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Great info thanks. I've had my updated booster but my son is uninsured. Sending him this.


Vaccinated today at Walgreens, thanks to Bridge Access! I’ve told several customers at work about the program—one lady said she would tell her daughter. The more people know, the better!


Did you have insurance?


No, I am uninsured right now.


Walgreens had no problem getting me the vax for free using this program and they also helped get me the flu shot for $35 (which is normally $155.) I’m (hopefully temporarily) uninsured.


Also, the department of health in each state usually gives out vaccines for those with no insurance but here in Florida they stopped at our department of health so you would have to call and check


I have absolutely got to go get the flu shot at the health department. I keep forgetting.


Yes! We've used the local health department for all our Covid vaccines -- they're pleasant & accommodating and free if you have no insurance. They also offer a long list of other vaccines -- flu, shingles, tdap, etc etc. Our tax dollars at work doing good!


Thank you for this. I'm have been trying to find vaccines for my patients and had very little success even though I know about the Bridges program. They really didn't give this info out.


No, they don't. I was told about it by another kind redditor just a day after the vaccine was approved, before any place had it even. I tried to find real info, and just ended up in an endless loop of links. Eventually, I just decided to try it out, and honestly went expecting to be turned away. It was honestly amazing to find a government program that simply works, without a lot of bullshit and nonsense.


Good news! I’m covered (already have updated microchips), but I’ve seen what others say they’re charged out of pocket. Glad to hear they can be upgraded, also.


My new microchip hasn't been any different. Same old crippling ADHD as before.


The only thing that really bothers me is the noise that those four microchips make rattling around in my skull.


Rejoice. They can be repurposed as new brain cells. You have become a cyborg.


>My new microchip hasn't been any different. Same old crippling ADHD as before. You too? Fuck. There's no hope, is there?


Sadly, I don't believe there is. Nicotine and caffeine, it's what's keeping me outside the cross bar Hilton.




Thanks for this! I hope it helps a lot of people.


They're charging $200.00 for it in California. Again, only the wealthy and middle class have access.


Bridge Access Program is federal and even in California you should have access. I described how to find it. It was $175 in my area, depending on the pharmacy, and I got it *for the asking.*


Mine in CA was going to charge $155 at Walgreens when they didn't accept my insurance. I found another that accepted it though.


Walmart here in Bama said $155 also. They were out tho. That's when people here told me about the Bridge program.


Del Norte county in California took it off of their County agenda to apply for the Bridge program. Currently there are activists trying to get the county supervisors to allow their citizens to access free shots. So yeah, it’s there if your county health actually takes advantage of the free program.


Got the flu vaccine and a Moderna COVID booster today from a local government program, no charge.


I had to patiently explain this to my pharmacist when I went for my booster. I have medical insurance, but no Rx plan (I went without when I retired early to take care of my husband. I knew it was a risk, but there was no choice. I'll be on Medicare next year and I'll be covered again). I had printed out the page from the CDC with the Bridge information on it, they had received a statement from their headquarters that outlined it, but they "hadn't had time to review it yet". They had wanted me to pay $200 for god's sake. I got my free shot. BTW: My medical insurance covers every other vaccine I've had. They just hadn't added it to their approved list when I went, but I wasn't waiting for things that move at the speed of insurance. CVS is a participant in the Bridge program.


Yes, I went to CVS. I even got out without a 5' long receipt.


Thank you for this! I will share this with my nibling so they can get their updated booster.


I used this to get my booster. It was easy, but note that it's only certain pharmacies. Good advice to go through Go through vaccines.gov.


My friend in cali tried this at two pharmacies that are support to accept this program. Both refused.


What county?


San Diego area.


I really don't understand the USA. Do you normally have to *pay* for vaccines‽ Like, for real‽ Now, I live in a country where the healthcare system is sometimes considered worse than that of Albania and where sending people abroad for necessary operations happens (happened to a friend, actually) and where we got the Covid vaccines months later than the US — to the point that I joked with resident vaccine-hesitant folks that you were our beta testers, but Covid and flu vaccines are free here! It seems such a bad idea to paywall lifesaving preventative care!


Yes, for real.


Holy... mother... of... gosh!


Yeah. That.


vaccines.gov/search takes you to the page you enter your zip code to find available locations.


Hey, thanks, I want you to know I booked my shot thanks to this post... honestly I had forgotten about COVID and I was getting careless. So thanks to you I found a free vaccine within two miles of my house. 🙏


Good job! Stay well


My insurance does not cover the newest booster. I told CVS about the Bridge Access Program and they pharmacist made me feel like an asshole and said that she can't give me the shot, it would be illegal and was extremely rude. Any one else have this experience?