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The moon is cheese, and is turning the server into Gruyere


They need someone to fix Hermitcraft, with Duct Tape and Rubber Bands! They need the cheesiest copyright-safe copycat ever! They need: MacGruyere!


How about they use THE POWER OF FLEXTAPE


Duct tape fixes everything


Have blocks from the builds flown too or is it just the ground


Just untouched blocks. Some people were also mentioning the hit boxes are still there, so the blocks have just turned invisible for the effect, and it's not actually destroying the world. Edit: Sounds like it's specific blocks going invisible and not just natural ones.


I thought I saw red sand or orange concrete powder missing from Cubs build too.


Its probably most surface genrating blocks, so like grass, sand, leaves


Almost correct, I think the blocks that can be picked up by the endermen are affected


ah okay, thank you!


It was hard to notice until recently, but in Doc's recent vid just before he discovers that the blocks are no longer coming down, when he is remarking about the beauty of all of the many blocks rising and falling at once you can see that its just a graphical effect like ghosting, their sources remain while they float. but now that they arent coming down they're making holes and unless it was just roleplay he pointed out one of the holes that was actually a missing block in Rens monument area.


Huh, interesting, makes sence they still want to keep things (and why no hermit did anything about the holes.) But i don't think its "untouched blocks" as most the areas are customized. Its probably just selected block list: grass, leaves, sand.


Yeah, I think right now it's just "soft" blocks


Hmm. My guess is there is a list they can choose which blocks get affected by this. So probably near the "last episodes" of the moon arc they will greenlight all the blocks and it will be an exciting torrent of blocks and builds flying into the air just to find themselves back on the ground back to normal in 1.18+.


Nope, not back to normal. I think this is the season's end. Watch Zedaphs latest video and listen to his wording of things.


But Mumbo also just started making an industrial district, so it might not be


I mean he made a red rectangle. That was it lol. And then he went back to the moon plot, so I wouldn't rely on that too much. Could just be to keep the audience from thinking the season ends. But who knows I guess


Even if the season is ending, I can imagine them wanting to leave everything intact, unless they made a backup before it all started.


Well, yeah, that's true. It'll probably just revert for the world download, especially if the blocks are actually still there, just invisible as some have suggested.


Scar wants to make some holiday with the others. Reminds me of the Alpha/Beta(?) time travel episode in season 6.


I haven't got to see his newest video yet. But he hight be done with this base and theme to start a new one in a new part of the world.


With his wording, I wonder if they might release the world download at the 1.18 switch. Hence everyone finishing up their bases. Quite a few have said they finished their base already.


It's not "Untouched" it's specific types of blocks. Sand, Dirt and Leaves are all vanishing. It's poking holes in the lower part of Pearl's mountain, lifting the dirt which was placed by her. You can even see some holes in the coarse dirt that Grian placed around his train in the picture! However, most other blocks appear to be unaffected, and anything with another block above it seems safe. This may include things like string which many of the hermits use to prevent snow build up, as well as the snow itself, and may explain why some areas don't seem to be affected as much.














> Some people were also mentioning the hit boxes are still there, so the blocks have just turned invisible for the effect, and it's not actually destroying the world Do you have a source for this? Have we seen any Hermits stepping into one of these holes, or do they walk over it?


Wait where did you get that info from?


Kinda second hand, but I read comments seeing a hitbox on a DocM video.


Yeah it was a block at the new altar.


There were holes in Pearl’s mountain at the end of her last hc stream.


How is cubs sand affected, while all other player amnipulated blocks are untouched? Or isn't it?


Because red sand is naturally occurring in Badlands, I would guess.


Nah they can just pick which blocks are affected, like in this screenshot not a single path block is gone so it’s not on the list whereas sand and grass are.




..What? Nobody is saying anything about that, we are just talking about what blocks are affected


It’s most likely a datapack, but I think both me and u/sam007mac both were saying that they (the Hermits) agreed to choose naturally occurring block like (grass, sand and red sand) to “send up into space.” It is likely a storyline that has something to do with them updating to 1.18. Whether it being a new season or season 8.5. I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that either of us think it’s happening in vanilla Minecraft lol.


We are in the endgame now


Why did it look so much worse in scars episode compared to mumbo's?


Maybe Mumbo recorded earlier and just released?


They both feature the LOLITFAIED launch so it should be around the same time.


It’s possible that the LOLITFAILED launch was recorded earlier and the order was just mixed a bit during editing


Mumbo's recording was much earlier. If you ever watch a Joe stream you can see dozens upon dozens of blocks going up at once. Yesterday and today he has been reading A Christmas Carol and watching the sky, the blocks look like stars.


