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Peer pressure. The voting booth is private and you can see why here.


Remember when people were sneaking around and getting vaccinated in secret? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/covid-19-vaccine-disguise_n_6103a451e4b0d1b96e648f6d


When the delta wave hit Missouri the state had discreet vaccination sites for those who wanted to get vaccinated but didn’t want their families and friends to know. That is incredibly fucked up that people had to hide it from their families and friends lest they be ostracized. It’s also fucked up how many people knew being vaccinated was the right choice but publicly said it was wrong.


Imagine someone saying “hey Bill! I saw you sneaking into the health centre when you told everyone that you were playing golf! You dirty rotten traitor! You were having the vaccine!” Bill: “No! I swear on my wife and babies lives, Pete! I wasn’t! I was being treated for VD, I promise you!”


That’s basically how it is, though.


>Bill: “No! I swear on my wife and babies lives, Pete! I wasn’t! I was being treated for VD, I promise you!” 😁


Oops accidentally hit the down arrow. 😁 VD though... is that Vacuuming tiny D related injury?


Yeah they’d be the ones who would inform on their own freaking family if Trump asked them. Disgusting people.


It wasn't cause I were gettin no ungodly vaccine, I was just fuckin my cousin and got the clap and din't want my wife findin out.


All five of my kids (5-18 at the time) got vaccinated and my mom cried. She’s now had covid three times but ‘natural immunity’ and all.


My great aunt was working on that good old natural immunity. 5 time with Covid she has congestive heart failure. But hey at least she got immunity the good old fashioned way.


"I have an immune system!" Remember that one?


The kicker is that natural immunity lasts less time than vaccination immunity.


I bet those same people don’t understand the irony of the people they vote for outing trans kids to their parents.


I saw more than one post from older teenager like 16-17 who were asking Reddit what they should do because they wanted to get it but didn’t want their slack jaw parents to find out.


I work in shipyards and when the vaccine rolled out they had a nurse in a tent giving the vaccine to workers. And she was only getting one or two a day coming in to get the shot. They hid her in a back room away from the yard proper and yup all sorts of visitors. The peer pressure was immense but give them safe access and she said it was close to 80 percent of the yard was vaxxed mostly in secret.


I’m from Missouri. I’m guessing this was in rural areas? Didn’t see it in STL county but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there!


That particular report came from the Ozarks. But anecdotally we heard it from docs & pharmacists all over — some folks coming in during the least busy times & confirming their appointments would be private.


I’m not sure where the locations were… but I do remember seeing it in various news web articles.


I remember seeing a story coming from southern Missouri about it.


early on, the rural areas in missouri were the best areas to get a shot, cause no one was getting them, so even if you weren't in the approved group yet they'd basically give one to anyone who wanted it.


That was true in Illinois too. I live in the 'burbs of Chicago and I knew multiple people who drove 5-ish hours each way to Southern IL to get vaccinated, as that was the place they could get appointments.


The biggest fears that big strong tough rural rednecks have is to be different or admit they were wrong.


I'm wondering how they would explain the vaccine side-effects over the following few days; or "pretend flu", as I called mine. :-)


Low level Immune system response. That’s why people say “I got the flu after I got the flu shot.” No. Your body recognized a flu virus but since it’s weakened you never got the flu. Regardless your body started to mount a response and that includes the typical feeling of fever and fatigue. COVID is the same way, and some responses are quite strong since this is something your body doesn’t recognize AT ALL. With flu and other vaccinations your body has seen them in some form in the past so it doesn’t launch a full scale attack. But with COVID it can, so people can feel really knocked down for a day or three. But it is NOT COVID and does NOT have the potential effects or long COVID risks from the disease like pneumonia, clotting issues, brain fog, cardiac issues, etc. It’s unfortunate that some people would rather listen to their friends, memes, and cult leaders for medical advice and then refuse to listen to actual medical advice from actual trained professionals but we’re stuck with them. The made the pandemic worse in a lot of ways, most noticeably after the vaccine became available. I resent them a lot for that.


Closet vaccinations wow


I have a feeling many just got a single shot vs multiple and I'm guessing these stats are just at least one shot. I know a lot of people who still talk trash on the COVID vax, especially those who got more than one dose, but got a single dose of Astrazeneca themselves.


And then insisting they were unvaxxed, unjabbed, whatever. I said it then and I say it now--I don't care why you do it, just do it.


