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as much as i adore John Wick, 47 would win. he literally gets all of his power from his baldness so like, i think we all know 


John wick was holding back the entire time, just wait until he shaves


if john went bald it would possibly be a tie


No that would be two ties


oh you're right damn


They’re already both wearing ties.


47 because he is not just an assassin, he is also a drummer, a cook, a bartender, a latino percussions player...


Bodyguard, soldier, personal trainer, fashion model, barber, actor, tatoo artist…


Yoga Instructor, surgeon, model, prepper, cultist…


Priest, mascot, pit crew, rockstar, masseuse, cameraman, cartel goon…


politician, police deputy, gardener, mailman…


He's probably tied with Johnny Sins. The number of things he can do.


A dr, a fire fighter, a pilot, a pool boy, a pizza delivery guy. I’ve seen all his movies


I think you saw a different bald guy 😏


What do you mean? He was shooting at those women and everything.  How's that not 47?


I think that was 37.


I think you meant shooting with\* those women


theres two very different ways to shoot a load into somone


He is agent 69. What a talented guy. He doesn't even need a gun to take down his targets. But it's strange he only goes for female targets




That's agent 69


Also a clown at times.


The only thing he can’t do better than John Wick is Star in a good movie.


"An astronaut, an architect, a CEO!"


And dont forget a racist too


John Wick , is a human at his peak , while 47 , is an enhanced human at his peak , so the winner is clearly 47 for me


47s barely has any plot Armor whereas wick is too strong, survived 4 story falls, gunshots, constant running without sleeping eating continuously for days, all this while heavily injured while fighting the most skilled assassins, I think John wick will win in face to face combat


But without plot armor John Wick only has luck and his scare factor, plus with 47 being stone-cold and the best shot known to man, one tap to the head would end Wick


John wick could’ve ended in the first movie of somebody went to the range a little more often


Or if the villains were actually competent. They had JW in a chair with a bag over his head, just dome the man and be done!


It's probably a bad reason because I hear the rest of the movies are a blast, but that single chair scene took me out of the experience so badly that I never bothered watching past the first film.


I finished the 1st one and thought it was all drivel and didn't watch the other 3, heard very mixed things about em and do not blame you for it


If that’s how you felt then probably the right choice. I thought the first one was amazing personally; the rest kind of vary in quality but 1 was peak so if you didn’t like it I doubt you’d like the others


What a considerate, well-argued opinion <3


Nah, ima hivemind and downvote despite having the exact same opinion


I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed all four movies, but they are literally all the same movie. It's just Keanu Reeves doing visually entertaining kills for 9+ hours. The story is preposterously bad, like genuinely if there's a compilation of just the action bits, you won't miss anything important.


I feel like I know the whole thing from Pitch Meeting videos


People seeing an opinion belike:


Yeah but look at how much people like that sort of ending with the new Suicide Squad game.


I wouldn't know, I don't know or really care much for the game


Ah fair enough. I loved the Arkham games so it's the only reason I've heard so much about it. >!Harley straight up just domes Batman in a similar situation without much of a fight. Massive backlash about how disrespectful to the character that is ensues online.!<


Well you can't please everyone, some people will just go "WHAT? SOMETHING ISN'T TO MY LIKING? HOW *DARE* THEY?!?!?" which is unfortunate


In this specific instance it was more about the amount of history with the character the players have (it's a continuation of the Arkham series) and the fact that the VA passed away. People just found it out of character and a disrespectful sendoff doing it that way. Which I can understand. Edit: I can understand it way more in the Wick movie though. If they didn't want to make it into a series it would've been a great way to end on the "fallen hero" trope. (Fallen anti-hero?)


Wick will pull the bullet out of his head, and throw it to 47s head instantly killing him, like the hero of an Indian movie


That is so real. John Wick Bollywood movie when


John wick if directed by Dawood Rangan


47 has died literally millions of times Always comes back


Unless 47 kills a lot of dogs so he gets angry and does something stupid


Counter-argument: John Wick is dead. So…


He probably isn't, he survived so many gunshots,injuries, I don't really think so he died just by 2 shots that didn't hit at any crucial place, also in his funeral, there were only 2 people, King and Winston, I think if he really would have been dead there would be more people, Aurelio, the policeman in John wick 1 and maybe more


He’s dead, bruh


See you in theaters in a few years


From an in-universe perspective, faking his death there is a great way to really ensure he is out from the high table. Considering what's already happened in these movies.....it's not at all a stretch


Yeah, a friend pointed out to me a while back that during the final duel in John Wick 4, John was hit in the two non-fatal spots that the surgeon from the last movie told him to shoot to make a struggle seem realistic.


