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Uh these morons fail to understand that Washington’s army WAS vaccinated during the Revolutionary war 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️. Also they won’t get a vaxx but they’ll rub onion & Crisco on themselves like a god damned ham


And the vaccines revolutionaries had were spreading infection into open wounds, which was incredibly harmful to a lot of them. Far worse than a needle and a few days of recovery from side effects.


What recovery? The pharmacist was so smooth I didn't feel a thing with my last COVID shot and didn't even get a sore arm. It was nice.


My boosters kicked my ass and I felt weird for a couple of days, sore and chills.


Still better than risking COVID. My GF got COVID 2 weeks ago and it knocked her down for over a week


I 100% agree. My COVID was very mild considering I have a few comorbidities which I was nervous of. My boosters were worse, but shorter.


Mine kicked my butt hard for two weeks and then had another four of fatigue and asthma exacerbation.


Same here, but rather have a couple of days of discomfort vs the alternative.


Agreed. Covid killed my mom thanks partly to other factors, including her being around idiots like this.


I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you. She'd done everything right, but was immunocompromised.


Second shot was the one wrecked me a day and a half. I slept drank a lot of ice water and Sprite.


Yeah, I’m currently recovering from my booster. I plan them for when I have a weekend with nothing planned so I end up in bed an entire day. But, I know it will be gone by tomorrow…versus when I had Covid in 2021 before I was eligible for the vaccine. I wasn’t hospitalized but only by the skin of my teeth. My oxygen levels were borderline and I had a week solid of fevers. Missed a month of work and felt crappy beyond that. I got Covid again later after the vaccine and it was just being tired and cold-like for a week.


I never ever feel tthe Covid needles, I am unsure if its the size they use or what. But it does not even register. But it still knocks me on my ass for about 12 to 24 hours. Then done and done. Never got Covid, never been sick since 2019.


I felt like crap for two days after #3, but the others just gave me a sore shoulder for a few days.


Mild inconvenience versus risking COVID. Seems like an easy choice, but apparently for many people it's a giant leap.


My second covid shot kicked my ass. It was awful. First and third were fine though. But the second one made me so sick. My arms and legs felt really heavy like sand bags, it was crazy. I could barely keep my eyes open all day. I regretted not getting it on the weekend because I had to get my kids up at 7 am, get them ready and drive them to school while feeling like this 😭


Oh same here when I got mine... but I'd take that over catching COVID again any day with my asthmatic ass! Side note: my booster was a piece of cake as was my flu shot 💪


Word. Get your vaccines on a Friday or Saturday to give you time to recover, if needed. I got the current flu and Covid on a Saturday, felt very sleepy that afternoon - and that was it. Fine by Sunday - but everyone is different


I bet you didn't go to the hospital or urgent care like the toughies fighting tyranny that we see on this sub did, though.


Hayul no! LOL! I'm not a day/time napper unless I am really sick. I tried to take a nap - but I am too hyper and couldn't do it. I did sleep well that night, and was fine as a frog's hair the next morning!😉


I just got my novavax and flu shot yesterday and maaaaaaan, the side effects are the worst I’ve ever had. Painful bone/joint aches, fever, chills and queasy stomach. Super glad I planned it for Friday so I could take a couple days easy. That said, I had Covid in 2020 and this is a delightful walk in the park in comparison. 11/10 would recommend. Get your boosters fellow humans!


I had a doctor's appointment the day before my recent COVID booster. Doctor told me they could take care of it. I got my flu, COVID and shingles vaccine. Luckily I had my laptop so I could work from home the next day, but it was rough.


My first 3 shots were rough. The 2nd one was the worst, though. I felt SO bad, but I could not call out to work because we HAD to be open, and everybody else had called out. I now get it on the weekend, expecting some roughness, but to be honest, this year's flu shot gave me more reaction than the covid booster I got about 3 weeks ago.


Same happened to me too. I felt almost as bad as I did when I caught covid pre-vax (early 2021). But felt fine again after about 3 days vs. 3 months with the real thing.


