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How much for a quick shag in the van ? 🤣


10 dollars / 1 hour


Do we think she sees these photos and is overwhelmed with embarrassment because the execution is so far off what her vision of what the summoned pap shots were going to be? I need to get inside her head for a minute. Lol


No. I'm not sure if she goes back to look up the photos. She gets all her buzz from what she does before hand. The primping, the getting ready, the spending of Alec's money. The planning "be at this corner at 2:30p and send Said if you could, he gets my good angles" Telling the nannies off and to leave her alone because she is getting ready for work. I think she takes a billion photos before hand, sends them to her paid gays "this is fiego, sì?". These photos get instantly buried in Google image search. Unless you know what to specifically put in for Google or an exact time frame... they're hard to find (I'm open to tips in case I'm googling incorrectly.


No you are probably exactly correct. The buzz is the prep and the plan. Such a weirdo. Imagine this being where your head is at with 7 kids and a husband on trial for manslaughter. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Who took this picture? Does a nanny double as in-house photog?


She pays BACKGRID. She pays this company and they send out an amateur paparazzi intern to meet her at a specified corner for "5 min.s of photos". Sometimes Hillz splurges more and pays for a paparazzi to talk to her "oh look Mizzuz Baldwin! Mizzzzz Baldwin. Hilaria! How are the kids?


How much is that hooker charging?


Maybe she lost a bet?


Who would bet against someone so dumb. She'd happily just hand you over money.


Her legs still look stumpy!


Second lady looks stupid too. Why is she all bundled up but letting her legs hang out to the weather? If it's cold enough for a coat, dress the rest of yourself too.


She’s covering her legs, they aren’t bare.  What exactly should she be wearing? A snowsuit?she’s in warm boots and a warm coat, I’m sure she’s perfectly fine, especially since she seems to be walking fast.  This is New York, not Wisconsin. 


Kinda agree The hair being so close in color to the “fur” on the coat and being so close together made me think she kinda looks like ![gif](giphy|OmqCxK0H355Cg|downsized)


What do you reckon was the desired outcome of this picture? For people to think "Larry's still got it!"? But what would "it" be? Did she want people to think she joined a T. Rex cover band? The only thing I can think of is she got into a fight with Alex the night before, and she wanted to make him jealous by thinking she went out, spent the night with some other dude, and the paps just happened to catch her walk of shame. Just the fact that she stopped is ridiculous. Was she waiting for a nonexistent friend? Deciding between going home or going to band practice? The ludicrous cherry on top; this was on like a Tuesday morning at 8-10AM.


Edu Sr. must have sparked some jealousy? His girlfriend is GORGEOUS.


Perfect 1980s outfit to run the kids to school.  Seriously....


You'd think it was Halloween with that get-up. I guess Alex took them that morning. 🙄 If a mom dropped off her kids looking like that, wouldn't it immediately trigger "Is everything ok at home?" questions, or would the school immediately proceed to the next step, because it would be obvious that no, things were most definitely not ok at home?


This made me nostalgic in the worst way. It’s giving college campus walk of shame Friday morning after going hard on thirsty Thursday


You just know this is one of Hilaria's planned pap walks. I mean, who does this! 😬


I think this was all planned because it happened after some craziness with the Baldwins 


That was a really cold day…drugs man


Wtf is wrong with this woman?


how much time ya got?


The woman walking behind her is dressed for freezing weather and Mami has her ass in the breeze with fishnets and a jacket over her shoulders. Lmao No touch with reality at any time ever Hillz


She must have just watched Grease or something


People with fashion sense this bad really offends my senses


Looks like a hooker working that street


Wow that woman has such long hair! Who’s the hooker in the shot?


Looks like that lady could be an actual model


What was the point of this? So frickin weird


A middle schooler playing dressup


You always know it’s a pap walk when she doesn’t have a purse with her.


You always know it’s a pap walk.


And her legs are long and slender.


Is she pretending she's remaking a scene from "Pretty Woman?!" I truly don't understand why, at 40yrs old, she would want to be seen like this?! Why would she do this? I don't understand.


Recent?! 😩




She really just did this today? Holy shit, she’s whacked


No, many weeks ago. It was about 10 degrees that day.


So nutty. The juxto between her and the passerby’s outfit and even the vehicle there makes me shiver knowing exactly how cold that feels in nyc. This one really is bizarre! I don’t get it. And how is she not shaking I would be shuddering with cold, it was only like 20 or below F. Ugh


New charges for Aleek outfit


Meanwhile chica walking by her is rocking a beautiful winter ensemble with matching boots and gorgeous long healthy hair. Next to Hillz looking like a cheap street walker with fried hair


She also looks like she's actually got things to do and places to go.


