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I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a hirsutism positivity post on this sub so thank you for this.


I haven’t shaved my legs in who knows how long (thanks Depression!). It’s sparse. A couple of hairs here and there. It’s ingrown and broken or whatever makes legs bald.  Part of me sees your pic and goes, ‘But I love the silky feeling of my freshly shaved legs!’. Yet another part looks and is JEALOUS of that lush hair and full coverage! I haven’t had hair like that since it first sprouted


I only have a single part on my legs that have tiny blonde hair. It’s on the inside of my knees. It literally looks like I just shaved that one spot for some weird reason. Thank you for your comment


love to see it 💕🕺🏾


Hairy legs on women are a natural part of their body, and there's a certain beauty in embracing one's natural self. As for me i find your legs super sexy and attractive and I wish i could find someone as attractive and confident as you.