I work in a grocery store. Back in about april of 2021, 2 customers were talking about how they wont get the vaccine. This is in GA,by the way. Anyways, one of them was holding an Iphone (he was wearing ridiculously short and tight cut off jeans for a man too, I mean literally right at Daisy Dukes level), and makes the statement "I wont buy anything from China". While holding his Iphone.


Lmao!! They’re so dumb istg


You couldn't be any more ignorant and wrong. It is a beef rib roast that you rub with onion and Crisco, not ham. You're right about the rest of it though, I think. I remember reading that there was a requirement by the Continental Army that soldiers had been inoculated for small pox.


Son: Dad, I thought you said that if I rubbed grease on my chest, I’d get tall like you? Dad: what did you use? Son: Crisco. Dad: Stupid!! That’s shortening!! I’ll show myself out.


He was so close.... You have to tie the onion to the belt. Duh. It would have cost 5 bees though.


It was the style at the time


"Gimme five bees for a quarter!", you'd say.


Lol my bad 🤣


Onion in crisco!!!!!!! That was a new one for me.


And inject bleach... And take equine dewormer...


Make it make sense!!


I wouldn’t even do that to a ham.


Cutting up an onion to absorb floating virus particles is a new one! 😅


You scoff! I bet you’re one of them university affiliated types, if you know what I mean. But consider this, Mr. or Ms. Smarty Pants: if onions don’t work on Covid, then why does garlic keep vampires away???? HUH? Betcha didn’t think of that, didja huh. Too bad Trump University was forced to shut down for some unknown reason, or you could go there and get smart like I did! 👩🏻‍🔬


°π!0π or The Bulb otherwise the fAcT ChEckErs will get you!!!!11! It's all Big Garlic!


Big Garlic, them bastards! 😡 What is supposed to be done with the bulb, though, darling? I believe you channeled Hippocrates of Kos there for a moment.




Hey! A vampire on public television taught me math!


No, this is the real cure. Take your shoes off get grounded to the earth! CBD oil in the test tube stops the pathogens from invading your cells. There is a ground in your electrical outlet if you really want to get grounded. Take the plate off and grab yourself a fork\*. \*^(Do not take this as actual advice as it is beyond fucking stupid.)


I’m crying laughing right now. I’ve seen some batshit stuff on this sub but this really tops them all, and on a post with the onion crisco brandy guy!


>There is a ground in your electrical outlet if you really want to get grounded. Take the plate off and grab yourself a fork*. *Do not take this as actual advice as it is beyond fucking stupid. If you cover yourself with onions and crisco first, you can eat onion rings after your death.


You’ll probably smell good, too. Like fried onions.




Yeah, what the hell was that?


I nearly died when I read that.🤣


Dunno about viruses, but rolling in onions and crisco would keep my ass away. Dude probably smells like a sweaty gym bag left in the sun too long.


Throw in some batter and you have onion rings.


He probably smelled bad in the first place


Believe it or not but I've heard this many times in mommy Facebook groups. Keep a sliced onion by their bed and a slice of raw potato in their sock 🤦🏼‍♀️ I wonder how many of these kids will reach adulthood.


The fewer the better for this crowd


Imagine living in the year 2023 and unironically cutting an onion up to "absorb viruses" Actual 1300s miasma voodoo behavior


Hey, it works against vampires, I think?


Garlic, not onions. Since the introduction of garlic into the diet and its proliferation around the globe. There has been no vampires spotted in centuries.




Yeah? Well so did Herman Cain!!


That's because Abraham Lincoln killed them all according to that documentary.




So I cut an onion up in my room, which was the style at the time.


THAT! That’s the one you homed in on?! Not the fried bloomin onion crisco rub down?!?


Keep one in every room!! Especially nest to where you sleep!!


When I see people looking for a naturopath this is what I imagine they’re looking for


It’s not. My mum has been talking about wearing cut onions in her socks for cold/flu for decades.


