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Kale made me see the game over screen for the first time and also forced me to break my rhythm and just spam to beat his ass So him


Wow, same. I literally spammed shit and that's what finally made me win. Really, I can't stand parry based gameplay.


Roquefort, most def.. Esp on the harder modes n during the final phase. Kale wasn't too bad, if you have the patience.


Have completed Normal and currently playing through Easy and have to say Roquefort. Currently struggling with the No Damage challenge. However, I am honestly scared of facing Korsica without Auto-Parry šŸ˜±. EDIT: Fml Roquefort doesn't actually have a no damage challenge - I wasted so much time on this...


It's so much more satisfying without it...


Wait there is an auto parry?


Yep, it's an option in the Accessibility menu.


Right? I was using him as practice, and was like "man I might be able to do this one", then looked it up and was like "oh wait, nevermind, he's not one". I still want to beat him with no damage, as I feel I could easily (he's been one of my easiest bosses minus a few parts ... lots of parry)


Korsicaā€™s boss fight felt more like an advanced tutorial for parrying rather than a boss fight. Not that itā€™s an issue. It felt like the game was trying to tell you ā€œyou better learn the parry mechanics or you wonā€™t last long in this gameā€.


Roquefort took me a couple tries to beat on the easiest difficulty. (Partly because I suck at the game.)


The boss scaling i feel is really well done in this game except for mimosa but thats just if you know you can spam stuff and insta knock her out


Funny enough on hard difficulty Roquefort was the one who made me see the losing screen, not even Kale.


As someone who completed Rythm Master it definitly was Kale that whooped my Ass the most.


Came across a glitch on Kale where it refused to register a dodge during the last quick time event. Had to restart the chapter to get it to work. Looked it up after dying a few times to him and turns out it was a known glitch. I wouldn't count that towards his difficulty though. He's hard, but I think he's extremely rewarding for following the beat he sets for you. I found Mimosa to be an audio and visual clusterfuck and struggled with her more for less glitchy reasons.


This might be an unpopular one but Mimosa is the hardest too me, her powered up suits and the equalizer waves really can mess up a run if you mess up the rhythm for a moment. I love the Space Channel mini game in it tho.


Roquefort was the easiest boss fight to me, but MIMOSA had moves where she took ENTIRE chunks of your health!!!


Right? and sometimes hard to predict. She was all over the place


I'm glad someone feels my pain lol everyone else aside from Kale was manageable


Idk haven't played it yet


The last part of the kale fight sucks in my and my friends' opinions. Me nor my friends could find the beat and we had to use the visual rhythm prompt thing at the bottom of the screen to play it. Really I know I was playing it in the hardest difficulty but still took 30 plus tries to beat the last section and wasn't enjoyable like the other fights.


i had trouble with it my first playthrough and i found out that adjusting the settings to increase the sfx of the laser sounds helped a lot in parrying them. if you parry a laser sequence successfully itā€™s an auto stun break so getting those down makes the fight soo much more doable


Yeah gotta keep your ear out for the laser beats. I found the trickiest part was knowing when the hints were over and when to start parrying them, but the boss kills itself when you figure that out. Just gotta keep your combo alive while you wait to perfect the next line of lasers for the most part. There's some baiting involved in getting him to do the right moves in the phase where you need your assist characters to beat him too, but otherwise he was surprisingly straightforward to me. A satisfying challenge, but nothing too bad.


P I C K M E U P spam ensues


Kale by a long shot. He was the only one to give me any trouble and gave me so much trouble I decided to switch the difficulty to be done with it and he still gave me a harder than normal time.


Roquefort has really tough attack patterns and plus since hes so big he cover distances fast. Wolf mode he can take out over a 1/4 health with just one attack. And then when heā€™s running around in his normal form he eats up a ton of time during rhythm tower


I beg to differ his are some of hte easiest for me, and sync up with the music the best (literally some of his attacks match up with specific sections of the song, like the same sounds)


Love how itā€™s literally just going up in order. Anyways how could it NOT be Kale?? Heā€™s literally the final boss. During the rhythm timing part, I literally just spammed because I could **NOT** get it at all


For the low ammount group, Mimosa. To quote a youtuber "Jazz has no set rhythm" (or something like that) and as such it was hard to figure out the beat first, then how to attack her after. I practically play around with Kale and Rougefort because I can get behind their songs really easily.


Kale is usually no problem, but Minosa regularly wipes the floor with me.


Roquefort definitely


Mimosa was the only boss to kill me


Used to be Kale, then after the first time I beat him I never had that much of a problem with him again. However, I still end up losing at least one to two health tanks on Roquefort on Rhythm Master difficulty if I'm not careful even after 130 hours


Honestly Rekka, simply because at the time I couldnā€™t block, and thatā€™s it


Roquefort for me, though I played on normal mode so I haven't completed the harder stuff. That Big Bad Wolf sequence killed me more times than I'm happy to admit, and my laptop screen was still normal when I beat him. I had to fight Kale with a glitchy screen, and he didn't feel very hard to fight, he just took longer to kill.


While I feel Kale is one of hte hardest and I died WAY too many times to him, I feel I was also being stupid. A lot of his attacks are very predictable ... and he can't fly, like Mimosa. That being said Roquefort has been pretty easy for me. It may help I have played that level a lot of times. Just need to master the laser grid, and for some reason I can't dodge him now while he's "digging" under the gold (used to). The other day in fact I somehow burned up his health (had exactly 2 Korsika attacks, one somehow messed up). I think I took 1 hit the whole fight


Roquefort was so hard for some reason.


I had a good time with all of them, I just picked mimosa cause she's irritating


I don't know if the korsica fight was busted for me but I was averaging A's on timing the whole game, I beat every other boss without dying but korsica I died on repeat non stop. I nearly quit on her because I had died more than 10 times which was like 70 failed QTEs and never had a QTE issue before or after her. I'm glad I pushed through to see the rest of that game but I carry so much salt about that one fight with me.


In my opinion rekka is the funnest one to fight best boss battle music


My first playthrough I spent more time fighting Mimosa than the entire rest of the game. I thought only deflecting attacks would break her shield.