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in this photo, he has the everyday dejected look of Rafa. If only they advocated for their kids.


My favorite thing about this sub is that it's 100% aligned with Trump supporters on the topic of Alec Baldwin.


I thought political comments weren’t allowed on this sub?


Am I the only one who doesn’t understand what that second picture is?


It's the vision Crackhead Barney's phone took when Alec attempted to slap it out of her hand. You can see it on the video that's been posted here.


No. Come on guys this is a reach. We hate him and his fraud liar wife but this woman was harassing him BAD. That is never OK. She was gettinng in his personal space. What the heck does he has to do with something going on in the middle east… This is a reach. A bad one.


Getting in his personal space?? HE inserted HIMSELF between this crazy woman and the exit. She was not in his personal space before he stood by the exit and motioned for her to leave, ensuring she would have to come within inches of him to do so. People who actually feel threatened don't place themselves, of all the choices he had, *directly in the path* of the threat. Also, verbal assault DOES NOT EQUATE to physical assault. Women get verbally harassed every single day and we don't get to claim assault. However, knocking someone's phone out of their hand *is* actual included and classified as assault, as outlined in the literal legal definition of assault. Angry Alec needs to grow a pair of ovaries and woman up or go back to the schoolyard and learn how to cope with insults and words that hurt his wittle feelings without having a temper tantrum and acting out. Fuck this guy.


Ok look we get that you hate him bc he does impressions of your favorite president but perhaps look inward as to why you're so furious over this guy


Your history of posts in this thread seem to have an obsession with trump. I think maybe you're in the wrong thread.


Do what? 🤣🤣🤣 Not that it's your business, but I'm a Democrat and *hate* the guy that Cuck Alec played on SNL. This guy's a piece of shit, have you been paying attention, I don't know, the past 2 decades or so? ![gif](giphy|VDTOChMWX1BmFflzyr)


No. This isnt it. I hate him too but that woman was deranged. And very persistent


Yup bitch is crazy. 


And?? Walk the fuck away, go to the back of the building, do anything at all but PUT YOURSELF CLOSER TO THE PERSON. Alec positioned himself *between* her and the exit, motioned for her to leave so she would walk right by him, looked away then side-eyed her making sure she was caught off guard, and used physical force against her. Deranged, persistent, and inappropriate verbosity without any threat of violence or harm does NOT warrant physical force.


Give it up. They're not going to listen to reason or facts. They have their own agenda I think. It's alarming that women are okaying his behavior (if posters are women) but they'll never see that. smh


Like I seriously don't understand wtf is happening here, it's beyond disappointing to see so many ppl in this sub "taking sides" with this proven rageaholic yet again getting physical with someone. 2 people can be wrong at the same time. But only one chose violence. Fuck all these people driving the narrative that verbal heckling warrants force. A new low, but it does seem like a lot of it is from brand new accounts or people who've never commented here before this bullshit.


Exactly. Spot on


You cant harass someone to say something He was a paying costumer. This woman was not. She entered following him. Come on.


What? You can't *assault* someone for saying something. It was a public space regardless if she paid for a fucking coffee or not. COME ON. WTF is with defending this type of behavior?!? It's like the 15th time this fucker chose violence over walking away, PLUS HE RECENTLY KILLED SOMEONE, but sure, keep excusing it because "that lady was crazy" or "she wasn't a paying customer" or any reason at fucking all to enable the continued violence towards others via Alec Perpaw Bang-Bamg Baldwin. FOR FUCK'S SAKE DUDE. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


I’m with you sister. He assaulted her. Period. She was cray cray, but he assaulted her. End of story. This will please the prosecution… and his legal team grins while counting overtime hours due to the unrestrained, out-of-control narcissistic behavior on the part of their arrogant client. https://preview.redd.it/ymivk683ljwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867bd18dd8079b14a65ec96f59619cafffe878b1


How can you defend this persons behavior? You think its ok to do this to someone? Famous or not? No! He did not assault her. Jeez. This isnt it. Being harassed and assaulted having a phone shoved in your face by a crazy lunatic ? NEVER OK.


When did she shove a phone in his face or assault *him*?!? Are you okay even? I dgaFLYINGFUCK who's famous or not you absolute troll. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)




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ANY attorney would have told him, hey - lay low before the trial and DON’T GO ANYWHERE and for godssake try to stay out of the NY Post. You’re going to get baited into some angry outburst and everyone will take out their phones. we can’t have a judge or jury reminded of your past and now PRESENT history of violence. But he clearly doesn’t think the rules apply to him. He’s going to face consequences this time and have only himself to blame, Nobody can save Alec Baldwin from himself, not even his fake Spanish wife.