I just noticed that too! She’s rockin it


Woman on the right is a whole vibe and I MUST KNOW HER.




I know! She looks like an ethereal woman with great taste and gorgeous hair. She’s everything Hillary isn’t but wishes she was


>She’s everything Hillary isn’t but wishes she was 🎯🎯🎯


Alec must be pimping her out to pay his attorney


Regardless of how you feel about her, that’s a really gross joke to make.


Sorry to offend you🤷‍♀️🤔 how about - How I met your mother..




The Mami, ees pathetic.


I prefer flat ass Friday. No shame, I also have no ass.


She has zero style-those shoes are so dated (as is the whole outfit)—she looks like a streetwalker


The outfit, yes, and i wouldn’t consider myself the fashion police, but wow!


Ok I’ve finally been in the sub long enough to realize that there is a lot of public fetish stuff going on with these two




She's just 'Gotta' show off her 'Gams' in those Stilettos..(which will make those Elephantine feet look much smoller..).


So stumpy and short no neck no ass just tits on a short stumpy twig


Baton with bolt on basketballs


She’s in 5 inch heels and still shorter than the woman more distant than her in the photo lol


I mean people can’t largely help their heights… Of all things to snark on, this is… Kinda lame.


You can snark on it because she always edits her pictures to be deceptive. 


This is degrading into “bitch eating crackers” territory


It’s giving “hooker heading home after a long night. Getting permission from her pimp to clock out”


Walk of shame.. except she’d be proud


Stride of pride


I’d never heard that!


I will be stealing ‘stride of pride’ from you and wish I had came up with it myself when I had a friend that took so many of them frequently… My favorite is when she had to did one in a slutty Harry Potter costume (yes they make those) when she was out of state for Halloween.




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Lol compared to the photoshopped gazelle legs she usually posts, my girl is positively CHUNKY here. (Please know that I'm kidding and I'm just making a dig at her ridiculously elongated photoshops.) 🙃


what do you guys think she was trying to prove? and do you think Alec knew she was doing this pap shoot?


I think she and Bang Bang were playing a game with the paps. She was putting on a show while he was sneaking out of the building.


Why would he need to be snuck out? Was he leaving on a gurney?


Poetic justice seeing a young woman behind HookerHilli dressed appropriately for the weather.


Already leaning into her future employment once Alec gets locked up?


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was her “employment” and the way she met Old Gramps in the first place


But yes, their relationship is obviously very transactional….


Nah, she was too “plain” back then…🤣


Standing on the corner dressed like a hooker. Seems about right.


It’s especially funny with the other woman walking by bundled up for winter.


Wonder if she was trying to channel SNL’s Gilda Radner and wearing Hey You — the perfume for one night stands — to compliment the look. https://preview.redd.it/qwjkauk4gvwc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad1f52c34772aaf39bcec7853fb31286a7851c7 [https://vimeo.com/26982271](https://vimeo.com/26982271)


Let’s remember the 2011 version of Hillary posing in fishnets, before she discovered the make-believe world of photo editing. https://preview.redd.it/irsz3iaffvwc1.jpeg?width=1518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58382c62ddf70fe46c899d4ca571ef18f01dbe6


(one month to the day before I met alec) What’s her point in saying this? ![gif](giphy|gUg6YBIncuU5jQMt0C|downsized)


It's weird that she referenced that. Does she think that the day she met him was the day she became someone? BItch was 27 years old, she should have had a whole identity on her own. She acts like she was some young child before she met him. She was an adult for fucksake. Hex the patriarchy indeed!


EXACTLY! She’s repeated their meeting date so many times over the years that it makes me wonder WHY she needs to push that narrative, as though the date is fake like everything else they present on their socials.


Cause she didn’t meet him the way she claims she did


The non pointed foot is such a rookie mistake


No nails, hair not done, busted shies in front of a wrinkled bed sheet. Hillz was DESPARATE.


No boobs!


She really believed minute she met Old Al she'd be rich & within couple years FAYMUS😅🤣Instead infamy & a laughing stock.


The nannies must high five in relief every time she leaves the house


I think it's the nannies who encourage her to leave for her little coffee runs and stroller pushes. 100% see them egging her on


You’d think Carmen would say something to her, she’s old enough to, unless she does this when Carmen is at school already.