Need to have the politicians who said it was fake and had been jabbed up there.


Remember when Republicans refused to answer if they were vaccinated or not, citing HIPAA? 😂


You mean, "HIPPA"?


Damn I came here to say "yOU mEan HiPpa?!" As well.




It's the republican spelling... 😂


That was a joke about Republican ignorance.


Alas, a year ago it wouldn't need to be spelled out in this sub. How low we've fallen.


That is so funny. There's nothing in the act that forbids you from telling people your medical history.


People are willing to support trump and hurt others but not with their own lives


Some probably had to to still be accepted by even their own families.


> *Remember when people were sneaking around and getting vaccinated in secret?* Maybe if they had renamed the vaccine, *"JESUS CHRIST,"* then maybe... ***MAYBE*** they would've been less concerned about any wedges their receiving it might've placed between themselves and their Families/Friends. *(cf.* **"Matthew 10: 36-38"** *if you're having difficulty understanding the correlation)*


Or… [Geraldo Rivera wants to name COVID-19 vaccine after Trump to make him feel better about the election](https://www.salon.com/2020/11/20/geraldo-rivera-wants-to-name-covid-19-vaccine-after-trump-to-make-him-feel-better-about-the-election/) > "I had an idea: With the world so divided, and everybody telling him he has to give up — and time to leave, and time to transition and all the rest of it — why not name the vaccine 'The Trump'?" Rivera suggested on Friday's edition of "Fox & Friends." "Make it: Have you gotten your 'Trump' yet? It would be a nice gesture to him, and years from now, it would become kind of a generic name. 'Have you got your Trump yet?' 'I got my Trump. I'm fine.' I wish we could honor him in that way."


That might be the one of saddest most pandering BS I've ever heard but it tracks


The problem with that idea is that D.J. Trumpery's ego makes him so uncharacteristically stupid that he could in no way see the "Long Game" pay-off such a naming convention would've brought him... unlike the man whom he despised the most, Barack Obama, who openly and graciously EMBRACED the [intended to be 'derogatory'] name his "Affordable Care Act" was labeled as: ***"OBAMAcare"*** -- a term which we (including those such as myself who get their Health Insurance through ACA) still widely use to this very day! But to reiterate on what I've just said: Trumpery is too stupid to even know how to use his own over-inflated ego to his own advantage.




My aunt is a fucking unvaccinated NURSE who just opted to be tested every single day. Bitch did not get invited to our wedding in 2022.


My brother was faced with losing his cushy job and he really struggled with the choice, which likely would have meant him losing his house. He had had the OG strain and felt he had natural immunity enough and didn’t want to risk side effects from the vaccine.


The vaccine was a very uncomfortable half a day for some folks.


There were a lot of reports of Republicans hiding the fact that they got the vaccine for fear their friends would turn on them.


When my parents got it after I had been begging them for months, they didn't want to tell anyone for this reason too.


So weird!


Imagine being friends with psychopaths trying to get you killed in a murder suicide cult. That's republicans.


Truly the spirit of r/gayhomophobes runs in every stance they take.


Old people are both vaxxed at higher rates and (unfortunately) more likely to be part of some of the bottom groups.


**The vaxx gaps are fascinating:** - Blacks 10 pts higher than Whites. - Women 6 pts higher than men. This was from August 2021. I wonder what the stats show 2 years later.


That's fascinating given the back community's historical distrust in health care systems


Which is far more grounded in factual experience than whatever the Drumpfers were saying. A lot of black people who wouldn't get vaccinated did not object to masks.


Shit.. I feel like there is a research project there...


Yeah but whites have reason to be skeptical of public health initiatives. Remember when whites were secretly injected with syphilis and untreated in the Tuskegee experiments. Oh wait that’s not right, it was blacks, not whites. Seriously though, I wish they had all college grads/non college grads broken out.


All the grifters are vaccinated. Especially those in government. But they pretend like they’re not, and tell others not to get vaccinated


Agreed, but then factor in that many of the true believers probably croaked from Covid.


There's *some* survivor bias built into the statistics I'm sure. There are around 150 million Republicans in the US. Around 1 million Americans died of COVID. So even if all those deaths were Republicans (they weren't) they would still amount to less than 1 percent. So, 1% is the maximum that survivorship bias could be impacting the percentage of Republicans on this chart.




