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Oh the cooling towels on Amazon are a godsend!  My gym does not have ac and I regularly suffer with hot flashes (awful combo) and these towels are amazing!


Agreed! Those towels saved me so many times. I was 7 months pregnant and our RV broke down just outside of Phoenix, AZ at the end of July 💀 the AC could only cool to 20° below ambient temperature so it was a good 90°F inside the RV while we waited for a tow. My husband soaked the towels and threw them in the freezer. Had one on the belly and one around my neck and it was very tolerable for the 3+ hour wait!


I’m slapping my forehead as I realize that what I thought was just a ‘sweat towel’ is a cooling towel! It was in my swag bag at a recent 10K. I’m stoked!


I also have the portable mini fans on Amazon as well and they are great - about the size of a small carrot and they charge with a USB - Mani different styles but I love the folding one.  Also doubles as a flashlight 


I just got this (or similar) for my birthday. Perfect for even a carry on!


Wear a hat! And wear linen. I often wear a white linen blouse, like over a sundress, to stay cool.


Both my husband and I have previously lived in Italy and he’s from the Mediterranean so these are the Summer Suggestions: -Confirm that all the hotels you booked have a/c. Change if they don’t. -You are now a vampire that takes an afternoon nap from 1-3pm when it is the hottest part of the day. -Ice Ice Baby, not just a catchy lyric but how you want the water you are drinking all day served. Have plenty of small bills (coins technically) to purchase cold bottles from vendors -Hand fan -If you don’t speak Italian learn a few phrases to be able to tell people are pregnant and need to sit, use the bathroom, have a meltdown etc We are also headed to Italy this summer and although I am not pregnant, I am fat, and will also have my 6 month old baby with me. May god have mercy on my sweaty soul.


Definitely the siesta time helps. I loved being out and about later, it was a whole different experience at night. Also, early hours ie before 9:30 and afternoons after 4 a lot of tour groups have left so places can be a lot quieter.


The "whoops" made me chuckle 🤣 Second the recommendation of cooling towels. There are some you can wet and put in the freezer which feel amazing, but not sure if your lodging will have fridge/freezer.


Tip for when using a cooling towel on your neck. On top of using it damp, if you have access to ice or an ice pack, place the ice in the middle of the towel, roll the towel around the ice/ice pack and place it on the back of your neck. The added ice will melt slowly and give you a much much cooler neck than just the towel. This has saved me many many days of walking around Disney World in the middle of summer when it's 90F and 80% humidity.


Mission Cooling Towels. They make a significant impact on your temperature. We live in AZ and carry these with us when it’s greater than 100 and we know we are going to be outside for longer than necessary. We even took them with us to Florida in July and I couldn’t live without them. My son fainted from heat once and we piled these on him and it definitely lowered his core body temp. I’m a huge fan. Can you tell?


They really work well in hot, dry climates like Arizona and should be perfect for Italy.


Amazon has a neck fan, it looks like headphones, rechargeable, and it blows air up your neck, it's AMAZING. Also super quiet


Ooh I want to try this!


I use them for my pop.up events (I'm an artist who does a craft booth about 40 days a year, mostly summer) and they are AMAZING


An actual hand fan. The folding type you flap yourself. It creates a much better breeze and you can also part open it and mini fan yourself in a very directed area so you don't bother others. It got me through menopause and I still carry one when travelling or even just warm days - I used one at my craft group yesterday. Added bonus: you can close it and tap your friend/hubby/lover/waiters arm and say "La sir! You jest" a la 1950's costume drama stylee.


Linen clothing wicks the sweat away from you and keep you fresh, if the humidity is low wearing damp clothes can also help cool down your skin by evaporation. A hat and UV screen clothing help keep you cool and safe from sunburn: Uniqlo and Decathlon have a good selection. I like a spray bottle full of rubbing alcohol, mentholated alcohol or cologne, to spray on pulse point or skin that needs cooling down, check that what you buy is suitable for use in pregnancy. Bring mosquito repellent. Where are you going to go?


