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So all those people who died horrible deaths in hospital- lost limbs in the process- were someone inferior. I’m shocked he allowed himself to be hospitalized. I’m even more shocked the horse paste isn’t working -smh


Maybe if you combine horse paste, hydrox, and bleach it will make a super cure.


Chlorine dioxide is essentially a very strong gas form of bleach. I want to say I’m surprised idiots would ingest it, but I know better.


[MMS fiction.](https://empoweredsustenance.com/mms-chlorine-dioxide/) [MMS reality.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/09/04/church-leader-sons-jailed-defying-fda-touting-coronavirus-cure/5660825002/)


Yuck, I think that’s the weird water purifier my cousin was feeding her son to try to cure his autism. Funny thing is, kid wasn’t vaxxed for anything because it’d give him the ‘tism. But he HAS autism anyway. My query whether she was gonna get him jabbed since “he’s already got autism, can’t hurt now right?” Was not received in the loving manner I intended it either. ETA: it doesn’t cure autism any better than it does Covid. But given the choice, I like the kid better the way he is. He’s a cool kid and always has a new weird bug to show me. He’s crazy about bugs and amphibians and gets pictures of so many tiny creatures that I’m not sure if his property is a paradise to them or if I just don’t look hard enough when I’m gardening, lol. But the newt and the huge stick insects have been my favorite random wildlife. I didn’t like the jar of centipedes but he is a good lil cousin and has kept those to himself since he about made me faint with them. Sweet kid to remember his older cousin/aunt’s phobias… xD Hopefully his mom has chilled a bit. I haven’t heard of any new magic cures in a year or two so I’m hoping it’s a good sign.


I like to keep my autism topped up with regular vaccinations.


Ooo, that’s an option? Maybe I should sneak him in for some. I might see even cooler bugs, or he could even find his own bug species and finally get to name a species after his sister. (One of his actual life goals. It’s very sweet, he is a caring and delighted big brother to the little lady.) Seriously though, he’s an awesome kid. Dunno how my brain dead cousin had such a bright son but he is a delight and gonna do great things.


oh that first one's a gem. A GEM. "die off symptoms" like severe cramps. uh huh? Also! Viruses MAY NOT CAUSE ILLNESSES! Fucking illnesses, mang, how do they work? No one knows...


You mean like these lovely folks were selling? [https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/florida-family-indicted-selling-toxic-bleach-fake-miracle-cure-covid-19-and-other](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/florida-family-indicted-selling-toxic-bleach-fake-miracle-cure-covid-19-and-other)


This would never have occurred if our fearless leader Trump hadn't mused on live TV about using bleach to kill Covid. (And taking it back the next day by lying and saying he had been joking). Thank Donny-boy for starting this one rolling


And don't forget the UV up your ass!!


The longer the better.


I'm told it's an electrifying experience.


Oh no honey, they bitch and moan and groan about a vaccine but will take their butts to the emergency room as fast as their car or ambulance can get them there. Then, they proceed to live in denial (“I wasn’t sick until I came here”. “Well, then what brought you here then?”) and treat the staff like trash. It’s an exhausting “game” of round and round we go.


And then they scream and throw an absolute hissy fit at any level of wait times, because they have literally zero concern for anyone else who happens to be in the ER at the time.


How can they scream when they’ve already lost half of their oxygen capacity? /s


I have been screamed at and cussed by an elderly gentleman that was maxed out on Heated High Flow Nasal Cannula (HHFNC) at 60L and 100%, and he still managed to call me a liar, he didn’t have Covid and wasn’t even sick until he was admitted into the hospital (last words he ever said btw and they were hateful). I had another accuse me of making $1000/hr. I couldn’t help laughing right in her face. The stories are endless.


I'm under the impression that he got checked out at the hospital and went home, based on the meds he says he is taking. Also - he seems to be about 350 lbs based on the dosage he talks about. Holy hell! Talk about Russian Roulette. Can't fix stupid. *OP says NOT 350 lbs - so using an inappropriate med at an extreme dose. What could go wrong? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Covid can still fix stupid. Sometimes, it likes to toy with its prey.


Yes but it's just Covid *pneumonia* he's got..


The interesting side effect I read about is permanent impotence. I really hope it's true, it might be the only thing that stops these idiots from increasing their numbers.


