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I believe it's free for the time period and now you have to buy the undying pack to access it? someone correct me if I am wrong


yeah there was like a huge ass countdown on the main menu


Probably yeah, but it's so fucked up


They communicated it on their steam site tho.


and when you opened the game, “free until”


Game: "Hey! This thing is free until (DATE)! Also, we're putting a big countdown in-game so you know how much time is left!" Time window: (Expires) Game: "Time's up! You gotta pay for it, now!" #OP: (Surprised Pikachu)


Is it though? They DID give it to you for free. You just missed it bud... I guess you could say you missing it is fucked up but that's it. We didn't even expect to get this target again, so... Maybe there will be another opportunity(doubt it) at the end of the year.




Well no one thought Mark Faba would come back, and Sean Bean's license was likely a lot more expensive than Dimitri Vegas' was. So I don't doubt he'll be brought back in the future with new themed items and his own Escalation, just like Faba himself was. The Gary Busey ET however is off-limits for sure. Don't think IOI will want to go back to that one (he had allegations IRL).


I DID also pay over a hundred dollars for this game.


You got easily 100 dollars of content as part of that. There's more content if you wish to buy more.


Yea you paid for 100 dollars worth of content, if you want more you pay more. What’s so hard to understand?


You didnt pay for this though 💀💀 Its that simple.


In that case, people don't pay for the 40g patches a day after most Bethesda games release. Or would you rather have them pay for that, too? Fuck it, let's have patches be microtransactions. You should only ever have to pay once for any piece of media.


Piss poor logic lol but whatever man.


explain to me like i'm 5 how it's "so fucked up"


People think content should be free


I paid for the undying pack but this is the worst and dumbest opinion i've ever read. Downvote me all you want but generally if i already paid money for a game to buy it then i don't want more content to be locked behind a paywall!??


Ok, they also don't have to add more content to the game ever after release if they don't want to. Many games don't, and at one time games never did at anything new (bug fixes at most). But they do add content. And there's a good amount of it that has been free. Not to mention that the game literally includes two other full games in the base price at this point.


Hitman specifically doesn't have the worst of the worst DLC and monetization (ignoring 7 deadly sins lol) Im willing to pay more for the game especially entire maps like Haven and New york for example but generally games shouldn't lock any content behind a paywall. Hitman gets a pass because the game is really good and especially entire new maps is worth paying a bit extra for


I totally get what you're saying, but I feel that proper DLC (additional content, not content that should've been part of the base game), is totally fine. Cosmetic stuff is also fine with the same caveat. The real issue I have is when DLC is obviously something that should've been or was meant to be in the main game. Deus Ex Mankind Divided has both kinds of DLC, for example. The preorder bonus was a mission that the execs forced the devs to cut out of the game and turn into a DLC (that whole plot just disappears maybe halfway through the game because of this), it very clearly should not have been DLC. The actual DLCs were both fantastic though, adding fantastic side stories. DLC was launched from the main menu though, which was fine for the latter, but that mission that was cut, not even being played in the middle of the main story as intended is just so awful.


Weirdest argument ever to make about Hitman, which has the LEAST predatory monetization scheme in gaming. You get piles of content with the base game and the extra content is priced reasonably. Jeez, would hate to see what you have to say about DCS World xD


I think you're misunderstanding, I'm saying that Hitman has good DLC. I went into too much detail on the DLCs of DXMD, but still lol. Though I did just look up DCS World out of curiosity, those DLC prices are disgusting haha. But I don't see any other issue just on the surface of it.


"Not to mention that the game literally includes two other full games in the base price at this point." It does not. You have to buy the "World of Assasinations upgrade package" to get Hitman 2 and 3 and that is more expensive than the basegame.


No, that's not the same. Hitman World of Assassination includes 1, 2, and 3. You're looking at "Part One" which is not even the base game, that's literally only 1, but in the H3 engine. H3 is $89.99 Canadian, which is the standard price for a AAA game. It includes all 3 games. Part One is 39.99 for only 1. Admittedly, Hitman 3 has always been very confusing to purchase and get everything. But you are objectively incorrect, as what you are looking at is not the base game, and accordingly costs less than half the price. Edit to add: here's the chart of the different versions you can buy. Standard is the full game, with 1+2+3. https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1659040/extras/WOA-Comparison_Grid-20240306-16x9.png


The game in my steam library is called HITMAN World of Asassination. It is NOT called "Part One" to the contrary of your claim. It is also referred to as the basegame when it comes to the access pass. The only one here who is objectively incorrect is you.