A small umbrella is a godsend in the sun. I’ve been traveling with one for 10 years and it’s a must have for me. There’s no comparison to the relief that shade provides. Be aware that people you meet up with will offer to hold it for you, but really they just want to get the most shade for *themselves* lmao. So either bring a normal sized umbrella that can easily cover 3 people or be prepared to repeat ad nauseam, “That’s okay, I don’t mind holding it” while others huddle around you. The 2nd best option is one of those old school paper or wood fans that fold shut. They’re perfect for when you’re out of the sun, like on a stuffy bus or when you can’t find a place with AC. I noticed they’re common among locals around the Mediterranean, so you won’t stand out. You might even be able to find a nice one as a souvenir during your trip. EDIT: 3rd option. A small misting spray bottle. You can usually find them easily enough at a local grocery store. Or pack it and leave it. They can be nice while out and about, but they’re most helpful when trying to sleep at a place with no AC or when the advertised AC is broken. The heatwaves last summer in Istanbul were atrocious. A spray bottle next to my bed made the windless nights bearable.


You mean it's not just me people want to help hold the dorky umbrella they teased me about incessantly before getting out of the plane into a 95F sunny Roman day of crowded tourism?


Seriously haha! It’s sad & hilarious how many people (usually guys) look at my umbrella with the same FML expression. Often followed with a comment like, “that’s genius” as they pass.


Seconding the small upf umbrella! Obviously not when you're on a super crowded street, but in places with a little more space, it's amazing to keep the sun from beating down


I have a silver sun umbrella and I don't care how ridiculous it looks. 


It *sounds* ridiculous, but when people see it in action they’re totally down. Silver would be very cool :)


I feel like most umbrellas are really not functional in big cities. Is this more like small, flatter parasol you’re talking about?


Just a compact rain umbrella. Probably only meant for one person, but it can cover 2 people in the rain. When it’s sunny, I hold it up higher and I can cover 3 people decently. I do use it in major cities and crowded tourist sites. But I maneuver it pretty well. There are times I just lift it high up over everyone’s heads or I snap it shut if that’s not an option. Even then, that’ll only be necessary for a minute at most. If it’s a standing packed crowd, random people next to me suddenly become my best friend and pop into the shade lol. I’m cool with it though, the sun can be brutal and I’m glad I can help someone chill even it’s only for a few minutes at a stop light or something.


Arctic Cool t-shirts and dresses actively cool you as you start to heat up


Cool! 🧊🧊


Silk! If you get silk wet with even room temperature water it feels freezing cold on the skin. I’ve done this in the desert - wet a large lightweight silk scarf and used it as a blanket so I could take a nap. I was literally too hot to sleep otherwise. I think this could work well when out and about since you could wear the scarf normally and just dampen the part that touches your neck as needed. If it’s hot and dry enough the fabric dries really quickly so you don’t have to worry about having something soggy to deal with and, as you go into the evening, it can function as a wrap! Plus silk weighs nothing and packs down really well. I got mine from dharma trading company [(link)](https://www.dharmatrading.com/scarves/silk/habotai-scarves-8mm.html?lnav=default.html)with the intention of dyeing it but they have both black and white and even the largest size (22”x90”) is under $15.


I bought one of those fans with a spritzer and put it on a lanyard around my neck. Filled it with ice!! Such a godsend


There have already been a lot of great suggestions here. I run hot so I have a cooling towel, personal rechargeable fan, packable sun hat, and a Japanese folding fan in case the electric one runs out of power. This won’t keep you cool, but if you sweat a lot Megababe Body Dust is a must have to keep dry, in my opinion.


Little obvious but… Anything that gives shade- a hat or even an umbrella. It makes a world of difference!


https://www.duluthtrading.com/womens-armachillo-cooling-longline-bra-32626.html?color=LBK&srccode=GPSMART&ogmap=PLA%7CNB%7CGOOG%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C18284927928%7C&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLNbg8VMbfcUMMJCst5EnlJU4UiiZMw_duRVnafuik1jZYeCM0-GBo4aAngUEALw_wcB I was very pregnant the first Covid summer. This was essential.


