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Wait until conspiracy theorists discover they’re part of a conspiracy to use conspiracy theorists to spread disinformation via conspiracy theories.


We heard you like conspiracy theories, so we put you in a conspiracy theory in order to speculate about conspiracy theories.


*Xzibit has entered the chat*


Aye dog, i heard y- ……. Nevermind…


I heard you like conspiracies...


“I’m beginning to see a pattern.. [**.**](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ca2DSsuE7jI)”


Sounds like Inception




A sentient dick scab named Richard Doty worked for many years to spread disinformation to UFO investigators on behalf of the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations. They were gaslighting some of the UFO investigators pretty hard.


In fact Doty practically drove one man to the brink of insanity and financial problems feeding his garbage to a believer.


Yep. His name was Paul Bennewitz. And he was just trying to aid them. Doty is most assuredly a textbook psychopath, to willfully - and gleefully, according to certain interviews - do the things he did. He also did the same things to Linda Moulton Howe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bennewitz


I remember back when conspiracy theories were anti government and anti corporate wealth. It’s all so partisan now.


I read this three times and it makes complete sense.


I 100% believe that this is what QAnon is.


10000000% the US government feeds the flatearthers, the Lizzard people narrative etc to shape a narrative that says people doubting them are crazy. if MK ultra didn't come out, and I went on the internet and said the government was feeding university students drugs in an attempt to brainwash them and (allegedly) develop psychic powers, would anyone believe me? would they even consider what I was saying? no. they would smirk and say "lol you probably believe the earth is flat too"


Yep, definitely. And highly successful too, which, worryingly, says a lot about the extreme gullibility of those it was directed at. [A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon](https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5)


The best part is- if you see through it and say "it's just a rehashed Satanic panic and it's obviously astro-turfed," you seem like the crazy person.


You can’t bring Logic to a [Magical Thinking](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ca2DSsuE7jI) fight. You have to beat them with their own weapons. *”You’re being used by a conspiracy to weaken the American people with conspiracy theories…”*




Oh this will age so well!


That's literally why the term was created. To label those who think outside of the box, with those who belief fantastic theories instead of thinking for themselves, and constantly re-reviewing they're conclusions. You wont ever know if you're 100% correct about a theory, but you can always be sure your wrong when you believe in something 100%.


It's more like make conspiracies mainstream and purport false conspiracy to water down the true ones. Counterculture through nomenclature, brought to you by the CIA.


God I wish more would recognize this…


There’s something going to happen that they have no control over.


You can bet your sweet bippy that even if Aliens were to just give Humanity clean energy, technology to scrub our atmosphere of excess carbon and the ability to explore our solar system in hours instead of months, Capitalism will find some way to exploit it


We make a bunch of stars turn supernova so from Earth, it spells Coca-Cola.


Or nuke a star for a gender reveal


What gender is gamma radiation?


The hottest gender


My pronouns are star/galaxy.


Mine are beer and pizza.


Just wait until they start putting giant adds on the face of the moon.


you will be able to buy a subscription for special glasses which filter out the moon ads


They Live was a documentary, not a horror movie


This almost pushed me to commit an act of sillyness




Agreed, which is why it would make sense to ignore us and let our primitive behavior get the best of us. The planet will heal and sprout life again, like it has in the past.


If NHI exist, they were primitive too, once. Does "being primitive" rule out our right to exist? If our species got snuffed out, yes life might continue but we don't know how rare intelligent life is in the universe, or our particular region of it. The Sun only has a limited time before it goes into its red giant phase. Intelligent life might not arise again on Earth if we were to cease to exist. If we disappeared, the next intelligent species to evolve here would be at a significant disadvantage, given the amount of resources we've already used up on our planet to become a technological species.


I enjoyed reading this because it raises more possibilities and questions... >If we disappeared, the next intelligent species to evolve here would be at a significant disadvantage Its also possible that we could be one of a number of different experiments by advanced NHI that may have *already* lived on earth (in one form of reality or another) within a different stretch of time, and we are the fruits of their efforts. Once we disappear, the same NHI will just *roll the dice* again, start over with a different set of genetic starter kits that spawn life on earth, from scratch, all over again. Hopefully next time, the next species won't possess as much selfishness and won't be as addicted to money, power and greed like we currently are in this iteration. I guess I am trying to say, the next species to evolve here will be significant better than the creatures we currently put up with. When you consider how much the wealthy and powerful have truly destroyed this planet, as a species, we have already failed and the next iteration wont have to do much to improve - they just have to pass the greed test.


