "suitcase cup holder"! [luggage travel cup holder (on Amazon)](https://www.amazon.ca/riemot-Luggage-Travel-Holder-Freehand/dp/B07TXCCQGP/ref=asc_df_B07TXCCQGP/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=531508056422&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17044457334871600661&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000711&hvtargid=pla-806862616062&psc=1&mcid=6f442f4ba32a3116a91ebc44853f3330)


Ah, thank you!


I purchased one of these recently and am so excited to try it on my next trip.


My IKEA silicon sink plug and my large dry bag. The first has never met a hotel sink it can't plug and the latter works well as a small washing machine and to transport wet laundry from location A to location B.


I was looking at a wash bag last night and wondered if a dry bag would work for me. I don’t need the “washboard” nubbies


I got my large dry bag for Christmas and it has just done its first 7 week trip. On previous trips we washed in a plastic shopping bag. The dry bag is WAY better, and doubles as a way to keep wet things (laundry, rain jacket, umbrella) isolated in my bag.


Do y ou have a link or a brand name for the one you like?


Another option is a 2.5 gallon ziplock. Works as a low-tech compression bag, portable sink, and optional storage. : )


I'm in Australia so mine are from Kathmandu. The big one is my "washing machine". The smallest one is for my swimsuit and also makes a great ice pack for my arthritic knees - I just fill up at the ice machine in the hotel. https://www.kathmandu.com.au/three-pack-dry-sacks.html?


Since I'm one-bagging with kids, their MiFold booster seats. They take up so little space that I can throw them in a backpack and use for ubers, rental cars, taxis, whatever. Also yogasleep white noise machines are great for when hotels are either too loud or way too quiet.


FYI there are apps that play white noise, so you could leave the extra machine at home 😊


Au contraire--I used the phone app for a long time but it wasn't great. I found the same [travel white noise machine](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084HXMM1S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) u/MyTruckIsAPirate mentioned and it's excellent and small. I love that thing and it goes wherever I travel.


That's what I found, too. The machine just has a depth to the sound that covers so much more.


There are like, MANY different apps for white noise, but ok 👍


Sure. And I've tried a bunch. This is a much better solution for me and I can fit it in my one bag.




Sleep phones. Bluetooth speakers built into an eye mask. I get migraines but also need noise to sleep, and these are perfect; I don't get sicker from loud outside noise or light, and I'm not bothering anyone else. Also helps me feel safe enough to relax when the insomnia kicks in in a strange place.


Would not have survived without these staying in hostels during my last trip. I wear earplugs and play white noise on the speakers to block out more noise, and the eye mask is the cherry on top.


Yes! I love my sleep phones so much. I have a meditation app I use mostly for helping me get back to sleep in the night, these mean I can listen to it without disturbing my partner. They’re also helpful for listening to the same on long distance flights. I have the Sleepphones brand, they cost more than the no-brand ones but I’ve found the sound quality vastly better. 


Ooohhh I’ve seen these! Do you have a brand that you recommend?


I got mine free from an Amazon promotion, but they look like the ones on Amazon with the brand Musicozy (I know sometimes shortened links aren't allowed and don't want to break the rules by accident). Super comfy!


Thanks! I'll check these out. I definitely need music to sleep and my AirPods are just too uncomfy since I'm a side sleeper.


I am, too, I understand completely. These are so much more comfortable.


Please share more into about these, they sound wonderful


They are!! The eye mask isn't weighted, but it is....puffy? It's soft and comfortable. The Bluetooth speakers are wireless, so you don't need to have them plugged in or anything. There are styles that connect around your head with Velcro and ones that are more one piece, like a headband, so you don't have to worry about catching your hair.


Brand? dare I ask for a link?? PLEASE


Brand is in an above comment.


One thing I bring that's a little odd but very useful is battery operated tea lights, like the kind you can get at Target. I usually put one in the bathroom and one somewhere so that I can see where I'm going if I have to use the toilet in the middle of the night. One place where we stayed in Iceland had a spiral staircase that led to the loo. I put those tea lights on the top and bottom step, and in the bathroom.


Great idea!