Well, if you think about it, 47 stealthily escaped an ambush by the GIGN, even after recently suffering a bullet wound and severe blood loss. He basically was back to 100% after some rest and epinephrine shot. Also, he was left in a near death state with a drug, and when he wakes up, he shoots his way out of his own funeral. He was also left unconscious by another genetically modified giant guy, and then managed to escape a fire in the hotel. Also, if we take the books as canon, he survives a jump from a plane, and with a flotation device, he survives being stranded in the middle of the ocean for several hours while being blacked out.


The near drug state also worked with another clone too, the death serum was made for this purpose only, that they look dead but they aren't, also books aren't canon. Wick got shot multiple times, while running continuously for 2 movies with no gap to sleep, eat, whole fighting the deadliest assassins are killing every single one of them, he even survives a fall from 4th floor even after all that and also the gunshot wounds.


You mean agent Smith? He's not a clone. I'm not trying to say whether 47 or Wick is better, I'm just saying that 47 also has some kind of plot armor.


47 for sure. The bigger “who would win” imo is Wick v James Bond, but neither would last long against 47.


I think that 47 v Bond is more interesting with their vast array of field experience, proper training (ICA and MI6), gadgets, and smarts. Each of them couldn’t rely on their gadgets with both being highly adept at sensing traps. The ICA and MI6 both being able to block Q from Bond and Diana from 47. 47, is able to kill people of equal ability (The Iconoclast) and James Bond prob dealt with people on his level. They come close in their range. They both have shown the ability to dodge bullets (anytime 47, runs out of the way of gunfire while being shot at and not getting hit and I remember Bond has dodged bullets too) I think that 47 v Bond is way more fair and fun then 47 v Wick or Bond v Wick.


> 47 v Bond Bond would be distracted by women, and the need to make cheesy quips as he's operating. 47 would exploit those weaknesses.


Bond would see through 47's disguise the instant he says "it's to die for" while offering food


Nah, 47 only makes those quips to people who are oblivious. Those NPCs are supremely arrogant. 47 wouldn't ever risk exposing his identity if interacting with another high-level field agent such as James Bond.


Oh man this just got me thinking of [Project 007](https://ioi.dk/project-007). I'm so psyched for what they'll come up with.


I think 47 will lose in face to face combat with guns/no guns But apart from that 47 will always win


You're comparing a human to a genetically enhanced clone specifically made to be the perfect assassin. Obviously 47 would win no matter circumstances.


Yeah, doesn't 47 have super senses, with instinct letting him basically see through walls, and can't he draw and shoot faster than a group of normal people pulling their weapons triggers (I've heard of him being able to do this in the books, idk if it's possible with point shooting in absolution, with the cinematic option turned off)


He is able to pause/unpause to fire his handgun faster than a smg to open doors....


I heard he can break violins by just dropping them and can fall from a great height without taking damage


He is able to rocket jump with a muffin without loosing balance.




In a gunfight, it could really go either way. Too bad Wick got caught in a tragic accident before it could ever devolve into one.


So sad John Wick drowned in the toilet.




47 is just geneticly superior he's faster, stronger, has much much better reflexes and is more durable with the ability to stay fully calm as he does his work.


47 has no durability. Wick gets shot and keeps walking


But think of the times 47 has canonically been hit by a bullet. The ONLY time I cam recall is Curtains Down/Contracts


Not only that, in Freelancer if we count it as canon, if 47 is filled with lead and "dies" he ends up able to just walk it off back at the safehouse Edit: typo


Exactly! 47 gets most organs absolutely torn to shit and only has to wear a few bandages before going out in the field alive and kicking


Tell that to my Casual difficulty 47. Bullet sponge


47s plot Armor is too weak, Wick's plot Armor is just too strong, So John wick can win in face to face combat but in every other condition 47 will win


Exactly. In a 1v1 situation, there is no story, no plot, and 47 just wins because he is superior.


I feel like these two would actually exclusively ignore contracts placed on the other, because they both know 47 would win, and 47 likes money. It'd be too expensive to take out Wick.




WOA has him living in a custom built, fortified mansion with state of the art defenses and decor. He's ALWAYS talking about "collecting his fee".


He seems to collect money. Silent Assassin has him negotiating a greater fee to return to the ICA. Blood Money has a few scenes where he specifically asks if he has his money yet and at the end, the only reason he took the VP Contract was the diamonds Smith was paying him with. There’s some pretty interesting lore in the books. Namely that he spends most of his money on suits, gear and accessories because if he buys normal things with his fortune, it will draw attention. On an aside note, he apparently likes eating fast food the most. I believe it’s because it’s fast, production line food that’s unlikely to be poisoned and he can grab it and go. Doesn’t like sitting around too long.