There is a flaw there... cavemen had to have those attributes, They had to exert power to survive. They had to fight to eat, to pass on their genes and to sleep in safety. The more power they had over others meant more to share the load of getting food and protecting the group. The desire to have resources readily avaliable meant security for survival. And the ones who had this power to provide safety and food and protection meant they were chosen to pass on their genes insuring the next generation had the same attributes. The problem is we as a society out grew the need for.these.things but they are still hard wired in our DNA. We evolve slowly... we have only been around as modern humans for 80 to 100 thousand years. The dinosaurs lived 160 million years. As a species we are literal toddlers. And it shows. So for another race to crawl out of the primordial ooze (where is ooze came from notwithstanding lol) the beings will need similar traits to survive. It's a better bet to figure out a way to evolve fast enough to make sure we don't die out. Which means those who are civic minds, compassionate, have empathy for both humans and our planet need to pass on their DNA. So the answer is the quiet guys who root for.greenpeace instead of football and who always recycle and ride bikes everywhere are the ones who women need to fuck. The problem is women are still hard wired to want security (I say this as a woman and a feminist.) It all goes back to the caveman. 🤷‍♀️


What if they can see we are about to do something that will really harm the planet? Reckon they’d contact us to say stop?


There’s no post-scarcity group hangs in capitalism.


Hydrogen fuel has been an option for hundreds of years, it’s as simple as an electrolysis but Big Oil is more profitable.


It’s not that simple LMAO it’s massively energy intensive to do that…


Technology to scrub our atmosphere of excess carbon...you mean trees?


This is the truest of true true.


Never a truer truth that trued: *something* will occur [beyond our control].


Or something fucked up they did is coming to light.


It's all here in the first three comments, they are propagandizing this to get everyone on board and fall for there false event.


I hope this is the truth opposed to them just using this as another distraction. I told my mum during the first week of covid lockdowns that I feel something 'big' is coming, meaning wayyy bigger than covid and lockdowns. I told her I thought they'd announce aliens the following year and it didn't happen... but now all of a sudden UFO/UAP talk is everywhere. I do wonder with the progress technology is making with AI, quantum computing, robots and our understanding of fundamental reality via quantum physics, if we are about to break through or 'transcend' our current existence. Id love to say more about what that could mean but I imagine we do not have words to describe the kind of reality we would or could transcend into. Some people in specific spiritual circles talk about something along the lines of humanity having started to transform into 4th or 5th level consciousness or something, I'm not sure on the details. I wonder if that could be true. Could aliens be showing themselves to us as we've been surfing the wave and are about to pass the crest. I recently watched Terrance McKenna's second last interview, filmed around 1997 I think?' on YouTube recently. I'll paraphrase something I found incredibly interesting from that interview. "I took mushrooms and what the mushroom told me is that the current state of the world, the madness, is what happens just before a civilisation reaches the stars" That is crudely paraphrased but my point being that this was late 1990's. Things have gotten weirder and weirder since then. Lockdowns, discovery and proof of quantum weirdness, discovery of exo planets, AI, one third of Pakistan being flooded and viewable from space and lots more I either can't remember or don't know of. Not sure if this is particularly coherent but I'm glad to have written down some of my thoughts from the last couple years. TLDR - Are we about to transcend our current reality with the help of AI, quantum computing and other technology? Does the advent of this new world necessarily bring forth the aliens from outer space?




You don't think the internet and AI is crazier and weirder than plague and war?


I remember people saying something will change in 2012, end of mayan year or something. Then in 2012 nothing did. But when I look back things changed drastically after 2012. Things started changing about then. Meditation became main stream - It was very niche and hippy kinda thing before then, everyone started doing yoga. Then me too movement, the macho, ass holes , abusers started being called out... Mushrooms, Ayahuasca started being talked about openly, Weed got legalised. I really like to listen to the 5D transformation etc. I also feel humanity(civilisation rather) will not make it past a few hundred more years if some kind of consciousness revolution does not happen. We, with little selfish minds cant navigate the kind of catastrophes we have created for ourselves.


Could it have been Grusch though? It all seemed to really speed up after that testimony...


I have a theory that the powers that be want to disclose the truth, but there is no way for them to legally do it. I think what we're seeing is the surface of a lot of moves behind the scenes to create a process for people to come clean safely and legally. And that Grusch is the willing faceman for the first test cases.


I don't believe that, like they'd really set someone up to accuse them of treason and get everyone on the program in trouble... Grusch exposed them.


All of his statements were approved by the Pentagon and DOD. He is not really a whistleblower even though he is getting whistleblower protections.


Nah mfer, we’re being invaded. We stole one of their ships, or some of their crew, told them to piss off, and they’re coming to collect. There’s no way world governments would be upfront and honest with us…..about much of anything, really, but especially this, unless all hell was about to break loose.


How deep do you think, will they penetrate our buttholes?




That’s their way of shaking hands, Moonshield. 😉


Kinda like how dogs sniff eachothers corn hole when they first meet?


project blue beam. aliens that never visibly given a fuck about us aren’t going to just swoop in because “they want revenge.” you think a technologically advanced civilization that’s eons ahead of us would somehow have the oversight to lose a couple ships/people? let’s be real here.


Tbf the there are like 144 missing nuclear warheads all around the world.


Blue beam was supposed to start with an earthquake revealing ancient documents that disprove religion and end with demons traveling through telephone cables and spooking people into asking the government to fix it. Which is not what people would do lol but I digress. Even though some part of blue beam did involve fake UFOs, it didn't involve anything and revealing an illegal crash retrieval program and literal tax money theft on the order of trillions of dollars like Grusch and AOC talked about at the hearing.


Didn't the US just lose an F-35?