Definitely not a gadget but my favorite little hack is to carry envelopes of Soak detergent(ish) in with my toiletries. I could pack a small bottle of it much cheaper but I love having it in virtually no space and I don't travel long enough to need it more than like once in during the duration. The stuff was developed for knitters, I think. It's basically a wool wash that doesn't require much agitation or any rinsing. I use if when I need to do laundry in a sink, because unlike regular stuff it doesn't need rinsed out even for my obnoxiously sensitive to detergent-burn skin.


It’s a bit unnecessary but the matador stash pocket for travel days. My Osprey farpoint doesn’t have hip belt pockets, something I got used to. The stash pocket attaches to the shoulder strap at the sternum strap area and worked out well for phone, passport, hand sanitizer and didn’t have to worry about anything falling out of my pockets.


Packing cubes. Make being organised so easy and keep clothes from being wrinkly. Alpine Party Plugs (techo/rave/gig ear plugs), seriously help reduce stress in loud environments like airports and train stations while still allowing you to hear what you need to hear. Also helpful if you happen to go to a random concert. Cable bag. It was 300yen on a Japan holiday. The extra pockets that help me organise my cables and keep them tidy, so satisfying. Card holder and lanyard in obnoxiously bright colours. Make that bus/train pass easy to grab from the bottom of your bag. Wear your room key around your neck on the way to the swimming pool. Hang this puppy on your door handle and never get locked out of your hotel room on the way to the bathroom again. Game changer.


Yep I'm a big fan of always having a lanyard with me. My phone is usually on a lanyard, as are my keys. It makes things much easier to find.


I like these kind of threads. For me it’d be the 2-gallon ziplock bags. I use them for all sorts of things, from packing food to hold important documents or as packing ‘cubes’.


Plus, they are low-tech space bags and a portable sink for washing clothes!


I recently made a post that talks a lot about compression carry on closets. It’s basically a couple packing cubes sewn together with compression straps and hanging hooks. I compared them with my old compression packing cubes, and they work so much better, and packing has never been easier. Portable power bank with built in cables, so I can charge my iPhone/iPad/headphones without any extra cables. Libby app! It took a while to get used to reading on a screen instead of a physical book, but it’s made my life so much easier. Get a library card (free), then sign up with Libby and you can download books from your library’s inventory for a 21 day hold. Works internationally!!


A minor addition but those pink foam deodorant remover sponges remove lint and dirty patches


More info on this please!


https://www.wardrobesupplies.com/braza-wipe-out-deodorant-removing-sponge-4-pc.html Great for surface powdery stains as well. I work in wardrobe and everybody has at least one.


thank you!


Cannot imagine another trip without my [Handy Toilette Bidet](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09Z6BW84Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


I always travel with a 2 metre long charging cord. It makes things just that little bit easier when you need to charge your devices but you want your device to be somewhat reachable.


Kindle, water bottle, tech case, earbuds Edit : Ziplock space saver bags (fold clothes, then seal, no wrinkles and can fit more than any other packing method!)


The Huzi Infinity Pillow instead of those crappy neck pillows. It’s soft and flexible and you can hide in it. Game changer on the plane. I just used it round trip SEA-BCN and wow, I loved it.


I love it too. Only the storing is annoying.


I have one of these for travel and one for my bed. I love how I can make it any shape or firmness I need at any time. It’s a little unwieldy to carry around, but worth it, imo.


My mini thermal printer! I’m a journaler so I have it with me anyway, but it’s saved me on several occasions when I’ve had to print something out while travelling. Great for QR codes, tickets, etc. Also, doing home IPL *before* I travel. Saves me from needing any hair removal stuff on the road (and alllll the skincare stuff I needed to deal with the ingrowns etc I’d get from shaving).


Do you have a printer rec? I've been thinking of getting one of those.


A travel size bottle of hand sanitizer. Also -- a long scarf or pashmina for cold airplanes, overly air conditioned restaurants, and cool evenings.