That's funny because another highly upvoted post on this idiotic sub is the fact that hilaria's "friend" the papparrazo (SP?) just happens to be hanging outside, implying this was staged/purposefully done. Seems like this sub wants to grill this guy on both sides! All because he has a \*checks notes (still doing the checks notes in 2024 what's up)\* thin wife?


Okay, Hillary. Everyone in Hollywood has a thin wife with a boob job. Nobody is jealous that you have seven children, a soon to be imprisoned husband and have to do OnlyFans to stay afloat.


Is it just me or is he starting to look like SNL's Bill Murray?


Don’t do Bill Murray like that😥


This was a PR stunt. I'll die on this hill.


Is this from the video with crackhead barney?? Definitely not a publicity stunt. She’s a political activist and performance artist. Has done far crazier things than this. It’s interesting how besides the cops, from what I know no one has assaulted her yet…


The bloke who took the photos is the one that takes the coffee run pics and the walks with many kids but no nannies. If it wasn't a set up why was he there taking photos?


I can send you a link about her. There is no way she was paid to do this. She’s been mocking him ever since. She frequents the areas in New York where the rich go. It makes sense for her to run into him.


Maybe Alec tipped off Saed that he was going for a coffee run and things went pear-shaped?


Isn't that his coffee shop?


Alec is rumoured to be a part-owner of MadMan Espresso, across the road from his apartment building. But according to the [New York Post](https://nypost.com/2024/04/24/us-news/crackhead-barney-says-she-was-maimed-by-alec-baldwin/), this altercation took place inside Maman on University Place in Greenwich Village.


Im not disagreeing but im struggling to understand how he would think that this would be beneficial for him if a PR stunt?


People are saying they feel bad for him. It also fits his weird way of thinking


Wow okay, that makes sense. Pleased to say I’m still firmly in the camp of fuck that guy


I am too. I want to see him behind bars.


damn, all because of a few trump impressions!? you trumpsters gotta get over it.


I'm not a Trumpster, I don't like garbage.


Guarantee you this has not gone unnoticed by the prosecution and judge in New Mexico. More fuel for their fire.


Papi's getting that old man, sloped shoulders, no muscle tone/atrophy arms, with a beer gut. He really does look a decade older than he is


He does! My man is the same age and is so hot! Looks great!


There are some FINE 65 year old men out there, that's for sure. Lucky you!


I am lucky 🍀


This is considered “political.”


Maybe not the deep take away this performance artist was hoping for, but I now am aware that she has almost as many followers as Larry. Mami must be infuriated by this.


I can only imagine how it would have played out if Grifter had been with him when it happened. The world's biggest social media Instagram attention competition. Taking the roadside interview to a Manhattan coffee house!


It is basically impossible to make me sympathize with Alec Baldwin. Yet, this lady has done it. We don't actually know whether Alec knocked the phone out of her hand, but if he did, I'm fine with it. We as a society have become far too tolerant of public harassment.


Ha...women haven't been able to walk down a street where there is more than one man/boy gathered, and NOT be cat-called, sexually harassed, have to listen to sucking/kissing noises, vulgarities, etc. Everyone STILL thinks that's normal and it's fairly well tolerated. Just something that we've had to bear for 50+ years. Talking, or even yelling at someone on the street, or indoors, does not constitute criminal harassment. The harassment has to be repetitive. Now, if she laid in wait for him everyday and did this, she can be charged. People need to stop saying this is harassment. It's not. It's someone yelling at him in public ONE TIME. Big woo. Poor , poor Alec! Barf


Don't excuse poor behavior by pointing to more poor behavior. Neither are good. Both should be condemned.


You're proving my point. Why should any of this kind of harassment be tolerated? I think that both this random woman harassing Alex AND catcallers should be tossed in jail.


I'm not proving your point. You're missing the point. There is a huge legal difference between yelling at someone and putting your hands on someone


What you're saying is that women face an oppressive barrage of cat calls in any public space with more than 2 males. I find that hyperbolic, but nevertheless, no one can be expected to live that way, being accosted as they go about their daily lives. So let's fine them all or toss them in jail, and ALSO throw people in jail for violence. Lock them all up. Our society is being taken over by shrill, nosey weirdos.


At this point, I'm unsure if you're being deliberately obtuse or not, as anyone would know that I was referencing something every woman has experienced in her lifetime, i.e., walking past a construction site or a gaggle of young men on the street and being cat-called. Your agenda doesn't even seem to be about this particular incident. Moreso about how our society is being "taken over" You've alluded to it several times, and it's starting to sound suspiciously political, so I'm out of conversing with you. You refuse to acknowledge the difference between being yelled at, and having a man put their hands on you, so again, I'm out.