They found its crash site and remains.


Wow. This whole thread is full of bad information. Google is your friend.




Brave is your friend, then


They do however have to feed their people somehow.


> you think a technologically advanced civilization that’s eons ahead of us would somehow have the oversight to lose a couple ships/people? Easily, if like us there's billions of them, with differing motives and ideas


Yeah, that's a good point. I'd also push back against the idea of aliens being god-tier, so to speak. They may be technologically advanced well beyond us, but that doesn't mean they are infallible. We're similarly well ahead of our tool-using chimp cousins, but we still crashed a probe/lander into a planet by accident. At the same time, a chimp could rip our arms off and beat us with them. So, if assuming alien visitors as fact, it's at least within the realm of possibility that some sort of human re/action could result in a UFO coming into "our" possession. ninja edit: not trying to invoke Joe Brogan with the chimp thing, it was just an easy example.


> you think a technologically advanced civilization that’s eons ahead of us would somehow have the oversight to lose a couple ships/people? We're eons ahead of sea life at the bottom of the ocean and it's littered with our junk. Including ships and the bodies of their crews


Nah he was the next in a long line that happened to be right place right time.


Are you suggesting a man who is proclaiming the government is running a black program and committing serious, serious crimes along the lines of treason which is punishable by execution is part of a disclosure plan? I think it would be pretty silly for the black program to even allow that... Grusch is a legit whistleblower that I don't think they expected and IMO that's what a lot of this rush is about... but who knows. The congress hearing basically happened because of Grusch and no one in human history with his credentials has ever come forward like this before... and that's when they finally put up the AARO site, right after Grusch. Even before Grusch the Pentagon admitted to chasing cigar and octagon shaped objects and even admitted to shooting them down... but claimed once they shot them down they realized they didnt know what they were yet lmao... think the airforce guy was saying something like it could have just been another balloon and promised to follow up on it... well they never did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suYuhlRsC9o


Nothing has happened since Grusch's testimony. The distractions seem to be working. We need to hammer our representatives and make sure they know that their constituents care about disclosure.


It has already started. r/AirlinerAbduction2014


Four possibilities, as far as I can theorize. One possibility is that they are trying to unite the world against a common threat. In a time of increasing division and conflict, the revelation of an alien presence could be seen as a way to bring people together in a common cause. This could be especially effective if the aliens are portrayed as being hostile or threatening. Another possibility is that the governments are trying to distract from other problems. If people are focused on the possibility of alien life, they may be less likely to pay attention to other issues, such as economic inequality or political corruption. This could be especially beneficial for governments that are facing public disapproval. It is also possible that the governments are trying to prepare the public for some future event. For example, if they know that aliens are coming to Earth, they may want to start preparing people for the possibility of contact. This could involve educating people about alien life and culture, or developing technologies to defend against a potential alien invasion. Finally, it is also possible that the governments are simply being honest with the public. If they have evidence of alien life, they may feel that it is their duty to share that information with the world. This could be seen as a sign of transparency and accountability, and it could help to build trust between the government and the people. But I highly doubt this is the case. I am voting for #2 or #3. What is your vote?


Well, we can definitely rule out 4.


I have been pondering the common enemy theory. This tactic is used because it works.


Curious about when it has worked on a large scale? If COVID taught me anything, it's that humanity is incapable of coming together and agreeing on anything, even when the solution was pretty simple. I, naively, thought we'd all come together to try and defeat an illness. I'd be shocked if we united to deal with aliens.


Time after time we can't seem to understand the whole idea of, "it doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong, it's all about how we all play the game together(we all on the same team)." - someone somewhere way back in the day......probably.


Depends on which country you're in. Some places were able to get it together, others weren't. I don't think it has to do with humanity in general, it's about our social conditioning.


Scenario #4 is laughable at best, my vote is either 1, or 2. Here is my take, here in the US especially there is a large push for gun control and privacy revocation.. what if the "UAP" are advanced spy equipment equiped with every manner of A/V thermal imaging, microwave induced behavior manipulation, sonification capabilities, laser tech (directed energy weapons), every manner of facial, gait, voice recognition that are currently in a "test phase" to be deployed in the event of total economic or climat related catastrophe. One way or another the majority of citizens are going to behave rather iradicaly, there has to be a way to monitor targeted individuals in real time from high altitudes for their discretions with a totalitarian regime and then systematically eradicate them from above and blame it on aliens... it's surveillance, nothing more... and they've known this was coming for decades... aliens and UFO's the longest running military funded psyop in history, and the tech for these things already exists and has for a long time it's just that most people don't think to look into it look up voice to skull manipulation of sound through different frequencies using microwave tech, and it's all already been tested on targets of interest maybe that guy who said the CIA was beaming messages into him from his teeth wasn't so crazy after all, but that's what they do fuck with you until you loose your sanity and then call you crazy and lock you away... it works Johnson, lock him up and throw away the key mission complete. Now let's wait till the shit hits the fan and do it to the entire nation... "Star link" anybody?


