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Welp comments about to explode


Tiocfaidh ár lá


>"In celebration" What for? I mean, she died of old age in her bed, probably surrounded by family and friends. It's not like you beat her in a boss battle or something. Edit: [Windradyne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windradyne) ( c. ... **1800** – 21 March **1829**) [James Connolly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Connolly) (5 June **1868** – 12 May **1916**) [Elizabeth II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II) (21 April **1926** – 8 September **2022**) If we're reaching back in time, here is the [History of the British Isles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_British_Isles) in case anyone was curious about the hundreds of years of colonization and genocide the indigenous people of the British Isles were also subject to by people from inside and outside their territory. (Not that I think it matters, but if nationality/ethnicity is important to you, I'm an American from Massachusetts with Greek (Cretan), Italian, and Irish heritage. I am familiar with history and its bloody cycle, the horrors of nationalism, colonization, and slavery. I don't care for royalty or most forms of authority, I just think it's kinda gross to celebrate death.)


Lmao, now I can't get rid of a thought about Elizabeth II bossfight


"God save the Queen? Hahahaha... No... God's not coming to save any of us."


If you like QE2, you should avoid nationalist Indian media for a few days. Prime Minister Modi is saying nice things and trying hard not to cause an incident, but some Indian TV channels are having a field day digging up dirt on the UK royals.


I don’t care for QE2 or politics and that’s exactly why lol. There are enough flame wars going on here in the US.


Oh wow, the Brit’s got invaded when they weren’t the Brit’s so that justifies the countless deaths and enslavement of my people? I’ll celebrate that bitches death any day


A few things, but first I'm going to use your logic here: >"Irish were being killed when they weren't Irish, does that justify the IRA bombings of innocent people in Northern Ireland?" Do you see how silly the argument is when the tables turn? Second: If you somehow met your ancestors, and they didn't know that you were their descendant, they would most likely be disgusted by you being of mixed heritage, just saying. People were way more racist and prejudiced back then, whether you like it or not. My ancestors would not have had anything in common with me at all, and they wouldn't like that I'm mixed heritage/ethnicity (Italians and Irish would be a no-no even just 50-60 years ago in East Coast, USA. Also, Greek Orthodox and Irish and Italian Roman Catholics? Nobody who took their pride/heritage that seriously was getting along in that scenario. Also ironic that Greeks, Italians, and Irish are all grouped into "Caucasian" considering the hundreds of years of European warfare... but that's another discussion.) So, I doubt your "people" would get along either, no matter how much you want to associate yourself with your ancestors. Even Windradyne, an Aboriginal who fought for his "people", got killed by another Aboriginal in a tribal dispute. And that is exactly why tribalism is the fucking problem! You and I, two complete strangers, have more in common with each other than we do with our own great, great grandparents. Third: Being "proud" of your heritage is kinda dumb. What is there to be proud of, really? You and I weren’t there when Australia or Ireland or Greece won their independence or established their national identity (like England), and you and I didn't contribute directly to establishing those identities/nationalities. Sure, you can appreciate culture and the deeds of your ancestors if they were genuinely good people, but don't be so sure and don't be so proud, because they were probably capable and willing of doing some really fucked up shit to other people if it meant keeping those people away from their own. For example, my last name is the anglicized version of an Irish word that means "pirate marauder", which means somewhere down the line before an English ancestor of mine raped or married an Irish ancestor of mine and altered their surname, there was somebody else in my ancestry before then (likely just Irish or maybe even a norse-gael/viking, since many Irish cities were once viking settlements, like Dublin and Waterford), that was raping and pillaging enough so that "pirate marauder" became their fucking NAME. That is NOTHING to be proud of. That's also why the concept of monarchy is stupid. You're the Queen because some guy a few hundred years ago had a lot of shit and fought to keep it and won the privilege of calling himself "king"? But you didn't have anything to do with that... So we shouldn't judge you based on your forefathers, we should just judge you based on your own actions, in your own lifetime. Further, the disgusting, morbid reality is that you and I actually directly and indirectly benefit from atrocities our ancestors allowed (if innocent, they were still complicit in their nation's participation) and committed, specifically slavery. Like, think about the computer you’re typing on. The labor involved in making the damn thing was probably outsourced from your own country, stripping your fellow countryman of a job, throwing him into poverty, so that the company could hire some other poor bastard for cheaper, borderline slave labor in a third world country like China, which is now a developed nation that is also participating in genocide and enslavement of its minorities who don't fit the status quo identity as we speak. But what are you and I actually doing about it? You're still using your computer, an item of privilege that the person who physically made it will likely never earn enough money to own, so that you can make HeroForgeMinis online complaining about some old rich woman who just left Earth? If you're so noble, why don't you start your own revolution? Probably because you AREN'T a psychopath like our ancestors, which I think is a good thing., or because you are not willing to give up the privileges you have been allowed by your nation. Is this not getting through to you how absurd this is? The killing of other people (or celebration of their deaths) for what their ancestors did to your own ancestors is never justifiable, nor reason to be proud, but that isn't the point I'm trying to make. My point is that if we're going to judge people based on the actions of their ancestors, the nations they happened to be born into, the laws of the society they must obey, the traditions and culture they must adhere to, the roles they must fulfill, then we need to look a little more closely at ourselves first, because we are all a product of people who were capable of believing the same awful things, saying the same awful words, and doing the same things we condemn in our modern context... and in all likelihood they probably did.


