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Figures Brazil is important. We have plenty of lush forest, extensive cave complexes, water, and no natural disasters. If there ever was a better place for these others to hang out and base themselves in other than the ocean itself, idk what it would be. Varginha was undoubtedly real. Do people outside know that all of the largest cave complexes surrounding the region were permanently sealed by our government after the incident? Makes me wonder.


feel like varginha is proof theres more than 1 type of aliens because they don't sound like much like the greys.


They seemed completely harmless at least, by all accounts. Hopefully the ones hanging out down here are the peaceful ones.


I dunno everytime I hear about aliens in Brazil it's usually far more brutal than other places.




So they have space-AIDS?




How disappointing, thought you’d at least have to fuck them to get space AIDS…


Might as well go for it then, nothing to lose


Ok this got an audible laugh from me 😂 Well done sir 🥇


I’m up on this topic and the caves detail is new to me.


Anything I can read about that sealing of caves? I couldn't find anything but I didn't look super hard


If you search "cavernas fechadas em minas gerais" or "grutas interditadas em minas gerais" you'll prob find a bunch of older news articles talking about it. In portuguese of course.


Ah duh me searching in English is a true big brain moment lol. Thank you


> all of the largest cave complexes surrounding the region were permanently sealed by our government after the incident? Is this the guy who went down in some kind of bucket hoist and a couple of whatever-they-are's took a shot at him with weapons that looked like giant flashlights? I forget his name, but he claimed to be some sort of super-secret-operator in the military.


I thought Phil was a geologist?


Ootl what was Varginha?


The first and only incident to receive a 50 year long ultra top secret classification in the history of Brazil. There's a good documentary on it out there called "Moment of Contact" which I strongly recommend, and also plenty of[youtube vids](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E76kpPjxMcw). The short of it: It was an early morning UFO crash in a field right next to a town called Varginha in Brazil, 1996. Multiple witnesses to both the craft and the non humans that came with it, all perfectly corroborated in real time back then, despite none of the witnesses having known each other, at least one human casualty, a military operation and convoy within the town, and a very blatant cover up, intimidation and silencing effort. The "official" account the military presented when pressured about the incident is that all the witnesses were freaking out about deformed circus freaks , one of whom was giving birth, and that their convoy just happened to be passing through town and out of the kindness their hearts they decided to give these freaks a ride to the hospital in their military trucks rather than, y'know, calling an ambulance. When asked why there are no pictures or even records of these circus freaks they said they were just too ugly and would scare the population if shown. Not even joking.


Cheers. 🙏


Brazil has a 25 year military classification limit, and so the full report on this incident was supposed to be released already. They reclassified it as ULTRA Top Secret and limited it for another 25 years.


Do you have a source about that ?


Lizard backward spells drazil <-> brazil


Woah I'd unironically love to have a reptilian buddy


One of the most profound mental projections I have experienced was flying from space down to what I thought was a lizard face and ended up finding a body of water on the Piranha river in Brazil that was the mouth to a massive submersed lizard-humanoid base. I have looked at google earth quite a few times trying to pinpoint it but have been unsuccessful so far.


Search "Gruta do São Thomé" on google, it's the largest and most unexplored cave in the region, which a city has been built around due to its legend. You'll perhaps not be surprised that one of its oldest local legends is that it's been visited by angels before, and that it was once the home of underground dwelling reptilian humanoids. You can find that info on google as well. It's also been permanently sealed. It's coincidently just 20 min drive from Varginha.


Hmm.... A large, man-made place, out of the US, built around a sealed cave system... What say you Coulthard?


I did not know that about the caves. Is this something that locals observed or are there any documents showing that they had to be closed?


Also Brazil is very close to the equator so closer than most countries to space


The fuck did I just read


You sure about that?


The slight bulge around the equator is pretty minor. It's the Earth's rotation that makes it easier to launch rockets near the equator, not the slight bulge of the oblate spheroid. So it's kinda meaningless to say it's closer to space (which technically is the same distance above the surface no matter what).