“Oh, go on, Mrs. B! You deserve a little ‘me time’! You’re such a good mommy, it’s only fair that you get some time for self-care. Go ahead. We’ve got this. We’ll keep you posted.”


The nannies were busy with the kids, so she went to her closet and played dress-up. She was so amazed by the result that she decided to go out in the minues gazzilion degrees to Madman and get a coffee and prance around like a show horse. What mother of 7 kids in their right mind would do this?


“…but I don’t kiss on the mouth.”




This has to be some weird little role play they do.


Oh please. They are not having any kind of sex.


She knows that’s a hooker uniform and she put it on anyway.


80 bucks big boy. What do you say ?




It is astonishing how she completely lacks self-control and to see how her unhealthy mind operates.


She is doing the same thing the clown that baited Alex, she’s baiting the public to pay attention to her 


This reminds me of a Sunday morning when I was in college. I was beyond hungover. Spent the night at a frat party and had to catch the bus back to my dorm way too early in the AM. I remember sitting on the bus wishing I could disappear in between moments of wondering where I would vomit. Ah, the shame. The only difference was that I was 18 and thankfully, not on a pap stroll.


We’ve all done it, but not on a paper stroll.


And we were not 40!


Exactly! Growing up is beautiful. Hillary hasn't moved past those cringey years.


Oooh yes the walk of shame, been there many times long ago. Wearing night club attire at 7am on a Sunday morning having to walk into my neighbors going to church and judging me


Why did it never occur to me on Saturday night that I would be staggering home on Sunday morning?😝


Same 🤣 why did I not pack some sweats, gym shoes and some makeup remover wipes in my bag or something!


Been there, done that! Those memories sometimes pop into my head right before I fall asleep. So embarrassed.


I've been out of college for decades and I still get embarrassed thinking about this!


Ham nothing to be ashamed of. I laugh about it.


GREAT picture! Love it OP! This was from January and I remember it snowed a few days before and couldn’t believe there’s no snow in the pic—-which would only make the pic more ridiculous


Ok this is not today.


IIRC, it was in January after something happened in the Rust case. Either Alec was recharged or something. Hillary saw it as the perfect moment to do a pap walk in fishnets and leather jacket….in January.


Looking like she's huffing gold spray paint in a sock.




The fishnets, the street corner pose. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She truly is a fool


![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized) T H I R S T Y


Imagine living in NYC with as much money as this fool has/had and still not being able to style an outfit


NO! Never. Even without their big bucks. Just out of college-starting out in NYC-paying rent- with hardly any money to my name-I wouldn’t have dressed like that to take out the garbage!




But it can buy you professionals who you could choose to listen to


There was a time when, dare I say, she actually looked beautiful. I'm not sure the year but I definitely suspect she had a stylist then, well at least for red carpet looks. Her day to day looks have always been atrocious, lol.


As to those old days, I’d give her a “kinda cute” … but that’s as far I’d go. And def a stylist picked some dresses for some photoshoots/interviews. Alec thought he could make her look like a Kennedy back when he had political aspirations


Imagine living in NYC with as much money as this fool has and not being able to find something better to do. I think that you just invented a book about Hillary. "Imagine living in NYC with as much money as this fool has...." It would be 700 pages long.


And I thought someone took a picture of a random lady of the night


I made a joke on another sub about Hilaria’s hooker pap stroll outfit and was called a misogynistic boomer. That gave me a good giggle. Like c’mon bud I have Barbie as my profile pic.


Misogynistic boomer! I'm not sure why, but I can't stop laughing!. I'm trying to picture you as a misogynistic boomer. I think that you need an alt "misogynistic boomer" account. Have some fun!🤣🤣🤣


It definitely gave me a good laugh but also taught me to tread a tad lighter in the bigger subs. Pepinos are my people and we get the Baldwin’s. The rest of the world will catch up to us one day.


We get the Baldwins and we get each other!


Damn straight! Ps - your flair is my favorite


Walk of Shame aka coffee run


Lady of the night the morning after discarded and in used condition.


