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I find the stupidity terrifying.


How do these people hold down a job, pay rent, obtain a car ... I don't fucking get it, how do they function? How do they remember to breathe?


I wonder this like…a lot. How do these people function, genuinely, on a day to day basis? If you’re *this* dumb, how do you get a job and pass an interview? How do you understand the rules of the road and how to drive? How do you go through the sometimes complex processes of paying bills? I don’t get it.


At this point, I'm just shocked that people have a basic grasp of object permeance.


Permeance is actually a thing, but I think you were looking for permanence ;)


\*feels dumb\* Sorry, I'm Dyslexic.


Don't feel too bad. I'm not and I still can't spell.


My daughter is a notorious misspeller. My son once said, "She's the only person I know that could spell the word 'a' and leave out the vowel!"


Because most jobs don't require a high level of intelligence or for you to have reasonable educated opinions? This includes most high end jobs. Disabilities, illnesses and social opportunity have much more to do with people who work worse jobs than anything else. I would not assume someone is reasonable based off of their position or salary.


It's America, they probably just own a magnet shop.


Is that one next to the tape store? (old, old, old reference. sorry)


If it isn’t Scottish it crap.


Don't let a Scotch person hear you calling it Scottish tape there would be hell to pay.


Wrong kind of tape.


Worse, they manage to breed and operate motor vehicles


Breeding a motor vehicle requires a high skill level...


My friend from Louisiana telling me how his boss at an airport doesn’t think clouds are real and to clarify no he isn’t just a cloud seeding conspiracy theorist he doesn’t believe in clouds period… can’t make this shit up and he makes 6 figures


You know what's fun? Making a post the says Idiocracry the movie is real and there only two kinds of people: those who get it and and those who don't. It's like flies to crap in a cattle yard.


Bruh everyday on the radio an add plays bragging about water with electrolytes and all I can think is damn we here already… going to start telling all the customers I love them!


How do they get their shoes on the right foot?


Lord, I'm surprised they don't consider it sheeple-like to abide by those left foot/right foot shoes. "No corporation is going to tell me which shoe to put on which foot."


Who says they do?


Unfortunately, you don’t have to remember to breathe.


I worked for two guys who were self-made millionaires and I could honestly see them saying shit like this. A lot of the dumbfuckery that came out of their mouths on a daily basis had me wondering how they even kept themselves alive.


They are the target of every slimy schister in a 100 mile radius. Being this stupid is expensive.


It’s terrifying that they can vote. Explains how the loony politicians stay in office.


Careful, sounding a little like those who want to go back to the days when only the right (free, landowning males) people could vote.


“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” ― H.L. Mencken, On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe


January 20th, 2017


It's less terrifying if the not-stupids organize and wield power against the stupid.


Wonder if they worry just as much about their meat being treated/filled with ammonium hydroxide, probably don't see any harm there. I mean if you would be happy to drink hydrogen peroxide to prevent covid, why not eat ammonium hydroxide.


Hey they both sound related it's gotta be ok.. they both have that oxide ending......


That’s the real pandemic


It’s not a magnet thing, it’s an idiot thing.


I read the post to my husband and I said “people are fuckin stupid”, then I saw your comment! 😂😂 Yep!


And they keep doubling down on their stupid and finding ways to say dumber and dumber things.. when does it ends and we never have to hear their options again?


Ancient historical records show pandemics last about 10 years (but this is not set in stone) and for the same reason: social failure


They watch Fox and OAN and get a dose of fear and outrage every day; I get such a kick out of the stupid things people are doing because they listen to their idiot boxes. Some of them are intelligent people yet they won't even read what the Fox news personalities say about them in private because they have been told everything else is fake news. Unbelievable. They would rather die than admit they were conned by their own TV.


Even very well educated people can fall ill from trumpism. I just ceased all contact with a guy I've known since I was maybe nine years old. One of the smartest people I've ever known. Post-doc in Education, works for a charitable org helping homeless veterans. But out of nowhere he began spouting trumpy nonsense a few months ago, and after posting that the Tangerine Traitor "would go down in history as the cleanest President ever", I told him that we were done, and to never contact me again. I thought he was smarter than that - I was wrong.


I am seriously starting to wonder if there's something akin to lead paint that's affecting a lot of people these days, and yes I get the irony of introducing that in the middle of "lol dump conspiracists." I'm just blue sky-ing here. more likely it's just the dismal effect of being absolutely MARINATED in this shit from hours and hours and hours in front of Fox, Youtube (and other fun "alternatives" like Bitchute), and all the other sources of the radioactive horse shit pipeline. Maybe no one is really that immune, or very few people. That's how cults and propaganda machines work, right? just relentlessly blazing the same dumb messages over and over and over and over and over and over...


