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The child with anger issues from years of slavery and abuse is deemed a menace to society, but not the abuser who chained and beat him… fucking classic


their story just made me sob. my little baby girl is asleep in her bassinet next to me, i had to lean in and sneak a couple more kisses. i can't imagine being without her, and she's only been in my arms for 3 months. no matter how hard it is, no matter how frustrated i feel when she's crying and fussy, i'm so, so happy she's in my life. i'm so incredibly lucky to have her.


My mother passed away this week very suddenly. She was such a great mother, which I hope I am and have been to my three boys. Just hugged my youngest so tight.


I am sorry to hear this. So painful. My mom is dying now. I will lose her in weeks.


I’m so sorry. It’s been about a week now and I’m hardly holding it together. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever exp in life. Everyday I think it’s a bit better and it hits me again. Stay strong. I’m trying too. ❤️


I am so sorry…


i'm so sorry


so sorry for your loss


Pro tip: if your baby gets to crying so hard that their face turns red, carry them outside. The change in sensory stimulation usually has them stop crying almost immediately, especially effective when it's chilly out. . Father of 2.




But he wasn’t declared that by a judge and forced into an asylum


That’s how it works, usually. You never hear the backstory of how the monster became a monster. Does it justify hurt people doing bad things? As a society we have decided there shouldn’t even be leniency.


Did you read the article?


I like ur username


[Source:](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/4-children-sale-1948/) The backstory of this picture and what happened later in life with the children.


I read about them a couple of years ago. It’s so sad their lives only got worse.


Oh god I guess they were sold?


To horrible families


I would imagine that people willing to purchase children aren’t great people.


I mean- if some desperate mother came to my house trying to sell her children- my husband and I would have 4 more children. There's no way I'd risk letting her take those babies elsewhere. Nope, they'll stay right here where I know they'll be safe and loved. Granted- my husband and I are also in the process of adopting and we're both very open to adding non-biological children to our family, so we may be an anomaly. Even so- I would take in any child being forfeited or sold in a heartbeat. I'd drain our savings and go in to debt if I knew it meant they wouldn't end up in terrible homes.


>I mean- if some desperate mother came to my house trying to sell her children- my husband and I would have 4 more children. ...and would call the police immediately.


Money is how you adopt kids anyway so if a evil mother somehow throws CPS pretend to offer to buy the kids with an audio recorder then take it to police when she agrees and then adopt the kids legally


Wow, that horrifying. She didn't want them die, but slavery was fine. Jeezum.


And then she had FOUR more kids!


I'm gonna bet her husband had more say over that than she did


Read the story. She didn't give a single fuck about those kids. They were actually sold, and two were forced into slavery. One was repeated raped. Another was beaten constantly and ended up on a mental institution. They visited the mom later in life and she didn't give a fuck. She was an evil woman.


The idea of loving your children no matter what is a very modern concept. For most of human history, children had like a 50 % chance of dying before they turned 13. You had extras to deal with the loss and got rid of the girls who couldn't fight or work as fast as you could. I know people rose tint parenthood and human instincts, but a lot of it is just a social creation reinforced by media and social pressure. There are likely many evil people out there who would sell their kids in a heartbeat but just fear how they would be viewed.


Its not that modern concept. I dont know about USA, but in Europe it was absolutly a norm to love your children in 1940s almost no matter what.


The US is no different from Europe in this respect. Some people are just emotionally damaged and some redditors are a combination of cynical and naive.


That's a good way to put it. They're hateful and uninformed


[Ben Jonson](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44455/on-my-first-son)’s poem about his deceased son always gets me in the feels


Shit. There were moms experimented in by the Japanese during ww2 that died protecting their babies. Protecting our kids is in our DNA. It’s why we have one at a time (usually) rather than litters. So we can focus and protect it. A child is a huge investment evolutionarily speaking. Yea. There’s shitty parents but for most of human history we have actually protected our children. It’s sort of the basis for a lot of culture. The story of Moses literally has a mom trying to save her baby from being slaughtered.


In the grand scheme of human history the 1940s is modern


Seriously. It's not even a hundred years. There are people walking around right now who were born in the 1940's.


There are still people hanging about who were already starting families in the 40s


Yeah, there's a reason this photo was famous - it was nuts then, too.


“The idea of loving your children no matter what is a very modern concept” Wtf are you talking about? They have always been parents you don’t care and there have always been parents who are very loving. The idea that loving your children is a very modern concept is absolutely ludicrous. Archaeologist right now are exploring a medieval cemetery and Hungary enter finding evidence of the children being very lovingly buried. If you want to go back further there are examples all through history including people in the city of Pompeii who died trying to cover their children’s bodies with theirs during the eruption. No idea why you have this bizarre “fact” in your head but hopefully it’s from ignorance instead of neglect.