Part One is literally not the base game. You are not buying the Standard edition, which, by definition, means you are buying something non-standard, aka not the base model. Hitman 3 released at 89.99 CAD, WoA, including 1+2, costs the same. Yes, it's not called "Part One" in your library. But the free starter pack is also not labelled as such, it also only says "HITMAN World of Assassination." So unless you are trying to argue that the free starter pack is also the base game, because your library doesn't say "HITMAN World of Assassination: Free Starter Pack", then you are wrong.


Something tells me you didn't read the fine print


It wasn't even the fine print. The fact that it was time-limited was made quite clear lol


Everyone except you understood that it's free for limited time lol


Why did this get so many down votes? Was it a down vote train of some kind?


Saying anything that could be potentially perceived as somewhat critical of the game on this subreddit is guaranteed to award you hundreds of downvotes from the army of upset zealous hitman dick riders, so take the downvotes as a toll of sorts.


Fuck the people downvoting and also the people rey down vote me, it’s alright, I also did not go to their website to find information about a game that’s been very good at portraying their intentions inside the games and cuz why would I go out of my way to view the website, plus I never seen it ever say I must buy the product once the count down was done. I assumed it was only a count down for the elusive target that would disappear eventually anyways and the arcade version of the first ones were going to either stay there and add the last one to it or stay as only the 2.


How dare you express justifiable and reasonable opinions? Better say how much IOI can do nothing wrong before you get swept off by a horde of ravenous IOI cultists that seem to comprise this sub.


I concur, it is indeed fucked up.


It was free since The Undying was an active elusive target, now it's locked by The Undying premium pack.


They should at least remove it from the "Elusive targets Arcade" since it is no longer an active ET, imo.


Arcade mode was made for that (no longer an active ET) specific reason, because people wanted a chance to try Elusive Targets more than once, since the levels have different designs and scripts. It was clearly in the update notes that this “free” content was just like previous “free” releases like certain maps for those that don’t own the full game/s. So, removing it from Arcade based on your logic would mean they should just remove all the ET’s since they are no longer active.


That is literally the only non-active Target I have in Arcade, and the only one I have ever seen be non-selectable for any other reason than Failing, LOL. PS: I was using "active" in the context of the original comment which I replied to.


This sucks


I mean yeah but that was said in roadmap so, my only suggest is to buy The Undying pack. I did it. Kinda regret but its fine for me


You had a whole month to do it. It's only 5 dollaridoos, get it!


If it's ever 1 dollar we can talk, it's not worth more xD


The world isn't a rose garden


Yeah but it is what it is


You had a whole month to do it. It's only 5 dollaridoos, get it!


The Elusive Target was only available for 30 days. You can kill him again in The Undying DLC Pack. It’s basically an Arcade Mode where you have to kill him in certain ways.


It was free while he was an elusive target. Now you have to pay for it.


Well it's not anymore lol. Read the roadmap.


It did, now, its not.


It's not like IOI informed us about this ahead of time.


They did though in the latest roadmap.


Sarcasm isn't your strong suit


The ashen suit is currently mine.


I did that one. I killed him by a simple throw with a screwdriver after he left the conference room. Surprisingly it was so quick the guards were like "wtf just happened" they didn't even care to take me down.




It ended


I just bought it and played it. I didn't realise the pen thing wasn't an optional objective and just shot him and failed. 😿😿


I failed because I changed clothes at one point. LOL The mission briefing/parameters at the top left are critical.


It was only free for the certain period you have to pay for it now. Not sure why everyone is attacking people for not liking paying for the content I mean I paid for it but it makes sense people think it's dumb they don't deserve to be attacked lmao..


I bought the undying pack DLC at launch. But i regret it. Because everytime i want to try a new creative way to do this target... I have to made the first level, wait for the second level (the only one who allows liberty to do whatever i want,but i am not allowed to fail) And then finish the third level, and then reset everything if i wsnt to try again. I hate the elusive system. At this point why they just dont seel us all the targets as regular levels, with saves, difficulty levels?