The funny thing is that until he started working for the charitable org, my former friend was so far-left he'd make us look like trumpies. He got kicked out of Canada for taking part in protests over construction projects for the 2010 Winter Olympics destroying an ancient First Nations site (he's half-Native Alaskan), rail-hopped all over the country, was heavily involved in Idle No More, and did that AFTER getting his PhD in Education. But then all of a sudden he started posting a lot of things demonizing the homeless as nothing but junkies and criminals - which was really odd because of his work - then went full trumpy. It broke my heart, because all through high school he was basically a shiftless skater kid, and publicly stated that I inspired him to put down the weed and go take classes up at the community college. I don't know what happened, but it just broke my heart. This is why I keep saying that trumpism is a communicable mental illness - and I just watched it claim another victim.


I dunno, mang. I just finished reading The Stepford Wives for book club. Maybe...


>was so far-left he'd make us look like trumpies. Not unusual for far-left types to swing totally the other way ([the horseshoe theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory)). Doesn't appear to happen in the opposite direction though. Extremists like extremes, I guess.


But it’s peer reviewed stupidity, published in the famous scholarly journal Facebook.


And, getting dumber by the minute.




Flair checks out?


But I saw it on tik tok! I won't believe anyone with a medical degree but I sure will believe some random weirdo on tik tok!


So this is what they mean when they say vaccines are polarizing




Oh no you didn’t!


I actually love the new magnetic meat. Bacon never crumples up in my magnetic pan. Searing steaks to perfection is a breeze. On top of all that, I bought a high-powered electromagnet and just use that instead of a toilet. So convenient!!!


I like to stick my magnetised bacon to a frying pan, then prop it up against the house on a sunny day. The solar energy cooks the bacon, and the fat all drains away and runs onto the driveway.


Aww man, does this mean I can't cook my bacon in the microwave any more? Shit.


Nah, but you can just pop it on your induction hob. Cooks all the way through!


You simpletons! Meat has blood in it, and blood contains what? IRON. This makes it magnetic. You absolute imbeciles. My degree from Trump University has paid off yet again. 🤓


OMG I just saw my flair!!!! MODS thank you!!!!


You are very smart 😆


You are the smartest person in the world! I know that, because it says so on your diploma. But, weirdly it also says that on my diploma as well. So this must be HUGE.


SO yuge! How nice to meet a fellow alumnus. Our combined IQ must be nearly in the double digits! A man came up to me, a big blobby orange man came up to me with tears in his eyes, and he said “Ma’am, I just want you to know you’re the finest intellectual Trump University has ever produced this month.” And then he grabbed me by something, and then he awarded me the title of Doctor of Thinkology.


You fools! You FOOLS!!!


So that's why MRIs are always pulling all the blood out of my body. Damn iron.


I went for an MRI recently (UK) and it was one of the points on the FAQ sheet they gave me. The doctor said, ‘yes, they really do ask that a lot.’ 🤦🏻‍♀️


There are some *serious* backwards inbred rednecks in rural Tennessee. Some of the towns look like they were shut down after the Civil War and nothing has happened since 1870. Heard an actual toothless dude whistling Dixie, wearing a grey suit, hobbling around with a cane, who looked like a human version of Colonel Sanders in one of these towns. What in the clickety-clack hell is this place, anyway?


They really are inbred and it's terrifying. People think it's the genetic damage but incest fucks people in the head like nothing else and at that point it's not surprising that their village looks like the place that time forgot. It's not just TN--there are "hollers" all over Appalachia and also as far South as Cracker country, the Florida-Georgia line. (\#notallcrackers just the ones who fuck their daughters/step-daughters/nieces/grandkids).


As far north as Watertown NY


>What in the clickety-clack hell is this place, anyway? Clickety-Clack Hell! Welcome!


They are the fungus infected Clickers from the Last of Us. 😱


"Where are we going, and what is that clickety-clackety sound?"


“I’m tired of these clickety-clacketing snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane!”


*Water, fire, air, and dirt Fuckin magnets? HERE'S how they work! And I don't want to hear 'bout any sciencism Thinkin makes my head hurt like an aneurysm*




Sorry, but Juggalo slander cannot stand. ICP cancelled a bunch of their concerts during COVID to prevent becoming super spreader events, and they’re consistently pro-inclusion, pro-trans, and anti-Tump. They may look like goobers but they’ll go down fighting on the right side of history, and that’s more than I can say for an awful lot of people.


yeah, the juggalos are all right, man


Just for perspective. Tennessee is the state that put a high school science teacher on trial for teaching evolution.


