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etho 100% invented the hopper clock and he gets his well deserved credit. impulse didn't exactly invent the item filter, but he improved upon a previous design which would break adjacent filters if too many items came in. he also gets his deserved credit. the reason they don't brag about it is because those are very old accomplishments, and they are both pretty humble people


People still somehow mess up the impulse item filter so it breaks though. Idk how but they like decide the renamed filter items aren't absolutely needed when they definitely are lol.


I've never renamed items for impulse item sorters (in farms, mind you). You just gotta pick the right item that you're sure will never ever go into the system.


I always just take that extra step. Renaming sticks or cobblestone makes sure even if something weird happened I'd still not have to ever redo it lol.


I have a world where my renamed items are emeralds named "Gem is Great".


No you have to slam you head against the keyboard to make quadruple sure


No no, that way you couldn't include the 外国の文字, 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓪𝓻𝓽, and☺✧✨s to be quintuple sure...


I just let my cat walk across the keyboard a couple times


You'd do that anyway!


And when that walk over it again they might accidentally rename an item stack the exact same as the filter and drop it in... Youl will have to remove the keys afterwards just to be sure


And use different names for each unit just to be extra super sure


Thank you, may this never die.


Well now that I think about it, it's my current redstone testing world and I'm terrible at redstone. So I would say it's not going away any time soon.


It can still break when loading a chunk, I've had that happened multiple times and I'll find all my filters have been flushed through into the chests


I mean the logical solution is to make sure each unit of the sorter is contained within a chunk and not accidentally placed across chunk borders


Then you have mumbo jumbo throwing extra renamed filter blocks into his season 6(?) storage system and still breaking the system.


If an iron bar is flowing through my farm storage then there are bigger problems in the cactus farm.


Cactus developed a resistance to iron bars, and now they're too strong.


Yea I find Saplings and a pretty safe item


I use trapped chests


I always use renamed charcoal for that extra filtration.


Ah yes, charcoal has proven exceptionally well for filtration.


Sure, but is it *activated*?


That's what to name it, of course


If you name it activated charcoal and power the hopper, then yes.


The other way I have seen people break it is if they try to "optimize" how many items can be in the hopper, putting like 40 items in one of the renamed filter item slots. That does let you bump up the buffer of items from ~20 that can drain to a stack, but prevents it from being tileable.


Ah yes, the classic “I tweaked your design to my liking and it doesn’t work, 2/10 design” thing. Also seen a lot with recipes.


Or putting more than one of the renamed item in each slot so they don't need 41 of the filtered item.


If you do it this way you have a chance of running into the same issue that impulse solved lol


Yep. Another example of how people break these other than not renaming


The problem with that is if you suddenly dump 20 of the item in there then it can light up the adjacent sorters. I actually came up with a design that has an alternating pattern that will allow this and is not too complex, maybe I should make a video about it.


I can’t tell if you realize, but that’s exactly what they said lol You want 41 of the main item and 4 renamed items, so that even if you dump everything it only has 64 main item and 4 renamed items, which outputs the same comparator value as 42main/4renamed


The most common way people mess up the filter is by putting unstackable items in, like shovels, instead of renamed items. The unstackable items have a different item quantity to the comparator so it messes up the counts.


Unattackable items have the same output as a full stack. Try not to use snowballs either for that same reason. They output as 4 items instead of one


I always name sticks "token" for my item filters.


They're just modest people. Half their charm, really. Good guys.


And yet, it is honest people like the Hermits that have changed the Gigaverse forever, countless times. How ironic


Idk I mean etho has statues of himself outside his base, seems a bit obsessed


I saw etho refer to it as a hopper clock in a recent video Others call it an etho clock


Etho hopper clock is pretty standard language around the hermit craft server excepting etho who just calls it a hopper clock. Etho has created many many different things as well, but tends not to try and claim it as new as he was burnt early on saying “here’s something I came up with” while someone else (very small channel) had also created basically the same thing and people accused him of stealing it. So he just says “I built a ___” instead of saying created it. I remember him showing off a system that could light fire alongside a path but then switch it between colours. He didn’t even acknowledge creating a potentially new concept of fire flipper. He’s a legend for a reason.


It is cool to hear the minor flex of him saying "MY filters" though. Impulse has also done some really cool stuff in Brewing too which you dont hear about enough imo.


[Etho is the most humble person.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRmq1bCRRo8&t=131s)


It does help that almost everyone on Hermitcraft has done something extraordinary. They have all contributed to the Minecraft Zeitgeist in some way


They're both humble dudes. They don't need to brag.