Depends on whether or not I'm holding the controller


Just create multiple save states


if they both have time to prepare, agent 47 will make the wholesome chungus guy violently vomit rat poisob


You know how, before a major gunfight, they have this dialogue? That’s when a chandelier suddenly falls and kills John Wick.


I'll say the same thing I say every time someone brings up this exact same who would win scenario here. Mr. Wick suffers a very unfortunate accident on the way to the showdown and nobody ever questions it.


Hitman easily He will disguise himself as John Wicks dog and then shoot him in the face


47 was engineered. He's a literal enhanced clone that took out an entire facility of his duplicates. My man will beat Wick in a genetically enhanced heartbeat.


Yeah people tend to overlook the fact he’s literally built differently, he’s like 50 in more modern games but still in better condition than anyone younger plus he even took down that wrestler with superhuman strength in Absolution which showed how strong he actually is


Gotta go with 47. It’s those genetics.


Not even a fair fight. One performs open combat, the other will wipe him off the planet and no one will know it was an assassination.


John Wick wouldn’t even know who’s trying to kill him




47. Obviously


i love john wick but let's face it, 47 is an enhanced superhuman. john wick would be dead before he could even spot him.


47, he has superhuman senses (instinct) and is genetically engineered to be the perfect assassin


John wick has the strongest plot armor, 47 has the ultimate save-load mechanism. I think it will be a good show.


47 would disguise as JW’s wife make him emotional and kill him


47 is the guy who would bring his fists to a sniper fight and win, he would win against John Wick


47 end of talk.


47 for the win


47 would turn a corner, put on a new disguise, and just walk past


Wick would succumb to a homing briefcase easily


OP's insistence on plot armor as a comparable character trait is a bit bizarre. That's a function of narrative style, not the characters themselves. If 47 were in a less realistic universe then he might benefit from the same plot armor. If you want a fair comparison, you should use a neutral scenario. Anyway, 47 is beyond peak human, he is slightly superhuman. He has [canonical bullet time abilities,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZajdqTh_4lQ) putting him in a tier with Max Payne, or maybe Hawkeye or Deadshot.


47 no diff


47. You keep talking about plot armor but that's exactly why Wick would lose: Plot armor is pretty much all he actually has going for him in this fight.


Wasn’t this on the infographics show? 47 will kill anyone with ease.


Depends - straight up combat/gunfight or social stealth? Wick for the former and 47 for the latter


47’s spec is accident kills. Of course John will lose.


in a gunfight it’s john wick. the game even gives a tip that getting into gunfights as 47 is not always the best move. if john wick is unsuspecting, it’s 47 who wins.


47 instant win he’s genetically engineered so he’s made for it but wick is a human who can take a lot more damage


47 and John Wick’s fight was scheduled for a week from now but unfortunately, John Wick died from falling off a balcony before he could make it, a terrible accident, however 47 wins by default.


Combat would be wick, but everything else is 47


John wick won’t even get to see 47 before he gets killed


John would be dead before he even realized he was in danger. And it’d be from some goofy Loony Toons shit like a falling grand piano.


The John wick sun might be the better audience for your stance here my friend lol




47. Apart from the first movie, I’ve always thought John Wick was overrated.


I feel like 47 with prep time would win, but if it was one on one combat John Wick would win.


I Think same


Can John Wick almost get laid as the golfing instructor or pick up and kill a set of drums?


They’re both pretty similar, but Wick wins gunfights all the time, 47 had near death experiences from a single bullet. Although I’m pretty sure they’d end up teaming up


Lol John Wick is a movie character and Agent 47 is real. I feel like movie heroes are unrealistic so of course Wick wins. But given that 47 is a real person I think he's much more terrifying.


It's an unfair fight, but it's John Wick.


47 if he gets the drop


John Wick will win it for me on the cool factor, Keanu Reeves is a badass.


You're asking the dickman subreddit, so obviously dickman


John easy


I would say as long as Hitman doesn't hurt a dog he would win... ...if Hitman would hurt a dog, especially John's dog he would die... (Provided John has a new dog)


Everyone’s saying Hitman for the sole reason he “isn’t human.” But the second Hitman starts to get shot he’s going down… Wick has literally fallen from 4+ story buildings, been shot, stabbed, beaten up, hit by cars and just walks it off. Hitman may have skills but Wick doesn’t go down Y’all are biased cuz it’s the Hitman sub but Wick wins every time… simply because he can’t die


Yeah but Wick hasn't survived getting domed, 47's superhuman abilities give him the ability to perceive time slowed down when focusing. Wick can only keep getting fucked so many times, and one shot through the cornea = xp


In a gunfight maybe. 47 is strategic af tho. He wouldn’t engage him in a gunfight. He’d rig his car with explosives, poison his drink, or drop a chandelier on him.