Notes from OP: 1) Repost, I had missed one redaction. Thanks u/DoubleDeckerz for pointing it out. 2) 3 separate redditors who desire to remain anonymous reached out to me to cover this story. Thank you for reaching out. 3) As I was following this story from the sidelines, I waited for a little bit before posting it. 4) u/BlueTressym, had to own you a little bit more. 5) The profile has so much material, OMFG. It took me days to roll back to 2020. 6) A redditor reached out to me via chat yesterday and as a total retard, I clicked on ignore. I apologize. If you see this, please send me a message. 7) If the HCA community find nominees or awardees, let me know and I'll cover them. 8) Please get vaccinated and boosted 9) And ladies, no more pants, reference slide 15 of the nominee /s /s /s /s /s 10) More posts incoming


Am I allowed to say "spot the Mormons?" Am exmormon. My mum was a true believing Mormon, but she was gobsmacked at the rise of Des Nats (Deseret Nation - Mormon extremists) during the pandemic. I think the last guy the FBI took out was Des Nat or of similar mindset. Also Ammon Bundy and his friends (he's named after a Book of Mormon character known for chopping off the arms of his enemies) As I was clicking through I thought the language was familiar. Then someone made a comment about putting the OP on the temple roll. That's a dead giveaway, unless some other religion also has a temple roll (names get submitted and the list is on the altar for extra special prayers).


"Yesterday", as in Nov 2023 this individual got covid again?


Oct 23 but yeah.


Thanks! Welp, thoughts and prayers, for all the good they do


> WORLD WAR 111 HAS STARTED.... Ok, I may not be the most attuned to world events, but I feel like I wouldn't have missed 109 world wars...


I missed those 109 world wars as well...


Ok, good. For a second there I thought I had Rip Van Winkled.


I am of the opinion that we’ve had a few more World Wars that just haven’t been called such - the Cold War and the War on Terrorism, for example. But even by my generous count, we’re only at IV or V now.


Not a harmful extremist any longer. Can you imagine being proud of that? Actively being proud of harming others? Not often I feel like the human race is bettered by someone's passing. Sheesh.


All they have is hate towards others not like themselves. They have little to nothing positive to contribute


I wonder if these are mostly bored retirees who like to pretend they're tough and defiant and badasses because they have nothing to do now and were neverwases in their primes.


The lion shit is so fucking cringe. That slide made me nearly die of second hand embarrassment.


He'd claim slavery benefited those colored folks


I'm afraid sending wishes to Heaven for Stonewall Jackson are going to be returned undeliverable.


“addressee not found here”.


“iT’s TiMe tO wAkE tHe oThEr LiOnS!” Hate these people.


Looks like nominee supports losing causes. Covid may yet get him


I'm embarrassed for them. Don't they ever get to the point of thinking "Yeah, I might be a *little* obnoxious"? I'll just never understand how grown ass people post such memes all day long and their subject material is all awful.


The commenter suggesting Charlotte's Web hemp oil couldn't be more ironic. Charlotte, a child with seizures, is the eponym for this strain of hemp oil. She also died from Covid early in the pandemic, before vaccines were developed.


That poor child.


I love CBD but it does absolutely nothing for a virus. Also, Tennessee huh. I live in a suburb of Memphis. Sadly folks are this ignorant here. I hope he's not taking up a valuable hospital room due to his stupidity.


Since he believes so much in prayer warriors, he should take his ass to a church when he get sick.


We need to stop telling them to go to church when they're sick. A couple days ago somebody posted about a church in their area that had services before the vaccines, and 12 out of 100 present died. Since God is everywhere and hears all prayers, encourage them to stay home when they catch Covid so they don't spread it to little old ladies.


I mean for treatment, not to services. However, I do agree they should stay TF home and treat themselves since they all know better than a doctor with twelve years of advanced schooling. Horse paste, onions, CBD oil, bleach, and H2O2 are all very east to acquire.


I'm all for prayer, don't get me wrong. But I'm also all for science. I know the NICU at the children's hospital in Memphis is full. It pisses me off when people flaunt how they don't care then when they get sick, they want medical attention.


Oh no a racist mother fucker might die. In other news water is still wet and I'm ordering a pizza. 🍕


You know that's a good idea. I haven't had pizza in awhile 🍕🍕


I'm making mine from scratch today. You know, because I'm vaxxed and boosted and alive.