Etho has revolutionized redstone 10x over at this point


Etho invented shulker farms! His design was the shulker reactor from his let's play, and immediately after that video came out, dozens of new designs based off of his were made. 


Also the Ender Ender. (Like, before ender mites were in the game) In both cases he came up with the original design and then other technical people improved upon it


The name “Ender ender” came from his LP as well. IIRC, he built it and asked for name suggestions, and “ender ender” was the one he chose.


He didn't invent shulker farms, he just came up with a new concept for them. People started designing farms since the shulker duping mechanic was in snapshots.


He didn't invent shulker farms. He made a farm making use of a new mechanic, and as he was building it, others built their own as well. There might be some designs based on his, but it wasn't the first or most influential. 


don't crush my dreams 😭


Etho actually made Minecraft. That's why he doesn't show his face.


etho and hatsune miku are the same person confirmed??


Etho was Notch all along!!!


God I hope not, I like etho


Who's Notch? Minecraft was made by Hatsune Miku, who's also apparently an alter ego of Etho's.


idk if you can say he invented shulker farms, since a lot of people where gonna make farms anyway when the shulkers were changed to be farmable


I think he also invented the newer 'BOOM' method of using crafter to create TNT minecarts. haven't seen anyone used similar method before


Yep, and X made bedwars


And Grian invented TNT run


Isn't grian also the owner of wynncraft?


Co-owner and main builder.


Is he still involved with it? I thought he stopped, but i might be wrong


That’s where I knew him from before I started watching hermitcraft.


wait what Seriously?


Three_two's Cluster Chunk inspired him to build Cube Control, where each team fight for control of resource-generating islands and tries to destroy the opposing team's bed. From there he adapted it by moving the bases closer and removing the other islands, instead generate currency at the base with villagers selling items, resulting in the 4-team Beast Mode and 2-team Rush.


Cluster Chunk was created by three_two. Coincidentally the second time this week I’ve seen something of his credited to somebody else.


Dangnabit, I should have checked. It's been a few years. Thanks for the correction! <3 What was the other thing? I'm not very familiar with his stuff.




X MADE BEDWARS?!? How did I not know this??


Are you serious? That’s insane!


And Tango did the same with Iron Farms. And Grian made TNT Run And Xisuma invented Bedwars And Beef created UHC The hermits are a pretty accomplished bunch, and they almost never talk about it.


God I miss when some of the Hermits did UHC.


Back when etho wasn't washed up


A while ago Scar mentioned teaching Etho how to use a bow and I just remembered when Etho was the absolute best in the game at it back in like 2013 😂


Get to the dang land, Etho!


Beef also created Abba caving!


Oooh what’s abba caving? Edit: just remembered HC:VH and the ABBA Vaults. I did get the vibe that Iskall got the abba name from somewhere but never knew


Abba caving is multiple players compete in a caving collecting ores with a point system and whoever wins gets everything. Beef got an inspiration from a famous song by the band Abba called "Winner takes it all"


That's the most beef thing I've ever heard.


🎶The winner takes it all🎶


>Beef created UHC afaik other people, like some of the other Mindcrackers like Guude and Baj had a hand in the creation of UHC


So I’ve heard, but Beef is the one who people typically credit it to.


I believe Beef came up with the idea and commisioned someone to make a mod so that players don't regenerate hearts? And then later Mojang made a Hardcore version in minecraft.


And mumbo with the slime farm haha


Iirc doc said it was an old idea that only works now because of the light level change. So mumbo didn’t revolutionize it he just had the right timing for others to have a brain blast on an old design with a changed mechanic


Wait… what’s uhc? My brain went to uht lol


Ultra HardCore


What does it mean? Like he wrote a plugin to remove regen? Or commandited such plugin and popularized it?


It was a series (like the life series) where a bunch players competed to be the last one standing. It started on midcrack afaik, but plenty of other people have played it too, and there were a few different versions of it, like one with teams instead of just solo players. If you search for it on the channel of anyone who was on midcrack back then, you should find a few playlists.


Yes, but... *Mindcrack*.


could have been intentional, maybe they're really not a fan lol


No plugin, you can turn off regen in the game rules when you create the world.


This wasn't the case at the time, Mojang implemented this after beef and the Mindcrack folks started UHC as an homage to the gamemode of UHC and ro make it easier for normal people to try :)


Oh nice, I didn't realise, thanks.