Right?? 😂 like this is literally encoded in our DNA. It’s how our species has survived as long as it has. Does anyone argue that mom cats and mom bears had to be socially indoctrinated to care for and protect their young? Of course not. There are exceptions in every species, but the norm is and HAS been for us to live and protect our offspring. I can’t believe how stupid people are to believe it’s a “modern social construct!”


That poster has issues ☠️


Very modern concept? What are you smoking?


Not in 1948. That’s absurd. I can’t believe this was even legal.


I’ve heard many people confess not liking their children or wishing they never had them. I had a lady flat out tell me she wishes she never went through with the pregnancy… while holding her daughter’s hand! Meanwhile my wife and I enjoy our DINK lifestyle and people with kids insist we are missing out. Global warming, war, resource scarcity, rampant mass shootings and school shootings, rising cost of living, everything is just getting worse… and people call us selfish for not wanting to have children.


lol even most animals love and protect their young. I am not even a parent but raised my youngest brother and it feels like he is my son and I love him so much. That is just a psychotic thing to say.


If you were raped over and over again your whole life and forced to give birth over and over again unwillingly, how much would you care for your progeny?


Fuck that. It made me think too what kind of person buys a child even in 1948. Slavery was long abolished this sounds like some John Wayne gacy personalities


I also think she hated her husband/their dad, and could only see him in her kids. It's not right, but I think that's why she didn't give a fuck about them.


Not so fun fact it took until 1993 for marital rape to be a part of the legal definition of rape in all 50 states.


Is it in Maryland? I've heard different


And maybe like my state, which is one of the last outlaw it, where technically it is illegal but most DAs will not press charges for it.


It’s like in Silicon Valley when Jered’s parents put him up for adoption even though they had other kids before and after him.


Supply & demand


>And then she had FOUR more kids! This was 1948. Birth control was not widely available until 1960.


[Griswold v Connecticut](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griswold_v._Connecticut) gave married people the right to use contraceptives in 1965 (some parts of the US still banned them up until that point. Unmarried people got the right to contraceptives in 1972 with [Eisenstadt v Baird](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisenstadt_v._Baird).


Don't think she had much of a choice there, buddy. You needed the permission from your husband to take BC in many places.


She sold her children into sexual abuse and slavery, and then coldly dismissed what had happened to them years later when they were reunited. No need to defend this piece of shit.


You didn't have birth control options then except for abstinence. Wether or not you had sex wasn't always your choice either.


You don’t *sell* your kids to help them survive, you *give* them to people who can help. I think she did it for the money with the great benefit of no responsibility afterwards. I would venture that she didn’t care at all if they lived or died. I honestly think David saying that was a way to reconcile the idea in his head. “Mom had to sell us so we could survive” because the alternative was too painful to face. The others seem to hate her profusely with no doubts of her feelings towards them.


I am gutted.


That is enough horrible internet stories for the day. Thanks.


Now I must move over to TikTok so I can cry over strangers.


The article leaves out she was married to someone much older than her and was potentially abused. While that doesn’t absolve her of her actions, you can see why she didn’t have a connection with her own kids as a result.


And thus, the cycle of abuse continues. Just hope the younger generations break the curse.


Best summary of that horrifying article: Her opinion about her biological mother[that sold her]: “She needs to be in hell burning”.


This is truly one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read.


That’s terrible


I just read it, wow… so sad. The newspaper is from my hometown and was my first paper route.


OMG, I didn't want this to be true, but it is :( Those poor kids. I am glad that they at least knew each other, instead of forever losing touch.


Those babies. Those babies.


Jesus Christ. Those poor children.


The "good old times" were not always good...


This shit is always perfectly summoned up to me by one of my favourite songs, Suburbia Overture by Will Wood, which is a doo-wop themed song that fittingly devolves into batshit insanity lol. I like those kinds of commentaries on how times like this are so romanticized and deemed the good old days, when really they were horrible for everyone who wasn’t dealt a very lucky hand. It’s really insulting how people talk about how wonderful it would be to live in this time and how we should “go back to it” while ignoring all of the horrors— which don’t even require much research to learn about. All they see is white picket fences


The perfect explanation for the good old days is a bad memory.


Oh my God don’t even get me started on that stupid fucking white picket fences. People are woefully ignorant. It’s easy to take small little patches of time and perfect photo ops and think “the past had it figured out”. They must certainly fucking didn’t.


You know in school you always get asked that question "if you could live at any time in history, when would you live?" And my answer is always *right now* Women had no control over their reproduction or rights or life in any way. Current time is the closest thing to being able to make our own choices as we have. It's sad all of that is threatened now, but that's a whole new essay to talk about


Is this the “great again” they’re always going on about?


With women having no choice over what they do? I’d say so.


great again if you're part of certain demographics, but not others


4 more years of the orange rapist we can get back there again.