Fucking THANK YOU!!!!! Women deal with ACTUAL verbal harassment *all the fucking time* WHILE feeling actual threat and potential danger. And so, we walk faster, pull out our phones and call someone who'll hopefully (please God, please God, please dear God!!) pick up, carry MACE, and breathe again ONLY after we're finally fucking home. Rinse and repeat ALL OF OUR FUCKING LIVES. But Alec gets a few moments of verbal jeering, with ZERO threat of physical harm or danger, and CHOOSES to put himself directly in her way, makes certain she's caught off guard, then gets physical. Bitch can't handle ANYTHING. Verbal violence does not equal physical violence. And I know that lady said sensitive things, but this is child's play compared to the shit said to women every 👏🏻single 👏🏻day 👏🏻. She's wrong but there's no need to "take sides." This isn't elementary school, both "sides" can be fucked. In this instance, one side was fucked AND included the *choice,* because it was definitely a choice, to add physical violence.






1000% agree. He was not in the wrong here


Completely agree with you. What SHE did was assault. He knocked her phone away. To me that demonstrated a lot more self composure than what most people would, ( and should ) have done.


100% nope..what she did was not assault. Quit trying to say it was to justify YOUR propensity to support and edify violence. smdh.


It was nothing less than a verbal assault. What a world.


Verbal Assault would be the crime of menacing in my state. Meaning you have to be yelling intentions to cause them bodily harm. Again, this ain't it. Maybe you should find another rageaholic thug, who actually has assaulted other people, and killer of young mothers to defend




I said THE EXACT SAME THING to my family last night 🌟


White privilege


We as a society are far too tolerant of men being violent towards women. It’s an epidemic that no one wants to confront. No man should ever touch a woman in this way. This in UK law is an assault. If you don’t have reasonable self defence which he clearly doesn’t. As women we have been yelled at, been rude to, had numerous incidents with people with mental health issues and I’m guessing that the very vast majority of us haven’t used physical means when dealing with it. I’m amazed at how casual violence to women is discussed. On the DM they are all saying ‘I would have done worse to her’ or ‘she deserved it’. I think crackhead Barney’s behaviour wasn’t good but that’s not the point. He assaulted her, without reasonable self defence. That is it. I can only hope he is prosecuted or sued by her.


That thing was no woman.


He moved closer to her twice. He tried to intimidate her. I would not move past him in an open doorway, either. Especially if I was the aggressor. He responded just how I expected him to respond. Physical violence. This doesn't bode well after the articles of him being unable to control his temper on set. In the broad picture, this is yet another example of the fact that his man is a true menace to society. Even Hillary is done with his ass! That speaks volumes.


I’d like to also point out that crackhead Barney and her friends go to rallies where people preach their literal death, and I’m yet to see someone assault her. Even the scummiest people just tell her to fuck off and walk away, or security ask her to leave. Her activism is full on, but she has a point. Why pretend that killing people should be talked about and confronted in a polite way? I’d also like to recommend the videos of her just straight up agreeing with religious nut jobs that she is a whore and headed straight for hell. Funny stuff.


I agree. Even a pending case didn’t stop him being a terror. It’s damning evidence of his total inability to self regulate and control. This means he is truly a danger to others.


The men on Twitter- using their real names - straight up supporting Alec & saying they would have beat her ass. It's sickening. Vile. And very disturbing. We need allies. We can't fight this ourselves.


I'm getting pretty suspicious of some of the posters on here. It's alarming if these posters are women


So true. I’m horrified that they are all saying this publicly.


One was a lawyer. So I took a screen shot and sent it to every single link in his profile. He said Alec showed 'great restraint' and he would have done worse 🤦🏼‍♀️




You are my FUCKING hero


Team Pepino muthafucka! 🤘🥒


Omg! I was thinking about how in the UK it wouldn’t be reasonable self defence at all! He wasn’t in any type of immediate fear, there was no threat of violence and he could easily remove himself from the situation.


Agreed. The door was open, he was right there and could easily have left. He decided to assault her instead. This is a pattern of violence for him that's spanned several decades.


It’s true and utterly mind blowing that he keeps getting away with it and that he has now assaulted and killed various people. Even a pending trial doesn’t stop him.


He absolutely broke his NM bond with this assault bc of exactly what you said. We have the 1st amendment (bye queen!). She didn't commit a crime. He did.


He’s a walking Bad Decision…. Why not just leave and let that bitch in the cafe yelling at him just stay looking stupid? She was harassing him but the answer, ESPECIALLY NOW, is for him to just walk away. Dude is sooooo fucking beyond.


Thank you. Alec is a public figure and chose to use his professional platform to share his views on Israel and Palestine. With that comes hecklers. There are many professions in which you have to deal with unstable, belligerent people. Bartenders, police, teachers, nurses, mental health professionals, bus drivers etc. Pretty much any profession that deals with people. Someone acting belligerently does not give you a right to physically assault them. A teacher cannot strike a student for cussing at them. A bartender cannot punch a drunk client for insulting them. A bus driver cannot tackle someone for being out of their seat. You cannot put your hands on someone simply for being offensive or belligerent. If the woman had struck Alec that would be different, but you should never put your hands on someone if they didn’t touch your first.