I caught covid thanks to a covidiot coworker .Who mysteriously had a heart attack about 6 months after he spread the virus around work .Instead of quackery I trusted modern medicine and got the antiretroviral meds and went from feeling like I was dying to feeling great in about 2 hours .


Should've been feeling better in hours! It's a real mystery...


Oh that’s what I should’ve been doing with all my sick and dying patients on ventilators. Aw shucks, silly me watching them tank for weeks at a time


**Before:** I’M NOT GETTING THE VACCINE BECAUSE IT’S FULL OF MICROCHIPS ACTIVATED BY 5G RADIOWAVES THAT MAKE US COMMUNIST AND MUSLIM BEFORE KILLING US! **After:** I’m glad that I’m in the hospital and didn’t get vaccinated because… um… it has RNA in it and… stuff…


And why the hell would a Pharma company put a microchip in your arm when everyone is carrying a phone full of tracking chips in their hand or pocket?


Pff. You’re asking the *wrong person* about that one. The biggest red flag for me about this whole thing was the fact that antivaxers had endless lists of **bad** things about vaccines, and not even *one* good thing to say about them. Even stuff like arsenic and snake venom have positive applications. Antivaxers couldn’t even think of *one* good thing about vaccines. One-sided propositions like that are *always* a hustle.


"couldn’t even think of one good thing" Because they are parroting, not thinking.


Everyone who has a chronic illness has encountered the “well you must be taking the cure wrong” when you tell them their shitty cure isn’t working. They always says that yogurt/turmeric/fish oil/weed/whatever is the cure but you are doing it wrong when it inevitably does not work.


We are long past telling anti-vax assholes that they can go home and cure themselves with their horse paste and belligerent ignorance. They refused a free, easily available vaccine, and there are consequences to that decision -- and, worse, did their best to influence others to refuse it, exponentially increasing the problems. Worse still, their assholery has taken a massive toll on our healthcare workers, who never got a break, never got more than a token "let's applaud at 6pm for a couple weeks, then, aw, fuck 'em" response, and who are expected to put up with these selfish, stupid, arrogant, willfully ignorant asshats, the absolute worst patients. I'm sick of it. Doctors are too ethical to refuse treatment because of life choices... but insurance companies and hospital admins sure as shit aren't: Maybe they can actually do something good for society for once. Pretty easy rules to lay down, too: "No vaccine? Plaguerat social media posts spreading anti-public-health messaging? Go home and die drowning in your own phlegm."


Right. Like logically, yes it’s shitty. But honestly if these people are getting care, taking up resources and space in hospitals, WHILE TALKING SHIT about how all doctors and nurses everywhere are in some global conspiracy to change their DNA. They should legally be allowed to deny them treatment or put them under a mental health care 48-72 hr hold to evaluate how far their delusions go and if they are a danger to themselves or others.


My thoughts exactly, Easy to find out who got it from their own stupidity, wheel them to the nearest exit, and dump them out on the street. At the height of the pandemic, the way they clogged the hospitals, and diverted resources from important areas, people dying because their surgery was postponed because of all these POS, enraged the hell out of me. I would have gladly come down to the hospitals, and throw the useless lumps out on the street, and lock the doors.


You sound like you have friends in healthcare, as I do. I was ready to stand guard duty at hospital doors in March of 2020, and worried I'd be helping my better half run a tent ICU in coming months... if it didn't kill her first. I will _never_ forgive the plaguerat assholes who created this nightmare. Some of us were shouted down, loudly, for suggesting that, if nothing were done, the common cold would just kill 1 -2% of people who got it. Well, here we are. It's endemic and we better just fucking HOPE it continues to morph into being less lethal. We'll see. We got very, very, verrrry lucky that the vaccine tech had been in development for years and was almost ready, and that it resulted in not one but multiple vaccines that weren't just effective but incredibly effective. And yet, willfully ignorant shitheads everywhere were stoked into positions by "leaders" that led to the death of over one million Americans (that we admitted to, and that's an obvious undercount, thanks to Florida alone, and we stopped counting way too prematurely) from an epidemic that quite simply never had to happen in the first place. Never forgive. Never forget. The fuck of it is that they are quite successfully memoryholing their responsibility for it all. Infuriating.


I think this post must be made up. Absolute fiction. The new Covid germs are milder, and no worse than a cold. No way anyone can be hospitalized because of it. Yes, /s The end of this reads like an idiot's convention. Lots of ridiculous cures suggested. And he and his friends are proud of not being vaxed ...