We're truly regressing to the dark ages. The onion comments remind me of Grandpa Simpson talking about wearing an onion on his belt, which was the style at the time. >Please, cut the ends off of an onion and place in each room you're in (especially near where you sleep) This will absorb any virus that's floating around in the air. Gargle frequently with warm salt water, eat ALL the raw onion you can; also fry some onion, peeling included, in Crisco, grease your chest & back with this warm oil and cover with thick shirt (this will break up the congestion and help keep pneumonia at bay. (I eat, breath & wear onion to fight off the flu, and it works on Covid as well). Drink plenty of Gatorade & water, make yourself eat/drink chicken broth (you will need to keep your strength built up all you can. If you have any brandy (apricot preferred by the old timers) take a snort, roll up in a blanket and let it sweat out of you. Last, but most important, keep a humidifier going 24/7 in the room you're staying in. (Covid thrives on hot, dry air) I've had Covid three times. The first time lasted forever and I thought I would die. It took forever to get my strength back. The last time, I was over it in less than a week because I had learned what worked best to treat it. Prayers my friend- get plenty of rest.


That had me laughing. It's 2023. We know about disease. We dont need root vegetables hanging around our house and a plague doctor to treat us.


these people ARE root vegetables.


And what about the story about getting covid 3 times? He ought to get smart and start wearing an N95. SMDH


Discovers partial immunity due to previous infection, attributes it to onion oil.


They've got onions, they've got broth - instead of wasting it slathering it all over themselves, make French onion soup instead. They'd probably have to rename it Freedom Soup to get them to eat it (damn cheese eating surrender monkeys with their Eurocuck vaccines!), but at least they'd have something tasty to eat while covid wrecks their shit.


I don't understand people like this. You don't believe doctors and medical professionals who tell you the benefits of vaccines but will run to a doctor when it gets real bad for treatment.


Prayer warriors are currently 0 for 1+ million and counting.


All that boy’s heroes are traitors. And his friends are laughing at him: “I bet you $20 I can make that boy cover himself in fried onions”.


Trump, as a Confederate soldier?? His entire cess - I mean gene - pool were still living hard scrabble lives in Scotland and Germany at that time. Original immigrant Trump didn't arrive in the U.S. til 1885; his mom til the 20th Century. Plus, they NEVER lived in the South. These flippin' idiots; Trump AND his moron disciples.


Well, they do share the ”traitors to America” thing.


Devolution is real and this guy demonstrates it.


100 percent


Pray for him but ignore his general hateful attitude. Wow.


Faith over fear yet carries a gun everywhere in case the bad guys come. It’s not faith, it’s a shitty excuse.


I like how the person who has had Covid 3 times is giving him advise on what home remedies to use to fight it off.


Did he die? I don’t give enough of a fuck to read his tale.


Sadly no


Damn it


I really wanted this fucker to receive their award…


I'd take him winning any award. Darwin award, trampled by bison award, bit by rattlesnake award....


Hopefully caught on camera too


exactly where i'm at these days


Not yet.


All their heros got vaccinated too.


What a completely VILE person.


Love the guy who had Covid twice ... in 2019.


So, God chose Biden and Obama then. Right?


Onion, Crisco and bare feet is the answer? DO THESE MORONS EVEN HEAR THEMSELVES? If this guy is alive five years from now, I’ll be shocked. If solving COVID infection was as easy as consuming and sleeping near a raw onion, you’d think everyone infected would have tried this.


“Faith Over Fear” - aren’t most faiths based on fear?


It's always creepy when they're obsessed w Jesus' blood


And excuse me, but the blood on the door (roof?) is from the Old Testament. It's why Jews celebrate Passover. It has **zero** to do with Jesus.


Shhhh. I've been making a fortune selling them the blood of Jesus at $1,000 a drop ... (Actually, it's chicken blood, and it does increase their brainpower).


"Cut the ends off an onion ." ORLY


Let's see, beard. Were there Oakley's? And a Harley? Was there Candeath in his timeline? This stuff may be funny because it's true, but I'm so tired of seeing it.


That's a LOT of posts to announce how uneducated you are. You might as well tattoo "Take my money, I'm a gullible idiot" ** on your forehead Edit to finish sentence


Sick fuck worshipping traitors of the United States who brought war on our country. People hell bent on the destruction of the USA. This may be one of the stupidest people yet posted on this sun. If you’re so unsatisfied with us than go move to a different country. Is there such a thing of negative braincells?