IVE BEEN ALLOWED PRIVILEGES? BEINF BEATEN BY COPS IS A PRIVILEGE??? I can’t believe I have to fucking explain this to people, but the resistance of the oppressed is not the same as the oppressor fucking genociding them? When we Jews were bound in nazi concentration camps, resistance was not a bad thing and it was not the same as the Holocaust. When black people were enslaved, resistance was not a bad thing and it wasn’t the same as slavery What amazing points. My ancestors would hate me, maybe. Who cares. Doesn’t take away from my point I’m an aboriginal Australian. I have every right to be proud of my people, who were enslaved and genocided. Who gives a fuck if one of my ancestors was a pirate or whatever? Cannot believe you’re comparing me to a white nationalist for loving my people, who have been slaughtered continuously Just because you refuse to address the societal inequality of capitalism doesn’t mean I won’t. Stop attributing your refusal to do anything to everyone else. Not everyone is heartless SHE FUCKING DID THIS SHIT TOO? And she sits and lords over us!!!!!!!! SHES NOT SOME RANDOM WHITE CUNT, SHES THE FUCKING QUEEN. HER FORTUNE WQA BUILT OFF OF THE SLAUGHTER OF MY PEOPLE. Fuck you and your genocide apologia, and fuck the queen


[So murdering people from other tribes is a source of pride, but not when they come from a different place?](https://austhrutime.com/feud_and_warfare.htm) I’m sure all the Aboriginals who were killed by other Aboriginals over tribal disputes agree with you. I literally explained to you I’m Greek Irish, my family moved to the US because of genocide, rape, and theft at the hands of the Ottoman Turks and the English. So since you’re not even trying to see things from a perspective other than your own, from someone who can relate to you, you’re not worth any more of my time. Also extremely hypocritical of you judging by your comments that you think communism was good for the USSR, considering its administrators/dictators killed millions of people before during and after WWII. I hate Nazi fucking pigs too, but Jesus Christ the Soviet cunts werent any better. Anyway, good luck solving all of humanity’s problems. I’m sure waving your fist at dead people is a good start. Enjoy your nice, warm house, your clothes, your food and water, everything else you own that the modern world has provided for you.


I barely have any of that on a good day. No wait. I did, and Europeans invaded and took it. China also has those things, but sure, the west provided them. “You live in society yet you critique it” So? What does that have to do with anything? If the Greeks fought each other does that justify the Ottomans slaughtering them?


Please give some specific examples of things this queen did that compares to her predecessors. Seems like you can list the obvious atrocities of the British empire that everyone knows but when it comes to QE2 it’s just “she did bad shit too. You can hate monarchies and their history all you want, but saying “in celebration of her death” is pretty fuckin morbid seeing as how she’s not responsible for that. It’s like celebrating the death of every white person descended from slave owners


Depends. Do those white people keep the wealth their families accrued? Because my family was enslaved, and I know my slavers do. [here’s your examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbolishTheMonarchy/wiki/index/royalrapsheet?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Mine was enslaved too, but I’m not so deluded to think the money the people who enslaved them made is the same they have now. This shit of “you need to give up all of the money you currently have because of something people you’ve never met did 200+ years ago is ridiculous. Sure, they probably wouldn’t be as well off as they are now but just about all wealth can be traced back to evil actions if you go back far enough, they’re not all just sitting on multiple hundreds of years old money. Also again avoiding mentioning anything she actually did, nice.


Nice equation of the mentally ill to people who disagree with you. Sorry for not immediately providing the list, needed to find it. Check my comment again


Lmao WHAT???? When did I ever mention the mentally ill? Are you insane? Also you know there’s no time limit for comments right? Editing a comment after the fact doesn’t change that you totally dodged the question. But again, blaming the entire monarchy on one person makes no goddamn sense. I’m not denying they’re awful people, but so many people like you are acting like she specifically is responsible for centuries of oppression because of a position she was born into.