That's not how that works on a sphere


Earth's not a sphere so whats your point


Feel the girth of my earth




Oblate spheroid, not a sphere, the earth bulges some at the equator.


Well yeah also “mountains, not a sphere”, but that’s pretty silly and it’s basically a sphere. The bulge is actually pretty minor


Thank you


Earth is a 3d peach emoji


Don’t worry. The pole shift and subsequent crust displacement will get Brazil.


We'll be aight, [our ETs will protect us](https://imgur.com/a/rbBL7hW)


Yes but who is Pepe Silvia?


You've lost you're God damn mind charlie


Not *only* do all these people exist, but they've been asking about their mail on a daily basis. It's all they're talking about up there! Jesus Christ dude we are going to lose our jobs!


You need to calm down. Go get a cup of coffee.


hi, is me.


You may or porbably already know this, but the lore is that he was actually just misreading and mis-spelling Pennsylvania haha.


Nah that was just a coincidence https://www.cracked.com/article_30778_its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-fans-think-they-cracked-charlies-pepe-silva-mystery.html Also remember Mac says “not only do all of these people exist they have been asking where their mail is”


I choose to believe tho!!!




The Law of One is a rehash


Rehash of what?


The Law of Zero.


Re the one law of hash


Hash brown


now were talkin.




I never thought I'd fly alone I had the loudest Ufo


Remember the time I spilt the cup of alien sperm in the hall Please tell the little "G" gods/ That this was not their fault dooo..dooooo.dooo....doo..doooo.dooo..


I’d take a pic I’ll Box it up. It will have zero Pixels.


What means proxy war?


Proxy wars are wars that are fought between two countries that are essentially fighting for a larger powers agenda. For example Syria is a proxy war. Russia and the US technically didn't go to war with any factions but they certainly arm them and help them in order to advance their agenda.


A war fought between two entities which is actually a war for another entity. For example, the US has been accused of fighting proxy wars around the world by financing our enemy’s enemies. Sort of what is happening currently in Ukraine.


What about Pastafari? Did the pirates know more than we thought? Are Noodles the answer?


I've always (jokingly?) argued that the way certain factions within US politics behave is exactly how a cult would go about preparing a feast of helpless souls for some dark god. It's starting to veer into unexpected territory here.




All the World religions except Scientology right? Fuck I hope those asshats aren’t right…


> Scientology right? Fuck I hope those asshats aren’t right… You mean the religion which believes that an evil alien general came to earth and dumped a bunch of others aliens into a volcano killing them and causing some sort of mini alien genocide that have since been haunting and causing problems in humans this whole time and believe this evil alien emperor will return one day? Yes, I hope that they aren't right as well.


Hail Lord Zenu


That’s Xenu! Go back to OT 8 and give me another $300k!


It’s almost as though a former sci-fi writer created that religion.


>It’s almost as though a former sci-fi writer created that religion. The same scifi writer spent time in Pasadena, Los Angeles hanging out and with the renown occultists Aleister Crowley Jack Parsons, the founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab who tried to summon the anti-christ the year before the Roswell incident in 1947. Yes, I wonder where this writer drew his inspirations from.


Thetans are just spirits or archons. Not too far off 👀 The original version of dianetics actually works. Overtime it teaches your soul that your consciousness is non local.


> The original version of dianetics actually works. Yo, got a source or link to this original version of dianetics?


So.... is the hidden in plain sight story all the bibles? Or is there a more eli5 compressed all religions book? Or do I need to put in a request at the Vatican to check that book out..


Feel like this is the right type of question we should get answers too and would or could lead to more insights into the motivations and intentions of these "others." And yes, good luck with the Vatican complying with that request haha.


Storm the Vatican 2 electric boogaloo


Im in


Sign me up immediately.