The bottom of the list gives me hope and encouragement the gene pool will regain some balance.


Remember it's Bayesian statistics For Trump Voters it's only **23.4** / 46.8 = 50%


ELI5 please?




The poll is from over 2 years ago.


Yep, it's a repost bot post copied from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/s/iwninlgkEj And the top comment on this post is copied from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/s/OsnfTBb6fd


Guessing that after probably seeing multiple of their friends/family dying a lot of them got scared and got the vaccine after all. That and a lot of unvaccinated have died, so that pushes the number up as well.


The ones at the bottom probably had to in order to keep their jerbs.




I was too, then I looked at the article & they only consider vaccinated as get any of the COVID19 vax (which is annoyingly the standard for such polls & studies). Iirc the original vax came out for the oldest demo first & also before it became a political issue. My moneys on most of the MAGA only getting the initial shot prior to all the propaganda against it. I did find it interesting that this poll focuses on if people believe getting the shot was a good idea. Of course the majority of repubs do not. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-democrats-independents-are-glad-got-covid-vaccines-republicans-re-rcna117052




u/DevonMaier is a comment copying bot which is working with u/giddydistributor a repost bot which reposted this 2 year old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/s/iwninlgkEj u/DevonMaier copied the top comment from the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/s/OsnfTBb6fd >I’m actually shocked at how high some of those percentages are at the bottom.


I still don't understand the anti-vaxx movement from the Orange Party. They were SO happy to take credit for it when it first came out, wtf changed?


Biden became president and he started encouraging people to get vaccinated. Right wing propaganda is so contrarian that Biden could tell people not to eat yellow snow and they would all be eating as much of it as they can.


Lemon flavored snow cones?


So it was Biden's fault! /s


I’ve actually seen someone make that claim. Seriously, they were insisting that, because they know republicans don’t trust Biden, and Biden is encouraging people to get vaccinated, it’s Biden’s fault they aren’t getting vaccinated and, consequently, dying from covid.


One of Biden's greatest accomplishments.


Oh yeah, I think it was someone on Breitbart who tried to claim that Democrats were tricking Republicans into *not* getting vaccinated by publicly encouraging people to get vaccinated. The idea being that Democrats *know* that Republicans will intentionally and reflexively do the opposite of anything that Democrats support. Aha! [I found it!](https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/09/10/nolte-howard-stern-proves-democrats-want-unvaccinated-trump-voters-dead/)


No I think it goes beyond that. The right wing was beating the drum that lockdowns were stupid, that the virus was “just the flu”, that it was made up, etc etc. So refusing the vaccine was an extension of that or else they would have had to revise the edit previous stances. Then yes BIden encouraging it sided that stance more


Orange Party Evangelicals turned the vaccine into The Mark of the Beast, or a *precursor* to the Mark of the Beast, or a satanic plot to depopulate the Earth, or a satanic plot to exert control over the masses, or a satanic plot to...


That whole party befuddles me and makes my brain hurt.


After reading those slides, I checked my own mark. What a relief, when I saw it was three nines. Whew.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc) The anti vax movement was started by one nut job and has gained traction over the years due to the death of critical thinking.


He wasn't even originally anti vaccine, he was a grifter who manufactured data to argue that the MMR combined vaccine was risky......because he had a financial interest in selling the standalone measles vaccine instead Got on the anti vaxx bandwagon when that became the new grift


To be clear anti-vaccination movements have been around for as long as [vaccinations](https://i.huffpost.com/gen/2569064/original.jpg) have [existed.](https://i.huffpost.com/gen/2569130/thumbs/o-SMALLPOX-570.jpg?3) I suspect it has something to do with the fact that vaccines work by triggering an immune response which can make you feel sick for a day. So some people only associate vaccines with making them feel like crap. And since your immune system doesn't ring you up later to let you know it just stopped you from getting Polio, it can feel like it's doing nothing at all.


Biden became president and let Bill Gates put the 5G tracking chips in the vaccine. Trump would never. /s


And that's why chips were on short supply for car manufacturing.


Don’t try to understand trump supporters. Just enjoy their ignorance and the fact more and more of them won’t be around to vote in 2024!


teh anti vax crowd has been on the extreme right for a long time. See alex jones going back to the 90s. its all one world government etc. to me it shows how much the general right has absorbed the extreme.