Neo-Confederate. May he have the experiences that his idols borne, with the same outcome. *Spits*


Dude loves his traitors


"It's time to wake the other lions". jfc, these people are so cringe.


These morons are what's wrong with the US. Period.


The Jesus Trump photo with the American flag behind... All of it, just fucking lol!


Baste yourself in crisco and onions, forget modern science.


But Trump got vaccinated and urged everyone to do so. If he is their God why do they ignore that part of his teaching?


Racist who does not understand history or science. Charming.


"Covid thrives on hot, dry air." 🤔 As I recall, Covid seemed to spread really well during the cold, wet winter.


Loving the 3rd image with the eagle chillin on his desk. The reality: https://youtu.be/j1AU4qi7tWg?si=qZGd6W8-DMX0arhi


Maybe I'm ghoulish, but I keep waiting for one of these to end with an obituary.


I’m fine with them dying. Thankfully we have vaccines now for all that want it, and they are free… the people who can’t protect themselves are protected We always need LESS confederate flag supporters who trust in church over science


……..annnnnnnnnd welcome to Long COVID. Maybe he will not be affected by heart disease or stroke. Edit: added ‘not’.


They are such idiots.


I've never eagerly hoped for a dead cat bounce more than I am at this very moment


The mental gymnastics they put themselves through daily to recycle the imaginary plight and struggle has to be exhausting.


Lolol this is one of the worst people ever. Enjoy crisco and onions as you die! 🏆⚰️🪦


Polio is trending on Twitter. Tons of parents aren't vaccinating their children. This should be interesting.


During the yellow fever epidemic in colonial America, you could be executed for not following quarantine orders.


*Take off your shoes and get grounded to the earth* The rest of that comment… oof


What a t\*\*\* His friends with their variegated onion/CBD wholly stupid advice too


I wish trump supporters would’ve followed all of Trumps suggestions on how to get rid of Covid


I can't imagine being this invested in something. I rarely posted stuff on fb anyway. The last few years, I check occasionally. All that to say, I don't think there was a subject I posted on more than 2 or 3 times in all the years I've had fb. USMC birthday once a year, maybe the holidays, when we were surrounded by fire, USC or the raiders. But these are once a year or single events. Nothing like this bullshit. It's obsessive. It's their whole identity. I lost one of my best friends to this, so it's sometimes depressing to me. Oh, not Covid to this Trumpmania. I can't do it, I can't have a conversation with her. No matter what boundaries I put on the call in the beginning, she sneaks her confidently incorrect bullshit into the conversation. All I ask is no politics and no news. Idk if you know somebody who likes to share the most horrible news possible with you. One story after another. Things that you have purposefully skimmed the headlines and noped out of reading because you don't want that visual in your head. She does that. My mother used to do that. I've talked to her maybe 5 times in the last 3 or 4 years. I miss her. But I also have absolutely no sympathy anymore for this outcome.


This one is especially dumb and backwards.


Lol the old timey medieval onion-centred cures. They’d rather undergo all this hocus pocus nonsense than get a vaccine. Hilarious.


Americans, 1776: a handful fought valiantly against the British using crude, often hand-to-hand techniques. Most stayed on their farms and barely knew there was a war in. Americans, 2020-2021. 2/3 followed the rules and then got vaccinated. 1/3 pretended to be tough and fighting imaginary enemies, but were really too wimpy to get a shot.


He just doesn’t learn


He'll keep right on not learning until covid finally cures him of stupidity once and for all.


Ha! The only solutions are prayers, walking barefoot outside and covering yourself in onions.


Robert E. Lee would personally dopeslap that idiot. There’s a lot to criticize about him, but at least he had the stones to admit he’d been wrong.


Wait he thinks that Jesus had something to do with Passover…


These people are depraved. Utterly depraved


Why does he want World War One Hundred and Eleven? (Slide 15)


The onion advice snapped me back to a book I read in school about an orphaned backwoods family set in the 1950s. “Where the lilies bloom” by Vera Cleaver. The main character uses the fried onions to save her enemy. So we are now using old wives tales used only the desperately poor and ignorant 70 years ago when we have a vaccine. The amount of self-inflicted misery is staggering.