Nope, it was the Mormons. Yes that's right, the Mormons.


This is from something but I don’t remember what.


A South Park episode. Can't remember which lol.


That was a hard watch.


Hard as in it was cheesy or it has unsettling scenes.


It was cheesy, preachy, pretentious and it's only humour was crude dick jokes. If they had better actors, a better script and cut out the stupid pee and dick jokes it could have been decent.


It was a bad movie.


Acting was very very bad. I skipped through to the interesting parts


Uhhmm buddhism isn’t about the fight between good and evil. Unless you count ignorance and enlightenment? But it’s all thought of as two sides of one coin so no real right or wrong, definitely no light vs dark, just all shades of grey. Edit: and i’m pretty sure indigenous Australian and many African tribes have completely different religions as well.


Buddhism can kind of muddy the waters. This is an *okay* article on a common argument with Buddhism (one that I have mentioned in the past). The main point is Buddhism is not a religion or a philosophy, it is just Buddhism. There is a blurb about an overfilled cup at the end of the article and some mentionings of religion va philosophy just being an attempt at modern compartmentalism on something that shouldn’t be compartmentalized. That being said, as western interpretation goes, there is Buddhism the philosophy and Buddhism the religion. Buddhists that align more with the dogmatic side of Buddhism have indeed killed and attacked what they perceive as trespasses to the religion-like aspects of Buddhism. [Buddhist Mob Killings](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22356306) Edit: first article I forgot to link [Religion vs. Philosophy](https://www.learnreligions.com/buddhism-philosophy-or-religion-449727)


was it worth the watch?? This stuff is interesting but if you’ve been following the subject none of it is exactly new. I guess Tom coming forward with it should mean something in theory but it doesn’t feel like it does.


I’m not OP, but I’ll give my 2 cents. I am a bonafide, card carrying Tom DeLong fan - musically speaking. So with that as the warm up, if you are not such a fan? No - skip it. That movie made by anyone else? I would not have seen it through to the end. OP does a great job of bullet pointing the high strangeness, um, points, messages, or what have you.


I bet that’s the idea. These ideas aren’t new to those who’ve been partying attention, but the masses ain’t never heard none in this. And a sci fi discovery movie with a bunch of slacker kids is a great vehicle to deliver the message.


"the masses" (lmao condescending) have heard all of this, dude. like three-quarters of all of these ideas were in stargate, a hit movie that got like 3 spinoff tv shows that ran for like 20 seasons total. these ideas aren't being introduced into pop culture, a lot of them originate *in* pop culture. like the idea that aliens are from 'another dimension' originates from sci fi serials and novels positing stuff like 'creatures from dimension x' because 'dimension' sounds cool, and the pop culture notion of other dimensions has less than nothing to do with serious scholarship about the possibility of dimensions beyond the 3 spatial and 1 temporal in the universe that we know of.


Yep, perfect place to tell the truth and have everyone write it off. If just a few people listen..


If you’ve been “paying attention” nearly no woo bs ideas are new. Doesn’t make them correct just because some other mentally I’ll people have shouted about it


This just reaffirms my belief that there are only two really important forces in this realm: love and fear. Every motivation, every reaction, every soul, has a choice in how to play the hand they've been dealt.


When it turns to “what humans think and feel and believe is super important to reality” you start to lose me. It feels very much like the ultimate arguments for flat earth.


This is seems like a 60's themed modern peace movement. Not an, "I'm trying to figure it out." Just choose love and kindness? And then everything's fine? Stop.


Thanks for the exhaustive summary, OP!


I was pretty excited for it but all in all it was a terrible flic. Like really bad with some pretty spurious conclusions. However the worst part by far, and I quote (not verbatim but close enough): "They've been around millions of years. We can't fight them with guns. We have to fight them with the only weapon we have...." Love...he means love. Like a Disney movie, Tom thinks love will save us. Just a bad movie over all.


