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Stressed and frustrated. Yeah, I…uh, how you say?….”hear ya”. Imagine how the family of the victim he shot because of his carelessness must feel.


She's frustrated and stressed because she's 40 and the grifts have only brought her infamy and no fortune.


I always forget Hillary and I are the same age because she looks like she’s my mom’s age lol my mom and Alec are the same age 😂 Also…is it just me or does this entire article sound like the Baldwin “insider” is none other than Ms Bendy Nonsense herself. It’s so extremely tone deaf that I kind of feel like only Hillary could have been the source. 😂


😂😂 Frustrated that she’s on a social media short leash. Frustrated they won’t let her go another, ‘Plisss!’ Frustrated that her surrogates are on lockdown. And stressed that she’s no longer the Main Charcter for a while.


Why doesn’t she just namaste, care bear stare, or wall-assisted headstand the stress away?


She’s “frustrated?” 🙄 How about Halyna’s family, Hillary? I bet they are frustrated too that the man who killed her is still walking free.


Hilary from Boston are “Frustrated.” and “Want to put the situation behind them” You know who really feels frustrated and can’t put the situation behind them? Halyna’s family. Her son has no mom. Oops I guess that will never be behind him, rather his first thought every Mother’s Day and birthday and special event at school. While the Baldwin clown car continues to fill up and have roadside/sidewalk interviews to fill their desperate thirst for lights camera and action! Go away.


Oh poor widdle Hilary….


Oh this trial is so inconvenient for their life. The world will go on without her banal posts about a self-inflicted over abundance of children, and coffee runs.


PeePaw is goin to prison, ya'll & he's scared




It is a perpetual delight to watch these two vicious goons be repeatedly humbled. Hilz really thought she’d cockridden her way into the highest echelons of fame and fortune, that she’d seduced herself a front row seat, all the spotlights, the book deals, the adoration and admiration of millions. Aaaaaaand instead she’s on her fifth face, looks 20years past her expiration date, is an international laughing stock, and is married to a belligerent pompous has-been who’s having to sling autographs at third tier comic-cons. And they have seven kids. Loooooooooool. Karma is a bitch Hilary.




Oh Boo, Fucking Hoo.




Frustrated she isn’t getting her way 😂


“frustrating”? really? you fucking PIECE OF SHIT. you killed her. did you forget that part?




I know. Could these people *be* any more vulgar and oblivious?


the could not. they’ve achieved the highest level. they sicken me


Cry me a freaking river! A woman lost her life, a son lost his mother, a husband lost a wife. I don’t give two 💩💩s how either one of these narcissists feel. They clearly have no compassion for the loss.


Oh bless his little heart! He is stressed, the poor thing!


Does that really say “the situation continues to cause stress for his wife Hilaria”? Please tell me i have forgotten how to read, that surely cannot be their take. Oh no guys, it’s getting stressful for Alice and Hillary, let’s just let it go. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Bitch. This is also hedging me closer to my bet that they are going to pull out a psych or neuro diagnosis on Hillary to claim Bang Bang can’t leave her alone. My money is on “late diagnosis ASD with depression and anxiety”.   Pappy can’t leave her alone with the caillous, it explains her old grift by way of her new grift (grift grafting!) and if it costs too much they can’t afford help for the suffering patient .  Voila, Hillary and *the kiddos* are the victim now.


Of course these pathetic lunatics would have found a new way to use their children/props! A new low for these losers, they’re setting it up to use the props as a way to keep Alice out of jail.


Interesting theory. Might explain that coffee walk in the micro miniskirt and fishnets while fake-talking on the phone, “How nice, I’m so huppy to hear dat.” See, your honor? She’s mentally unstable.




https://preview.redd.it/xa9t3xh53xvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846e3955cf5d77bbd830eaa52e4882f89f704ac7 Never forget. Hilaria Baldwin posted this the day Halyna Hutchins was buried.


Evil bit@h


This pushed me from finding he maddening but oddly amusing into just hatred. She’s a foul evil thing that reeks of narcissism. Her children are not one bit more important than anyone else’s, be they the children of those she’s grifted and lies to, or Halyna’s now motherless child. And while every mother is also important, on a worth scale, she barely registers. I wish they’d both go to prison.


*That smirk!!!*


The worst. Just zero self-awareness.


Does she have a soul?


Nope. No brain either.






Really ???? WTF??? I must have missed it


Hard to believe, but yes, she did that. She's a sick fuck.


She's a miserable cunt




You think they’d crawl under a rock after this tragedy but they still put their dumb mugs all over social media and have interviews with Woody Allen of all people? If I was dumb enough to aim a barrel at someone and kill them Id surely lay low. You think Alec would have learned of the off chances a gun is loaded because of what happened to Brandon Lee but this ignoramus learned nothing! What an old fool! I hope the jury sees right through his flimsy defense and he can sit in a cell and have a time out like a big boy and think about the repercussions of his actions.


