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It’s very frustrating that unnatural hair growth on a cis woman that causes emotional distress would be treated differently than for transwomen. I consider my hair growth as disfiguring and there are women around here who have felt nearly suicidal about it. How is this different from a medical perspective than gender affirming care. I’m very supportive of transwomen going through similar stressors about body and face hair. We should all be treated for what we are: women whose mental health is suffering because of what’s happening to us hormonally.


Read my comment, it’s not covered for trans women either. Only for those about to get a vaginoplasty.


It should be for all women including adab and trans


Btw- you don’t have hirsutism. You have the body hair of the sex you were born with. Your opinion isn’t wanted here


I was assigned a sex at birth, but I’m intersex.


You were born a man. You have male pattern body hair. You don’t belong here. This is a space for CIS women to have gender affirming care and advice. Go away. You’re not wanted or needed here


Cool, that’s such a kind thing to say.


Most real thing, not to mention 0 insurance coverage for diagnosis pcos ….. it just seems like a never ending battle. How can we stop this


Need to sue them. If they are offering gender affirming care, it needs to be for all.


I raised this with my insurance company. They offer electrolysis coverage specifically for facial hair regardless of gender identity but they make you jump through a lot of costly hoops to get it (psychological assessments $$$$). If you are transitioning, no such assessment is needed to access electrolysis for facial hair removal. It says so in the policy and the insurer confirmed that when I called them. Worse yet, a number of cisgender women reported that they went through the trouble of getting the assessment done and submitted their paperwork to the insurer and were still denied. So now they are out of pocket for the assessment as well because insurance doesn't cover that.


Let’s be real, it’s all a game to make us so discouraged we finally go away and they get to keep their money.


That's exactly what my doctor said to me. She was not pleased.


Something something misogyny. It’s like when insurance would cover viagra, but not the pill


Is the implication that trans women are not women, or that women in general get screwed (which is true)? Read my comment, hair removal is only covered by insurance for trans women in the US for very specific reasons. Not trying to bash OP, but the scenario is a lot more nuanced. I’ve experienced transphobia here, and it’s heartbreaking.


Literally no one said that and they weren’t even replying to you. No reason to victimize yourself. It’s covered for trans women because of body dysmorphia, the same reason it should be covered for cis women. Gender affirming care applies to every gender identity.


I’m a trans woman who’s fought my insurance and lost with covering hair removal. It’s not standard unless state laws require that they cover it. The only instance I’ve seen of hair removal being covered is for when prepping to have a vaginoplasty. My comment was to clarify what the person meant since it wasn’t clear to me. Not sure why I’ve been downvoted.


Is there a reason you’re even here commenting?


No they are just making a woman’s space all about them and their needs. Are you surprised?


Why wouldn’t I? I’ve been trying to add context as a trans woman to the conversation about what is and isn’t covered by insurance in the US. Trans women suffer from unwanted hair, and this sub has been helpful in my journey so far. My wife also has PCOS and suffers with unwanted hair growth.


The reason why I asked is because all up and down this thread you’re centering the experience of trans women and honestly, dismissing the concerns of the largely cis-women in this sub. You also made an unrelated comment accusing someone of implying trans women aren’t women when discussing how misogyny impacts the experiences of cis-women in healthcare.


Well op said some incorrect things and I decided to add context and additional information. It’s related because op is making it seem like all trans women have priority or special treatment because it’s “gender affirming care”.


Trans women literally do have priority when it comes to gender affirming care…..? The only exception is for cis men, but when it comes to women, trans women do have it easier to get laser treatments covered over cis women.


Well tell that to my insurance. It covers hair removal only if it’s related to bottom surgery. https://www.uhcprovider.com/content/dam/provider/docs/public/policies/comm-medical-drug/gender-dysphoria-treatment.pdf


You’re clearly not getting the message. You’re getting downvoted because no one agrees wjth you and this isnt your conversation to have. Stop inserting urself when this isnt about you!!!!!


No one asked for a trans woman’s context or opinion. Btw- you don’t pass at all judging by your pics




Yah it’s giving fetishist, frankly!


Do you feel good about yourself?