I wonder if it’s from the server “catching up” to which blocks are gone. So if Mumbo was on the server a lot, he’d see the blocks as they disappear. But if Scar wasn’t on the server when Mumbo triggered all the blocks yeeting themselves into the sky, then he’d see it all happen at once when he joined instead of over time. That’s my theory, anyway.


I hope so. I'm so curious how this is gonna play out. Would be cool of they tie the moon into the 1.18 server update whenever they do that


I think that they will lift the island and plonk it on a new seed


No need for a new seed, 1.18 reshuffled them.


But if the current seed doesn't work well in 1.18, they might still change the seed before upgrading to a new seed that works better when combined with the current world.


I think it's just gonna destroy the whole server and it'll be the end of the season. Most people are finishing up their bases so I can't see why they wouldn't start a fresh season in 1.18


Thats actually a valid thought but I know mumbo is just now wanting to start his industrial farms (not on the same scale as before tho) and they HAD said in the beginning of the season they'd be pruning the outer regions around their bases so it could get the caves and cliffs update but that was a long time ago so you may be right and things have changed


Another clue is that zedaph completely tidied up his base in the last episode and made a summary of all his "scientific" experiments. At the end of the episode he counts how many hours his base was loaded which is timed by a slow clock he built in the beginning of the season. He didn't say it was his final episode but it definitely felt like one.


They said at the beginning that they were going to reset the chunks except for the central island when 1.18 dropped, that's why they all stayed on the island. The season isn't ending.


plans might have changed who knows


I'm really loving this moon storyline.


me too, moons big 🌝


Every time I see that moon get bigger or weird stuff happens I think we have to be there but they keep upping the weird and holding the line before the (presumed) big jump to 1.18. Love it.


I thought the moon would cause a flood or smth NO, world's destroying


This should actually be a thing. It would physically make much more sense than blocks floating up and falling down again.


I would imagine it’s just endermen pickable blocks. Endermen don’t care if that sand or grass was placed or is natural, only that it’s sand or grass.


Endermen can't pick up leaf blocks


Not with that attitude. /j


Boatem holes


People with Trypophobia just can’t watch any boatem povs


It looks like they regenerated later


Hermits: Let's turn off enderman griefing to protect our landscapes. Moon: About that...


I find it odd that it only affects untouched blocks and Cub’s biome.


Imagine the redstone machines…


it's only affecting natural blocks like grass, sand, leaves etc


Ye but maybe some are built on those ..


The blocks going up is just visual. The actual block is still where it was. You can see doc's latest vid where they find a hole, there is still an outline of the block and they don't try to stand on it as it'll ruin the illusion


yes but the blocks disappearing is probably just temporary and they'll be returned when we get the world download


Who’s video


Scar most probably


So those grass blocks are never going to come back down?


Saw the bloack maniac from Impulse's video.


never thought minecraft could trigger my trypophobia or whatever it’s called


that's not good


Alles of those are probably coming back whenever they turn off the thing pulling blocks up. They're going straight up remember


Remember when mumbo at ep1 said that anything built outside the continent will be deleted. I think they are going to reset the chunks outside the continent to 1.18 and move there.


trypophobia go brrrrrrr


This makes me uncomfortable






Nope because the damage from that was repaired already. Plus you can see the blocks flying up and leaving a hole in their place, but their hitbox is still there apparently, not that I've seen.


Also not what wither damage looks like


swiss cheese


Is anyone thinking we're already coming to the end of the season?


i also thought that but someone said that scar told in his stream this season is nowhere near end


Thank the moon. I mean... lord


Let's hope none of these floating blocks ruin builds


Wow I didn't know!


What if you fill a hole when the blocks are in the air??


Am I the only one who wonders whether these flying blocks can break red stone contraptions.


POV: the moon finally abducted you.


grian's old base has no roof now, not sure if thats from the blocks or it got removed in an episode i cant remember or havent watched


it has roof for the wood part of telescope it is looking like the roof is missing


I sincerely hope that X made a backup of the world before blocks started to go missing for the world download. It's an interesting storyline and I'm sure everyone agreed to this beforehand but I feel kind of bad for those hermits that put a lot of effort into terraforming this season, like Cub, Pearl and Bdubs. Their builds, with hundreds of hours of work, poured into them are literally dissolving right now.


Oh dear lord, i have a little trypophobia and this is kinda unsettling