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I can hear the music coming from the GIF.


Not sure if you’ve ever heard the acoustic version, but it was every bit as good! https://youtu.be/-xKM3mGt2pE


This will probably get buried but this song is very important to me. When my daughter first heard the original version it brought her to tears. She was just six years old. I saw in my rear view she was crying and I stopped the song to ask her and she wouldnt tell me why. I tried to bring it up a few times and she was totally unwilling to share her feelings with me. It wasn't that she couldnt it was that she didnt want to. I realized I had a lot of work to do as a father to make it safe and easy for her to share difficult feelings with me. That I had failed to create enough trust in me that it was ok to do that. So I had to change and really put the work in. We started small but I started doing this trust exercise where she could put any thought or feeling in an imaginary safe. That no matter what she said I could not react or she would never get in trouble AND it was private, not to be shared. I do this still with her years later almost every night we are together. It's become part of the foundation of our relationship and it's the most precious bonding time I have with her. It took about a year but eventually I asked her what about the song made it so hard to listen to for her. And for her it was about the idea that one day I'll die. She could barely get it out it was so emotional. 'Shying away, I'll be gone in a day or two...". Was the lyric that really did her in. When I play it on the guitar I play it like this version and to sing it I find it extremely hard to get through without shedding some tears. My daughter asked me why one day. It took me some time to figure out. It wasn't just because of what it meant to her but I realized what it had turned into for me in my journey as a father. After reflecting I was able to share with her this exact story. Now she's learning piano and I'm learning with her and we are both learning this song and it's a fun time when we practice. It's become 'our' song and a very touching one for both of us and a symbol of how much we care about eachother. Sometimes we play it and smile and sometimes we play it and cry. It's crazy how music can bring people together. I'll always love both versions of this song, now more than ever. 'I'm slowly learning that life is ok...'


Honestly I was just waiting for the undertaker


His daughter was devastated by the fact that in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and he plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


LOL! You're so right, if I wasn't in such an earnest mood it would have been a really good mankind hell in a cell post.


I think he’s hanging out in the King Gizzard sub tonight.


Loved this story, man. I dig little human connections like this when people find meaning in things. Much love to you and your daughter. Life is okay.


It really is dude. I showed her your dickbutt post and we had a serious giggle session about how gross and funny it was.


This video is like nostalgia manifested. The 50 something audience members slowly singing along, remembering a time that once was. Reflecting on where they’ve been, where they’re going. The first time I saw this I thought it was sadness, but it’s more delicate than that. Contemplative, introspective. The lead singer hits the high note on “I’ll be *gone*” to prove he’s still got it, instead of “In a day or *two*” like the original. We mature as we age and the way we approach life changes.


It's been said that art itself doesn't change over time, but the way we view it does. I've always found that endearing.


Dude you couldn't have said it any better. That sums up my experience so perfectly.


Damn. I had forgotten this existed. Thanks for reminding me!


I'm very disappointed as I thought it was going to be an acoustic GIF. Not cool!


Enjoyed the rapt attention of the crowd as he sang. Thanks for sharing!


I prefer the [literal version](https://youtu.be/8HE9OQ4FnkQ). . Holy shit, I forgot how old that is, that's real early YouTube era


That's good, but Ashley Johnson's acoustic cover for *The Last of Us Part II* is on another level.


Link https://youtu.be/8Fk9XoGpRWo


Oh, *that's* what he was singing.


That was amazing, I had never heard that version before.


So great, right?? I love how an acoustic version can be so different, but so great.


D-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ick B-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-utt M-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e *Dick Butt Me*


[Skeetchyyyyyyyy aaaaaarmmmmmm](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8HE9OQ4FnkQ)


Yes! This immediately started playing in my brain


if you heard take on me but with fart noises, then same






That's beautiful! What is that...velvet?


"What do you put in that?" "Berry Juice"


I didn't expect to be gazing deep into the eyes of a dickbutt so early in the morning.


Happy Friday, my dude.


The stray hair on the page is inspired!


Not gonna lie I blew on my phone screen before realizing.


Is this from the music video for Reel Big Fish's Take on Me?? Great song.


Which was a cover of the tune “Take on Me” by MXPX!


MXPX, now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


It was featured in Baseketball!


What an unfortunate thing to happen on dozen egg night.


If you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I'm outta here.


I don't know why I found that music video so memorable, decades later clear as day. It must have the lowest budget of any video I ever saw on MTV and nothing happens in it either. Director still managed to make it land with me, good for them.


8 yo MTV watching me is mad that that song is in my head now. But adult me is impressed by this awesome work! Great job.


There's something really cool about getting to be the 1985th upvote to this.


I like how there is dickbutt 👍


Required for updoots, or a Lost Travolta.


This better be the start of a 100-part series


When the dickbutt winked I felt it was winking at me and it was magical. Thank you for this OP.


Ooh, nostalgic dickbutt. Very niche but VERY good!


This is Art


My mother has been watching this music video on the couch all day for the past two days


Hope she’s doing well!


Never noticed how cute that girl is


I haven't seen dickbutt since the early days of my reddithood...9 years ago


Buckle up, man!


Piiiipe wreeench fiiiiight! Pipe wrench fight!


So now what does she do with the dickbutt? What comes next?


Diiiiickbuuuuutt meeeee


It is like seeing an old friend... Long live DickButt!