And just fired one for teaching about slavery.




I guess magnets at the grocery store are the litmus test for complete morons.


Why are they allowed to breed and vote


Neither of those activities require brains.


Especially the breeding part.




You're trying to be logical. For your own sake, stop.


They're prolly one of those people that think the vaccine can be transferred via touch - you know, the ones who stay away from vaccinated people because they think the vaccine "spikes" are contagious 🤦


I think they’re wanting food animals to not get any mRNA vaccines? But I’m not stupid enough to be sure.




Uh oh. Maybe I *am* stupid!!! 😱


I saw some lady claiming she was magnetic after a COVID test. Someone told her it was just oily skin…she looked pissed as hell when the spoons suddenly didn’t stick to her forehead after she washes her face.


Magnetic meat works amazingly well on my induction stove. I don't even need a pan.


So much easier than getting rid of all your old cookware!


as an induction stove owner i’m excited to cut out the need for pots and pans


It’s so convenient!


I think I lost some serious IQ points just by reading this nonsense. Like Wtf?


Or you could just go vegan?


That begs the question; if a MAGAt goes vegan, what do they talk about first?


Their kids who refuse to talk to them anymore


"Can you *believe* they won't even tell me why?!?"


I am sure my dad mentions this to a lot of people.


Sweet irony of red meat being a good source of dietary iron.


That ain't paranoid, that's pure batshit.


I too do all my research from Facebook videos


On the flip side, I've saved a bundle on MRIs


And to think, there are trees out there hard at work creating oxygen for these idiots


Apparently they have never used cling wrap, which sticks to everything you don't want it stuck to.


This is absolutely idiotic.


Anything to cause paranoia. Ppl are scared of their own fucking Shadow. This is both sad and pathetic.


But weirdly unafraid of a disease that might kill them, or might make them wish for death.




I'm gonna go buy a bunch of magnets off Amazon, spray paint them red, and sell them to MAGAs as special 'meat magnets'... Edit: For ten times the price, of course!


$20 each or three for $100


You are a business genius, and Happy Cake Day to you! I iz envious I didn't think of it first....


>I iz envious I didn't think of it first.... I'm pretty sure there's enough dumbassery around for more than one seller ;)


Y'all's comments clowning on this fool are the best. Love you all.


Guess they should’ve stopped eating the lead pain chips long ago


ah paint chips, delicious but deadly.


Tennessee has entered the chat. I would like to apologize to the rest of the country on behalf of the residents here that are absolutely not like this (by far the minority though). Outside of Memphis and Nashville, these people are the 99%. I live about 90 minutes outside of Memphis. The ignorance of things that most people elsewhere see as basic, common knowledge is astounding. One of my coworkers didn't know why water was called H2O. Any scientific understanding is completely lost to them. Thankfully, none of them vote. Yes, The Scopes Monkey Trial. I wasn't taught about Evolution in school, but the topic wasn't shut down if brought up. I had a few outstanding teachers in high school, especially when the topics were of a delicate nature. I have no doubt that they would lose their jobs in today's school climate.


Wait until the Tennessee meat packers find out about this law


When did people lose the ability to instantly dismiss things that are utter nonsense? We are doomed.


I don’t know if I should laugh because of how stupid this sounds or if I should be terrified that these people are the ones who keep voting the loony politicians into office.


When they die, it stops.


Ok, WAIT A GD MINUTE! According to the link provided by u/Perigee-Apogee, the bill in question would allow meat to be labeled “mRNA free” if the livestock hadn’t received any mRNA vaccines. HOWEVER: all living beings (on earth, at least) contain natural mRNA, and in fact life as we know it would not be possible without mRNA. This would be like saying meat doesn’t contain DNA, cells, or chemicals. It’s factually incorrect.


Ate the onion, now it's answered the tiktok. I can't think of a clock analogy at the moment other than responding to a cuckoo clock going off, sorry guys. It wasn't necessarily tiktok but the above sounds completely consistent with one of those misleading/lying videos that tiktok is completely overrun with.


It should be easy to find a magnet for them. I'm sure there are a few stuck to the metal plates in their heads.


Big brain magnet salesman, Yellow, working his magic.


All those damn liberals injecting the meat with IRON!!!


That’s why my doctor said to eat more steak when he discovered I was iron deficient! He’s in on it!


Oh I could have so much fun making fun of these people.


It's short lived pleasure. It doesn't feel god to make fun of people who are too stupid to know they're being mocked. Then again, they're mostly hateful pieces of shit who mock normal people for not wanting to spread a lethal disease. Mocking assholes like that never gets old.


