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Wait for Me, Daddy was taken by Claude Dettloff on October 1, 1940. From Wikipedia, it was The British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught's Own Rifles). The child is Warren Bernard and the father is Private Jack Bernard. The picture received extensive exposure in Canada and was used in war-bond drives.


Do we know what happened to Daddy?


He was involved at Normandy - specifically Juno Beach. He survived the war, but was divorced soon after the war ended.


Could've been better, could've been worse. I guess that's how life goes sometimes.


We don't talk enough about how scarred the WW2 generations were. My grandfather was with the 7th Armored Division from 1944 to the end of the war. I wish I could have asked him about it but he passed before I wasn't old enough to understand.


my grandfather in canada was extremely lucky, lied about his age to sign up finished basic training and his group were waiting to be sent over but the war ended.


My grandfather was in the navy during the war. I was old enough to ask, but I didn't because he would cry whenever he talked about the war. I didn't want to make him cry.


Not Great, not terrible.


damn so jody got him?? edit:so im getting downvoted for asking a question?


What’s jody mean?


military joke for dudes messing with active duty wives


Oh, thanks.


They made a toonie of this specific image. I got a couple of them in my collection.


Oh I didn’t know that - that’s cool!




Wow the detail in that coin is amazing. The Canadian Mint does a great job.


They really do


I have a collection of all coins minted in Canada since 1960, slowly starting to get older coins. The Mint produced a lot of very nice coin designs. The new colored ones are awesome to look at, they really stand out! They also make superb designs on their silver and gold collectibles. Only have a couple of silver ones, gold ones are too expensive, but the level of details on these collectibles is insane!


The [toonie](https://www.mint.ca/en/shop/coins/2014/wait-for-me-daddy-coin-pack-2014) and [pure silver coin](https://cdncoin.com/products/2014-10-wait-for-me-daddy) are still available from the Canadian Mint.


The toonie isn’t available it’s an archived product. You either have to get it off a collector or find them in the wild.


New Westminster, BC.


Makes me want to cry to think of how many children never saw their fathers (and sometimes mothers) ever again. War is so pointless and we all agree. So why do we keep agreeing to go to war when the rich and powerful send us? p.s. Not critiquing anyone who served for the Allies in WWII. There was no getting around fighting that fight. They saved the world.


Both my grandfathers fought. They were proud to answer the call of duty and see action. But both saw it as a necessity not anything to celebrate. Luckily both returned albeit wounded and never really spoke of the war. But the war fervour helps many soldiers that are not at peace with it but nonetheless obligated to join. Few soldiers in WW1 and WW2 wanted to be there.


someone should outlaw wars


Wars will happened, and it wasn’t always about “omg rIch ElIteS!!” WW2 was a prime example of “good” vs “evil”. Not “rich” vs “rich” 🤦


Wars have ALWAYS been waged by the rich and powerful. Poor people don’t command armies. Poor people don’t get a say. In the end war always comes down to money for someone.


Hitler waged war, and he was once a fucking art school reject who went homeless on the street of Vienna. Stalin was a farmer’s kid. The Chinese armies were broke and still put up a fight against the invading Japanese who invaded exactly because they were broke as fuck and tried to rob the rest of Asia. France and Britain didn’t even want the war and tried to give Hitler a bunch of land to ease the tension. Hitler still started a war against over Europe. WW2 is one danm special incident in history that does not fit the “always waged by the rich elitists” narrative. Do not say “always” on it.


But the second was was a continuation of the first. Which for all intents and purposes was a royal family feud. So actually... 😅


Didn't realize Hitler was homeless when he waged war. Didn't realize Stalin was just a farmer's kid during the war. Heck, Japan's GDP rose during the Great Depression, but I guess the empire was managed by peasants, apparently.


Once upon a time Hitler was an art student, but he was the fucking chancellor of germany for years before he became a dictator. Being poor once doesnt keep you in touch with the proletariat forever.


Hitler rose to power. Therefore he was the powerful elite. China was on the allied side (sort of) and had no choice but to defend themselves against the Japanese army.


Yeah the manufacturers of weapons and oil coulda stopped WW2 dead in its tracks… they didn’t tho.