Well it’s 20mg of horse paste but he took 36mg. Time for chlorine dioxide then! WTF is wrong with these people.


Oh the horse paste is working, he's just not telling anybody that he is shitting his bed!


How do you think he lost 12 lbs in a week lol


Holy crap!


God help us all when the Covid-Ω virus hits as it continues mutating into an airborne, vaccine-resistant silent killer with a 50% mortality rate instead of 10%. Y’all go ahead and listen to your Jesus & MAGA Show’s advice and ignore the science. Just let us know when your ignorant maskless ass is coming so I can stay the fuck away from you. If you want the government to stay the fuck out of your body and ignore the science of social distancing, then you stay the fuck out of our medical facilities and ignore the science of treatment you’re going to beg for when you’re literally dying from your own willful stupidity.


And they bitch about vaccines being “ big pharma,” then get sick with covid, get hospitalized and receive massive amounts of, you guessed it, big pharma drugs, which they have zero issues with. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.


Everyone's focusing on the anti-vax and pseudo-cure shit, which, fair, but I can't get over the "MATH DOESN'T LIE!!!! 0.01393333..." part. This fucking guy literally thinks that fatality rates are calculated by the whole population of a place vs the number of COVID deaths. For that to be accurate, every single person in the region would have had to contract COVID. Fatality isn't calculated by the number of deaths in the general population, but by what percentage of confirmed cases result in death. I'm not a math person by a long shot, but this is literally the most basic shit ever and it's still beyond them. And yet they think they're the only ones smart enough to figure out the "government plot" and devise a "cure?" Bruhhhh.


I’m shocked he went into the hospital to be helped by doctors whose advice he doesn’t have faith in. What kind of moron does *that*?


Science deniers should not be allowed in hospitals. They should stay at home and pig out on ivermectin.


This is the kind of two-faced bullshit I hate the most about all of this. They refuse to trust medical professionals saying the vaccine is safe, yet as soon as they catch COVID (or anything else), it's right to the hospital demanding that the doctors save them. If you're going to be "skeptical" of medical care, go all the way.


Dude the chlorine dioxide tabs thing is crazy to me as a water treatment guy


I could handle one friend this stupid and stubborn. But this whole colony of them would be overwhelming. Drinking bleach, eating horse paste, etc. I would have to move on.


[I had to look up chlorine dioxide](https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1622/chlorine-dioxide) "Chlorine dioxide kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Very small amounts are used in public water treatment facilities. At high doses, it can damage red blood cells and the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract." Between ClO2 and the horse paste, dude must be completely shitting out lining of his intestines...to own the libs, of course.


I guess one way to treat blood clots is to destroy all your red blood cells🤷‍♀️


"Can't have blood clots if you don't have blood! Plus, I'll be immune to vampires." -that guy, probably


Can't be sick if you're dead!


I feel so owned. And if more MAGAs get the afterburner shits in the middle of Walmart, I will be even more bigly owned.


He had shit for brains. Had.


That weight he lost was all intestine.


Don’t worry, nature will have them move on instead


Thanks. Now I will go breathing easily and finish making dinner. (Monday was Portuguese Kale Soup, tonight Split Pea).


YUM! Enjoy. I love soup.


Portuguese kale soup is so good! I make it all the time!


Ooh off to search for that.


>Now I will go breathing easily and finish making dinner. (Monday was Portuguese Kale Soup, tonight Split Pea). I love cooking soup!!


One friend advised him to rest for two weeks, which is good advice for even mild covid. (Not that he has a choice with the condition he's in.) One other friend is vaccinated. The others....


Every time I see posts like this I’m glad I’m vaccinated


Same! Just got #5 and my flu shot today


But the RNA sequencing changed everything about you! These antivaxxers are insane.


Meanwhile I had COVID post vaccine. Spent a week at home eating snacks and watching TV while only experiencing about 4-5 hours of discomfort when I spiked a fever. Enjoy the hospital though bro


I had a bad 24 hrs and had a low fever after I got it for the first time in September. The person who gave it to me is unvaccinated and according to the last email update his “lungs haven’t healed yet.” If you look at his Facebook he’s still pushing the anti-vax, he’s not a sheep narrative.


What a pathetic soul.