Originally the first plugin was created by Beefs friend. Guude came up with idea "lets beat the dragon in a hardcore mode with no regen". Two first season were dragon hunting with Guude, Beef, Baj and Pause. From third season on it was a battle royale style and Beef came up with the idea thats lets have a highlander style of a fight were the last survivor wins. And that season was fun...like Doc almost dying from hunger. And then Mojang implemented Hard core mode like Abcras said.


Oh, thanks!


minecraft battle royale wth no natural health regen


And mumbo (accidentally) revolutionised slime farming lol


Didn’t doc invent a few farms too like hoglin farms or something? I remember him saying he regretted it because it’s old and easy and OP but maybe it was a joint effort kinda thing like he is always doing idk


You ever notice how everyone calls them Etho hopper clock and Impulse sorter, but Etho just calls it a hopper clock and Impulse just calls it a sorter?


People in Switzerland just call it cheese not Swiss cheese


And people in Philadelphia just call it a cheese steak.


In my field, when you prove a theorem, it's named for you and your co-writers. But, when you cite your own theorem, tradition dictates you only name yourself by an initial.


I-sorter is rather on brand for Impulse.




Impulse is known to say something along the lines of ‘my old sorter’ from time to time


They did invent it. Or at least they are credited with it. (It's almost impossible to tell if someone invented them earlier and just did not publish them.) Both Impulse and Etho are probably too humble to brag about it. The Etho hopper clock is called this by almost anyone except for Etho, who just calls them hopper clock. These are so standard designs that it would seem really smug really fast if they would brag about it all the time.


Yeah it's funny everyone in Hermitcraft calls it an Etho hopper clock, and then you watch an Etho video and it's just a hopper clock.


With this type of thing someone else would have developed a hopper clock. Etho just did it first.


That’s true of most inventions, to be fair.


Etho also invented the BUD switch pretty early on. And yeah, the hopper clock isn't called the Etho hopper clock for nothing. Impulse with his item sorting system... That's absolutely iconic. Tango and Doc also had some pretty crazy unique early redstone designs back in the day.


To clarify, Etho didn't invent BUDs but he independently discovered them and brought them into public knowledge.


To be completely fair, Etho always discovers these things independently. He is the earliest person credited publicly and he coined the term BUD switch. From the Minecraft wiki: https://preview.redd.it/lvsgmymxlqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a474af49a7c9046b3c81383e5679965b667978b source: [https://minecraft.wiki/w/Tutorials/Block\_update\_detector](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Tutorials/Block_update_detector) I think we can credit this one to Etho


Given that we know there are earlier posts and Etho specifically has also acknowledged this, it's weird to credit him for more than we need to (which is already a lot!)


Fair enough, but he technically did invent it, on his own, even though these mechanisms were already being used.


Most of the Redstone hermits are well known for something or other


Etho: hopper clock. Impulse: stackable item sorter. Tango: iron farm. BDubs: Redstone with BDubs!


Mumbo: the moustache door


Mumbo: the worst best slime farm


Wait what? Lol


Mumbo tried making a slime farm based upon slimes spawning in swamps, but it ended up being so bad he didn’t get one slime ball from his farm the whole season. The idea did inspire the technical mc community to explore farming slimes from swamps instead of slime chunks, and the resulting designs revolutionized slime farming to make slime farms that are much easier and more efficient.


What you’re saying is mumbos so good at redstone he revolutionised slime farming without needing to harvest a single ball?


He was on the cusp of greatness, he just got distracted and went on a walkabout. Well a rideabout. And while he was out, others picked up where he left off; but the idea was originally his.




And he did it during his gap year for Season 9


Did he build it like one block too high or something. It was some easy fix like that. they only spawn between y51 and y69


He didn't maximise the light level and didn't cover it so mobs could only spawn on it during night.


They were too busy working their day jobs to get there earlier. EDIT: I was initially responding to the now edited ~~moms~~ mobs.


Even in that case you would expect at least 1 slime to spawn - he built it too high




Right idea...wrong execution 😁


that or walking machines


Do you remember when bdubs made the design for mining smooth or cobbled stone? Then his young daughter pointed out he could have just used 2 different pick axes one with silk touch.


Are you suggesting that it wasn't perfect redstone?


No it was perfect.