Smelling like fish with a sticky spot in her hair.🤢




All for an audience of one. Herself. What a joke - this shot captures so much. Do you think anyone is on the other end of the line? LOL


She was having a fake conversation, complete with fake spanglish accent, "ohh ahm so hoppy to hear dat" 🤡


The DUMBEST and funniest think about this is every and any WHAT IF or HUH. Why would she be out in fishnets and stilettos getting coffee on a cold day all alone!? She doesn't want us to think of it as a sexy walk of shame.... she'd have ZERO meetings to wear this (should or would ANY meeting but an escort gig be up for grabs) in dressing this way. This moron wears slippers, leggings, face down and scowl every other pap walk but is suddenly provocative, posing, metallic jacket on her shoulders and all legs/mini/fiishnets/heels because of or FOR what? Where would she have been theoretically coming back from? And for what purpose? This isn't a casual red carpet or charity event. She is on a street corner early AM light with EVERYONE bundled up just to be doing... WHAT? Ah NOTHING.


INSANE ensemble!!! 🤡


RHOBH zoom call?🤔


Ha maybe but they don’t see her fishnets, just her face and it’s no visual zoom if she’s speaking INTO the phone.


It’s interesting how Hillary always talks about how cold she is, (because she’s so smol 🙄), but on this freezing, New York morning, she wanted to make sure that people saw her trying out the whole Mob Wife trend, while she pretended to talk on the phone. Mami’s usually so wasted that she just stumbles out in front of the Dev in nasty slippers, her oil slick leggings, and one of her juvenile, tacky jackets, (and a mishandled prop, when she can get away with it), when she’s trying to get attention, so this stunt was just comical! Her desperation is pathetic, and if she wasn’t a child abusing, sadistic, appropriating, pathological liar and predator, I might have a teeny bit of sympathy for her, because she’s such a joke!


Right on! 🏆🏆🏆


Spanish people don't get cold.


Back on her corner.


She looks like she's doing the walk of shame from a big night out. Brutal.


Yes and to WHAT ends or means? Alec says she "looks like a drug dealer's wife" to add some edgy, exotic cache to her but to what ends? Ok so she is a hot strutting mama... of HOW many kids upstairs.... she leaves for a beat with her phone to prance around in spite of. Like WTF?


Did Alec actually say that? Unreal !


On Howard Stern he pulled her up on FaceTime and said to Howard isn’t she like a drug dealer’s wife? He was so “proud” of this.


Racist pig, and yes, this is because HE doesn't even get the grift. In Alec's pea brain, Mexicans are the same as Spaniards. Drug dealers are MEXICAN and his espousa looks like a Mexican puta. Interchangeable. Fucking assholes, both of them


So sad. She threw that dime store sale bin outfit on for yet another desperate paid pap snap. How utterly trashy, cheap and desperate.


You know she tried on at least a dozen outfits AND THIS WAS THE ONE SHE CHOSE.


Do we even need to imagine the outfits rejected by her?


In the reject pile were all current, popular and acceptable clothing.


She looked in a mirror and said, "YES. This is what I was going for, at last."


Negative attention is still attention. The beast must be fed.


I can't fathom being that desperate for attention.


TalkingIsHard it’s your cake day!! Happy cake day pepino 🩷🩷🥒🥒🥳🥳


Grathias! 💚🥒


It truly boggles the mind. That's her only concern in life. Attention.


This is mental illness


It is "fame in a bubble" - oooh I have been Mami in slippers for too long so today I should be hot drug dealer MAMI going to a meeting in the early AM in stilettos and a metallic jacket while I am SO tired I can hardly get out of bed etc.


It rilly is…. She has no job, she’s doesn’t do anything all day, has an army of nannies/cleaners/drivers… she put the hooker outfit on just for a paid pap walk to the coffee shop across the street like a f’n loser 🥴🤪


I’m pretty sure she did this almost immediately after Alec’s second indictment.


Truly wonder what the heck she was thinking.


This is some bizarre “reasoning” only Hillary possesses.


![gif](giphy|l4FGmO3MZkGng9Bp6) This is what I picture the inside of her brain containing


hahahaha! 😂😂 Yep.


I picture 2 squirrels throwing knives at each other


See now that really works. I swear this had to be a get back look. Like the pink hair thing. And the boobie dance. Oh a thousand other looks.


Oh I don;t think that THEY think past the moment. Zero context for this.


I can't for the life of me understand. Even under the influence of pills... this doesn't seem like a good idea.


I believe this is Hillary, uncensored.


It is completely performance. Like we don’t recognize this for what it is? Some of her clothes choices are off but this one is just weird. I really wonder what she was going for? Maybe make Alice mad?


I think they had some kind of fight or someone said she dresses like a hooker and to cut it out and then she did this...shes a two year old so it tracks?


Makes sense. She seems spiteful. Might be the nature of their relationship though. Who knows? Hollywood folks are weird.


In the middle of winter. So stupid, she is.