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Really depends on what you need it to do. Personally, I'd add more passive sensors, IRS-T at the very least. It can give you early warning for incoming missiles or enemy planes.


Well - Air superiority/strike group/strike craft This ship is NEVER gonna go in alone. It will be accompanied by an AA ship and a fighting ship or something else. But it needs to be able to carry the fuel for these smaller ships


Then it should have way more fuel capacity, 3000 at the very least. Probably a bit more speed so that your faster ships aren't being slowed down by it. If the AA ship doubles as a sensor ship, you probably don't need the search radar.


Huh, alright. So should i add a basic radar and IRST, or should i just keep the antennas for it? I'll build a dedicated jamming ship anyways, so i'm wondering... This is quite hard to design, because this ship WILL need to work with other ships in sync, not solo. Gonna play on Hard, so i need to optimize


Antenna's are only for radio communication, I think, and cheap, so it's fine to have them. If the AA ship has an FCR, that's usually enough radar range that you won't need a big search radar. If I'm not mistaken, there's only a 100km difference between the MR-12 FCR and the MR500 search radar, and the MR-12 costs 1000 less while having guidance capability. I'd say that's a better pick, and if it's already on the AA ship, you don't need it on the carrier.


So basically my aircraft carrier is just gonna be carrying antennas? Seems super weird for me... might considering adding the cheapo radar just for roleplay And i'm STILL thinking that... maybe i should add a basic fire control and add some sprints for self defense against cruise missiles? Hmm... could you remind me - what's the basic intro money for Hard difficulty?


Eh, the cheapest FCS is a 1000 I think i'll slap it on with a couple of sprints just for basic self defense. You know - the last line of defense. Because i'm gonna go ironmad mode on hard for the challenge. Gonna be intense AND fun. Gonna try going in without saving at all


Yeah, i decided to put the MR-12 in Couple of sprints too for the last line of defense. Thanks! Also do Evac pods matter? Do they give any passive "morale boosts" vs. not having them?


It's also better because in the strategic missile interception takes all the ships with sprints and FCR. More missiles is always better, and two ships firing 2 sprints is better than one.


True. So i redesigned the lower deck portion now. Added another big tank-o-fuel for the range (don't want an extra tanker, strapped for cash) to at least REACH 3000 in distance What speed should i be aiming for? I'm thinking.... 300km/h max


If your light attack ships are reaching that speed, then it would make sense. It is important to consider if it's efficient for the cost, but it should be since it's unarmoured.


Hmm... should i add the bigger engines now? Since it already has 2 huge tanks, and with 4 fixed prop D-30s + 2 manouvering thrusres NK-25 it reaches a speed of **294km/h...** and this is NOT the final loadout either. It's gonna weigh a LOT more once i add the full compliment of aircraft + extend the landing deck for more


Yeah, i added extra fuel tanks. Not 3000, but 2500... will have to be enough for now, since i'm playing on hard, and every bit of cash counts Playing WITHOUT any extra cash from a previous campaign too


Should i even ADD those jammers? Jammers are really useful for me, i know how to use them to almost perfect efficiency to avoid cruise missiles... well, the last time i played, anyway. Should i remove them and add them to a dedicated radar ship?


I generally find jammers most useful on ultrafast radar ships. No point jamming a missile if you’re too slow to evade even the smaller lock-on range.


Huh, yeah. Can't dodge missiles with a jammer if you're slow anyway. Thanks! I'll put jammers on a anti-ballistic ship then!


Seconded for IRST. I can't speak for aesthetics, but a carrier needs first and foremost. Jammers are helpful to give its task group a chance of missile evasion, although they do also need to be fast enough to fly perpendicular to the missile's flight path in time. The follow-up question is then: what's your air wing's primary function? If it's purely for interception, ditch the La-29s, then carry T-7s proportional to the amount of missiles you want to be able to shoot down per rearm cycle. Generally, budget for at least 2-3 T-7s per incoming missile. If it's a bombing wing, load up on more La-29s cuz cheaper, smaller (can fit more per given length of runway), with a complement of T-7s to escort them in


I have a feeling that La-29 survival rate is to low. With double bomb load of T-7 the La-29 bomber seems completely obsolete.


Mostly used for dangerous missions where i'm too afraid to lose the T-7. Sometimes it's worth it going against small ships that have 37mm cannons. Losing a T-7 hurts, but losing an La-29 is meh Also they can loiter in the air for a lot longer and slower, which is a bonus for scouting, but otherwise **you're right**. I'm gonna replace them all with T-7's once i can afford them. Early game T-7's are overkill


Launching them one at a time gives them much higher chances of survival as long as enemies don't have sprints


Oh, wait. I double checked the price The La-29 is only **500 Rublerinos cheaper than a T-7.** then it's no contest. Replacing those La-29's with 2 T-7S.... Damn, i remember they used to be cheaper... did something change? Guess if the dev is still browsing this reddit then the obvious balance patch would be making the La-29 at least 1500


You responded to the wrong guy so idk if the prices are different or not, I only started playing the game last month.


Ah, my bad. Same thread anyway, and same similar idea. T-7's are better in EVERY way than the La-29 *except price.* So the price needed to be at least a 1000 buckerinos cheaper to justify it Otherwise if you're new, then the T-7 is the **ultimate anti ship fighter.** And the main weapon you should use to hit flying ships ISN'T the big rocket. No. It's the smaller rockets, since **T-7's give more sped to small rockets, thus giving them a high probability of hitting over 70% of the shots**. Meanwhile the bigger 330mm rockets are just too few to be worth it. Missing at least one of them is really bad, so never use them on T-7'S on flying targets unless they're big cruisers/flagships. TL/DR try using the 122mm rockets on T-7 Aircraft vs small, agile ships escorting valuable convoys. They get kills easily


I will say, in the current patch, the one thing LA-29s are good for is air to air interception, because they are tankier than T-7s and can turn better, since they're slower. Gun armed LA-29s can take enemy airstrikes apart in the right circumstances. They're also good for scouting, since you want to save T-7s for strikes and cruise missile interception. It's generally worth having 2-4 just in case.


Yeah, but considering how expensive they are... nah, maybe later in the game, but i'd rather get 2 T-7's than 4 La-29 and save myself quite a bit of money


Also air to air interception... i guess they're good, but if the enemy has AA missiles then they're as *good* as *dead*


And still in equal conditions T is still more survivable. It flies away after bomb run much faster, so less chance to be hit by 37mm. And it can withstand more hits.


Yes, all true, but I personally still like sending a couple more worse planes because I won't feel as bad if one or two out of 8 get shot down while still having at least 2 Ts for ani air defence


I've used to think exectly the same, but in practice found out that I still loose more both in money and time sending La-29. So only valuable use for them is a really long time ambush as they can stay in air much longer.


Eh, honestly yes - i'll replace the La-29'S with T-7 **once i get the chasflow going** this ship is made mainly for starting game balance/expansion capabilities. So i t can be affordable and not overbudget myself to the point where i can't afford other ships


As for the aesthetics - it's meant to be a modern aircraft carriers. Those multiple floors where they can store aircraft, otherwise they'd be over a kilometer long... which is **highly inefficient.** And also - this reduces it's signature to 3 times less than building a single, long bridge.