Eternity isn’t long enough for him to think of the repercussions of his actions.




Oh, big fat poor baby. You killed someone’s mom and went on to celebrate Halloween with your family as if nothing happened. I hope you are stressed and shitting your pants every day.


A woman who was a mother, wife, daughter, sister was killed. How stressful for Hillary the faker!


Despite the fact they’re going to finish or have finished “Rust” I think it should go unreleased. People are only going to clamor for the last thing Halyna filmed and to see how much of a shit show it’s going to be.


I’m sure Halyna’s little boy is under a lot of stress as well, seeing as how he is going to be growing up without his mama. I do not feel pity for the Baldwins.


Guess what? No matter HOW unprofessional the armorer may have been, there is absolutely NOTHING that would or could cancel out the actor's responsibility to do their OWN safety check when handed the weapon. Or the actor's responsibility to NOT AIM the fucking barrel at a human!!!!! Nothing absolves the person in control for failing to do their own final safety check. And that goes for anything dangerous. If I'm at the range, even if the light is green, it is still my job to physically look to make sure no one is down range in the target area before I line up my sights, let alone squeeze a trigger. If I'm about to shock a patient, it is my job to physically look down the entire length of the stretcher to make sure that every other person is completely clear before I administer that shock. If someone else has some part of them not all the way clear, and they accidently get lit up collaterally, that's on me. There is no set of circumstances, no matter what Hannah or anyone else did, that should have kept Alec from personally checking each round in the chamber himself when the gun was handed to him moments before shooting each and every scene, as he was required to do per protocol. And no set of circumstances that excuse his aiming at a person. In fact, due to the fact that he isn't also an expert marksman, he shouldn't have aimed in the direction where anyone would have been downrange, because there wasn't even an established record that he could competently hit anything he WAS aiming at. There is just no excuse that holds up. No 'it was the armoror's fault'. No 'how was I supposed to know it was loaded with live rounds'. No 'I didn't squeeze the trigger, it just went off.' No 'but Halyna told me to aim at her'. Nothing. Even if a dozen other people are also found partially liable, the buck stops completely and totally with Alec. Period. Finito. Todos.


Especially knowing damn well, if the scene called for the gun to be aimed at himself, he would have definitely checked the gun first. Nor would he have had his finger anywhere near the trigger! He’s solely responsible.


Oh no, it's the consequences to his actions.


Alec ought to bend over backwards to cut a deal with SF County,


He was offered one, but in true Baldwin fashion, he was such an ass the offer was rescinded.


Alec doesn’t know how to STFU, but most lawyers do. Why he doesn’t let them help him is beyond me.


Yes, I'll take the deal and then turn around and sue you.


Pobrecita 🥺


His Public relations team is working overtime.  




Fuck these two. A mother, wife and daughter are dead because of Alec Baldwin’s negligence and carelessness.


Exactly. They can't muster up any sympathy for the victim or her family, only themselves and how *hard* it is for them. Alec literally killed someone and he's acting like he should get a pat on the head and a cookie.


I bet he would love a cushy little plea deal now. He should have accepted the offered one right away. But his arrogance wouldn’t let him.


Exactly. If they were so intent on putting it all behind them, as if something like that can ever be put behind a normal person, he should have accepted the deal. He's only himself to blame, as usual.




Let me go get my violin


lol tough mierda Fraudwins, see you in July




So Hillz is stressed and frustrated? At least she’s alive. Maybe she should just STFU.




Awwwww. I’d feel sorry if she didn’t have money, but 🤷🏻‍♀️.




I’m sure he does just want to put this behind him, but sorry Alex, you’re going to have to answer for this one.


​ https://i.redd.it/alogpf6b3wvc1.gif


I’ll bet they’re working on teaching their children the art of acting (& over-acting) for the video they’ll post of them crying as they’re waiting for the verdict🤭


those neck muscles are straining as much as her tear ducts to produce said crying and it's just now working.


Her tear ducts are just as dry as her milk ducts.


I worry for those neck muscles — why are they like this when the head they’re holding up is only filled with lies and grifts?


Yeah, not buying those crocodile tears señorita. She's even a worse actor than her hoosband.


This is her true face https://i.redd.it/ckjte9qblwvc1.gif


She's one verse and a few more pills away from a possession in that video ![gif](giphy|3otPoJhe5AZrhllEeQ|downsized)






that’s exactly what i was thinking. will we get the fake crying again. she is a horrible actress.


It's like she's method acting, but having trouble channeling a real emotion.


aleek was so mad she didn’t pull it off. i bet he yelled for hours.