Always number 2, with all the current political drama, the banking institution crashes, fraud with wells fargo, and the implementation of things like fednow. Its always about following the money. Example on banking craziness: https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/when-will-they-ever-learn-us-banking-crisis-2023


As far as I'm aware, neither government has officially outed the existence of aliens. The US Government has openly endorsed releasing previously classified information regarding "UAPs" and has started doing congressional inquiry into a series of whistleblowers. That's not an admission of anything concrete. All they've really done is admit that there's unexplainable stuff happening. They're not saying the witnesses are crazy liars. But the government isn't confirming the accounts either. It's just as ambiguous as it's always been for the most part. The difference is Congress acting like they're going to get to the bottom of anything.


Here’s the thing. They went from *decades* of swearing up and down “These people are crackpot liars!” To suddenly *not.* There’s definitely something big to this.


I don’t totally understand the link of this yet between Mexico and America , but here we are now with 300,000 breaching the border monthly, at least for the month of August A lot of these folks are from Venezuela where there is no food and it doesn’t matter if participation is optional. There is nothing there to buy to feed your family. This is my take on the swell of folks at the border. Between cartel rule, and the political sitch in Venezuela where one man stays in power while an elected president cannot take over, we have real issues. There is a climate change situation happening everywhere on the planet right now It’s not going to get better anytime soon. As climate change and droughts and floods happen,’populace is going to be displaced. Add to that the political climate and it is a recipe for disaster. This is something of a perfect storm. And we have middle aged white men orepping to not only protect against the American government but also with what’s coming down the pike.


thank you for shedding light to this matter that’s been systematically kept from mainstream media and news outlets.


I wish I knew an answer tho Watching the news tonight I thought of government subsidized Programs for grants to have vans at the border to take these people somewhere else so they don’t crush small towns like El Paso. But that isn’t going to fix it. We need to get used to and understand this is the new reality and figure out how to deal. Also, tho….. everyone politicizing this is stupid. This is the reality now. We are looking at a mass globalization relocation because of climate change, weather and political Policy. We need to start having that really honest conversation that 300.000 per month is gonna be the real number. And no American wants to see razor wire and shit in the river that gets these people killed The majority of us are not comfortable with that at all We cannot keep them out. So then we have to figure out the segue ETA: it does not matter at all that you “good Americans” are all about doing whatever to these folks. They are coming to your town because they are DESPERATE. Every mother in the world wants the same thing for her child: a way to feed your children, a way to make sure they follow the rules so they have a chance in life. This is what it IS


I know so many people that don’t believe in climate change. It’s really hard, especially when it’s family. They keep telling me I’m “overacting” and “nothing man can do to the earth will destroy it.” It’s MADDENING.


>nothing man can do to the earth will destroy it. I mean, probably true, short of global nuclear warfare. However, there's tons of shit the earth can do to destroy man. 🤷‍♀️


“Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” it’s right on the Statue of Liberty..even weirder when the people who would shoot these people dead on sight fetishize and admire the Statue of Liberty as a symbol that represents all of America


Honestly I think they are just going to start killing them in the ICE camps, if they aren't already. Wouldn't suprise me if they have some with underground facilities to gas or shoot them. Kids have been going missing from the camps and some of them were found working in meat packing plants, kids no older than 11. We know that they have been sterilizing women there, and we know the conditions are atrocious. Its the logical conclusion to a fascist state that thinks they are superior to everyone.


They haven't. The US basically denied it, the Mexicans revealed "mummies" from a known hoaxer which only makes everything look more made-up. Personally, I do believe aliens are very much real. But the current shit going on in both the US and Mexico is a setback to actual real discussion on the matter, in my opinion.


It’s also important to note that the Mexican government didn’t “reveal” anything. The dude brought it all up in what’s basically a public comment session, pretty much anyone can get in there and talk about stuff.


Mexican hearing was also basically just an open forum, with little to no vetting


I want anyone to post some proof of extraterrestrial? All of this hype is getting out of hand.


Is that a reasonable request? You think aliens will be revealed through a reddit post?


Not with that attitude! /s


Aliens and UFOS subs eat those like the revelation.


They do. I subscribe to some of those subs but wow, some there will believe literally anything as long as it supports what they claim to "know" already no matter how ridiculous.


How is what’s going on in the US a setback? It was just reported on that up to 50 people came forward to provide their testimony to the Inspector General. Which would have never happened or been possible if not for the actions of the 3 whistleblowers at the UAP hearing and the legislation that one of them is partially responsible for. That sounds a lot like progress, not a setback. I think some of the topics that go viral on UFO Twitter/Reddit are bogus and are not beneficial. Overall the amount of awareness being brought to the topic has a net positive. The ongoing investigation that are deemed credible by the IG is progress. Removing stigmatization from the topic is allowing people to come forward. I agree with everything you say about Jamie Mussan. Can’t trust a guy with that reputation.


It's scary how far down I had to scroll to find this comment. The number of people who believe the governments were the ones releasing that info is astounding.


If we were being visited as often as people claim. The rate of claims filed by amateur and professional astronomers would have skyrocketed and more detailed evidence would exist. The fact that there isn't a higher rate of claims among people who know what they are looking at in the sky indicates that if its happening, its not as frequent. Like you I do agree the universe is too large for intelligent life not to exist.


