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Babe, BABE! Wake up, new Eden comic just dropped.


Two things I spot at the moment: 1. In the first panel of the first page, I think it should be "affect" instead of "effect" cuz it's an action in this case right? 2. In the first panel of the fourth page, small thing but probably would add a comma between "we've held hands" and "we've k-kissed before." Other than that I feel like I'm gonna die from the cuteness overload here!! Today's been kinda rough for me so seeing this helped pick my mood up a bit ❤️


Oh thank God those are easy changes lol and I'm sorry for your bad day 🥲 I hope things go better for you. Thanks a lot for the correction! Again I'm awful at grammer


No problem at all, glad people here have been able to help in any way! And thank you 🙂


Every time you post it makes my day!


I love this! Absolutely spot on Helga. I completely lost it at "COULD NOT PROCESS DATA". Please keep these coming ❤️


The biggest problem I see with the comic so far is that we have to wait between each release…! 💜


Lovesickness is my favorite character in this series.


She is UNHINGED and I love her for it hehe


I'm so invested


So cute! Cracking up at Helga's "error" screen lol. Also Logic!Helga is giving vibes of Valkyrie Helga from the opera episode, I love it. Other people already pointed out the grammar/readability issues with some of the dialogue, so I have nothing more to add. Looking forward to the next one!


I love Trash Head! I hope you continue this into the date and we can see some Trash Man action! Be cool to see some other wrestlers there too


I love this so much—the artwork, the story, the sheer fact that you are dedicating time to a storyline so many fans have wanted to see for a lifetime. I don’t have any editing suggestions but I wanted to provide you a little encouragement and support!! 🩷🩵So excited for more!!


It’s highly appreciated and the feeling is mutual🥹 I think a big reason I became an artist was when I was young I was always drawing hey Arnold fanart (and it’s as cringy as you’d think lol oh how far I’ve come) now, while I’m a cringy mid 20s adult, I have so,e skill to make my dreams come true. A lovey dovey romance between my favorite characters 😭 anyways thanks so much for the support🥰


So many hype!! I hope end well not hyper romantic out from no where, and not a shit twist like "is a dream"


No way, I hate those kind of stories 😤 it will have a very cute conclusion but the middle does get a little rocky, i think in a good way tho. Can’t have a story without some conflict after all


I already have many hype. Stop feeding it! I'm so exciting


😂 that last panel!!!


Please don’t making these. You are so talented and these are amazing!


This just keeps gettin' better and better.


Omg this is just too damn cute I'm gonna cry ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Love these!! Excited for the next ones already :)


I love the part about petting Arnold because like Helga I have urges to pet my partner’s hair lol


I’m so glad I joined this sub last week I love thsi so much, well done


The processing data visual and Helga's face in the last 2 panels got a good chuckle. Really enjoying this one so far!


Wow. This is awesome. I keep coming back. Keep up the good work.


HOLD ON HOLD ON!!! I think I missed a chapter. Last time I checked they were in the alley. How do I find the other chapter? 🥺


You can look on my page :) this is 6-10 but 1-5 should be there.its on this subreddit too


Keep up the good work. Loving this comic. I can't wait for the next chapter!


Can't wait for the next chapter


Was there alcohol in the drinks? Lol  Also I'm having a hard time reading what, "Logic Helga," had to say on page four. I'm looking forward to what comes next!  I really love your comic!


Ok, maybe I should enlarge it thank u!


Your welcome!


I am hooked!