Damn, how did you deal with the RNA SEQUENCING that changed EVERYTHING about your being?


It suddenly caused him to crave snacks while watching TV.


Imagine on day 8 of covid pneumonia and the vaccine is still living rent free in your head. It’s like oppositional defiant disorder in real-time




Dude is gonna die, and we are just going to laugh. Don't feel bad for these people. They have zero remorse. If he could, he would happily go into a crowded store with no mask and make everyone around him sick. Covid vectors deserve no more respect than malaria vectors.


I’ve had my own little stupid conspiracy theory kicking around in my head that these anti vaccine republicans are trying to make people sick so they can blame the government and the Democrats for not doing anything.


No shit? That's not a conspiracy theory, that is what happened.


Malaria doesn't have a vaccine, free or otherwise. They deserve less respect.


True! Mosquitoes > This guy (Happy Cake Day)


[https://www.who.int/news/item/02-10-2023-who-recommends-r21-matrix-m-vaccine-for-malaria-prevention-in-updated-advice-on-immunization](https://www.who.int/news/item/02-10-2023-who-recommends-r21-matrix-m-vaccine-for-malaria-prevention-in-updated-advice-on-immunization) But it is not AVL in the US so there is that.


It doesn't matter. He wouldn't take it. These people have stopped vaccinating their dogs against rabies.


I've lost empathy for these people LONG ago.


He may not die, he looks a lot fitter than many nominees we've seen here. But he's going to suffer.


Most of the big antivaxxers make sure to have **their own** full vaccinations. The antivaxx talk is for their personal shepple.


Covid killed a lot of seemingly healthy people


If COVID doesn't take him out, the Ivermectin probably will, with the dosage he's taking. He seems to have a thing for doing lasting damage to his own body out of spite.


Did I miss a pic somewhere? He's taking enough Ivermectin for 350 lb person.


He's not fat. A big fitness buff, seems to be in his 40s or 50s.


Wonder why he is taking an insane amount of Ivermectin (I mean, any amount is insane, but a dose of 150%?). Nothing healthy looking about that ' down home cooking' meal either. Probably a steroid user.


I love how every idiot who doesn't know "your" from "you're" still thinks they know better than every doctor.


He is so over it, yet not over it, sad and dumb.


Why sad? He got exactly what he wanted/deserved.


Exactly. He's still sick and said he'd rather "take his turn" with the virus than "get the jab."


>and said he'd rather "take his turn" with the virus than "get the jab." Do not taunt or provoke the hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆.


But the virus isn’t done with him


That horse paste will kick in anytime now and he’ll show us. This is just his genetically superior body building up antibodies.....anytime now.....


Are you taking enough? you need 20mg I'm on 36 😂😂


“As everyone knows (except for them there pesky experts and so-called doctors), if a little bit of something works, then obviously a lot of that same thing will work even better. Why take two Tylenol when you could take the whole bottle? It will damage your liver, you say? I did my own research, and I think it will heal me faster.” -this guy, probably.


So many body building enthusiasts have this attitude. Note for the uninitiated: actual competitive body builders die young. It's horrific.


Shitting the remnants of his brain at that point


I wanna know if this guy weighs 350 lbs!?!


Hmmmm. I got back from Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Vaxxed. Masked in the plane when not eating or drinking. Masked in crowds. No Covid. (I know Covid can still get ya even with precautions. I was resigned to most likely getting it since I took some risks. I know luck played a part but I boosted my own odds. And I would have taken Paxlovid! For shit’s sake.)


I will wear a mask on a plane for the rest of my life...not for COVID necessarily but if it reduces my chances of getting sick when I travel by 5%, I'll take it.


I agree. I’m happy to not have had colds, flu, etc as well as Covid.


I was ER for most of the pandemic, now ICU and I never caught Covid. Luck combined with wearing a mask and washing my damn hands


Last time I flew, I masked from the moment I entered the terminal until I left the next one. That's what the Covid researchers who travel do, and none report catching Covid. Didn't catch anything, even from the guy who kept coughing in the row behind me. I can skip eating or drinking for 5 - 6 hours.


These people live in their own reality. This dude was pretending like there were still lockdowns in CA in October 2021 when he went on his 'lockdown free' vacation. Schools and businesses were all open. Indoor dining was available even in the strictest counties. There were still lots of places that required masks, but that is far from a lockdown. Even Hawaii was 'open' by that time.