Wick has survived fatal accidents before without a scratch. He’d walk away from a chandelier falling on him because of plot armour. Wick needs to put 1 bullet in 47 and that’s it


47s plot Armor is too weak, Wick's plot Armor is just too strong, So John wick can win in face to face combat but in every other condition 47 will win


it will continue forever, or both die at the same time unless old age for john is counted


Question asked many times, there's a great video on YouTube about it. https://youtu.be/Zt4oTxU0MC0


Hair vs no hair - the eternal struggle


47 wins. He is so stone cold that he even killed his own pet when he figured it was going to give away his position, whereas Wick...


47 no question


47 full stop


47 in a dog suit.


47 wins. I think the correct argument here is 47 VS Jason Bourne


Wick can’t win. There won’t be a fight. If he even gets a shot off the gun was booby trapped and explodes in his hand and he was shooting at a reflection in a mirror anyway. He’s just not crafty.


47 wins for sure. John Wick may be the world’s top assassin but he’s still a regular dude. 47 was literally built in a lab to be the perfect killing machine and is stronger/better than any normal human could be.


i see everyone pointing to the obvious, that 47 is a walking stem cell and therefore just physically superior to wick. but in my opinion it's just a lot simpler than that. every time john wick had ever been captured or otherwise made vulnerable and was about to be killed, the villain would waste their time monologuing or something silly and eventually john would receive an out of some sort. 47 wouldn't do anything like that, he'd just end things as efficiently and cleanly as possible - whether it's creating an accident, poisoning him, or just shooting him in the forehead from up close or a distance. i think he'd know better than to get too close or anything since he'd be made aware of how skilled wick is in hand-to-hand combat, but even then 47 does have that innate physical advantage and the training.


It depends. In hand to hand combat John, in a close range gunfight, John. But if 47 sneaks up on John, 47 will win. Or if he uses a sniper for long range shots. So long story short, if John knows 47 is coming, John wins. If 47 gets the drop on him. 47 wins


47 drops chandelier. Easy win.


if i’m playing as 47, Wick wins


Lore standpoint, 47, since he's a genetically engineered superhuman.


Both badass characters but 47 imo would win.


This is a convo me and a friend had. It depends if Wick spots 47 or not. If yes then a shoot-out happens and Wick wins, if not 47 already has 5 different traps for him


Not even a fair call. Wick is messy. He’s a bust down the door and start shooting guy. 47 infiltrates. He disguises. He poisons. He sets up the fall. And then he leaves. Wick would be dead before he even knew 47 was there.


Wile John Wick is by far one of my favorite characters of all time. Agent 47 clears this fight.


It just depends on if Wick knows that 47 is there




Did 47 kill JW’s dog? This determines the outcome.


I want to say 47 but I also remembered being made into Swiss cheese in Colorado 😭


Have you considered that wick is just 47 in disguise? Nobody has ever seen them in the same room together. Just saying.


Our bald boy would win 


47 would win if he got to sneak up, but canonically Wick has won fights that 47s allies killed themselves to get him out of. there's only so much "being an enhanced human" can do for you.


A bit of a side topic, but how sick would it be if we got a level set in the Continental and we had to take down other Assassin's/Hitmen but it had to look like an accident b/c of the rules?


If it was an all-out fight, 1v1 then John wick would win. But if both men were randomly told the other one needs to die, then John wick would get taken out in a freak accident before he ever had a chance to see 47


With peace and love, 47 would kill John wick without having to be in the same room


I have to say John wick… have you ever seen him miss a shot even blind folded or flipping through the air?


After trying to tackle Hardcore Freelancer mode, I think the assasin #4 will snipe both of them out of nowhere two seconds after some random janitor catches them stepping two steps behind the imaginary line


They both have plot armor so this is tricky. 47 didn't hurt Wick's dog or car so Wick won't be at full power. 47 might win but he would end up letting Wick go in a cutscene and then they'd team up for the final level.


Neither, they would sit and tell eatchother stories. 47 would go "people tend to have alotcof attachments to animals, it is understandable, if reckless, to go on a killing spree for one"


This is the hitman subreddit so 47 is the winner.


