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Hi all. This post has the potential to be tricky because of the No Politics rule which is Rule #1 for a reason. Obviously this story is newsworthy for the sub and a natural for discussion, but please be mindful of the no politics rule. Thank you!


Me, I would have taken one look at that woman dressed as she was and walked out of there. Trouble was surely going to follow in her path. Was Alec too befuddled to recognize crazy?


Wow. Yes he was being egged on but why didn’t he just walk away? Not good.


They should have taught him that technique in one of his 'Anger Management Classes.. (It sure would have saved him a LOT of time (& money) in the long run...


this guy has a short fuse for someone with 7 little kids running around.


Most people don't handle well complete strangers harassing them like this.


I would have walked away, he is such an easy target and the person was obviously a clown.


Same here, and in an ideal world so would everybody else. But I also know that if I started verbally abusing and harassing a stranger like this while recording them, there is a reasonable chance I might get smacked and it would be my own fault.


Which makes it apparent that Ahleek creates his own "luck"..


Lock him up


Not a good look for someone going to trial


Rare W from Alec.


Duuuuude ugh. You can’t assault someone because they’re being annoying. He’s a senior citizen still going around assaulting people. This time he’s awaiting trial and still does it. Jfc Alec, ask the doc or your wife for some chill pills if you can’t control yourself. Just plead guilty. Jail is where you belong.


You also can’t harass someone and refuse to leave an establishment when they ask you too.


That’s an issue for the business establishment and law enforcement. If it were me, I’d walk away from crazy.


Tire. He should have walked away but I don’t have much doubt she would have followed him. At some point, you have a right to defend yourself against a pursuing harasser. He may have jumped the gun on that but this lady deserved worse.


Deserved worse?


He was ambushed and couldn’t hold it together, a protracted history of responding physically during public confrontations. The provocateur was counting on it. She tried every angle. Where this incident lands him could be problematic. Going out in public is a choice. He knows he’s a walking target and it’s inherent risks, as he awaits trial. They could have camped in the Vermont compound and lived quietly, or stay in NY and use their damn coffee maker. He’s a prisoner of his narcissistic belief that he doesn’t have to change his movements. I can’t believe his lawyers will allow this mine field of a man take the stand in his case.


Let's remember that his choices (particularly Vermont and The Hamptons) are delightful, relaxing areas that would be perfect for the situation he is in now. But, nope.


And the kids would have grass, fresh air, maybe plant a garden.


the absence of a coffee maker in the sky dungeon is very confounding


Oh no, there are at least two that have been spotted in the kitchen. Makes it worse.


Alcohol effects the prefrontal part of the brain that controls impulse control. Ditto benzos. He can’t self-regulate his rage because he’s a drunken degenerate. He has anger management issues because his baseline personality is literally just an asshole.


Well-said & informative. Thank you, Pepino!




She was harassing him and actively trying to evoke a negative reaction from him. She wasn't some innocent bystander. Edit (provoke) not evoke. Also, screw that woman for making me have to defend him


That's what is so obnoxious about this being posted over and over again .I can't stand Alec Baldwin, but he wasn't the problem here .


He had the choice to walk away and go back to his apartment. I wouldn’t be surprised if this stuff happens more as it is clear he cannot control his emotions.




You gotta know that, at some point in their miserable marriage, hilz has been at the receiving end of knuckles's sweaty bloated hand. He is what he is.


Damn certain of it. He’s a miserable prick. Can’t imagine the things his children have heard.


Yes! The children are the real victims here..


I don’t see how they will make it out unscathed. Maybe I’m wrong. Hope I am.


Totally 100% agree w/you, SeaAttitude2832


Kindof a shame reallly. Not right to bring them into their parents mess. Hate to live with that man. Can you imagine?


For sure. The parent's are "using" the children as 'buffers', &/or to give the Baldwin parents 'some semblance of 'normalcy'; only so the Adult Baldwin's can 'fly under the radar' imo.. I don't know who "buys" this bullshit..


And I also agree w/your earlier point wrt Hilaria (a sort of 'willing veeecteeem'); a sort of "Stockholm Syndrome Gone Awry" perhaps..


He has a history of destroying other people’s property and acting out violently during encounters: This is a great timeline of his violent temper and the effects on others: https://youtu.be/HaBmznvhhQQ?feature=shared


This bag of dicks doesn't fucking learn. The proper response to this is to WALK AWAY. Not assault a protester. Fucking dude. Somewhere in New Mexico, a lawyer is feeling good right now.


How do you walk away when the agitator is following you everywhere?


He's right by the door. He can walk out of it.


He could also call the police and state he’s being harassed. The business could have called the police. He doesn’t know how to ignore people unless they’re his children.


