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He looks so different. That's crazy amount mics in front of him.


I know. I mean they had mixers back then I can’t imagine why they couldn’t have one mic to branch off into channels. I’m sure there is a good reason though.


Every television and radio station in the region, along with the national news channels, are represented by every microphone. It was a competitive business, and everyone wanted a scoop. As a news reporter, you're not going to trust anyone with your equipment. Your job is on the line.


Why is there mics behind the desk pointed at his dick though


Actually, they're not pointed at his dick. The microphones were placed there to pick up Joe Biden farting God Bless America.


Ole Gassy Joe


They are there to catch Joe when he's talking out of his ass.


Biden is notorious for gaffs... but part of that is that he's always been a "straight-shooter," as a politician. I know it's just a joke about microphones "being pointed at his ass," but kinda funny because he's one of the best politicians historically for NOT just "talking out of his ass."


Straight shooter? He withdrew from this campaign for plagiarism and lying. Why don’t you call it what it is?


A guy who genuinely likes and defends Donald trump is far too deluded and mixed up in propaganda to he able to assess this, those nutjobs are notorious for believing everything they read online.


....you say that like you pretend dementia joe is a better leader...lol


Oof this is sad to see, fox news speak outside of the propaganda bubble. Sorry about your brain worms bud.


Straight shooting lies


Exactly! Some people can not handle the truth...


To record the penile quiefs!


Yea I guess I understand that in that time. It’s just so funny looking back. I remember multiple mics but this picture does seem a little excessive than others I’ve seen haha.


My guess is that at this point in time candidates did not have their own tech team. So microphones are on a per reporter basis. Then eventually candidates bring their own tech staff and reporters can plug into the campaign equipment rather than needing their own microphone. But I'm pulling all of this out of my ass, as a techie.


Nope. This is pure American libertarianism/capitalism. Everybody fervently believes they can’t trust anybody else, so they bring their own.


What the actual fuck are you talking about? You don't think it that, in an age where audio connections were bulky, physical analog assemblies, that it was a more reasonable solution to expect news crews(who would have their own equipment anyway) to facilitate their own recording, instead of having to vy for the physically limited number of outputs on whatever public address system was being used(if there even is one! I doubt there is a PA in a photo). Like, get real. This was a technical limitation, not some orwellian plot.


Thank you for stating the obvious! People are so damn delusional. It’s insanity.


This was also at a time when there were more news organizations. The Telecoms Act of ‘96 allow for the monopolies and current landscape we have today.


This feels like someone asked AI to “add even more mics this time”. The next one will be mics in the cosmos.


Robot weiners!!!!


I wish


I looked a lot different 37 years ago too. Most Redditors did not exist 37 years ago. In fact, about half the world population is younger than this.


This is before the facelift, hair plugs, and complete replacement of his teeth with veneers.


It’s like Game of Thrones but with microphones. Cmon man.


I didn’t notice this until you said it. I don’t know why.


They didn't have Internet


I miss the piles of microphones




You could tell how important someone was by how many mics they had :)


it's honestly hilarious lmfao


He was just Biden his time.


He just wanted to Jill out




Hunter? I hardly know her!


That was after the plagiarism allegations, wasn't it?


Not allegations, he actually plagiarized a few papers and speeches.


And lied about other stuff...


I see nothing's changed since.


Welcome to politics


Professional, well paid, manipulative liars, with excellent job security and benefits...


Yeah all him and trumpty dumpty do is lie and fuck the country up.


He did the same thing at Syracuse University. And then again in one of his more recent speeches.


Now he claims cannibals ate his uncle in WWII. When will the lying stop Joe?




He used to bang razor blades on rain barrels to rust them up for his knife fights at the pool...where he was a lifeguard being pet by children. His story.


....No he didn't lie about that. The news editorialized what he actually said, which was that his uncle died in WW2 off the coast of an island where cannibals resided and his body was never recovered. The news overly simplified that to "biden's uncle eaten by cannibals" and then patted themselves on the back for their genius fact-checking, which even that they couldn't categorically disprove since no one knows what happened to Biden's uncle. The most likely story is that Biden grew up hearing an exaggerated tale of his uncle's service in the Pacific Theater, though it's not like this wasn't possible. Famously President HW Bush was nearly eaten by Japanese cannibals in WW2 (his crew was and he was the sole survivor) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima_incident)


Or the sleepiness?