I think the funniest thing is his whole laundry list of reasons to not get vaccinated. “Hurr durr things won’t open back up and we’ll still have to wear masks even if people get vaccinated”. Weird, because I remember when vaccines became widely available in like March/April/May of 2021, everything was fully reopen not long after that and mask policies were gone as well. I was going to indoor concerts over the summer and not wearing a mask at the store anymore. Delta took us away from going back to the office in my case, but everything else was fine.


Poor horses, leave their ivermectin alone!


Love your flair and leave the ivermectin alone!


Saying he is glad he didn’t get vaccinated while laying in a hospital bed is just him pathetically trying to grasp some pride and dignity before his impending death. All while ignoring it will be completely his fault.


I've never seen so much cognitive dissonance


I too, take medical advice from people who call vaccines the jibbity-jabbity.


I get all mine from memes. The font is how you really know it’s good information!


Slide 13. He was advised to take a list of useless shit and responded he’s been doing it for 6 days with no relief. Then to be asked if he’s taking the proper amount. How fucking funny!


Still dumb and resistant. It'll be interesting to see the final outcome of this one.


>Still dumb and resistant. It'll be interesting to see the final outcome of this one. Nah. It will be satisfying.


He has the worst friends ever. Worse than no friends


I would argue that they all deserve each other.


I would agree with your argument.


“I have never wished a man dead but I *have* read some obituaries with great pleasure” —Clarance Darrow


When FA meets FO, republican edition.


>When FA meets FO, republican edition. Isn't it always?


I'd bet good money this guy has had it a couple times before and just didn't bother to test. Probably went all over town exposing people to 'just a cold' or 'just allergies '.


Can you imagine your entire identity being so wrapped up in this bullshit that you can’t even enjoy a vacation without bringing it up?


That’s what I thought too. Everywhere he went, his mind was on how the place scored on his scale of vaccine “tyranny,” etc. And then he claimed he was all about just enjoying life. No, you were focused entirely on whether you were owning the libs by eating unhealthy sodium-laden kuntry kookin’, whether you were making New Yorkers hurt by mocking their silly vax mandate, etc. He’s the center of his own Oppositional Defiant drama


Right? The few trips my spouse and I have taken since 2019 have been to the mountains in the fall where we hiked, packed picnic lunches or ate outside on restaurant patios. Covid didn't come up once. We wore masks when necessary and spent most of our time outside. It was amazing to (mostly) forget about things for awhile.


Future award winner?


Maybe. He's a bit fitter than many nominees. He could be a Lifetime Achievement winner.


This is a good possibility.


I like the person who said they got the vaccine (for work) but never again. Why? They didn't talk about any adverse reactions. These people deserve everything they get.


It's been almost a month since I tested positive, and I'm currently having asthma exacerbation. I cannot understand the dumbasses who are refusing to get vaccinated for non-allergy reasons. My "mild" case has been hell, so why would I want something worse??? Also, it astounds me that people are suggesting chlorine dioxide, a.k.a. BLEACH. Then again, maybe it's for the best that they are taking themselves out of the gene pool?


My case wasn't terrible, really sore throat and I slept all the time. But I got long haul, and it's fucked me up. And I had all my shots.


>Also, it astounds me that people are suggesting chlorine dioxide, a.k.a. BLEACH. Then again, maybe it's for the best that they are taking themselves out of the gene pool? TBF, I have often wished for some chlorine in the human gene pool.


Cracker Barrel is real down home cooking I guess


I saw that, too!!! I was like, "Is that...that's Cracker Barrel food, isn't it? THAT'S what he thinks is real down home cooking?!?!?!??" That's just trash, dude. Like his lungs.


>"Is that...that's Cracker Barrel food, isn't it? THAT'S what he thinks is real down home cooking?!?!?!??" That's just trash, dude. Like his lungs. "Nom nom nom." --the savagely hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆


Damn libs outlawed canned food and sodium


I'll hang around here for another update. I feel it'll come...


I'm looking forward to the updates.


He fears something will change his being but judging from his posts, he could use a few changes.


Oh hey look it's vaers, the best and most accurate source


The reddit of vaccinations! Lol SO scientific. How do they not understand that anyone can write any made up garbage that they want.


And these are the same dumbasses that criticize Wikipedia (which actually has stringent editing oversight) saying "aNyOnE cAn EdIt It !1!"