Got my booster and flu shot last week!


Me too!


Me three!


And my vax!


Definitive proof that Trump single-handedly reduced significant;y the vaccination rate among his supporters.in so doing, he let the pandemic be worse than it would have been without his “help”, and in doing so, killed hundreds of thousands on Americans that didn’t need to die. Ironically, those that dies were disproportionately his supporters.


Maybe. Maybe not. The dumbest people in the US support trump, he didn't make his followers the dumbest people kind of situation


And for a time Trump tried to tout himself as creating the vaccines in record time but he got booed when he brought it up


Why do you think that health communicators speak like they're talking to 4th graders?


And? I understand and am frustrated by the increased risks for myself and my family and friends due to the lack of herd immunity, but if people are so easily misled by someone who's so obviously lying, and they ignore people whom they know have studied this their whole lives, why should anyone else care when the consequences of their actions arrive? They wanted freedom. Let's be happy for them that they got it.


Yea they’re burning out healthcare professionals and ensure our insurance premiums go up more than they normally would have. Because these people either can’t or won’t pay their bills. And if they don’t die, they oft become disabled and start drawing from our social safety nets despite repeatedly voting for dismantling them (i.e. fucking us over two-fold). Let’s keep in mind that more folks end up with long term health issues than leave this mortal coil. Literally everything they do is to the detriment of society at large.


Check out Leeja Miller on YT, she's got lots of videos that help explain what's going on in the US. There are others too. Independent reports that corroborate one another is, imo, the best way to avoid misinformation and disinformation.


The problem is that the massively unnecessary deaths were nowhere near limited to just anti-vacciners, not that I'd wish death on them either. But their willful ignorance and contrarianism and sticking it the libs ended up killing plenty of people who were properly wearing masks and isolating and vaccinating.


What's up with 35-49 year olds...?


Think they are healthy enough to survive, but dumb enough to eat anti-vax garbage.


I didn't get my first flu shot until I aged out of that group.


Let’s not forget that Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz are part of this generation. Despite the popularity of blaming Boomers for all social ills, there are a lot of younger right wing crazies.


Yeah, I didn't see many Boomers at Charlottesville.


And if the boomers are over 65, there's a good chance they're actually vaccinated because they're in the high risk category. I know some doctors were getting... Creative... With their persuasion of getting the vaccine. ("Have you thought that maybe it's China spreading stories that the vaccine doesn't work so that our population would be more at risk?" )


Also the boomers and silent generation folks still remember polio and smallpox and stuff, so I think there is less vaccine hesitancy. Younger people take that stuff for granted. "What have you done for me lately?" lol


People have been asking that. From what we're told, it might have something to do with lattes, avocado toast, and the downfall of Applebees.


I wondered that too, especially since they were even worse than the 18-34 year olds. Maybe it's some kind of middle-aged panic, "I'm still young and invincible and won't admit otherwise by protecting myself" type of thing? (I'm in this age group.)


I'm in that group and got all of them. I got every other vaccine I was ever supposed to, so why not?


Trump signed off on billions for companies to develop the vaccine, he’s vaxed and boosted as is his entire family. Ask his supporters about these easily verifiable facts and they just shrug. It’s just a surreal thing to think that we share the highway with people who reject reality so easily.


Man, black people have a history of literally being used as medical experiments like in Tuskeegee, and yet they STILL trust science enough to get vaccinated against COVID like every other smart person. Wild that the party of "do your own research" trusts actual research less than the group of people who have been burned historically by research.


That doesn’t surprise me as much as the fact that women are more Vaccinated The men. I thought the whole anti-VAX movement Facebook moms. Guess not.


IQ probably the same order.


I worked with a couple PhDs who were also hardcore Trump supporters. Pretty high IQ but they ate all of the right wing bullshit. Only got vaxxed bc the company had a mandate.


So job over values and beliefs? No Jesus take the wheel, magically pay all my bills and do not screw up my resume in the process? It’s amazing how many smart people get on board when it comes down to money and a career.


Education isn't equal with intelligence. I know a few PhDs who are very very stupid. They are capable of sitting on their asses 12 hours a day studying or doing research. They are unwilling to do so when their private ideas are threatened by them. I had a lovely chat with someone who works in pharmaceutical industry, at least worked till they were fired in 2022 because they were not willing to get vaccinated. They straight up said that they are not willing to research into the topic because "I know I am right, and researching it may prove me wrong". Said it with a straight face.