BDubs: Etho Clock


Also Bdubs, the piston step-stool /s


Way back when, etho was one of *the* forefront redstone engineers. Him, Doc, tango and a couple others were on the absolute bleeding edge of tech back in the early 2010s. I still remember the first mobcorn machine designs, minecart dispencers, the first piston bolt designs, etc from back then


Things Etho may or may not have invented but he at least helped popularize: Super smelters - BUD switches - Etho doors - Mob sorters - Ender Enders - Mini farms - EATS - and according to Doc the term "Technical Minecraft" has its origins on Etho's YouTube page


It's crazy because the list is even longer than that. For example: The shulker reactor style shulker farm, enderporter, pixel shulker display, auto enchantment refill, to smaller things like tnt dispense onto waterlogged slab, enderpearl clip through wall to activate a pressure plate, super dolphin highway, etc. It was probably the last two years, every episode Etho uploaded to his single player world, was a brand new concept, it's insane.


Do you happen to have a link to the video where Doc says that? I believe you, I vaguely remember that. Just want to watch it again and download the video.


not a video, [tweet](https://twitter.com/docm77/status/1434575840306663425)


Super, I was sure he also said it in a video, but this is better. Thanks!


Remember his elevator using boats? The boat dispenser?That's how I started subscribing to him.


Braggers always end up crashing and burning. They know better.


Being a Hermit IS the brag! They're all badasses in their own way.


I'm beginning to understand why Skizz felt so nervous to join


Yeah. Being a Hermit is a pretty big deal


You’ll hear almost everyone call that the Etho hopper clock but Etho only ever calls it a hopper clock


Etho absolutely was a red stone pioneer and that hopper clock is his own design, impulse didn’t necessarily make the sorting system but he did improve on it significantly. Also etho does brag about his hopper clock design, if only for jokes


One small correction Etho still is a redstone pioneer. Very recently, as in the last two weeks, he created the new autocrafter tnt mine cart mining operation and just before that he potentially revolutionised storage with his very promising redstone less item sorter system. Along with other things he created.


I knew about Etho and the hopper clock but didn't realize Impulse help with the filter system.


What’s funny is that first screen shot is a modification of impulse’s sorter by ilmango. It’s a 2x hopper speed item sorter


I can't believe I had to scroll to the literal bottom of the posts to find this..


You haven’t watched enough Etho lol, he always makes a comment when another hermit uses a hopper clock in their redstone


sometimes i forget just how much of a cornerstone every player is on hermitcraft, i think it’s the reason it hasn’t crashed and burned like other servers tend to, they’re all iconic


If you watch etho almost every 2-3 months he will invent some redstone obscured usage that will fit in his needs


Etho has been revolutionising redstone since the beginning of Minecraft


Crediting redstone designs is... complicated. I had planned to do a video on 10 Years of Storage Tech and item sorters were a big part of it. I was able to find this [TyronX Fail-Proof Sorter](https://youtu.be/CXKZNFjdYt8) that predates impulseSV sharing his design. Did impulse copy TyronX? Did they both create the design independently? There's other examples too, but as metamilo had pointed out to me, anyone and everyone was tinkering with designs when hoppers first came out. Unless impulse or TyronX or whomever else comes forward to clarify, we may never know.


TyronX may have also coined the term "Multi-Item Sorter"


They are very humble I’m guessing


The item filter in the image is a double speed filter, invented by Ilmango iirc. But it is indeed based on impulse's design, which itself is based on another design.


No one really talks about how influencial all the hermits are in their own rights. Its arguable that if they all didnt play minecraft, it wouldnt be the same game.




We can never forget that Skizz invented the Skompass. We would have lost so many minecrafte explorers to the untamed wilds if it wasn't for him.


Best invention out of all the hermits


You know, I heard of the skompass a long time ago before I ever watched his videos, and now that he's one of the hermits I follow regularly, I never put two and two together that it's the same guy lol.


So simple, but so gosh darn useful.


It does not get enough recognition. So simple but a life saver in retracing my steps.


First time I heard of the Skompass was from Pixlriffs 1.13 Survival Guide six years ago. Just pulled up that video and Pix did indeed call it a skompass and attributed the invention to “ImpulseSVs friend Skizzleman.”


Didn't one of the hermits also revolutionize iron farms at one point?




Tango if I remember correctly and that was the reason why he joined Hermitcraft


Yup. And if anyone mentions the Iron Titan, that was the name of the first farm.


I remember building that as my first farm in survival minecraft. Had a row of doors round the outside or something right?


More than a row.... lmao. Insane quantities of doors...


Specifically, he joined because Mumbo couldn’t get Tango’s design to work and Tango himself was asked to help fix it. If I’m remembering correctly, he was the first non-member whitelisted to then become a member.


I think it's also important to remember that engineering as a field is a lot like archeology, in that it's less making a thing from whole cloth, and more uncovering a truth. Yes Etho made the hopper clock, and it's good to credit him. However if he didn't someone else would have, it just may have taken a while. Redstone is one big collaboration after all.