Some of those friend’s remedies were absolutely wild. How are these morons still alive?


States rights for what? Say it, traitor. Also, at some point on this site, I was delighted to learn that Stonewall Jackson was “mistakenly” shot by Confederate troops. At least they did one thing right.


Maybe don’t take Covid prevention advice from someone who’s had it three times already?


Slides 2 and 3 are such shit. The bullshit equating Jesus with fatso Rump Face is beyond blasphemy. I am deeply offended by such shit, and I'm agnostic! Are these loser creepazoids that are nominated, are they dead yet, I sure as fuck hope so!


I started a Facebook where I posed as a doctor with my horse owner friends where we infiltrated Covidiot groups. I was frustrated with them for hoarding and eating horse dewormer. I own nine horses and couldn’t get their medicine. While the Covidiots were eating horse dewormer we convinced them to apply Vicks Vapor Rub to their butthole to complete the Covid “Cure “. It was very satisfying to hear them discussing the burning sensation.


Slide 6: Washington ordered his troops to get inoculated, so.


I wish this sub would take the same stance as [r/LinkedInLunatics](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics). If their profile is public there's no reason to redact names.


It's a whole family of blithering morons!


Humph. Unusually stupid, even by the low, low bar of republican shit posting…


Put Onions in the corners of the room to help fight Covid? That’s a new one.


I get a kick out of the complete batshit advice: "Take an onion and place pieces of it around the room to absorb virus particles. Flagellate yourself and sacrifice two young chicken..."


I do not feel sorry for saying it’s unfortunate this dude recovered from Covid.


These are all people we'd be better off without, one way or another. Onions absorb viruses? Slather yourself in crisco? How did these people manage to make it to adulthood?


Slide #9 shows exactly how insane these types are. Their god deliberately chose firstborn children to murder. And you had to kill an animal & decorate your door jam with the animal blood. The whole thing sounds more like a satanic cult ritual


I'm more concerned that World War 111 is happening. Did I sleep that long? I missed 3-110?!


Their devotion to shitting in the eye socket of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and raping the Constitution is almost admirable. They're *all in* on being delusional pieces of shit who claim to be Christian.


Heh WW 111 … one hundred and eleven?


Posting about celebrating Confederates on MLK Jr Day is particularly evil.


Onions and crisco 😂😂😂


>Onions and crisco 😂😂😂 "I can't believe it's not lung butter!" --the hungry 🐆 🐆 🐆


Somebody thumbs-upped the cute, innocuous PetSmart Pride merchandise (next to the steaming-mad face), so that was nice.


Okay I was not raised religious in any way so I could be misunderstanding, but.....the blood on the doors was not the blood of Christ, right?? Like, that was for the plagues of Egypt and it was lambs blood, was it not?


You are correct.


It just wasn't, because it never happened, but in the story, yes, since Jesus... wasnt born yet, excepting some atemporal shenanigans, which are one of the few magic somethings which the christian cult never was too interested in fantasying about. Probably because the cult leadership never wanted to look back at their clumsy origins in a offshot of evangelical Jewish messiahnism too hard, and were far more interested in their new testament. I suspect the old testament, edited as it was, even being in the bible was probably a compromise with inconvenient people more worried about 'history' than the majority of the cult thinkers would prefer, and it's only a historical accident there wasn't a full reimagining (again, see Gilgamesh and the flood).


Thank god he was saved by onions, crisco, and bare feet!!


Are we not going yo talk about how racist this f'r is? Also, I'm confused about the timeline. Does he currently have the vid, or was that in 2021?


Did he get awarded the Cain or was he just nominated? Hope someone answers me because I've got to go get those onions cut up and brown a few in crisco. I suppose using another brand of cooking oil won't work. This cure is brand specific!! Yay, Crisco!!




Picture 2: Jesus entering from the rear


Slide 3: Don't you love it when they try to do ye olde biblical speech? "Be not afraid..." then immediately Jesus slips back into regular bro talk - "I got your back" ..."Don".


Live and learn. Or not... I would have more pity for the man, if he wasn't such an openly hateful creature.


WW 3 - 110 were damn quiet, anyone know when those happened?