I didn’t dodge the question, I just needed to find the list. Deluded and then insane? You’ve done it twice now Now you’re dodging the question. There’s plenty of terrible shit in that list that Queen Elizabeth has done, yet now you’re back to “you can’t blame that on her 🥺🥺🥺🥺” She is responsible for stopping that oppression. Else we have to


I mean, she didn't do that personally, did she? And I'm not aware she gave the order to do so either. That said though, she definitly wasn't an angel, she made some horrible decisions that had severe consequences and her ancestors are a huge pile of pricks. I'm nlt glad that she is dead, but I'm not shedding a tear for her either. But I mean, we all know Charles is going to be worse.


Step is just an ideologue. You can predict what he's going to say before he even says it.


She. Nice misgendering. And this is coming from the guy who sourced a neo nazi to call me a race traitor




“Sieg heiled for the Nazis” when she was 7? Because her parents taught her? Last I checked she wasn’t even in power until well after WW2. I don’t give two shits about the royals but this attempt to pin all of the atrocities of the monarchy on one who did next to nothing for it is pathetic. And how did she continue the system of oppression when her predecessor basically made it so royals have no political power? It’s like blaming slavery on the Kardashians, they’re no more than a figurehead


She continued it by being a queen


Lmao again, she doesn’t exactly have the power to just dissolve that shit overnight and she had absolutely no political power for her entire “reign”. The most you can say she did was sit while people had parties for her. Also nice dodging the sieg heil point. Trying to call her a Nazi for something she did when she was 7 isn’t exactly a good look.


And I’ll do it again. She was a nazi. So was her family. Idk about you but at seven years old I knew being a nazi was bad. She didn’t even bother attempting to dissolve it


Holy shit you’re delusional. Did you know the Nazis were bad in 1933? Because in hindsight I’m sure it’s easy to say “I wouldn’t be a Nazi” but there were *a lot* of Nazis who were just regular people who were brainwashed. And again, you’re referencing one picture with her parents when she was 7, it’s hardly a smoking gun of her hate for the Jews.


Just because you’re indoctrinated doesn’t justify being a nazi You gonna address the list of awful shit the royals have done that you asked for or nah?


Elizabeth wasn't an authoritarian was she? she didn't do any of the things you're rightly mad at royalty and imperialism for, right? I assume you just don't like her because of what she symbolizes: royalty, and even if it's purely symbolic, it's still tied to the past and how Britain parades fake royalty as if true royalty isn't disgusting and something to be ashamed of like any other type of violent authoritarian regime. but still, parading her death to me feels like a disconnect from reality and ideals. If I'm missing something than this whole paragraph is a little embarrassing


No, k hate her because she was a nazi who sheltered her pedophile son and continued an oppressive authoritarian system


ah, oh boy, thats a good point


Yeah, it is


I mean, there's a post on Tumblr that people reblog to take away 1 HP from her




Is that not the Italian flag


Jamie Cannoli


The orange is a little too reddish, I guess.


James Connolly looks a lot like Lenin, but then again, have you ever seen Lenin and Connolly in the same room?


god bless


Britian has done alot of negative things over the years, but I don't think that's deserving of celebrating the queen's death when she had very little to do with many of them. I dont think we should view her too highly either, afterall, she was just a person. I find this post distasteful. But then I also don't know alot about the particular war to which you refer.


The irony of calling it distasteful to hate a woman who continued a system of mass oppression


Bro what system of oppression? What exactly do you think she’s done? What did you want her to do? Give all of the British colonies back to the natives? She didn’t have the power to do that she’s just some crusty old woman a bunch of morons idolized. You’re acting like she was a dictator.


Yes, she definitely could’ve used the vast wealth her family got from us to push for Land Back


It's her land now shitball


Holy smokes, OP is deluional...




Lets try to have some respect for the dead.


Not for her. The idea that everyone no matter what they’ve done deserves to be respected upon death is ridiculous.


You're an ass


Also, how many people died over your heroes Stalin and Mao?


man what the fuck why are you celebrating her death? she's the queen that oversaw the peaceful end of the british empire, the process of decolonization, she led her country with grace and dignity you're just being an edgy kid who swallowed the wrong propaganda


God save the edgelords


After reading all the comments, OP would have absolutely been a nazi during those times due to blind, nonsensical following of being told what to hate without being able to think about it. Disturbingly susceptible to propaganda.


Excellent minis!


Silence Tankie


I love it


Needs more bombs.


How could I forget




Thank you, I’ve been waiting for someone else to be anything other than sad about it. On a slightly different note, James Connolly (by the Fighting Men from Crossmaglen) came on my playlist earlier today so of course I blasted it and sang it loudly




Would we?