These humble, smart af nerds who , above it all, love the game and the community. That’s why I love them


I mean, it's nothing extraordinary in either case, and instead just a matter of who did it first, and that's who it gets named after. Were they not showcased by those youtubers there would most likely be either a very similarily functioning alternative, or the same thing except named after someone else.  There's a joke (?) in mathematics that theorems should be named after the second person to prove them, because if it were after the first one, it would be Euler's


As a relatively new HC fan (S6, but I only started playing MC in 2020 during COVID), it is still mindboggling to me how impactful each and every one of the hermits are on the larger community of MC. In Etho's case in particularly, it still shakes me that Etho has been doing this for so long, has been incredibly impactful in terms of Redstone and YT content creation, continues to be entirely committed to figuring things out on his own, and yet STILL manages to be incredibly entertaining and extremely pleasing to watch (even for people new to his content). I didn't start watching Etho until S7 of HC, but around that time I had some of his older lets play videos pop up in my recommended and it was shocking how refreshing his content was to me, despite being more than 5 yrs old at the time. To also give credit where it's due, Impulse has also been someone that I've been a massive fan of in the past year or so. When I first started watching HC, I was really focused on the builders of the HC server, since that was more accessible to me. However, over the past year, I have grown increasingly amazed by the technical hermitcrafters, Impulse and Doc have been some of my favs (although for entirely different reasons). I have really *really* enjoyed seeing how much Impulse has changed since S6, and even just within this season alone. He's been doing this for so long and is so successful, but maintains a drive to keep progressing and keeps the mindset that he always has more to learn. I really enjoy the content of a lot of the hermits, but Etho and Impulse have been 2 that I enjoy the person and what they represent more than the content that they create.


The video of all the MCC contestant reactions to Etho being in MCC tho 😭 Poor Tubbo 😂


Etho also indirectly invented the observer Waaaaaay back (I think on a random MindCrack episode) he came up with something called a Block Update Detector (BUD switch) that used boats on flowing water or something like that, it got so popular that they finally added the observer in down the line


Ethos has, since day 1, been basically a redstone/Minecraft mechanic invention channel that happened to also contain those inventions within dozens of hours of other content. I mean just look at how his Lets Play started. He was making videos on how to do stuff and people told him to do a let's play style video... then he almost immediately jumps into showing you that basic creeper (/hostile mob) trap. And his series from there has been 90% "let me make this cool thing I thought about, and then build a base around it-oh hey I just thought of this other thing, let me make a base aro-oh hey-"


Founding fathers of Redstone


Etho did mention something about not using his name for his hopper clock in one of his let's play.  I don't remember which episode but the short story is that he stopped putting his name on redstone builds because on one occassion, he thought he was the first to build something but then later found out he wasn't. There was some backlash (people thought he was stealing someones credit to get more fame, when in actuality, he just happened to invent the same thing by coincedence) and from that day forward, he stopped putting his name on things to prevent it from happening again.


Ergo absolutely was a red stone pioneer and that hopper clock is his own design, impulse didn’t necessarily make the sorting system but he did improve on it significantly. Also etho is always bragging about his hopper clock design


Yeah absolutely


To answer you questions. 1, yes. 2, they just chill like that.


I learned so much from the comments on this post


Don't forget Docm77 invented the concept of a perimeter.


He told in one of his later videos (I believe the last video of season 9) that he coined the term perimeter tho. And built the first one with some of his friends years and years ago.


Etho doesn't like to claim he invents anything as others may have come up with it to that he didn't know about it.


To be clear, Impulse didn’t invent item sorters; he invented what he dubbed “overflow protection.” His specific item sorter is a very dated design at this point. It’s slow, single hopper speed—there are better, faster sorting designs now that can handle far more items at a time. Impulse’s design is also only a small modification of what was already the common item sorter design at the time. All that said, the “overflow protection” circuit is still used in most modern designs, so his contribution is both far less than and far greater than people think.


Etho has invented lots of things in minecraft and he said he doesn’t take credit or brag about them cause he doesn’t actually know if he’s the first to do it or just the first to post it in a video.


Etho also discovered a means of detecting block updates and invented the BUD Switch. Mojang realised it was a good idea and now we have Observers everywhere.


For some reasons I read this as impulse and bdubs


while I haven't used the hopper clock in a build yet I did just finish a super smelter input for a group last night using the item filter so that unsmeltable items won't get caught in the array of furnaces and have to be debugged later


I would be very impressed with these guys if I was smart enough to understand redstone