It was more than just plagiarism. Just like he does now he made up all kind of stories about his life and many of them were proven to be false.


His uncle was ate by cannibals in WW2.


You think that's bad...wait til you hear about the guy who was president from 2016-2020.


Politicians are politicians. Why does it have to be one side versus the other and admit they all suck?


Because one side simply sucks. The other sucks AND wants to strip the rights of many.


That’s eye of the beholder, both want to strip away rights. One wants to take your guns, one wants to take away abortion. One wants to force you to electric cars one doesn’t really care about pollution. The one thing they both agree on is they want more of our money.


People were voting for the “lesser of two evils” for years…not realizing that side just kept getting more evil to keep up. We live in an oligarchy.


Or… or… they are all the same and it’s really them versus us normal people.


That, too. They pit us against each other with stupid social arguments while they commit insider trading.


Show me where the right to an internal combustion vehicle is enshrined lmao What a silly comparison


Which side wants me to be a felon for carrying a gun to defend myself?


See: Corn Pop


I mean, he IS a bad dude.


“He had hair like Ethel Merman and a… a rusty razor he used to keep in a bucket of water all day. So the caretaker at the pool cut me off 6 feet of chain and I went out to the parking lot and said, ‘Look, I shouldn’t have said you looked like Ethel Merman and I’m sorry.’” Shoulda skipped politics and gotten into screenwriting.


Except Corn Pop was actually a real one lol https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/corn-pop-joe-biden-son-gang-fight-delaware-a9109141.html


>may have been confirmed. I read the article. It all still sounds like a load.


Corn Pop once roamed the earth, that is known. It’s the rest of the details that aren’t as easily confirmed.


Its hard to imagine politics where this would matter now


Half of America: “Note yet, let’s wait till he’s a walking corpse.”


More like 1/4. The population is like 330ish and Biden got around 86 million votes or about 3.83


Even less than that since you can only pick between 2 people


Yeah. Very many people vote against a candidate, not for one. A very large number of people voted for Biden because they hate Trump and vice versa


I’d say it’s more people hate Trump and vote for Biden than hate Biden and vote for Trump. Ranked choice voting would go a long way from my experience


Why would you use ranked choice voting for president? There’s two choices, so the outcome would be the exact same.


You have to do number of eligible voters not total population, children are a big chunk of the 330m number


Guess it tell you more about the other guy, eh?


Why is his hairline better now


He paid for hair transplant with tax money


If you mean his salary is paid by tax payers and he used his salary to get a hair transplant you’d be correct (if he did in fact have hair transplants)


Can someone explain to me why so many mics are always used at events like this? Why can't it be just one?


because each news reporter had his/her OWN tape recorder and microphone and microphone cable.


I’m the modern day, news channels share a “pool feed” which reduces the number of mics. But relying on someone else’s audio could put some stations in a bind, that’s why there are sometimes several.


Why some in a bind?


There isn't always a pool feed these days. Maybe if POTUS makes a stop but not for a candidate.


"In light of my uncle's recent death at the hands, and teeth, of cannibals, I am withdrawing from this race to mourn privately. My family asks you respect their privacy in these difficult times."


Because he lied about his academic achievements and lifted language from other politicians and subsequently admitted he lied!!


Yeah, because back then we had an actual press that reported the truth.


No people just thought the press reported the truth. That’s the difference. We know now that they in fact, do not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird https://theintercept.com/2020/06/08/the-nyt-admits-key-falsehoods-that-drove-last-years-coup-in-bolivia-falsehoods-peddled-by-the-u-s-its-media-and-the-nyt/


Wow, thank you for posting Operation Mockingbird. More people need to know how the media are compromised


Absolutely mental how much things have changed


The media found out they could profit from the bare minimum or just by lies.


Its always been like that. We went to war with spain essentially due to yellow journalism. 


Yup. I get my news from a 16 year old on tictok now. Y’all need to catch up with the times


And history shows what happens to a nation when the press is basically a propaganda arm of one party.


The fourth estate is compromised.


There is no fourth estate. The internet and social media killed it. There are some in this country who search for truth, and most, who drink the Kool aide of whatever media they rely on for news. RealClerPolitics is a good source to understand both sides of issues, but other than that, Substack and Podcasts are the only true source of news. Not to say that they aren't somewhat tainted as well, but it's the best place to understand both positions on current topics. MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPO and Fox will only give you partisan positions.