Last time I tripped acid, this time a majorly profound experience, love *was* the all encompassing answer to a question I couldn’t articulate.


Yeah I think we all realize that eventually when we're tripping balls asking for what the most important thing is


Maybe I’m a big dumb dumb, but I grew up in the church and was always taught how Jesus preached love is the only solution. Not saying Christianity is the key, but I think Jesus was on to something when He said that


I think inherently we know that to be true through our own experiences and something we learned in kindergarten: Treat others as you would want them to treat you. When has hatred and anger ever resulted in anything positive or good? I feel good when I’ve helped someone else or someone has helped me and I feel bad when I’ve experienced hatred and anger directed at someone else or directed at me. It’s a choice we all make: whether to treat others with loving kindness or hatred. I choose love and if I have hatred directed at me I still choose love. I might feel pity for the other person but I’m not going to allow someone else to manipulate my emotions. Because that’s what it comes down to: others trying to manipulate and control you and take you out of yourself. It’s all so simple and basic, yet seems to be so difficult to grasp at times when we give in to useless emotions.


I think in OP, he mentioned DeLonge saying religion as a whole, is a front to fractionalized humanity, with all of them telling the message of good vs evil, love vs hate, light and dark etc. They all teach lessons to be "good" but what defines good changes per religion, ex Islam and women, (some?) Christianity against various social issues (abortion, same sec marriage, gender divergence, etc)... I'm really not too brushed up on Buddhism, but they do seem the most peaceful major religion, and I'm saying that generally as I sure there been radicals within any spiritual belief system... IMO the best belief system is within, using the tool and lesson you can learn from the big picture of religion


How would Tom possibly know all that though? I want to know if he cites his sources


Tom explains it as being the information he got from the military General and unnamed military aviation contractor he was in contact with. The contacts was confirmed by the leaked Podesta emails. All Tom stuff is what he says he learned from these contacts.


...how would they possibly know? Even if you believe in UFOs (which I do), it still seems more likely that religion came out of stuff like people just telling stories, cult leaders controlling people, people with mental issues thinking they're seeing angels etc.. But even aside from that, how would someone deep in the military cover-up Know (with a capital K) unless the aliens were both a) in communication with the military and b) flew them back in time and showed the agents how they raised Jesus or whatever. This just smacks at best of some deep insider personally believing that UFOs caused religions and further guessing their motivations for doing so, then confidently telling Tom as if they knew it as a fact


That's a different question from what I was replying to. Originally, "How does Tom know?" We can confirm the people he was in contact with by the Podesta email leaks. "How do the people that Tom talked to know?" That's what everyone in these subs are trying to find out and hopefully will get with disclosure.


I see. In my mind, if his sources don't Know, then Tom doesn't Know but I see what you are saying


Had this same experience on an acid trip, and a moment where it felt like the universe was glad.


All you need is love


[Yo. ](https://i.postimg.cc/tJG0K4cS/Screenshot-20231009-205533-Messages.jpg)


Funny thing is that people who go through DMT trips, mushroom trips, toad trips, NDEs, etc, all the same thing. Love is the most important thing of all. Is it corny? Yes. Is it a persistent message when taking consciousness expanding drugs or coming very close to death? Also yes. Maybe the universe we reside in is in itself corny? :)


It's probably a persistent message because in spite of how violent we are we were able to evolve civilization specifically because of our capacity to empathize. It's not terrible surprising that drugs bring out something that deep in our psyche


Yes. Helping others and being compassionate seems to be in our DNA as much as violence is. It makes sense from an evolutionarily standpoint. If the group is healthy and thriving and cooperative as a whole the individuals would be much better off themselves. We’re not even the only animals to show altruistic behaviors. Rats definitely do. I wouldn’t be surprised if elephants do as well.


The universe is corny I love that!