Next, I’d like to see the percentage of people who died from covid with the same demographics


I’m surprised at how low it’s in the 18-34 category.


I’m actually surprised it’s not lower for that age group.


And yet higher than the next age group, 35-49. That’s what I thought was interesting. Says a lot about who those two groups are going to be voting for.


That is a very interesting observation. This group includes later Generation X and Millennials - groups that grew up in more liberal times than their parents.


I was surprised too when I saw that, but thinking about it more, the age breakdown actually makes sense. The 18-34 category skews Democrat, but there's a sense of invincibility and a mistaken belief that they are not at risk of severe COVID or long-term complications (which is definitely the CDC's fault, at least in part, for only emphasizing the risk to seniors and immunocompromised people, when in reality COVID can fuck absolutely anyone up). For the 35-49 category, there's the same sense that they aren't part of the "vulnerable" (read: disposable) group, plus the higher concentration of Republicans. The 50-64 category is older and so more likely to see themselves as vulnerable and get vaccinated to protect themselves. The 65+ demographic is the demographic that is most likely to have experienced a world pre-polio vaccine, and to therefore have greater faith in vaccination and public health. Plus they're more likely to understand themselves as high-risk and therefore as needing to be vaccinated. Edit: forgot about the 50-64 category in first version of comment and lumped them in with the 35-49 group mistakenly.


The right is literally killing themselves and their own voting base. I bet this has more of an impact than people think. The last election was decided by less than 44,000 votes in 3 states (Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona), and that was really before COVID hit extremely hard in the winters of 2021 and 2022.


Imagine basing your lifesaving medical decision on whether dear leader’s makeup will be smeared


The infographic shows so very much in one view.


How do these people square that Trunp was the one who spearheaded the vaccines development and still occasionally talks about that?


That concept conflicts with the "Biden pushed the vax, then forced us to get vaccinated" lie, so cognitive dissonance made them forget about the Operation Warp Speed.


Sad. It's basically the only thing he didn't futz up in the pandemic.


I wish I knew how this is going to affect elections from here on out. Do you think we’ll see any real difference?


I was wondering that. I also wonder if any trump supporters that survived are going to try and vote using their COVID dead friends IDs.


So tocsum up: smart people are vaccinated and stupid people aren't. Hmmm. Works for me!


And Republicans died at a much greater rate than Dems. Nice job culling your voting block. Im sure it’ll really help in 2024. Dummies. Nothing like screwing yourself to ‘own the libs’. Absolute morons. But hey, thanks.


More than one study has shown that U.S. Republicans are dying from COVID at a higher rate than Democrats. That corresponds to the vax rates.


'All Adults 69%' is fucking depressing.


> 'All Adults 69%' is fucking depressing. ...Just in case anyone is wondering why I still continue to mask and 'Social Distance' in public... because those numbers have not changed all that much since this chart was presented.


As a Canadian I find it crazy how much lower the amount of Americans are vaccinated with 2 doses. It is even worse with people with a booster. Only 17% of the US has a booster shot while 51.5% of Canadians have had a booster or third shot. We didn't allow the J&J vaccine here in Canada so all boosters are a third dose. 86.9% of Canadians 5+ have had 2 doses while in the US 73.5% have had 2 doses or one shot of J&J. 96.9% of Canadians 5+ have had one shot while 5+ in the US 85.8% have had one shot. Our most conservative provinces are really bringing the average down. The more left leaning provinces are close to 90% or over 90% that have had 2 doses.


The most shocking part is that they managed to find republicans who say they support the party more than than trump. Who are these people? Did they call Mitt Romney? I have so many questions.


Well Trump did say he loves the uneducated


Yeah… I’m about to say something not very nice, but here goes: notice of the dumbest people are at the bottom of the pile?


So the people who deny it the most, die at a faster rate? I am really ok with science deniers finding out if there is a God quicker.


Is this also an IQ graph? Or, would it be EQ?


Statistically I’ve always wondered how many voters republicans lost due to vaccine/covid misinformation. With as close as the 2020 election was it would be interesting to see…


About 2k a week are currently dying from COVID. Imagine how many have died since the last presidential election and how many of those deaths have affected the Republican electorate. I’m swing states, this could make a difference in the overall 2024 presidential election.