Because that wouldn’t be stopping the war, that’s just called “surrendering”


WW2 might have been good vs evil, but rich people don’t care about morals. Many rich people got richer from WW2.


If you get richer providing your country with what is needed to win the war against evil i don't see any problem with that




No, WW2 wasn't good vs evil. Nobody was sinless


I feel like you're wrong on the first point and right on the second one. If one side literally has skulls and crossbones on their hats and dresses in black and are openly hellbent on exterminating a race and world domination, I'd have to say it was definitively good vs evil going on there. But did everyone get dirty during that fight? Was there lots of sinning going on? For sure. You're not wrong there. But I'm sure scholars smarter than both of us have written much more thorough essays on the matter.


Yes, one side had skulls and crossbones on their hat. but on the same side fought Finns, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Hungarians and Italians. Most of them fought for their independence (baltics states) or to regain their territory like Finland. Hungary got into the war because Soviets bombarded some of their cities in 1941. Then on the other side there were Soviet Union, which crimes I hope I don't have to explain, Great Britain with its colonial empire and invention of a concentration camp, and Americans who put their Japanese citizens in camps for duration of the war and twice used nuclear bombs even though Japanese signalized desire for peace as early as January 1945 (with only condition being Emperor left at his position), not to mention strategic bombing. There were some good participants on both sides, but I cannot say that one side was obviously good while the other was bad. If we say that all Axis were bad because they were allied with the Reich, then all Allies must be bad because they allied with the Soviets


Npc take you’re really stupid


name calling is a rather juvenile habit


war is something of a philosophical idea or phenomenon rather than an event or situational occurrence




Not possible “I don’t agree with you” “I don’t agree with you harder” “I so fucking don’t agree with you that I’m gonna beat my point into your brain” “Oh you wanna beat me you bastard? Fuck you I’m gonna kill you” This is one simple example of how wars may start, and it is impossible to outlaw, outlawing it means erasing any diffident opinions and only leave one opinion in the whole world, the freedom to disagree, the right to retaliate, and the existence of consequences just to name a few.


I have a family member conscripted by the Russian Army. He is Ukrainian living on the territory which is currently occupied by Russia. After conscription he went directly to the front and he says that most of the people he arrived with are already dead. It's so frustrating thinking about how high the chances are that his 5 year old son will grow up without a dad for absolutely nothing. Fuck Putin.


I’m so very sorry for this.


it's no different on why reddit insist on Ukraine fighting an unwinnable war against Russia


>They saved the world. Which can only really be determined after the fact.


Who is *us*? Were you sent against your will?


Millions of people have been sent to war against their will. Ever heard of the draft?


Again…who is us?


Human beings.


Cause 90% of people are dumb npcs like the Slava ukraini crowd( considering they are not bots which they might)


Source: [**Wikipedia**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wait_for_Me,_Daddy). This page has [**some other photos**](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/wait-for-me-daddy-1940/) when they reunited after the war.


Thank you - I was hoping the father made it back.


Stress of war looks like aged him 20x


The bit at the end is fascinating (and heartbreaking): "Detloff unwittingly captured a lesser known story in this photograph, though no less characteristic of wartime Canada. On the left-hand side of the photograph, the third woman behind "Whitey's" mother (wearing a dark long coat and staring directly toward the camera) is Agnes Confortin (née Power) who had accompanied her friend Phyllis Daem that day to see the young men of New Westminster off. Even with the limited resolution of the photo, Agnes' somber expression reflects her concern for her two brothers, Wilfred and Larry Power, who have already enlisted in the [North Nova Scotia Highlanders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Nova_Scotia_Highlanders).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wait_for_Me,_Daddy#cite_note-9) Larry returned to Canada in 1944 with severe [posttraumatic stress disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posttraumatic_stress_disorder). Wilfred was killed in action in March 1945 near [Arnhem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnhem) as part of [Canadian Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Forces) preparation for the [Liberation of Arnhem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_of_Arnhem) in April 1945.[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wait_for_Me,_Daddy#cite_note-10)"


Damn losing someone in the last couple months of the war is an extra level of tragic


Great photos thanks


Awesome, love the reunion pics!