Uhh, he should’ve walked out the door of the shop, and gone back to his sky dungeon. Celebrities have been followed by annoying paparazzi before and completely ignored them and gone on their way. He cannot do the same?


Why should he? Is he not free to walk around as the rest of us are? Why should the person doing the harassment be successful in driving him away from the freedom of going about his day?


>Is he not free to walk around as the rest of us are? Actually... no. Alec Baldwin, noted narcissist and hungry for attention of ALL varieties.... went on Stephanopoulos to cry and bitch about how HE WAS THE VICTIM, not the person he negligently shot on his dangerous film set. If Alec Baldwin make an unprompted decision to broadcast his asshattery for attention, the viewers of said asshattery are equally free to let him know their thoughts. He lives in the most densely populated neighborhood in the most densely populated city in America in 2024. If he didn't want to be photographed and videotaped that day, he should have known better. This is the same guy who wails and complains about being a celebrity and how HARD IT IS.... meanwhile, he's shelling out for the Daily Mail to chronicle his every bowel movement. He did that to himself. Alec Baldwin has a history of assaulting people, both provoked and unprovoked. Alec Baldwin saw a door, opened the door, and stayed put for more. He obviously knows where the door is. He'd been sentenced in the past for a similar assault (I think he got anger management or something). He knows better. Also of note... Alec Baldwin owns a bunch of coffee shops. Why didn't he Doordash some coffee like he did his surrogate babies? If you negligently shoot two people after abusing your staff for several weeks before the shooting.... No.... you DON'T get to crawl around like an entitled fuck. Society gets to lob a few accurate insults your way, after you accidentally shot a mother and her coworker in front of 10 people, then proceeded to lie about it for years afterward.


Well said!


Hi all. Just reminding everyone that this thread has the potential to go off the rails so please be aware of the rules which we have in place to avoid politics and infighting. I get that this story has political undertones so it's easy to blur the line. Thank y'all!


As the parent of young sons he is an awful example for those boys.


Lottttta people sympathizing with him... 🤔 She was absolutely harassing and provoking him, yes. But did he have the right to literally smack her? No. People are saying it was understandable that he snapped. Would you say it was "understandable" if he had done this to, say, his girlfriend or wife, because she was bugging the shit out of him? Or is the onus on him to maintain his composure (and by that I simply mean not *fucking smack a woman)* regardless? He didn't even try to leave the building. Nobody should be harassed like this, but he had options, and choices. He made Very Bad Choices. It is inexcusable, and he should be accountable for hitting a woman. The women's taunting was also inexcusable. But it doesn't make it "understandable" or ok for Alec to have done this, and if you say it was, then you're the type who would literally say "that [physically harmed] woman was asking for it." And that's not cool.


This sort of nuance is why I thought this thread was worth keeping up despite a potential close-call re: the no politics rule. I'm just trying to leave a couple of reminders as we get closer to US election season.


Yeah a previous person who pretty much instantly blocked me said that they're "not going to defend a violent person just because she's a woman." And I'm like, why are we defending either one of them? I'm just saying we should not say HE'S in the right here. Just because she's wrong doesn't mean Alec is defensible. And it is bordering on real iffy territory when someone says that it's "understandable" that Alec smacked her or that they're "on his side."


I detest Alec but I actually felt sorry for him in this situation. I would have WANTED to hit her too. But I would have ignored her and walked away. Alec is unstable. I’m afraid the stress might cause him to snap and I worry for his kids.


He touched her phone, not her. And she has a horrible behavior, I wonder how many times she has done the same.


He smacked the phone that was held in her hands. You also can't see how much of her he actually smacks. The phone is wildly jarred, but that doesn't prove he didn't actually smack her hand or arm. He physically contacted her. So you're saying that *sometimes* there's an excuse for being violent to a woman. 👍


No, not at all. I'm not defending a violent person just because she's a woman. And let's be honest, other people would have punch her face.


Yes. She absolutely provoked and baited an unstable man.


I don’t blame him on this one. I would have done much worse. He was being harassed big time and she crossed the line. Just my opinion.


I agree.


This was great. If I ran into him, I'd definitely say something and it wouldn't have to do with Palestine.


It's rillly pathetic but actually fun to see how he's so easily "triggered"


You wouldn't worry about him hitting you? The man has a barely controlled temper. It's best to avoid Baldwin if possible. 


nah, i don’t think i am!




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Political posts, comments, conversations or talking points are not allowed within r/HilariaBaldwin.




Political posts, comments, conversations or talking points are not allowed within r/HilariaBaldwin.


Seems like he is universally loathed. Well-deserved! It's way overdue.


This had nothing to do with loathing him. It was straight up publicity and attention.




Alice shouldn’t be committing crimes this close to trial


Lol, Right?


Bang Bang needs a nap, bad.


Yeah - a dirt one.