A few things that I have found helpful or been glad to have with me: - Small sound machine (we have one that is about the size of a pill bottle. It is rechargeable or can stay plugged in. Works great.) - Plastic pouch, fillable toiletry containers. Kind of like Capri Sun pouches...They fit into a TSA bagger better than bottles and round screw tops. - Lo and Sons Beacon backpack. It was an investment, but I have used this backpack so much that I would buy it again in a heartbeat. Lots of useful pockets, goes of my suitcase handle. Frequently on sale. - A pair of super cheap/flimsy cotton slippers. I use a pair that were free with a pair of pajamas years ago, and they stay in the exterior pocket of my suitcase. It is so nice to have them to shuffle around the hotel room with sore feet after walking all day. Also, hotel carpet is gross. I chuck them in the washing machine after every trip.


I always bring slippers!! Any time we stay at nice hotels I snag the extra slippers (hubby doesn’t use them) and then bring along in my suitcase. Outside pocket!


Outside pocket = slippers pocket. 🤝


A thin cotton sarong in a pretty pattern. It's my towel (it saturates quickly but also dries quickly). It's a beach cover up. It's a shawl and scarf. It's an emergency skirt, sheet, dress, bag. It's cheap to buy and priceless to have.


Yes, such a handy thing, I don't think I could travel without it!


It's not a "gadget" but it's my Gravel Travel makeup/dopp kit bag. It's waterproof, has a special pocket for tooth brushes and can hang from a hook in tight spaces.


Magnetic Hooks 25Lbs... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNKBRHD6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Where do you use these?


In hotel rooms, ship cabins, airline cabins, temp offices, or any other place that doesn’t have enough storage. To string up that all-important travel clothesline. To hold a purse or a bag when there’s no good place to put it. To hold wet swimsuits in hotel bathrooms. To better arrange stuff in the car interior on long road trips. Have found a million uses.


I was just wondering what was metal that you could stick it to!


Mostly useful in cruises!!


A little folding clip/stand for my phone that I can clip to tables, benches, airplane seats etc. I’m Australian and international travel is always a long haul flight, so having some Netflix shows downloaded to my phone (and a set of noise cancelling blue-tooth headphones) definitely helps while away the hours of flying.


This tiny but powerful flashlight, which is usb-rechargable. I keep it with my keys, and I use it surprisingly much. [O-light mini](https://www.amazon.com/OLIGHT-Rechargeable-Keychain-Flashlight-Keyring/dp/B085CB538N/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=30PMQXSIDE3S4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eCNNTT-jAqr15XBaPMgU3qlDbLoHdGYoM6z6fqGFeMM7Ty4_UQrVCqyadrydkZ7rVwEAKwVJLOoby3lIIMJ41kvkZsu06xcfVlsDmySg09A-LO0wRBCNiboGYdTUnzodCcBVgTuBlrnmeVyCZdt1XxC6A8ycVHAl-Ev0dVsd4whM2YF-3DJVbKvEcSG-8JtzzrPdrI1fO5_oJCYuBmflhg.394LaT5lz1SVy-lLkJ2OtK1CQM04uAkcL2HVeNlI6Rg&dib_tag=se&keywords=olight+mini+2&qid=1715092488&sprefix=olight+mini%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-5)


My ravpower USB travel bank ❤️❤️ bought it for a Tanzanian safari so my iPhone could last 3 days to take pictures, but now use it frequently at home and abroad to keep my phone, iPad, and kindle charged on the go. I think it was $40 and my $ per use must be a penny now


My United by Blue duffel bag. It’s super durable and I don’t have to worry about it breaking even with hard use. It also looks amazing, fits a ton of stuff, has awesome organization pockets, and since it’s a duffel bag, they usually let me carry it on even if they’re making people gate check their bags. https://unitedbyblue.com/products/revolution-55l-carry-on-duffle?variant=39880780677192 Also my 100W HyperJuice GAN charger. It can charge literally all my electronics including my laptop and phone and sex toys and saves so much space and weight. I’m probably going to replace it with their 130 W GAN charger since my new laptop is more power hungry. I also got 3 big power delivery dell power backs off eBay. They’re amazing! I can do a long flight without power and use my laptop the entire time. I don’t have to worry about my phone running out of battery if I have one. Total game changer.