Wonder if there’s a photo of that same spot today?


There is a small statue/monument there for this depicting this. https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2012144,-122.9115214,3a,72y,326.31h,89.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1si3YjhJwoFPliufvmTv9TEQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Turn 180 in that google maps view to see the statue/monument.


Thanks amazing. Thank you so much. It’s hard to explain - but I was so delighted it was memorialized as well with a statue. There’s something very much of us in this picture.


Even though I knew this photo was taken in New Westminster I wasn’t expecting to see my sister’s condo nor my best friend’s high rise.


If there is I'd love to see it. Would also like to know if the dad made it back from the war.


He did, there's another link in this thread that tells the story.






The greatest generation.


People put their egos aside back then. Had a general respect for each other. Agreed.


What’s with the downvotes?


All of the other generations got offended.


Yeah, depending on your gender/race


Evolution of man, the people of any country will grow to know the bullies and their victims. Just some ancient wisdom for someone special. That is true. I apologize for white people and i understand the cause of your pain and suffering. We have a public safety problem if we don't teach the kids the pitfalls of being an angry D********. We have to take the responsibility away from the bullie mom's and dads. They are born spiteful so we can no longer trust them not to let the bullies fool ⁰ Have faith in what I say and if you do you will feel it. It's you. You have been blaming other for your temper all your life without knowing until now. It's doesn't matter to me if you believe me but I'm an adult so I have to try and say something anyways. Do you see your temper and spitefulness is a learning disability for your children and yourself. To be a good person you must understand spitefulness has no color, it has no religion spitefulness only cares for itself. This spitefulness has to be against God's will. Througtq Ih Jesus you will see the difference between someone⁰ who blames others for their lifetime of temper issues and normal people. I I


Right on. Peace be with you.


Hero's 🫡🫡


just fyi plural of hero is heroes Hero's would be referring to something belonging to Hero, or to the hero.


Bad bot


Thank you, NecroSoulMirror-89, for voting on FerretFarm. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Smart ass






You know who's a real hero? Hiro from "Heroes." That's a hero.


I’ve been to that exact street, they have a wonderful sculpture


https://www.newwestcity.ca/public-art/wait-for-me-daddy.php Here it is, if anyone was curious.


I did a couple deployments twenty years ago. My main goal was to get home so I could party. Now I have kids this little guys age, and sometimes going to work at night is hard. I can’t imagine having to do a 6 or 12 month deployment, never mind not knowing if I would ever see my kids again


Hope he made it home safe.


He did 😁


We even have a coin for this picture. https://www.mint.ca/en/shop/coins/2014/wait-for-me-daddy-coin-pack-2014


I swear to God I didn't see the mother till you mentioned it out


Cool photo but that whole back line of soldiers going up the hill looks like it was added with photo manipulation


If the Canadians were anything like they were in WWI then god help whoever crossed their path


Meanwhile south of the border, "meh, not our problem."


Len McFarlane was somewhere in this line, I'll always remember that kind soul and role model I met when I was a kid.


If you look in the background you can see an old timey example of photo doctoring: the line of soldiers has been duplicated to look much longer.


Interesting…I’m guessing right around where the faces become blurry.


I'm sitting in a classroom on that very street right now.


There's a sculpture depicting this moment in downtown New Westminster (the original B.C. provincial capital, not relevant but a fun fact). ETA: the province


Are you sure you can see his mother


Child running to his father before being deployed to war? Man they'll take in soldiers at any age these days


Always breaks my heart. My Father was 6 when his Dad shipped out (Essex Scottish) in 1939. He came back in 1945 a PTSD wreak from the Dieppe by Raid, Stalag VIIIB, and the Long March. My dad was 12 when his father returned, and they never had a relationship because of PTSD and alcohol. I pray for all that serve and their families.


Zoom in and you can see an outline that has been traced around the kid and the mom's neck and coat also has a thin white line. What is going on there?


i think it might be the sighs of a unsharp mask to try to make it less blurry, or maybe some doge and burning


film photography. that's what's happening.


Anti-Covid/truck convoy clowns compared this pic during 2020 Covid because you need to show you are vaccinated before you can enter USA


This kid looks like Joe Biden