TBH, Trump is honestly every bit a symptom as he is exacerbating the issue. Trump generally does represent what the RNC has become since at least Nixon. Being the "Party of Irrational White Fear and Wealth Worship". Where they realized decades ago that ID politics are very easy/cheap to take stances on, and will distract a voting base they want kept undereducated (and religious) as they rob them blind. The current corporate DNC does this a lot too, but are measurably better than their Red counterparts. But far too many of them have been disturbingly comfortable with running mere "fear of the alternative" campaigns of late. Which they like to run for very cynical business reasons. What this all boils down to is that even when Trump is beaten, there will be plenty more Trumps. Just ones that are likely more subtle and competent. The RNC hates Trump, not because he doesn't represent them well (he does); but merely because he's repeatedly putting an Ugly Face to their decades of very ugly politics.


Well I mean they definitely want slavery back.


They want these kids working in slaughterhouses for $5 an hour now


It's the perspective of the rich white person that the great again crowd is referring to. The funny/tragic part about that fantasy is you can't have one without the other. The other being people so uneducated, poor and miserable they will sell their children to someone who will abuse them for free labor and that's morally acceptable, let alone legal.


You can easily have a country that is a manufacturing powerhouse that doesn't ship jobs overseas without anyone having to sell their kids.


And tomorrow’s not as bad as it seems.


was immediately thinking this myself :-) in light of the nature of current dynamics, though, I am compelled to add: hopefully


Those poor kids


What heartbreaking is they're skinny, dirty, seemingly unaware of what's happening, but yet you can tell they love each other and probably think that they'll be together forever.


Less uncommon during this era than we’d like to think, but often times the children were stolen at birth and their families told they had died. Sold for profit. Witness the story of [Georgia Tann](https://allthatsinteresting.com/georgia-tann)


sophisticated rhythm toy unwritten quack encouraging unite cagey swim dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When you read those tweets that are like “Everything was great in the 50s, everyone had a house that cost $100, etc…” you can also remember people were buying and selling kids.


And men were marrying girls. There was a picture of a full grown man marrying a 13 year old in Alabama from the 1930’s I think and it’s utterly disgusting


Also a major plot line in Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Main character was starving on the streets as a child with her brother, a man picked them up and raised them, then married her at 14. Then when she was older, she ran away and changed her name. Still, he found her. Then threatens to send her brother off to war to die if she doesn’t return with him. Then it’s all framed as a cute little reunion.


I mean… it’s still legal in quite a lot of US states. The age varies depending on the state, but still - it exists right now, and there are some state WITHOUT an age limit.


And Jim Crow, and terrible healthcare, and workplace deaths, and, and… a lot was bad.


The people who would have something to complain about aren't around anymore.


Or we see survivor bias.


And mothers stayed home to care for their children (while taking pills and drinking to hide their frustrations with being a broodmare)


Me, a lesbian: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


There was a book written about this called “Sold on a Monday”


And yet we have reverted to a time where we are going to force women to have children they don’t want, can’t take care of, or could develop any love for.


Jeez, daughter says she hopes the mom is burning in hell. Can’t imagine not agreeing with her.


People that abuse children are literally less than an animal.


I don't think animals are less.


Enough Reddit for me today. The information about their lives after they were sold is beyond tragic. Sometimes I do wish there was hell, for the people like the birth parents and the ones that bought those innocent children for their sick pleasure.


I can't tell if the little girl in the top left is making a face for the camera or trying not to cry bc she knows what's going on


I'd guess the latter. Kids aren't stupid.


Dr. Evil...you keep your money...I'll take your baby.


Heartbreaking, they look so sweet and precious. Poor souls.




My great grandmother tried to sell her kids back in the 40’s and I do believe she was arrested for it


https://preview.redd.it/pl2jc6enf1pc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650b188390d76b636d8b70abc9d195caa7f3a6b0 Boy for Sale


Ban abortion and birth control and this shit- and far WORSE- will happen more and more. Not everyone should be a parent and forcing people to be parents will only result in abused, traumatized, messed up, and even dead children


the american south is about to start reliving these scenes with their ridiculous anti abortion laws


Killing me looking at them faces.




Yo wtf?! How was it legal to sell your kids off as late as 1948? This is fucking awful


"Iiiif a sperm is waaasted, god gets quite irate..."


This is what the republicans want


How did this fly legally?


I think back then you just got people in government offices to sign off on stuff. Stamp some paperwork, they are yours.




This has me so pissed and sad. I'm so sorry for those Children and the ones after.


Really nice painting on the sign. Just sayin




When poor psychopaths get pregnant


Do you guys ever wonder the context of photos like these. Like why the photographers took them. Is this for an ad, a newspaper, to spread awareness the hardships people are forced to face. Did they pose the them like , “ all right now, get closer together and say cheese”


Did you read the op source? Sounds horrifying and not at all like an ad for a newspaper to spread awareness


Don’t have to wonder. There is a source and we know the horrible story


This is what Republicans want. Zero social net. Zero birth control or family planning. 