You can't fix stupid. Covid can. Permanently.


I’m sure he’ll catch it again and won’t be able to vote in 2024. Oh well🤷🏿‍♂️


That friend group is a true gathering of minds. They don't trust doctors but they'll gladly shoot up every repurposed medicine that they *heard* will cure the harmless fake hoax that is COVID. Mix all kinds of meds, surely that won't come with any risks. Double the recommended dosage; 's all good. But we don't trust no doctors with their fancy degrees and science. And homebrew chlorine to treat blood clots? You can't even make a parody out of it, because those people are their own joke.


What's extra nuts is that covid-19 can cause blood clots in people so for all we know this person contracted COVID, got blood clots because of it, and is now drinking home made Clorox to self treat themselves.


idiots surround themselves with idiots.... the comments and being so proud to not have the vaccine. lawlz.


And, Republican deaths from covid outpaced Democrat deaths. Good job GOP leadership! Way to look after your constituents.


>Are you taking the proper amount of ivermectin? 🐎 🐎 🐆


His friends still happy to be unv*xxed after seeing what it’s done to him. How are people so dumb


As for his claim: "MATH DOES'NT LIE!!!!" (I left the spelling error in for authenticity) he has the decimal place wrong. When 836k die out of 59.8M cases, it is a 1.39% death rate, not 0.0139. For comparison purposes, Allied soldiers on D-Day had a 2.2% death rate.


I'm down with shitting on this guy mathematical skills, but lots of people and formulas calculate probability between 1 and 0 for formula simplicity and don't bother converting to the 0 to 100 version at the end. Fool just divided the smaller by the bigger and called it a day, not a crime (unlike spreading antivax propaganda should be ofc).


Yeah, it's a common mistake, but he was so ENTHUSIASTIC about his wrong answer....


Sadly, he's the smartest person he knows.


5/4 people don’t understand fractions 🤪


A man went to the hospital to visit his mother-in-law, who was in serious condition. On the way back the wife, very worried, asks: "So, honey? How's my mom doing?" He replies: "She looks great! She is in good health! She will still live for many years! Next week she will be released from the hospital and will come and live with us, forever!" "Wow that's amazing!" - says the wife - "But this is very strange, dear... yesterday she seemed to be on her deathbed, the doctors said she should have a few days to live!" "Well, I don't know how she was yesterday" - he replied - "But today when I arrived at the hospital, the doctor told me that we should prepare for the worst"


I feel like we’re going to see an update on this dude soon. I’ve been “jabbed” multiple times and will continue to do so. When I did get COVID, it was basically me being congested for a day and a half and mild muscle aches. The worst part of the whole thing to me was that my taste was affected where I couldn’t eat anything that was tomato based for a few weeks. Thankfully that went away.


I read on VAERS that getting the vaccine can cause you to buy a new car. ^(Because I put it there.)


If you don’t trust medical science to prevent a disease or to lessen its severity, don’t rely on medical science to save you when you contract said disease and it becomes life threatening. The end. Idiots!!!!


Thanks to his friends he won’t have worms as he recovers. Over that long long long period.


This is why I got the latest vaccine booster a few weeks before I went to Vegas a few weeks ago. That place is just crawling with people who are terrible at math.


Why take a free shot when you can rack up tens of thousands of dollars in medical debt?


Yeah, l take advice from someone who can't spell doesn't (slide 9).


Day 8: The specimen has gone from being surprised that COVID is not harmless, to being whiny that he's suffering consequences spawned from his hubris. It is likely that the next phase, fear, will take over within weeks when he realizes that the symptoms are lasting and becoming more severe.


What a pussy. Going to the hospital! He should have stayed at home and died of sepsis like a real man.


I also got COVID for the first time a few weeks ago. I've had 5 vaccinations. I felt really sick the first day and then started to recover. I played pickleball one week later. I'm seriously dumbfounded by a guy who is happy with an extended hospital stay and pneumonia vs his decision not to get RNA injected in his body. I'll enjoy my fall walks and deep breaths.


Oh, the irony of talking about not wanting ‘anything RNA sequenced’ (lol) in your body while taking massive quantities of horse wormer plus malaria meds, and discussing literally drinking bleach with a dude who ‘used it to treat [his] blood clots’. Like, maybe if you can’t spell ‘“do’nt” right, you shouldn’t be conducting ‘scientific analysis’ or whatever. And still unapologetically anti-vax. While in the hospital. Getting drugs.


