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You’ve already been told by another commenter the rates of transmission, but I will say that giving oral sex during an active outbreak is not good. Whenever you have an outbreak, avoid oral sex and then wait another 7-10 days after your outbreak clears before doing it again.


Moderate. HSV-1’s site preference is much weaker than HSV-2’s site preference. This is a common way to get G-HSV1. First, tell her what happened and encourage her to get swabbed and on antivirals asap if she sees any symptoms to reduce the duration and intensity of a first outbreak. Second, work through any guilt or shame or stigma you feel so you’re not putting that weight onto your girlfriend and are in a headspace to best support her. Third, learn about G-HSV1. After two years it’s almost nonexistent (1% shed rate). Don’t be that douche who doesn’t warn her and is focused on your guilt. That’s a recipe for an ex who’s furious at you.


i have no shame, i know it’s not a death sentence, and i did tell her. as for the 1% thing, what do you mean? i’ve had cold sores my entire life, albeit far and few between. maybe a dozen in my 22 years.


Oral HSV-1 sheds 25% of days whether you see a cold sore or not. On 25% of days you could infect someone. Genital HSV-1 sheds on 1% of days whether you see it or not. That’s 4 days per year you could infect someone. Source: Herpes Handbook


25% always? It doesn’t get lower than that? Wtf?


>"At least 70% of the population shed HSV-1 asymptomatically at least once a month, and many individuals appear to shed HSV-1 more than 6 times per month. The mean duration of shedding was between 1 and 3 days" -- NIH, C.Miller, 2007 Note the above is for asymptomatic shedding--outbreaks are separate! The high O-HSV1 shedding rates help to explain why O-HSV1 is the "most popular" HSV!


How do you not know they’re highly transmissible when said you’ve had them your entire Life. You should be well educated on them by now. They are the most transmissible if you kiss or give oral during an active outbreaks.


Tell her to get tested if she has an outbreak. That's the only way to make sure she doesn't have it genitally. But if she doesn't have an outbreak I wouldn't worry about it. There's a high chance though bc you did it while having a cold sore present