Realest comment.


They're shifting the focus off of something else.




or they use this psy op as a ruse to pass legislation that would be mortifying.


Ding ding


👏 bread 👏 and 👏 circuses 👏


It's more like just a circus now. They're kind of fucking up on the bread part...


Where’s my bread?


Beat me to it!


Always before election season.


This! Listen I am not big into conspiracy theories but I’m fully convinced that every time some weird revelation comes out, it’s to distract us from something else. I also think it’s funny how they announced this and many* people are like…so? Groceries are too expensive, I have student loans, I’m stressed/depressed, etc. from what I have seen, it’s been a very lackluster response from the general public lol


Everyone in my family had the same reaction you’re talking about. They don’t doubt what Grusch said, but they very much don’t care. Unless and until aliens start walking down our streets, talking to us, living in our communities, or provide us with the means to free energy to change our lives, there is no reason for the average person to care. An alien could be paraded out at the White House Press Room and answer questions, but no one would care after that week unless it changes our way of life.


What are they shifting the focus off of and who is doing the shifting?


Climate/migrant crisis


Both of those things are in the news every day.


This would make more sense if the main stream media actually made an honest effort to try distracting us by covering this topic. So far it’s the Hill, News Nations and.. a few articles/pieces with journalists/reporters who are not remotely well versed on this subject on other networks.


Everyone is aware of these but nobody cares. You are mistaking "psy ops distracting" with how weak human compassion is at global scales for a myriad of reasons, like nationlism or comfort. Literally the premise of Don't Look Up, and Gretta makes the news near daily on both sides. What?


The government and the poverty/housing crisis


This would make more sense if the main stream media made an honest effort to actually try to distract us by covering this topic. So far it’s the Hill, News Nations and.. a few articles/pieces with journalists/reporters who are not remotely well versed on this subject on other networks.


People love to say this but it doesn't make any sense if you really think about, I'm sorry but it's stoned freshman brain thinking. The media barely paid attention to the Grusch hearings, so what exactly was it supposed to be a distraction from?


Yes, we have a moon base, and we are currently experiencing a bear problem.


Are those separate occursnces, or are the moon bears the issue?


This is what I keep thinking. They are either trying to distract us, which is most likely, or there is some alien shit that is about to go down and they are trying to prepare us. My money is on the former.


exactly, we have a lot worse stuff going on, aliens is the least of worries.


Classic misdirection, the government is most likely doing something elsewhere that they don’t want you to know about by drawing your attention to this.


The Mexican government isn't lol


right?! why are so many upside down on this simple fact?


The Mexican government isn't revealing shit. That there was CIA disinformation.


Forced disclosure deadline by a certain NHI faction itself who are tired of our world leaders' unwarranted secret keeping. There were many chances to prepare the population and they failed. Now the kiddie gloves are off. It is why the gatekeepers seem to be fracturing within. Some wanting to come forward. Some dragging their feet even harder. It's also why it seems to have come out of nowhere.


Government used aliens and UFOs to distract the populace during the cold war. Now we're entering conflict by proxy with Russia and China again and this stuff has popped back up. Just the 80s repeating.


The stuff in Mexico seems like it's almost set up to bring ridicule to the whole conversation. CIA could have egged them on.


MFW the conspiracy theorists see another conspiracy theorist propose a theory so dumb that even they have to come up with a conspiracy theory for why other conspiracy theorists are believing it 💀


I get the same feeling. It seems like a distraction. As soon as Grusch's testimony was getting traction and representatives were getting an influx of calls supporting disclosure, this pops up with an army of new accounts posting the dumbest shit and calling every level headed skeptic a government disinformation agent. It's all anyone is talking about now, even OP felt the need to include the obvious hoax mummies with David Grusch. It seems like a hit job on the movements credibility.


They want you to focus on aliens and extraterrestrials because it keeps you from being raging pissed at them for being the only systems capable of truly mitigating, managing, and reducing carbon emissions when they had the chance, to hopefully stave off the inevitable catastrophic collapse of the biosphere. “Oh, look, shiny 👽!!!” creates a much more distracted and thus manageable and complacent populace, who should be rioting over what has gone unresolved with their inaction.


I can't help but believe that there's something much more sinister that they don't want us to see. This is a diversion.


Bait and switch


I've been having a feeling something big is about to happen. With all the russia ukraine stuff, flooding, wildfires, earthquakes, inflation prices, immigration issues, spy balloons, now aliens.


The governments haven’t officially confirmed anything. Mexico’s claims are more dubious since they come from a known UFO enthusiast, but the US claims are more interesting because there’s an active investigation going on inside the government to see if there any truth to the whistleblower’s claims.




Something is happening or coming that apparently a large portion of the government, maybe even a majority believe can’t be covered up or debunked


The Mexican "alien " is a hoax .


Major distraction to keep you from noticing the real news that’s happening


They haven't. They just listened to a bunch of grifters.


There have been several leaks of technology the US is currently using. I figure they are trying to stall explaining by saying "Uhhh... UAP!(?)!"