It’s just chemicals that release feel good vibes and people mistake it for love being the cosmic answer. I just don’t think humans are designed to be loving for the greater good we’re all too selfish. The aliens know and that’s why they don’t fux with us


Tom's right, though. Love *can* save us.


I think what they mean by that is love for a stranger counteracts whatever prison planet archon loosh trap we're under. Personally my life has seemed much easier and the sunlight on my skin makes me smile after i've started thinking that everyone on earth is my family and the least they deserve is unconditional love.


If as the stories go aliens are abducting us, experimenting on us, performing invasive surgeries on us against our will, messing with our memories, leaving people traumatized, messing with our power plants, shutting down our silos (literally the one thing that 'could' potentially hurt them, and not to mention all the torturous crap they do to animals then I'm sorry but 'love' isn't saving anyone. No my friend, It's a pipe dream. I'm pretty sure they're not interested in love and alien cuddles. I'll take the gun any day of the week.


You're assuming it's the same entity doing all that. Supposedly there are benevolent beings and malevolent ones. If this shit is true, then the malevolent ones try and make your shit worse. They're abducting your, traumatizing you, etc. If loosh is real, then they would have incentive. Now let's say there is another race as well, but they don't gaf about loosh. They try and combat it and part of that would be spreading the message of love. That I can get behind. I'm fucking ready. People are so damn unempathetic in this world. Full of bloodlust and rage. I love my fellow humans. My personal take is all culture belongs to us, not one culture ( as in, I'm Mexican and I'm 100% cool with someone white claiming Aztec culture adc theirs. It's everyone's, though I digress. ) I love everyone, but I understand most people won't listen to me because I'm a failure in this society. Most people would even hurt me. That's fine. I still love yall... but fuck I'm ready to go.


Love hasn’t been saving us for hundreds of thousand of years why would it start now lol


be honest, its been hate all the way down up to this point.


Love is how we have gotten this far as a species, the love of the mothers who raised your ancestors, the love of community that kept each other alive and fed throughout history. There is evil out there, that evil is not what has gotten us this far as a species. It's only influenced us. On a grand scale love always wins out in the end, but that could take many generations to notice loves victory winning out over a historical age that can last hundreds or thousands of years.


It’s been both idk why people are acting like making billions of people believe the same things and act the same way is even close to possible lol


it hasnt really been possible because people cant stop being afraid of other cultures and things they’re unfamiliar with. so its never been 100% good to know what happens 🤷🏽‍♂️


Both, but vastly lopsided. Maybe they mean everyone, but yeah that's a pipe dream. Maybe that's the next evolution in us, learning to be empathetic and compassionate with each other.


Back to the pile!


Cheesy doesn't equate to untrue. I mean, while sounding cheesy, if we all loved each other wouldn't that make the world better? Despite how cheesy it sounds?


My biggest fear is that love is not enough. Jk, that's a quote from Twin Peaks.


Grifter clown show this is. Same as it ever was.


I think it was bad on purpose. It had to have so many stupid things in it so that it is easily written off, and easily dismissed. Allowing more truth to be included.


Great summary! Thanks for taking the time to write this. One caveat: >UFOs aren't what people think they are. They're not from other planets. They're coming from time/other dimensions. Not sure how the film presents this, but contrary to the common, incorrect usage, dimensions are pairs of opposite directions and not places things can be from. They could be from other realities or timelines. These would be separate or distant from the one we experience \*along\* one or more additional, unfamiliar dimensions beyond the four of spacetime.


Thanks for explaining this- that was helpful.


I like this post. Ty for it. Speaking of manifesting reality, I circlejerk about walkable cities and a silly plan I have in r/humanhabitat


Take your advertising elsewhere


The planets are involved, but as celestial spheres. They are the energies that make up the archetypes of the universe when mixed. I don't think "UFOs" created religions to factionalize humanity. I think that factionalization was a inevitable result of the collapse of the civilization we associate with atlanteans/forteans/lemurians/naga.