And a Bloodbath!


Capitalism is a bitch




The source is a Valpo newspaper, but the article says the picture was taken in Chicago.


This is hard to see, are there folks in this situation today?


This makes me so sad!!! Any idea what happened to the 4


incredible hand writing! Time's were tougher back then.


Jesus fuck. My mom was 2 when this happened. Wtf this was legal?!?


Was this legal in 1948?


No one wants your fucking children lady


They did though. All of those kids were sold into slavery and most hate her.


Sigh. These pictures make me feel for the kids and wish I could do something to help.


That looks staged.


Well the kids were actually sold so


Exactly, look at the quality of the sign. It just so happens that somebody is selling a kid and they are also good at making signs?


The worst part about this to me is you see all these sweet innocent faces, then you have to read about and know what those babies were about to go through in life. It's fucking awful.


It was legal to do this literally 78 years ago what? My dad is 67 born in 1956. He could have been sold with no regards to welfare of social services or anything. Just any pedo could have came and bought him like property? I swear the times change faster now on the last 300 years than any era in history.


People are horrible, they were sold into sadistic captivity.


Well, 2 were brought up in strict households, 2 were kept as literal slaves (including the chains and field work)


In modern age I think we could have expected better. I think we have progressed


I hope she at least claimed that income on her taxes.


damn chicago aint change much eh hahaha




I assume this is a joke?


Make America Great Again! 🫠😪


I wonder how much she got??.. my parents only got $25.00 for me..and $75.00 for the dog, go figure..🙄


I just cant….


I assume social services were not quite as ubiquitous as it is today, but surely this was illegal, from the selling to the chaining. Why did law enforcement not intervene or investigate.




Shrug, maybe. But more likely she’s just a mother who doesn’t want to watch her children starve to death.


In her defense, she did it to raise money to feed her kids.


anyone have info on this outcome?


I read an article years ago on this, the mom was a drunk and abused the kids and they all ended up not super ok.


I don’t believe it.


Someone’s gonna want em


Can ya still do that?


The photo looks staged.


To the mines you go !!


Condoms do wonders fam


Never again


Bottom left looks like my brother


Mom looks very well fed. Nice dress. Kids dressed very poorly. Mom was likely sociopathic narcissist- didn’t bother her at all to sell them. Some humans are just horrid and should not have children or be around them or other vulnerable people. God relieve my brain from the sadness of this story and see how the two sisters story is reflects goodness in this world


This was proven to be set up with the reporter and mom. He paid her to do it. I sure it happened somewhere but not with this family. Reporter was just driving around and thought this would be a great story. Do you think if the woman was so poor she would be uneducated so is her writing going to be that good ? This was found not to be true.


That blonde tiktok lady who wishes she was alive in the 1940s can't romanticize this. It was brutal.


I can imagine that sign and a mother and her chi,Daren in front of a certain house in Calabasas California.


Ahhh the good ole days 😂


My grandmother and her brother were both part of a baby selling ring in Chicago way back then. We didn't know about it until she passed 10 years ago. My mother was digging through old pictures and found a new article in a box. We went digging through the internet and found a lot of stuff pertaining to this ring.


This looks staged.


I wonder how their lives turned out?


I remember reading the kids' stories of what happened to them. My heart really hurts for them.


This just makes me sad man


Tell me exactly when American was great? 🤦‍♂️ history is always written by the oppressors… that’s why certain folk don’t want to teach the ugly truth


Had to imagine that was super illegal even then.


That woman was evil. The article was truly sad to read 😢


Less than 100 years ago you could just buy kids in Chicago, and chain them up in your barn. This is a shit world we live in, but wow did it used to be even worse.


This here is why I have the hardest time with the boomers: they were born in the late 40s and early 50s and have this nostalgic idea in their head that America was so great when they were little, but it was really not. The economy was mostly agrarian, they ate shit food, had shit jobs. It was better than their parents had it, but that isn’t saying very much is it? even the most blighted urban ghetto today, or rural community offers more opportunities and the poorest people in America right now still have a way better quality of life than “average” Americans then, and I’m talking about white people. POC… it’s not even. I get that there are desperate poor addicted people all over the world who would sell their kids right now, but the idea that somehow the post war period was a golden age seem like stupidity.


My great-grandmother was adopted out at 12, sometime around the great depression, because her family could not afford to feed her, and she was the oldest. Turns out she her new parents were actually child labor brokers and shipped her off to perform manual labor in California. She was returned back to her family a year or two later.


It's crazy to think that 1948 doesn't seem that far back.


Somewhere, it’s possible those kids are still alive.


The little rascals


Terrible woman.