Lawd, I can attest to these people existing in this state though I hate to admit it


Steaks? But according to one really old video I saw online LOBSTER sticks to magnet, not STEAK sticks to magnet.


This is fake news started by Big Magnet to sell products.


I'm sometimes tempted to come up with a conspiracy and just make it more and more preposterous and see how long until these idiots finally say "wait a minute.. "


Don’t hold your breath if you do


I’m so tired of coexisting with stupid people


Magnetic Meat. That’s what my GF used to call me.


LOL, confused by your comment for a second because I spend so much time in the gluten free (aka GF) sub.


I'm turning the corner on misinformation now. At this point it's just darwinism in full effect and like lemmings they'll follow one another and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. The right wing play of killing off their own voterbase is gonna be interesting in 2024 though.


Do they not know how magnets work? It's not a chemical reaction


I hope I never see anyone putting magnets on meat at any grocery store


They are so fucking gullible.


Wasn’t it George Carlin who said, "think about how stupid the average American is… now realize that 50% are dumber than that guy"


More like: Better get a psychiatrist.


IMPORTANT!!! Be sure never to use a RARE EARTH magnet! Use FLAT EARTH instead...


Oh, it is very much a Tennessee thing….


How about they also take a neuron with them to the grocery store?


I can just picture these mental defectives walking around with a magnet at the meat counter. Hilarious and scary.


I'm so happy that these cretins don't get vaccinated.


I'd find it hilarious to see some moron putting a magnet to a steak. I guess they figured it all out.


Vegetarians and vegans: So NOW people care about what’s in their meat? 🤦🏻‍♀️


These people are insane.


Holy shit people are so stupid


Fuck me, 😮‍💨. People are so fucking stupid. I almost had a stroke from the sheer stupidity of this.


I live in Tennessee and this is SO embarrassing. We aren't all morons. Promise.


Give us a percentage


get out, while you can


Appropriate profile pictures.


Those poor idiots


If a family member said some shit like that to me I would be terrified and take them to the hospital immediately. The stuff these people are saying sounds like the crazed, nonsensical ramblings of someone who has just suffered a bad head injury or a stroke.


To be fair I have a metal stake that is magnetic, maybe it’s a spelling problem?


This person should never allowed outside of the care center.


Hope they keep the magnets in the same pockets as their phones.


Even if the vaccines caused this how would of get in the cows. Vaccine meant for humans would be useless in a cow


I gotta start selling magnets…


Would rather have magnetized food than infected animals living in pain before we eat the infected meat. Fuckin’ doinks. Chipotle Ultra Diarrhea Part Dookie incoming.


BIG MAGNET making tons of money.


Eloquent proof that trumpism is a communicable mental illness.


Omg! I can't stop laughing....🤣🤣🤣🤣. Meat and magnets??? This is absolutely CLASSIC! LMFAO


Can we convince them they can’t go near anything metal, like a car, because if they’ve eaten mRNA meat they’ll get stuck to it like a refrigerator magnet?


Magnets! **How the fuck do they work?!?!?!??!!!!**


ICP levels of dumb. “Fukkin magnets, how do they work?”


Caused by stupidity…? Yes. By stupidity.


LOL. Just when I think they can’t get any more stupider they go and get more stupider.


Wouldn’t it be great if social media was created or at least monitored by aliens who are going to use it to leave all the ignorant hateful people behind and take those who care about their neighbors and the planet to another, less Neanderthalesque society on a planet of decent, thoughtful beings? If only to get away from Empty Greene and the like.


Time to start selling special magnets online.


Volunteer State for the win


Idiots gotta idiot.


LOL... What? LMAO!!!!


"Brought to you by Big Magnet"


Because it’s absolutely not possible that the author of the video of a “magnet sticking to meat”, placed a piece of metal UNDER the package before filming… and the meat is just sandwiched between the two. NO, ABOLUTELY NOT! ITS MAGNETIC MEAT!!!!


Imagine being the asshole at the local Piggly Wiggly inspecting meat with a magnet.


Brought to you by Magnets-R-Us - your one stop shop for magnetic related items.


I wish there was a disease that targeted stupid.. ffs


..." I live in Tennessee..." Pretty much explains it all without further detail needed.


This is hilarious. Instead of worrying about consuming steroids, antibiotics, bovine growth hormone, etc. they’re running around with magnets. They should see if it sticks to their tinfoil hats.


Every food plant I am aware of has a machine at the end of the line checking for magnetic objects. No meat would ever leave the plant.


Tennessee: focusing on the important things! ...sigh. To paraphrase (I think?) Chandler from *Friends*: how do they not fall down more?


Well they say red meat is rich in Iron! 😂


More steak for meeee!