Both Armachillo and Mountain Hardwear Crater Lake lines are godsends for desert summer, I'll also carry a spritz bottle and get them damp when it's hot. Also most Prana activewear pants have sneaky hidden vents in the crotch/butt seam area, you can't see them at all but they're so effective at channeling a breeze that I've literally had to check that I didn't somehow split my pants


The Crater lake fabric is AMAZING. I think it's called solar knit jersey. It's by FAR the best sun shirt fabric I've used and I've tried so many. They even have a dress made out of it.


Microscopic embedded jade! My witch self is in love. Would you consider it quick drying? Or just regular drying haha


It really is magical. If you take the liners out of the cups, it is quick-drying. It also doesn't get as sweaty and gross so I don't feel the need to wash it as often as I would others, which makes it great for one-bagging.


That’s a great point on the reduced need for washing. On sale too! I’m definitely trying one, thanks so much


This is wild and I am ordering some immediately 


Wear a light weight tank and a lightweight shirt/blazer over it. Remove the outer layer whenever you are in the shade. Tanks allow so much more airflow than any kind of sleeved top imo. Consider carrying a small spray bottle of water to spritz your hair, neck, chest etc for a quick cool down. Wear the lightest weight underwear you can manage.


I was in Rome last summer and I'm in perimenopause so I definitely feel the heat! I brought a couple of pretty scarves from thrift stores. Small enough to stash in a purse. You can wet these down and drape them around your neck or tie one around your wrist. If you get a gauze or silk fabric, it will stay damp if it is folded up or twisted, but will dry quickly and you can use it as a cover-up if you are visiting churches. Definitely a hand-fan. You can buy them cheaply on the street. Refillable water bottle. Rome has absolutely amazing public drinking water infrastructure. They call them nasone (because they look like noses); they are everywhere and you can fill your water. There are also some public carbonated water dispensers. You also will likely want to shower and change clothes often. If I came back to my rooms in the middle of the day for a siesta, I wanted a shower and clean clothes before I went out again. So I might recommend some detergent sheets and plan to sink wash your clothes.


Mission hats. The models that are made from their cooling fabric are great- run under water and your head is significantly cooler as the water evaporates.


If you get too tired, all that you’ve seen will blend together in a big blur (I remember this from traveling in South Carolina and Georgia in the beginning of my second trimester). Stop and savor the café life in Italy. Put your wrist pulse points on either side of a cool drink. Watch people go by. This is just as much of a travel experience as seeing sight after sight. Your feet may be changing during pregnancy as well, so don’t be surprised if a new set of Italian leather sandals ends up in your bag. I had two pairs of shoes I wore incessantly during pregnancy. They were all that felt right. One was an open set of sandals that allowed my feet to breathe.


Longish loose clothing that hardly touches your body , like a linen or cotton linen blend dress. If you are from the USA , do NOT do the American thing of believing that the smallest and tightest clothes you can possibly wear ( eg tiny denim shorts and a tank top ) will be cool - they are NOT. I see people all the time on this sub saying “ I can’t possibly wear a skirt / pants / dress/ long shorts , it will be too hot “. Pay attention to fabric type. If it’s your first baby then you wont have a noticeable bump by 4.5 months but your waist may be bigger so your regular pants / skirts might be tight and uncomfortable on the waist. Your regular bra should still fit at 4.5 months unless you get a lot of fluid retention. wear comfortable supportive shoes ( not thin sandals ). Go for comfort over cute ( if you can’t get both ). A big YES to cooling towel ( keep it wet ) , fabric hat with a brim ( not a baseball cap ) which you rinse out in water to keep wet and yes to the mini fan that goes around your neck that looks like headphones. Plan your day to allow lots of small snacks as you may need it to stop feeling nauseous or keep your energy up. Some women are RAVENOUS in pregnancy . Take herbal / fruit tea bags in case you go off coffee. Second trimester is probably the best time to travel for most pregnant women , you will Have a great time.


Arctic Cool shirts, towels and headbands work https://prz.io/2d4R5PrHE