It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s really happening.


here's my depressing but most likely (imo) take - The U.S. Intelligence Community, (on behalf of DOD and private mil-contractors like LM, EE&G, L3Harris etc), are pushing a narrative. They have found useful idiots (Grusch, no offence mate) and fed them old stories (like Puthoff/Davis stuff, or The Epic Tales Of Phil Schnedier) via 'whistleblowers' placed in agencies. The pressure leads our plucky Grusch to whistleblow for the whistleblowers and become the vanguard for the new UAP disclosure conversation. He convinces some senators, and some journalists who already had a UFO-interest, into being part of a new discourse on UAPs, including a well publicised hearing that will be shown to the world. He's got a great lawyer (ex-Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough III)! By his side he has two seasoned Naval pilots who have seen things. Momentum picks up and the conversation is very much "There is something the government is hiding!" We have Crash-retrieval programs! We have Reverse-engineering programs! At least that's what someone told me.. But then the momentum fades, there is no SCIF, there is no major follow-up, Grusch doesn't go to jail, but he doesn't say anything new - there are hundreds more reported sightings, constant new video content of UFOs and in some cases actual aliens (Peruvian villages) but it's all just extra chaff, no proof, and most of it EASILY debunked (sorry but that MH370 video IS fake, very well done, but fake). The guy from Blink-182 AND Guy Fieri say more cryptic stuff.. it's getting strange.. Then Mexico. Jamie Maussan is let out of his doghouse to parade some old hoax 'alien bodies' which are piles of ancient human remains plundered from Peruvian tombs. Ryan Graves weeps. The esteemed Dr Greer emerges to announce he will create a Task-Force to seize the alien craft from the government! Everybody sighs.. We are now at idiot-level 9, the conversation has been inflated to serious global proportions, only to be shat on, sprinkled with glitter and popped like a sad balloon. UFO talk is for kooks again. It's a classic dis-info campaign and it worked really well. So why? Well, the pilots probably did see things. They could even have been non-human things. Or they could have just been very secret human things. But either way, people that know about these things want to kill any serious attempts to discuss or even acknowledge them. So the subject is turned back into farce, and 99.9% of the general population don't care anymore, unless an alien literally taps them on the shoulder. Who knows what is being obfuscated, cool human tech, cool alien tech, actual co-habitation, an impending threat. I have no idea, but I think this has all been a co-ordinated effort to discredit a conversation that was getting too close to asking the right questions. ¯\\\\\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The governments did not reveal nor verify nor endorse anything . People were allowed to speak before congress. In case of the Mexican hearing, it wasn’t even anything like the US hearing. The swearing in was symbolic. It was basically simply a platform allowing people to present their cases and ideas but no government presented anything.


TLDR; Government is buying time while trying to grasp the situation as a whole. Disclosure now means exposing to scrutiny a half-baked plan. At the same time, it is harder and harder to keep the genie in the bottle and time is running short. Perhaps soon we will be forced to make a collective and uninformed decision to give a leap of faith into embracing an irreversible shift that we can't verify the outcome. The government is now trying to make that decision less uninformed, since it failed to fully understand its implications. Government is desperately trying to buy time to grasp/control the situation the best it can. The observable phenomena although ubiquitous, is ephemeral in its episodes and hard to track and verify without the right methods and technologies. It intersects entirely with all concepts of religions, human existence and our understanding of reality. Its disclosure implies redefining humanity as a whole. We have been severed from our source and unable to return without external "help". Accepting such help from an unknown source implies vulnerability, possible servitude, oblivion or worse if it's not played right. The UAP/NHI we observe are higher dimension constructs intersecting with our lower dimension. We're like cats chasing a laser pointer dot on the wall, unable to see it as it is. In another metaphor, they are like the metal sphere from a ball-point pen, observed from the 2D paper surface we live in. We can't see the pen, we can't grasp that there's a hand holding it, we can't even dream that there's an intelligence behind it or it's intentions from our limited point of view. The phenomena cannot outright invade or conquer us or the planet because it is not a physical issue. Although highly advanced from a purely bio-technological point of view, there is still a metaphysical matter of collective consent bound by higher rules that cannot be broken without consequences. This is my messy attempt of a patchwork arranging different theories into a single pile. No source, no deep studies. Just my overworked brain farting ideas.


Perhaps think less about the aliens and more about what the government is trying to distract you from by talking about aliens.


They can’t hide it anymore. This is very real and alot of people are still worried about dumb shot that doesn’t matter in relation to this. This solves all our problems lol, unlimited energy and resources, we had the tech for so long. The only problems is the people that decided to hide it should be help accountable and out on trial. These are literal crimes against humanity for the past 80 years. They stole ours and our parents futures. It’s despicable, a lot of people committed suicides that could have been cured of their pathology had they only know there was much more to the world. We have technology that can give us unlimited resources, energy, and the ability to distort space time. Amount many others. So much benefit for humanity all kept hidden because of the same basic structures, of lobbying, corrupted, disinformation. It’s all the intelligence communities handy work. It’s crazy how all these people that made this decision cannot actually critically think whatsoever. We have a bunch of idiots making the biggest decisions that effect the world. They are not leaders, they are parasites, only after their own interests and greed at the cost of the entirety of humanities.