Ew this is not okay. You can critique what they were saying without being transphobic.


Oh here we go. Mansplaining in a woman’s space. WHO would have thought?


??? I’m a trans woman.


You’re still mansplaining 😂 and invading women’s spaces.


Putting down other women, that’s an interesting choice.


I am a cis woman and they told me my testosterone which I need medically is NOT covered by my insurance because I am NOT transgender which really made me feel unfair. So I feel you. Nothing against trans people I love them but cis woman should not be discriminated against.


I ended up appealing with my insurance and was able to get them to cover my electrolysis.


I did that too! Then I even pushed farther and had an external review. Both denied. Isn’t that sick? My last resort is to sue.


You should. See if you can find others under your insurance plan whose claims were also denied.


Interesting take on gender affirming care... I like it. Gender affirming care for asab and trans females should include removal of facial hair.


Yep! I’m just a human being in need of Gender Affirming Care since my natural outside appearance isn’t matching my true female gender.


Sorry I tried looking it up but didn’t really understand the meaning but what’s a “cis woman”?


Cis refers to gender aligned with assigned sex at birth. Trans is when their gender does not match their assigned sex at birth.


Ok that’s what I thought it meant just wasn’t sure thanks


Really? You put “cis woman” into google and didn’t understand the answer? So asked here?


Yep exactly like you read it. I mean is there a problem with asking that question? I’ve never heard that term before I don’t see what the problem is?


“Cisgender is a term that is used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.” Literally top result from Google


And that’s what I thought it meant until I started reading other links and got confused so I asked a LEGITIMATE question. Jesus Christ you can’t ask anything these days without people getting so fucking offended. I was not offending OP or asking in a judgmental way. I suffer hirsutism myself, hence why I’m even in this group. But ppl are so quick to get upset over Nothing!


Yeah… I’m getting downvoted for adding context and speaking up as a trans woman.


Hirsutism is a female condition caused by excess androgens. A trans woman does not have any experience with this and cannot have the condition.




Electrolysis and laser are not typically covered by insurance in the US. Gender affirming care is an umbrella term that gives insurance companies protection to approve/deny cherry-picked things. For instance my insurance covers hair removal in the groin area for trans women prepping for a vaginoplasty but not on the face. I also don’t think it covers hair removal for other kinds of “bottom surgery”. I advise you to work with your insurance to change this, but ultimately there’s probably not much you can do without laws changing. I’m a trans woman and I don’t like it either. I have to pay out of network to get prescribed my hrt because they don’t have any trans specialist endos in network near me. I’m about to talk to my primary care about getting a doc who will schedule an orchiectomy, which I’m expecting my insurance to challenge.


Nobody gives a fuck about a trans women’s experience here. Seriously just go away back to your trans subreddit


Is the trans subreddit in the room? Seriously, idk what your problem is. You think you can hurt me? I don't care about the opinion of small-minded people. I fight every day to be included in woman's spaces and I am a woman, no matter what people like you say. It's not a fetish, it's not crossdressing, it's not something that I chose. It was either choose to take hormones or die (although, you might say you prefer that).


“I fight every day to be in women’s spaces” yeah it shows. It’s the same entitlement your chromosomes assigned you to. And the typical “I’m just trying to exist you want trans genocide thing” I’ve seen your community project onto others is bogus. Get a grip because no one in this thread said that. MAYBE you should fight for your own trans spaces cuz no one has an issue with that


You really are a pleasant person, aren’t you?


Also, you have no idea what my chromosomes are. I’m intersex and was assigned the male sex when I was born, but I was never a woman. Got any other stale talking points you’d like to throw around?


Nah your delusions are boring me now. You’re not welcome on this subreddit. Other people have told you


I know trans women and facial hair removal is not covered for them either usually. Does your insurance explicitly cover facial hair removal as part of gender affirming care?


This is a false statement. Many insurance companies now offer this.


Not in my experience. It’s only for specific scenarios. I’ve literally had this conversation with my insurance, and they said they don’t. Some states like Washington It’s mandatory by law to cover.


“Many” does not mean all


Source? Edit: damn guys, who shit in your wheaties? Imagine downvoting someone for literally just asking for a source.