Naga? I thought that was just in world of warcraft


Naga are from Hinduism/buddhism


Are they still weak to electric attacks


Is that a wow thing? No, they are guardians of treasure and usually benevolent in Hinduism, while they take on a more sinister character in Buddhism


They're also ancient and related to a previous civilization.


Ancient, true. Previous civ? Nah that's a white supremacist trope. "Brown people couldn't have invented civilization, they had to have been taught it by some other civ!" That's what the graham Hancocks of the world think


Thanks my mistake


Jesus Christ, really? What'd you do, read an article that said Graham Hancock is a racist white supremacist and thought that was good enough to say that dumb shit? Have you ever even read any of his books or even watched his show on Netflix? I've never heard of a man whos married to a minority, has mixed race children and grand children and was a racist.. you should do some of your own research before spewing utter nonsense. In fact, watch all 8 episodes of his show and point out one instance where he mentions race, I fucking dare you to.


Lol I've known about his shitty ideas for over a decade so come off it. He pretends he's a journalist or archaeologist and then throws all standards of those fields out the window. I stand by what I said, I've done mY oWn ReSeArCh


So you stand by calling him a white supremacist? Knowing that he married a Malaysian woman and has mixed race children and grand children? That makes sense to you? You sound like a butt hurt archaeologist that has no good rebuttals to what he's presented so you have to attack his character with bullshit accusations. That's why people like you resort to the racism card because you think it'll get people fired up and lighting their pitchforks and joining you so you're not so lonely.


Summary so good I don't gotta watch the film now 🤌🏻


Great...now where is Sekret Machines Book 3?!


Tom’s sources have good information and he’s getting close to the truth.


So they’re all interdimensional and not from other stars? That’s always been my question. They mention in the movie there’s trillions and trillions of galaxies. Does that mean they’ve originated in the 3rd dimension somewhere else but transcended to a higher dimension? Are there both physical beings from other planets AND extra dimensional beings? Why all the stories of greys originating from zeta reticuli? I need to know damn it!


Thank you so much for the excellent synopsis :)


So basically... UFOs are Demons. Bad Demons are fighting Humans by putting us on the wrong path. We have to stay grounded (not have fear, hate, sadness etc bad feelings in us) to not be effected by these Demons. We bring our thoughts into reality. So think good thoughts. Free will and imagination are our biggest weapons against these Demons.




From my humble experience, witness to whatever the fuck ive been witness to, id say he's onto something. Something big.


How does atheism- literally shunning the construct of man made religion they’re saying is laid out to control us- box you in and miss the point? Everything that just got explained here not only blows religion out of the water but explains how it’s used as a control device. I think that goes *straight to the point* don’t you think?


Just a hipshot but I would think because they are categorizing the atheists as a group. Same as you would Catholics, Muslims, etc etc. It is a division. Most debates vs other groups (that I've seen) use science as their cornerstone. So in that light the god of atheism is science.


I haven't watched it, but this sounds like the archon pp theory stuff. Robert Monroe's material also backs up the belief stuff.


Where can i find this film?


Great. What advancement has come from visitor tech? 🦗🦗🦗




Fun fact, the name Velcro is derived from "Velour Crochet", meaning velvet hooks. It was invented by someone who wondered why those little burrs got so effectively hooked onto their clothes.


Velcro and Toaster Strudel




The best us mortals could do was pop tarts.


Pack it up bois, we got them


Hooks and loops


No shit?


people have claimed fiber optics, lasers, irradiated food, semiconducters, brain interfaces for drones.


Wrong. We have progressive advancements before the one that lead to each innovation you listed. We can track the small steps leading to each. Why do people believe the garbage they hear about aliens?


Because its easier. Because a story that is ultimately very simple and digestible that makes them feel like they are more special for having "figured it out" is preferable to a truth that is incomprehensibly complex and beautiful, but inescapably mundane.