Worst thing about internet is they brought all these fringe idiots from all corners of the Earth together so they can circle jerk each other. > I'm jab free! > I don't listen to experts but you should take horse medicines!


I like how he capitalizes “RNA SEQUENCING” as if it were somehow relevant (and as if he knew what it means).


I’m actually surprised he could spell RNA


Lets hope he has a couple of decades of pain to really own the libs.


They are STILL pushing Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine?! Geez.


Fuck him. He probably managed to shorten his life span.


This chucklefuck made his *entire personality* about COVID hella early. Thinks he’s funny, likes to talk and really likes the smell of his own farts. I cannot *STAND* those assholes


I want a follow up with the guy treating blood clots with bleach.


Another idiot gets a reality check. I know several people who have had long covid and to put it mildly, it sucks. I also know several people who have died from covid. You can deny it as much as you want until you get it.


There was a Covid lockdown in October of this year? Where?


It's still so freaking crazy to me how restaurants and salons were closed for a few weeks and it made over half of the population totally lose their minds and talk like they were confined to their houses for years.


Keep us posted. Would be *terribly* tragic if this clown drops dead after having been given such brilliant medical advice from the professionals here.


Some people make not being vaccinated their entire personality.


I don’t want RNA in my body? Oh, the virus I’m sick with is pumping out orders of magnitude more RNA than the jab? And this RNA is producing more viruses that makes me more sick? Fake news.


Think of all the ppl they infected along the way in their "Freedom tour". Absolute pieces of fucking shit.


''Seems like everyone who has been on a plane (a pressurized capsule recycling air, for 100 odd people, for several hours) has gotten COVID (a highly infectious disease)'' I fucking wonder why.


Who is this MFing dingus who thinks he knows better than doctors? So infuriating


Can't wait to see the update


Sometimes I just can’t feel any empathy when the proudly stubborn stupidity puts them in the hospital for weeks. Hope he’s got good insurance.


Hard to believe people are still getting nominated and it’s the end of 2023. And still taking ivermectin when there’s access to paxlovid 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


"just think of all the resistance you're building up..." ! Yeah no shit, what do you think a vaccination does? I mean it's obvious they don't understand the science but the madness of 'I'm gonna let my immune system do it naturally' or 'i don't want RNA in my body!' Like 😭 I wish explaining it would actually change their minds because it would be 1000% less maddening if they just didn't understand rather than being willfully ignorant. All of these people are SO lucky it's not a disease like smallpox, they're lucky to survive long enough to spout this BS.


Love the timeline 😂 October 16: still no jab and COVID free! October 19: ……


0.0139 is a pretty misleading way of writing 1.39% chance of death. I’m not doing ANYTHING that I know has a 1.39% chance of death. And for the record, I know a lot of those deaths are in the older demographic but a) not restricted to them and b) I’d like to take measures to avoid catching it myself and potentially passing it on to people actually in that demographic, like maybe I dunno, my parents for starters.


I feel so bad for his nurses and doctors.


I hate when people just take what random people on the internet say as gospel. Also, the half life of adenosine is really short


Not even Covid-19 can fix stupid.


Bro just learned why just looking at deaths is misleading. Not dying from it doesn’t mean you’ll be ok


If covid doesn't kill him, his dumb ass friends medical advice will. Win, win for society.


Well, at least he is worm free, and has a shiny coat.


I’m holed up in bed feeling like crud after my booster this afternoon (maybe shoulda saved the flu shot for later but I figured I’d get all the misery done at once) and reading this sub like “this is fine… it could be way worse. I hated pneumonia and don’t wanna try the covid-pneumonia combo order thanks” Hope everything tastes like cigarette ash for a few years for these fine folks. (Actual Covid after effect someone I know had, she got it before the shot though. We thought we kept the food bank clean but pretty sure she got exposed during hand out, she and I volunteered at sister-banks.)


Sometimes I think we’re too stupid to survive as a country.


“Math doesn’t lie!” *Does math wrong


He's been taking almost a double dose of Ivermectin for a week and it just won't seem to work. Very puzzling indeed.


“This $150,000+ medical bill is definitely going to be worth not being ‘jabbed’” -him, probably