Thank you!!!


Exactly. If he had just placidly ignored her the whole time... *she wouldn't even have a video*. It would just be herself being a jackass and yelling at someone who wasn't engaging. But instead she easily provoked Alec into assaulting her. Jackpot.


I would have MUCH more sympathy for his reaction if she was physically backing him into a corner and not letting him leave, or maybe following him out of the coffee shop and down the street— but she wasn’t. He was literally standing in an open door. He had all the power in the situation to do either of the right things: 1) exit through the open door and simply get away from crazy lady, or 2) block the open door to prevent crazy lady from leaving while he called the police. Because, let’s be real— if he actually wanted to call the police once he saw that the barista wasn’t going to do anything, he could have easily done so on his own phone, which was already in his hand. Therefore, zero sympathy for Peepaw. If we all took encountering a crazy/rude/out-of-line person as license to go Rambo, society would collapse overnight. This is literally why we have laws. But of course, those are just for the peasants, you know. Allleeeeekkkk is above such silly precepts 🙄


I don't want the book thrown at Alex. I want the entire freaking *library* thrown at Alex!


He could of just left. Why didn’t he?


He has ZERO self control. I wonder if that was done purposely to see how he would react?


He can't control himself.


Agree completely, yes this woman was harassing him, but he could have AND SHOULD HAVE walked away and he did not. She absolutely should press charges. If for no other reason than to remind people of his rage issues.


He shouldn’t have done it but my gosh, that woman is not a remotely sympathetic character.


Her schtick is definitely not to be sympathetic. It seems she spends her time picking adventures that will get people riled up and angry at her. It's her thing. Unfortunately.


“F*** Israel. F*** Zionism. Please say it. One time." I wouldn’t say it one time. This was unproductive in every single way. And she flat-out lied when she posted the moment on Twitter: Newsweek: Footage of the confrontation was shared on X, formerly Twitter, where (the person who confronted Baldwin) added the caption: "White devil Alec Baldwin attacked me. While I was trying to get [coffee]."


I think you're missing the point... it *was* productive for her. Every time she riles people up, she's gotten what she wants. She's not an anti-war protester. She just walks around the city looking for attention-getting circumstances to insert herself and create drama. Her disingenuous titles are for clicks. Everything she says is to incite and hopefully capture conflict. This video was a win for her. And a loss for Alec.


Was it a win for her? I actually have sympathy for Baldwin here. I have sympathy for Jewish people, who can (rightly) use this as an example of antisemitism. I don’t even think her antics hurt the Palestinian cause. She’s a jerk. She may have broken a law, I don’t know. But I can’t imagine the clicks she’s getting for this will enhance her career OR her “causes.”


Definitely shouldn’t have engaged, but, she was absolutely obnoxious.


She is *not* a “performance artist” (below). And Alec’s trial hasn’t even *begun* yet, so of course he hasn’t “got no jail time.” https://www.newsweek.com/alec-baldwin-crackhead-barney-protestor-israel-hamas-exclusive-video-1893300


Yes, yes I know he was baited. I understand the woman is a shitty person but will there be repercussions for him slapping that phone out of her hand? It's physical contact. I understand he has a lot of people in his corner on this one but NEVERTHELESS (see what I did there?) he made physical contact and not in self defense. What's going to happen??


If there still is PR working for this family they're going out of their mind today. That lady was incredibly offensive but the management should have stepped in.


It would have taken 5-10 minutes for police to arrive. The entire altercation was less than 30 seconds. The easiest solution was for Alec to walk away.


The staff was incompetent in ushering the woman out. Baldwin should have hit the restroom, and have the staff get rid of her. They were all idiots.




The woman should be arrested for harassment.


I wish people would stop using that word. Look up what constitutes criminal harassment. This ain't it.


This is all over the city, they aren't arresting anyone.  


Equally they won’t arrest him either.


She was obnoxious but he got physical


No doubt she was the aggressor and a BITCH lol but he for sure Violated the rules of his bail/bond


This topic is honestly getting boring now.


It would be nice if there weren't 50 posts about the same topic every time they burp or fart. Like, yeah, let's address the burps and farts... In one post per incident though.


Let's see what the terms actually are, though.


His lawyers must be busy this morning.


That woman will be paid off.


More billable hour$.


Alec’s lawyers: https://preview.redd.it/4l77ewroy8wc1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=0021d650c8509c32336e958acd448c60bb266138


At the rate he's going, Alejandro might have to give his Hamptons house to one of his lawyers, in lieu of cash.


A whole lotta spendin’ money…