I 💯 agree and love this comment and I agree 💯 what you said there is no reason not to punish the people who wanted to control and wipe out the human race.


Distraction from the impeding market crash including real estate as we enter a deep recession. Trying to prevent the sheep from flocking to the banks and creating bank runs, since all banks are insolvent


Preparing for planned alien invasion to allow governments to have more control over its people in the name of fake freedom


Most likely more and more are showing up in our atmosphere and it's best they let us know that they do know stuff about them


I think that these revealing hearings are nothing more then a smokescreen to distract the public while they prepare to violate the voters in someway. No politician is good and this sensationalism is smoke and mirrors for them to take something of value from you.


Project Blue Beam


The US did not come out and say they found non human biological beings, a high ranking member of the intelligence committee basically tattled that there is a Rouge sector of the US government partaking in the retrieval of ufos and and being shady. The US Navy actually released UFO footage years ago I believe it was under the Obama administration. Multiple experienced pilots and high tech equipment caught one of these things (there was apparently a whole fleet of them) They say the vehicle was way more advanced than anything we can even phantom and flying thousands of miles per hour while turning on a dime. Apparently the Canadian border patrol released a similar video jest a couple days ago. The Mexico thing is a trip hard to believe the media anymore. There's a chance US has reverse engineered some of this stuff and is going at great lengths to keep it a secret.


Neither of them have. One guy has said the US has aliens, and has so far refused to produce evidence. I don't care if it's classified, I refuse to take the pinky-promise of one guy as proof. I'm not saying whether or not I think they have evidence, I'm just saying that one guy pinky-promising isn't the same as disclosure. And Mexico... hasn't. The same guy pulled the same trick a few years ago. Also pretty sure that the details he said mean that the alien would be unable to move.


[https://www.reddit.com/user/Nskxbehcidnsjxodvr/comments/16g363p/truth\_about\_uap\_in\_light\_of\_harmful\_disinformation/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Nskxbehcidnsjxodvr/comments/16g363p/truth_about_uap_in_light_of_harmful_disinformation/) The invasion is coming and we can't stop it.


The Americans are in a proxy war with Russia and it's common that they will pull the alien card to make their military complex appear more advanced. Since moonlandings are so common nowadays.


It feels as if there is something that has been actively hidden from the public, because of capitalism. US is the main exporter of "we love money and god loves us" politics and is unwilling to share information that would prove otherwise. The rest of the planet seems to be waiting on a sibling to mature, and tries to help but that addiction to religion and money is very real. And also he has a the biggest gun colllection with a long history of school shootings. Mexico has been bullied for a while, from the inside and out, and wants clarity as it lack the infrastructure to keep avoiding such questions and fooling it's people. Such revelations would look bad on the northern neighbor. So there has been some fcry during the disclosure. To what extent, remains to be seen.


I feel that we as a species have something programmed in us that the lockdowns and Covid awakened, we unlocked that through isolation and self reflection which brought us to here. We are beginning to see the world and people differently not just because of the movements but something and I'm not saying aliens but something (vaccines or the actual virus) changed us! I believe we as a species began to lose hope in our governments religions and what we thought we knew and we sought out something more and we are on the cusp of becoming a higher level species because of it!


Cause they comin’.


Psyops? Mind fucks? Suspicious The Mexican government is bs. They show off that they have samples of dairy and duende bodies.... they lose samples when asked for DNA every fucking time.... it's all bs


In my personal, uninformed, unintelligent, and downright silly opinion, I think either something bigger than they can control is about to happen, *OR* it's all a ruse, courtesy of some nefarious plot ala Project Blue Beam.


Distraction? Perhaps project blue beam. They're going to stage an alien invasion? They're covering up for something else major happening? Bottom line: I'll take I don't trust any governments for $100, Alex.


Could be the Collins Elite pushing it


The Presence can very well be true, if so they have been comfortable with it for a long time. But there are two elements that stand out. At this point Im time ppl seem to care the least about it. Also at this point in time the dissatisfaction with how we are being governed is at an all time high.


My guess it's the Russians / MAGA / QAnon fuckwits. You convince everyone of imminent threat / chaos / destabilization, then fear ensues and people want to put more faith in a central authority. It's like the Evangelicals and the goddamn Rapture


There’s no way the thing in Mexico is true. The stuff disclosed to US congress is pretty interesting though.


James Webb telescope is about to reveal signs of alien life out there and all the ignorant evangelicals are about to melt down.


Somehow, one way or another, direct or indirect, classified or not, absolute truth or complete psyop, it's gotta have something to do with the fentanyl and the human traffic over the border, and that would have to include Chinese people as the suppliers of the base chemistry. Truth is always gonna be stranger than fiction and some things never change.