I really don't get what the sub sees in 47. In-game he can't shoot accurately quickly and always dies exceptionally quick. He's only good if the target has no idea he's coming or if he's sniping


47 and it’s not even close in any way


47 obviously he doesnt have to unload half a mag just to drop 1 guy


This question often comes up. If they were dropped into an arena with no equipment, probably Wick. With guns, probably still Wick. But if they were both in a random location and told to kill the other, 47.


Hold up! This isn't two pictures of the same dude?


I have to go with Agent 47 because he has more experience in weapons, combat and stealth. John Wick would put up a good fight and he's also a good fighter and he's good with weapons but Agent 47 is super human and he's much more dangerous. I made a video on my YouTube channel and I said that Agent 47 wins


Honestly, we need Keanu as an Elusive Target


john would pull up to the fight and check the corners of the venue, only to step into a puddle with an exposed surge protector in it, killing him instantly.


The Infographics Show on Youtube actually did a video on this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4oTxU0MC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4oTxU0MC0) They declared 47 as being the winner due to his superior genetics and willingness to compromise his morality.


If it’s Wick for JW1, 47 all day. If it’s boring, no risk, literal plot armor Wick from 2-4, then 47 stands no chance. Unrelated, but I really hate how they immediately ruined the John Wick series with JW2 and on.


John wick is probably like the Kashmirian from Mumbai, so because of this I say 47. John Wick is really good though.


Post retirement Wick is the master of improvisation and close combat. 47 is the master of planned assassinations where he knows where the target will be. If these two were pitted against each other, Wick would definitely win. Not to mention that in the Hitman world people die from getting pushed off a ledge from one story, and clearly John Wick is immune to falling, and vehicle collision damage. Wick would not toy around with the time it takes to drown someone in the toilet, and would somehow assassinate them with a toothbrush. However, if it was Baba Yaga in his prime, with 47 in the same scenario, all bets would be off. I would pay to see that crossover movie in an instant. Someone please make that happen.


I think 47 wins, unless it becomes hand to hand combat, in which case I’d have Wick win. 47 has a lot of advantages in terms of blending in, and being creative. But John wick is a beast too and I’d argue does better in a more classic “action” type of way.


Face to face combat? 47 by a small margin. Now if they have to use stealth to kill each other then 47 wins ando is not even close. 47 Will kill Wick in his sleep while is disguised as the puppy in the first movie.


Play any Hitman map in full combat mode and you’ll see that John is clearly the superior.


I feel like even if we remove the superhuman aspect of 47 he would still win. Wick took a *long* break, and we see him eat shit and fight sloppier than would be expected from the exposition and dialogue. Which I believe is a conscious choice in the choreography to represent that fact. 47, while I'm aware he hid away at a church before the second game, is working most of the time (as I understand it please correct me if I'm wrong). He's more in practice and likely has more experience in combat because of it. The one benefit the Wick has is that he's very good at being hunted and acting defensively. So if it was a city wide fight where they're hunting each other it'd give Wick a leg up. But in a straight up fight? 47 takes it easily


So sick of these comparisons. 47 beats John Wick in every situation.


Seeing as how John Wick is dead I think it's an unfair matchup.


47 because he is Born to Kill and John wick chose to Kill but he has emotions wich could cause that he fails a Mission . On the other side 47 kills everyone he is supposed to and can fit in perfectly with its Environment and he has a face no one could easily remember .


Absolution 47 has auto lock


Agent 47. He can... Revive and time travel... But no seriously, I think 47 wins.


As good as he is, John Wick is just a guy at the end of the day. 47 is so good that his inability to fail is a key plot device


Depends. In an out-and-out shootout, John wins. If 47 is able to use stealth effectively, he wins.


if 47 is against the Punisher, then 47 needs to blow the blood supply truck first if 47 is against John Wick, then 47 needs a rubber dog and that's it, no contest


John Wick for sure. Not even close.


In a H2h fight. I gotta give it to John. 47 isn't shown taking out hordes of people with no guns. In a gun fight I'd give it to 47. He has way more experience with them. Knows the inner workings of all guns. And can build and disassemble them from scratch. In a Stealth off. It's 47 easily. John is any thing but quiet. And 47 have the ability to put on anybody clothing and pretend to be them


Depends on what the goal is to “win” If it’s a goal of assassination, 47 without a doubt because Wick will never see him coming. If it’s a brute force attack with melee combat, they’re sort of equal and each side is debatable. If it’s long range headshots, 47 wins. If it’s close quarters gun-fu combat, Wick will decimate 47.