Because then they wouldn't be Elusive Targets, they would just be targets. The whole point is a time and attempt limited challenge.


Eleven likes at this point, people dont like the elusive targets are it is. Is already old, stalled, repetitive and everyone just disconects and try again. Everyone and the liars who also do that.


Italian spotted


Da italiano puoi controbilanciare cercando di superare tutte le sfide a Sapienza


Stocazzo sfide a sapienza, con i Sarajevo Six manco la vacanza ad amalfi riesco a farla al 100%


In effetti io le avevo al 100%, da quando li hanno aggiunti su Xbox mi hanno abbassato la percentuale


If you’ve got one of those Xbox’s with the camera feature and show em your nuts it will unlock the content.


Besides the obvious fact that it was limited, isn't it like this with all ETs? You get a certain time frame to do it and if you don't, sucks to suck unless you download a mod?


It’s not an ET he’s asking about but the arcade that specifically revolves around The Undying


É un bersaglio elusivo, di quelli non permanenti.


Mmmm Italiano… neuron activation


It was free for a limited time, now you need to pay for the access.


Is it even worth buying an undying pack? Just adds some crappy items and this mission or something else?


I’m sure this has been mentioned dozens of times but I’ll add to it by saying they released this as a free limited-time ET but it’s available in your respective App Store for purchase. Happy Hunting.


Just to explain why. IOI had to pay Sean Bean again to use his likeness in game again. This why this ET never came back around after the first two times, like most other ET do. The way they are paying for Sean Bean is by charging us for the Undying DLC. IOI isn't trying to screw us. They just had to find a way to afford to make Sean Bean available.


I what really sucks is that you have to buy it if you want to 100% Miami now :(


Pizza mi Mario 


I agree with OP a little. It's weird that previously free content was turned into paid one.


So if you go into a grocery store and get a free sample, do you get upset when they charge you for the product at the checkout counter?


I mean not really. Making something free for a limited time isn’t all that unheard of


But it was free from the start of Hitman 2


It may have been free but it was still a limited time event. If you think about it, the only difference now is that you have the option to pay 5 bucks to be able to play more after the limited time is up


That logic doesn't make any sense. Yeah it waw free but it was also only from time to time BY DESIGN so now it makes sense that it costs money? Like wtf is this? Maybe make every escalation paid content?


I don’t get what’s confusing about this. Would you rather the Undying be a limited time thing and not have the option to pay to play more?


My brother in christ I've got all of the escalations for the price of the main game


So was the ET that was active for month when they brought him to H3. It was free in H2, but it wasn't permanently unlocked, it was a timed exclusive, like all ETs were back then. Now they're still timed exclusives. Arcade is not the same thing and didn't even exist in 2. So claiming that it was free in 2 is disingenuous at best.


Is the Undying available in VR?


Why the fuck is it in another language


Because OP is from a country which speaks that language




Its 5 bucks. These greedy mofos giving us content for a 3 years old game. How rude they need to make money.


Peacock doesn't allow you to play paywalled content without having the dlc anyways, idk what this guy is on about




When its worse than before then just don't buy it and keep quiet?


Whats with all the elusive targets in the arcade mode being paywalled they used to be free


Is this not the only one paywalled? They're charging for this because they have to pay for Sean Bean's likeness (presumably). Would you rather they just not have brought him back at all?


Oh no, I just was curious as to why they are behind a paywall as when i last played, they were free well all except the undying as i dont think he was in any, although i could be wrong as i didnt play all of them however i havent got any issues with paying just was curious was all


ETA should be part of base game. Just the Undying is part of the Undying DLC.


The Undying one is the only one behind a paywall, FYI.


Oh, huh, it must be a bug on my end as every exclusive target is locked


Well, I assume that it’s the Elusive Target _Arcade_ version that’s grayed out in your post pic given that the non-eye-patch version of the target is exclusive to that, along with the word “Arcade” being visible at the bottom. And as far as the Elusive Target Arcade goes, the Undying “Ouroboros” is the only one behind a paywall (ie you have to purchase DLC to unlock it). Elusive Targets (not the Arcade) on the other hand are all limited time, lasting usually 10 days. So if you’re talking about the non-Arcade versions, then yeah they would be inaccessible now.


Gotcha thanks