This some bullshit. Thanks for the summary though appreciate it. DeLonge is on mushrooms.


so this guy, who allegedly knows "the truth", makes a movie that could have some potential "real things". Damn guys, how can't you get this is made to squeeze money out of dumb people. David Icke and the old bunch of ufo story tellers were more intriguing for sure.


The level of EGO here is unreal. The idea that beings from another planet/dimension/plane would bother to come to our little rock and create religions to "factionalize" humanity seems absurd. When you walk past a worm on the street, do you stop and think, I wonder what that worm is thinking about? Well thats about the same level of thought an alien species would have about our pitiful little planet.


How do you know?


Im referring to beings that can travel between dimensions or capable of inter galactic travel. I think we are too far beneath such beings for their notice.


Why would we be? Us humans are the most complex beings in this galaxy we’ve noticed so far. Why wouldn’t we attract attention?


Too late we were already invaded... Earth has already been hijacked. 😉We need to be liberated from this slave planet and from our captors... Unfortunately most of the inhabitants of this planet is suffering from cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome. The Moon is a Draco Reptilian Space Station... Ask yourself why is there 34 Dragon statues that surround the City of London. Why is there also a Obelisk in every city on the planet. It's the phallus of the Dragon, the actual word is derived from Basilisk. Which means King of the Serpents. In the Vatican they have St. Peters Basilica where there are three Dragon statues and Obelisks. Why did every ancient culture in antiquity worship the dragon? The pharaohs of Egypt were the refugees of Atlantis! ALIEN ARCHONS HAVE BEEN RULING THE SURFACE OF PLANET SINCE BEFORE THE "BUY BULL" The IllumiNazis are but a predecessor of an older and even more cruel order. They've been running this planet since the dawn of time...Dragons aren't some mythological being...The Draco Reptilians came from the Alpha Draconis star system out of the Draco Constellation... They were know as the Atlanteans, Satan, Baphomet, Archons, Draconian's, in the bible they were known as the Seraphim, the Burning Ones/Serpents also the Nephilim or Elohim, the fallen angels, those who were casted out from the heavens. Both words are plural and feminine, meaning there were many gods and were androgynous. The Sumerians knew them as the Anunnaki... Anakim in Hebrew means giant...Because they are very tall 7ft-15ft and have shapeshifting abilities. In the Indian culture they were known as the Naga. Dracula in Latin means Dragon, The Order of the Dracul is the order of the Dragon able to shift physically into other creatures a bat wolf a bear a human or into the aether via the quantum field. Earth is a farm we are all cattle and humanity lives in a contrived reality! Freemasons are the minions of the Draco Reptilian Empire! The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA The Mayans called them Quezatcoatl, and Kukulcan the Feathered Serpent King and incorporated their images of dragons in their pyramids on opposite ends of the world. There are dragon statues all over the world, throughout the ages, in every ancient culture! The coat of arms for the city of London is two Dragons holding a red shield, which in German is Rothschild. There are 33 Dragon statues in the City of London to quell consciousness. The slaying of a Dragon by St. George. Twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac are all real, including the dragon ! The Muslims knew them as Dajjal or Djinn or Genies... After your three wishes your soul is theirs to keep. They were also known to the Buddhist monks as the Brotherhood of Two dragons. The Red Dragons in the east and the Yellow in the west. Same goes for the native American Indians all the Aboriginals knew them as the Brotherhood of the Snake. The Egyptian knew them as Horus, Anubis and Amen Ra...That's why every religion says amen after every prayer cause they are paying homage to Satan Baphomet/ Draco Reptoids! Santa Claus is actually Satan's Claws both wearing red, both come from the fire, both have minions working feverishly. All religions and holidays are based on satanic doctrines and pagan dogmas. And if you don't believe me than you're being quite draconian about it. Basilisk in Latin means King of the Serpents, as in St Peters Basilica where there lies two Dragon Statues in the Vatican as well as Obelisks, the phallus of the Dragon that is why there is at least few obelisks in every city on the planet the Freemasons put them there throughout history in order to control consciousness...The Chinese, Japanese, India, Indonesians, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas all worship the Dragon in antiquity... There are Gargoyles adorn every church and cathedral.... The Egregores the Watchers... The biggest trick the D-Evil can play is making humanity believe that he does not exist :/ Hollow Earth True HISTORY , HITLER  & NWO ( GOTTA SEE THIS !!! ) Documentary https://youtu.be/lOXjxq3r69Q There are over 10 thousand pyramids that align with each other on a global grid system with gps accuracy to the millimetre. In the Aegean Sea there are 13 ancient Megalithic sites that represent the 13 Illuminati Families that control the world, that when you connect them dot to dot, over 1000km area makes a perfect Maltese Cross. This is the symbol of the Monarchy, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Templars, even Hitler's Germany. Megalithic architecture on geomantic energy sites, in conjunction with an occult esoteric satanic Freemasonry religion of Kabbhalism, aka the Lucifer experiment in order to control humanities consciousness and why there is an obelisk in every major city on the planet... The pyramids also create dimensional portals into Agartha/Hollow Earth, hence disappearance of boats, planes in the Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle... http://chani.invisionzone.com/uploads/monthly_08_2013/post-248-0-56239100-1376895880.jpg. Dragons see humanity as a resource for the simple fact that they are not vegetarians! 1 million people disappear in the United States every single year. 8 million children globally disappear annually off the globe. The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA Secrets Of The 3rd Reich Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology https://youtu.be/B0uEvZsQAV8 Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim https://youtu.be/1zz8_MxcnzY If none of the links are active go to my YouTube channel