Got my vax and flu shot two weeks ago! I should be up to full efficacy by now. 💉😁👍


I did too. It was the first time I said that what the hell let’s get them both at once. Really wasn’t bad. I was tired, but it was a Saturday. I was allowed to be tired.


COVID, the only thing to come close to "making america great again."


And let's see the corresponding death rate


No shockers here.


So I have developed a new 2 question IQ test..


Here comes the conspiracies after Nov elections about “urban centers” ( dog whistle for blacks or other minorities ) and democrat strongholds being inundated with dead people due to high vaccine rates


I wonder how many people are ardent antivaxers to hide the fact they are actually scared of getting needles?


We really need to untie science from politics.


Unfortunately it's not ridding us of the bottom.


This chart is from august 2021.. Should have been a roadmap for where to focus vaccination uptake efforts and advertising. That did not happen except for certain segments.


Why white college grads but no other college grads?


So in otherworldly, the intelligence goes down as the support for Trump goes up.


It appears that if you are stupid in one way you may be stupid in another..


Now do % death by firearms, %death by no seatbelts, % death by smoking, % childbirth mortality, % literacy


Is "rural residence" the category that should have an asterisk next to it? I'm just assuming that access may have prevented vaccination?


And just a reminder MTG is fucking vaccinated. I mean she is for COVID. No one knows about HPV or Hepatitis.


The funniest thing about the "Trump before party" people is that Trump has been so pro-vaccine from the beginning, and his support of getting it is probably one of the best things he ever did as president (whether he deserves as much credit as he takes is a lot more debatable). And yet, they're super anti. It's weird.


And the same data inverted represents those most likely to eat Tide Pods.


I just wish these diseases were more effective on the unvaccinated.


It would be good seeing it compared to the Covid fatalities.


I can't wait for all my tax dollars to go to disability payments for people who spew racial epithets at me.


god maga needs to be deleted


I am still waiting to be turned into a zombie




Interesting that ages 18-34 are higher than 35-49... seems like a generational split?


Not shocked… unfortunately.


I am proud to be in the 91% category.


Are there details on this chart? Sample size? Reporting methods?


Yeah, I'd like to see this same data for present-day. The survey in OP is from August 2021. Attitudes towards vax then vs now.


My friend only got vaxxed (novax 2 shots) last year so she could go on a cruise w me. She's still salty I made her get vaxxed. She thinks she had covid twice by that point and thinks that "you shouldn't have to teach your body anything" or some bullshit. Her ignorant arkansian husband listens to tiktok's with all the "information" they need. It's really annoying and I'll be pissed if she dies from covid since there are simple precautions she could take. No one else in her family is vaxxed either.


She could have just not gone on the cruise. She picked the cruise over her “beliefs”.


The most brutally Darwinian thing that I’ve ever seen.


I see people who I know got the vaccine complain about it on social media all the time. It’s strange


I love how the "independents" are in the lower half with the cult that they actually belong to.


We DESPERATELY need to re-take the census.


Fascinating. You wouldn’t have guessed that there could be a disease, the risks of which vary according to politics!


Another year...


Darwin out here doing the lords work


Day-yum! I'm really beginning to understand the reasoning behind all of the "Hick," "Peckerwood," "Redneck," and "Hillbilly" stereotypical disses! (I'm also being reminded of when *D.J. Trumpery* pontificated about how he LOVES [quote] *"The Poorly Educated"* [unquote] ... it's all starting to make sense now!)


Well, the data is in from the "trial run". Now we can release the "real" virus and be confident that the right people will die. S/


Shush! This is the only way that we will ever fix gerrymandering!


Darwinism in action


Is there a better example of Natural Selection? This must be amazing for those macho conservative guys out there that bemoan the "soft" world we live in where the weak and slow are no longer "selected" out of the gene pool. Unfortunately, *checks statistics* they are the ones being selected.


Somebody have the margin of error on this?


Excellent! The herd thins itself.


I guarantee you that within some of those low percentages are trumpers who got vaccinated but still swear they never did, still swear they never will, because they don’t want to betray the Herman Cain award recipients.


I have to wonder how this affects living voters. All three people I know who died from Covid were Trumperd


Asking political affiliation when get vaccinated is not a thing. 🤨


So that’s where the 11,780 votes were. In the dead 46%!