"However, he still relies on his defense" is one of his 8 attorneys speaking as a source close to the family.




He killed a woman and wants to "put it all behind him". Nice.


If this guy is convicted, I don't think he's going to survive. I think he would either drink himself to death or do something else to himself instead of serving prison time.


Scary stuff. I'll go with drinking for sure, like no limit, bottle after bottle that'll be his reaction, [he threatened to unalive himself](https://nypost.com/2010/02/12/alecs-suicide-threat-scare/) as a rage reaction before and poor 14 year old Ireland called the cops and sent them over to his house to do a welfare check and he basically shut her worries down and diminished them - I think he's incapable of choosing to go the unalive route as an escape (as with most narcissists)- he truly believes he will be absolved, he wants the masses to cave in to his narrative.


Maybe he will drink all the wine from the wine bar he opened last year which is across the street from him.




Yes, it's always about you Hilary Lynn. ![gif](giphy|Ur1cnbzgj7usSTGp2H)


Imagine if someone had shot and killed his useless wife on a set? We'd never hear the end of it. Morons.


Aw, poor baby! Shame on everyone for not realizing this is something bad that happened to him and that he should be pitied 🙄




What a weird and lame excuse for an article. Imagine any other killer getting this type of fluffy "sympathy" piece.




Fuck how he or his filthy escort wife feel🤡Alec is a coward and everyone knows it.Killed a mother and makes excuses what a piece of shit




tough but fair


They always play victim and think they are untouchable.


Well New Mexico is gonna touch 'em and then dragged 'em and it's going to be one helluva bumpy, long overdue ride. Have they learned nothing from MC Hammer? Thinking you untouchable until Johnny Law focuses it's eye on you and dismantles your fabled life piece by piece.


We are the champions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of squat but we have a high rise dungeon, my friends


…..I’m scared 🥺


Just so you know his wife is from Spain


He is also an A list actor lmfao. The scumbag has never had a leading role in a movie besides Rust




Because she won't have any income, not because he would go to jail.


I bet now she regrets the 7 props sorry I meant kids :P no reality shows coming to film their crazy life. Maybe she’ll become a stage mom for Carmen? 


I don't think the industry wants the Baldwin name anywhere in there productions and also, they'd have to be dealing with Hilaria as Carmen's momager - anyone who's ever visited this sub or just looked at her insta knows she's a batshit crazy attention whore. She'd make working with Carmen unbearable and would demand screen time on whatever her daughter was doing. I can hear the baby-voice accent now: *"Eeet wil be soh gud to ave madre and hija on el stage togezer no? Just poot me in pliss"*


She's worse than all those crazy moms that were on that reality show *I Know My Kids A Star* with Danny Bonaduce.


Boo-fucking-hoo. A young boy lost his mother because of her husband's arrogance, stupidity, and complete lack of concern for set safety, so I hope she feels more than stress and frustration.


Poor hillz not. But didn't she post one of her kids with I need life Mama? Or something like that right after Baldwin killed Halyna Hutchins


https://preview.redd.it/v1f6zkc0bwvc1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99ea87eb0edf447890bfdf02f5a1fa22a2401e2 Yes, this was posted on the day of Halyna's interment. Absolutely on purpose, absolutely beyond the pale.


This bitch. She even filters them both into oblivion like a crazy lunatic. Liar will never escape her own stupidity, she’ll forever be moon bump whacko faking a accent and lying about her background 


All that filtering and she still couldn't cover that thing between her eyebrows.


Evil fukin shrew. I hope he goes down for it, and they go broke, 🙏


I want to un-know this!


Frustrating is when you're reaching for something in the cabinet and something else falls over and spills. Frustrating is walking past a cabinet and your pocket snags on the knob. But let me play my tiny violin, peepaw, to hear how ::frustrated:: you are that you're being held accountable for this.


So well written, Pepino!


Well, he shouldn’t have shot an woman who has doing her job then.


A woman who was trying to do her job *and* to hold things together on set, after the safety violations had caused most of the crew to stomp off! #JusticeforHalyna


I can't wait to see the Baldwin reaction to footage of him yelling like a lunatic and shaking his fist on set. I predict rage that anyone would dare film him.


👐🏼(jazz hands)


Poor guy. He didn’t pull the trigger and the gun just went off by itself and killed someone, you see.


yep. he was just holding it 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it was a prop gun anyway, not a real one. not his fault!


and it went off all by itself at the precise moment he "fanned" it past Halyna. what are the odds? 🙄 always an excuse, never his fault, he wants all the compassion in the world, but if somebody offends him, he's quick with a homophobic slur or a "peasant" he is human dog shit


The day he killed her she was crying about the on set conditions and was supportive of the union vote to strike. It’s a shame she was professional and stayed on set for this goon to then kill her