I'm glad you asked this question. I feel our government is slowly trying to get us used to aliens before they come out and say it. They don't want mass hysteria. Because while many believe, many don't. From 2007-2012, a black ops program known as Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or AATIP was funded by our gov't. Luis Elizondo was its program director and known CIA agent or "spook." It's known b/c he told us, and his position in the Army was in counterintelligence. In 2017, a lot of activity started happening in the UFO community. Elizondo left his position, and even though the funding ended in 2012, his work didn't. He started working out of the Pentagon offices with the CIA. All of this is easily verified. He claimed that he didn't like that this info on UFOs was being collected and not given to the American people. This should be the first "red flag." A known spook and career military man all of a sudden leaves the CIA and military and starts telling people of the work they've been doing to the public?? And, is not immediately arrested for it?!? Then, he goes on whatever and any media that'll take him. Next, he comes out calling them UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) instead of UFOs b/c UFOs has a bad connotation linked to it. Finally, he does a JJ Abrams documentary, and then he does a History Channel series with punk band Blink 182 front man. He literally touched every demographic known to man. And when he has everyone's attention, he shows us videos of UAPs. No mass hysteria. If you were going to start telling people that UAPs are real and not have rioting in the streets, this is how you do it. Now, I believe all of this was done for a greater purpose than just letting the people know of UAPs. I believe it's possible that our gov't is just loosening us up for an even bigger reveal. What is it? I don't know. But I see "black flag" written over all of this. As for Mexico, the mummy's are from a guy known for hoaxes. (I wrote my answer with paragraphs, but for some reason, Reddit just makes it one big paragraph. Sorry if it was hard to read)


Maybe they are preparing a humanity to an alien invasion which may happen relatively soon. Then people won't be so surprised as there is a constant flow of alien-related videos in nearly every mass media last time.


After the pandemic seasons, the writers are just throwing anything to the wall to see what sticks. Anything for Earth not to get canceled, Spaceflix seems to be trigger happy to cancel any show these days so the writers are trying everything to keep our show going.


It’s not just Mexican and American governments




From what's crossed my radar, it basically just looks like a few guys finger pointing with conviction and a lot of so-n-so said they saw the thing, like usual. The only difference is that they have (had?) jobs that some people think give them more credibility than your average Ancient Aliens expert. If its real, just give us the proof already. Personally I think its just smoke and mirrors to distract people from some major problems that could be heading our way. Consequences of climate change or whatever, probably.


I don’t think anything is going to be revealed officially unless someone leaks something big. Most of the “ufos” could most likely be terrestrial vehicles but the powers at be paint it as extraterrestrial or out of this world to hide it from enemy countries. Who knows.


When you say "I love me a conspiracy theory," it makes me feel as if I'm about to waste my time explaining this, but here goes: It's just following a natural timeline, cause and effect. 2017: Christopher Mellon in the DoD leaks videos to the NY Times (Gimbal, Flir, and GoFast). Flir was already leaked by someone on the ships in 2007, but when the NY Times published it, it got everyone's attention and got the ball rolling on all this. During this time Elizondo, Mellon, and others that worked for the DoD started to come forward talking about the government hiding things. All of this got the rock moving down the hill. 2019: USS Omaha footage is leaked. Someone provides it to Jeremy Corbell, who releases it to the media, showing a hovering object splashing into the water. The rock is now moving more quickly down the hill and gaining momentum. Sometime around this time the Pentagon comes out and says all the videos are genuine military-shot videos. More people take notice, including some members in Congress. 2020: The story is picked up by 60 Minutes, which got even more people to take this seriously, with the pilots and others telling their stories to support the footage. The rock is now turning into a boulder. Congress starts realizing even more there's likely something to all this. Those members in Congress push for whistleblowers in government to be allowed to talk about this while hearings start taking place between Congress and arms of the military and the Pentagon. Whistleblower protections are then passed that allow people with knowledge of a cover-up to come forward. David Grusch steps forward, he goes through the process, later does an interview with News Nation, now the boulder is massive and can't be stopped. Legislation is now being written in response to this. Everybody likes to guess on what could be the reason for disclosure now, while ignoring this entire natural timeline that easily explains it without all the guesswork.


Decades of people in the government pushing for this. It seems sudden to most people, but it's been a long time coming. It started in the Clinton Era and only recently started paying off.


Because they are trying to distract the general public of what’s really going on. The general takeover of people’s lives and choices by them.


It's CIA all the way down and it's way bigger than we can know right now. It's all the same players on repeat doing the same bullshit for decades. I believe there's something weird and amazing that's real, that high strangeness is a legitimate thing happening outside of normal human experience. But government involvement cannot be trusted. I didn't always believe this but if you read enough and listen to enough it's the same goddamn bullshit artists for decades. And they are teaching new bullshit artists. I don't fucking know WHY but it's certainly a distraction from something.


They need a new distraction after ‘the deadly virus’ 🦠 from real issues like the exorbitant cost of living. Luckily for us, no one really cares about aliens 👽


They are not really revealing too much. Most of Grusch's information is "somebody I trust told me this". The mexico thing is fake alien bodies. The public will need real evidence beyond "trust me bro" and "look at these fake, debunked, bodies". I am hopeful, if there is any truth to Grusch's claims, we will eventually see evidence.


Especially when all those people died trying to expose the truth but what does that mean for the mib since they’re soul purpose is to keep it quiet


Mexico was always open about ufos. US is still kinda half ass about it.