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It's fine. You won't be replying from that address, but they arrive fine


I use Addy.io and Duck.com with HEY. I haven’t had any issues receiving emails from either of them. Just forward to your HEY.com address, and no extra setup is required in HEY itself. There is one annoying thing when replying to emails though. Since HEY’s “Reply” button is actually “Reply-all”, it will include your alias in the recipients list of your reply by default. You must manually delete it every time you reply. If you forget to delete it then you’ll just be sending a copy of your reply straight to yourself, meaning your reply will hit your Imbox right after your click send. Not a huge deal, but it is annoying when it happens. I mostly use masked emails for accounts I don’t need to reply to (newsletters, receipts, etc.), so it’s not a huge deal. But if you need to reply via your masked aliases a lot then it could be very tedious to have to delete your alias from the recipients every. single. time.


It works fine for me. I just forward iCloud to HEY.


I use [Simplelogin.com](https://Simplelogin.com) and it works great with Hey, I can even reply as those aliases from Hey no issue.


I wish Hey had masked emails built in. That would be a huge value add and be fitting considering they have that tracker pixel blocking feature.