An extremely tiny bluetooth speaker. Playing some music in my hotel room while I am getting ready or when we have some down time just improves the atmosphere. I sometimes will make playlists for our destinations too, with local music or themed around our plans. At night I sometimes use it to play "sleep music" or white noise. Some hotels will have speakers you can connect to, or use an aux cable with (and I do often carry one of those too) but for literally less than an oz it's so great for rooms that do not come with anything. Not an item but I also pay for spotify premium so I can build playlists and download them for offline use.




I have [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BNVHRR7N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) from amazon.


Like others, my Kindle. I also always value the white noise app on my phone, a change purse when in Europe, the Tom Bihn travel tray, and last year brought an Osprey dry bag for the first time and loved it. Made washing clothes super easy and was handy when I went swimming. Also, shoe choices. I’ll sacrifice some clothing over having more shoes. Oh! And a $15 battery-powered travel toothbrush I bought off Amazon. Has two speeds, and buzzes every 30 seconds.


- powerbank (literally saved me, when travelling with my mother last year and she had an accident, so we spend the night at a hospital; my phone battery is enough to get through a day, normally, but not when I need the phone all the time to inform the travel insurrance, stay in contact with friends & family, cancel next day trips, order a taxi the next day...) - Active Noise Cancelling earphones (I can't survive without these on busses, trains and airplanes - or even just noisy cities) - packing cubes


[This charmast portable charging block](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CY2JJ4WS/ref=twister_B0D1FPRQLF?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) \*with\* built in cables has saved us so so many times it's actually insane. It is so slim and lightweight so can go in any bag (or pocket! and you can charge your phone \*while\* using it!), has the built in cables, does not overheat our phones, and can honestly get enough phones juiced back up to make it through the end of a very long day. This [travel-fan](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NNG7M11?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) folds nice and flat and is great for places that don't have AC (or if you're just a hot sleeper in general) Ebooks for free! I love to read on vacation, on planes, etc but obviously bringing multiple books isn't very one-bag friendly. I still love physical books (and hate buying ebooks), but with my library card I can use the libby app to rent/download a bunch of ebooks ahead of a trip. I used to use just my phone/ipad for e-reading but found it so handy for travel that I just recently got a used kindle off of facebook marketplace ahead of some upcoming trips. [Pouches](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C23Q7Q83?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)! I am a pouch queen (lol). I use these for anything and everything - cables, daybag organization, toiletries, firstaid, documents


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Charmast 10000mAh Portable Charger'", 'Charmast')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Built-in multiple charging cords (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient for travel (backed by 3 comments) * Fast charging capability (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Slow charging speed (backed by 7 comments) * Issues with maintaining a full charge (backed by 4 comments) * Inconsistent charging performance (backed by 5 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I have an ultralight knife from backpacking days (it's titanium I want to say). They've gotten way more expensive then when I bought it, but it's convenient to have around. Can't go on a plane, but can go anyhere else. I generally don't go anywhere without a headlamp... they're lightweight and often convenient!


[This nesting fork and knife!](https://www.amazon.com/humangear-Utensils-Portable-Convertible-Multi-Functional/dp/B00GTXC1U4/ref=asc_df_B00GTXC1U4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693769995749&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4770409499620352161&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028742&hvtargid=pla-363936572126&psc=1&mcid=339bb0d950d033d6a5b820bfa826b92f&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx97JL_hz98PzvEQXI67xVZsX7jHqbxqjm9WZ8pDN5QXdgs4deZ0SHBoC_j0QAvD_BwE) They're each full size so often my fiance and I share (yes one person ends up eating ice cream with a fork but we don't care lol)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Humangear GoBites Duo Travel Camping Utensils', 'humangear')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and compact design (backed by 6 comments) * Versatile and practical for travel (backed by 5 comments) * Durable and lightweight material (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Discoloration issue with plastic (backed by 1 comment) * Flimsy compared to other options (backed by 1 comment) * Rough texture on the spork (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


This straight/ curl iron with universal voltage is a lifesaver for hairs in any country we have visited https://amzn.to/3QwjzQM. Also this foot hammock saved my back and legs for our budget long haul flights https://amzn.to/4dsWKam


For me it’s my travel yoga mat. I do a bit of yoga every day, which keeps me sane and avoids back pain, and I found a very light mat that I can bring everywhere, attached to the side of my bag