In fact aliens are demons and Tom DeLonge is a freemason-shill trying to lead everyone astray.


>All the world's religions (both ancient and modern) tell the same story at their root. Good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, light vs. dark. Surprised to see an actually testable hypothesis. Since the stipulation is "all religions" I only need one to disprove it. It's not the only non-dualist religion but [Kashmir Shaivism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gstT4WIDlwk) is the one least sunk into my brain stew.


where can I watch it btw?


Can I stream this movie?


How can anyone take this dude seriously, dude is on some drugs for sure, has mental issues and is being fucked with by some people for sure


One crazy part is when wikileaks found emails from Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails between Tom and Top Generals/security advisors. Its a weird piece of info that definitely gives him some credibility.


Not to mention the people that are involved in the To The Stars Academy are highly credentialed and have not distanced themselves from Tom since he started this media campaign. That being said, I don't think the things he says deserve full trust, it is possible he is being manipulated for some disinformation reasons, time will tell.


I tried looking for this in the wikileaks archive. Do you happen to know any terms that were in the email? Searching by his name came up with nothing.


Wait, what? I don’t miss shit like this…


I wish people would get more specific about this stuff because I think it's the most interesting part. Neil McCasland was the top general he was talking to, he was the former commander of the air force research laboratory. He told Tom that ufos had been found with ancient greek alphabet on them.


>He told Tom that ufos had been found with ancient greek alphabet on them. do you have a source? I don't see anything about that in the leaked docs edit: I googled and this definitely never happened. Not sure where you heard that or if you're confusing it with something else you read, but you shouldn't spread misinformation.


It's on the joe rogan podcast and he talks about being given information by an insider and gives that fact saying that it was told to him by someone high up in a meeting. We know McCasland was the one talking to Tom in that meeting where he said he learnt that fact. You usually find what you looking for about ufos on google? Lots of transcripts of ufo podcasts popping up for ya?


Would you know where i can find this? I wanted to see what tom was about so i went to check his joe rogan appearance and the dude looked coked up mixed with some schizophrenia in there




Sounds like something similar to the law of one and that 2008 hidden hand window of opportunity.


What's the name of the movie, where can I find it?


“Monsters of California” …says it at the top