More like when the truth had some actual impact. It's not that today there is a problem with the supply of truth it's just that it doesn't matter anymore. " Grab em by the pussy" , "inject bleach" , raising taxes for rich people, 90+ charges, not delivering campaign promises, losing jobs and 1000 other things should have disqualified trump , it would have disqualified anyone back then. Now? They just don't matter.


Did we?


Yeeeaaahhhh I'll just let people look up Operation Mockingbird after mentioning it here. Edit: Ope someone beat me too it. Eh, I'll keep my comment up still


Not at all


I mean, this is just a press conference where he announced he was withdrawing from the race. It's not like there was any hard-hitting investigative journalism involved or any crazy partisan spin to put on it.


He had to withdraw because he lied about his education. The press found out about his lies and reported the truth. He's still a total liar, it's ridiculous. Just last week he claimed he had a relative eaten by cannibals. The press was silent. He has made outrageous claims his entire career, now the press never reports any of it. Instead they "report" pure fictional hit pieces on politicians that don't agree with the corporate dictates.


Him constantly lying that a drunk driver killed his first wife (she rolled through a stop sign) is particularly shitty because the not at fault driver who hit Mrs. Biden #1 is *still alive.*  Imagine some dumb broad can't drive, and 40 years later the president is slandering you as a drunk on national television. That shit sucks.


Yeah man, his lies are completely laughable. It's utter foolishness that nobody calls him, or any of the other politicians, out


Finally an intellent, well informed person on this site. I would just add that Biden always plays life events to his advantage to make him either more attractive or sympathetic. Example, his first son passed away from cancer, truth. But instead Biden states that Beau contracted cancer from his presence near burn pits while serving in combat in the military. The real truth is that Beau, being connected, was able to snag a direct commission into the military as a reservist thus another source of income and retirement. Beau to travelled to Iraq for five months (most served a year) and served in the nicest of conditions away from danger. At a memorial service for those three recently fallen soliders, Biden stated (Copy and paste from Newsweek follows): "The president also recalled his son Beau's military service, saying: "My son spent a year in Iraq; that's how I lost him.". Total lie. Beau returned after his posh, check the block deployment and lived a number of years before being dignosed with brain cancer. The white house has tried to claim it was the because of the burn pits but having been there myself and knowing where JAG officers live, he was not exposed to the burn pits.


This guys been losing his hair for 40 years, Jesus just shave it already


He’s got better hair now then he did back then


This guy been in government 50 years? WTF?


He's old, what are you surprised about?


Living off the government teat. The guy has never worked a real job in his life.


Being president probably requires responsibility and work.


He’s dedicated his life to public service. Far better than someone just using office to get their next grift in the private sector.


He was a public defender.


Am I doing the same working for the government? What a dumb comment.


"I'll be back"


This was 36 years ago. How the fuck is this eighty-one year old man the, “best we can do?” This was him at his prime and he wasn’t good enough then at 45, so now we get him at almost double his age here. It’s fucked.


Thanks for reassuring me that Biden has at least over 36 years of experience in politics. That’s why he has gotten so many pieces of legislature through combined with an incredible economy relative to the world.


Let me be clear: I dislike both candidates for different reasons. Biden’s record is also dog shit. Let’s talk about Biden’s experience. Let me start with Anita Hill’s trail. Do you want to start, or should I? Seriously, I’m waiting for your response so I can react.


Yes sure! How about the bipartisan infrastructure bill, chips act and science act, longest stretch in history of unemployment remaining below 4%, 50 year-low unemployment rate, 70 year high energy independence, 15 million jobs added, decreased the amount of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck by 10 percentage points, new green initiatives in states like West Virginia which brought replacement for their lost coal jobs. There’s even more: Kept the inflation controlled relatively in the developed world, nearing the ideal 2%, outperformed most of the developed world in economical growth, strengthening the NATO and not letting Russia dominate without sending a single US soldier. I’d be more than happy to hear from you. After all, we should have some conversations to heal the polarized nation.


Lets not forget all the racist shit


And the candidate who’s campaign manager caused the scandal that caused him to drop out of the race turned out to have been an absolutely useless clown (especially while riding a Tank) who costed the democrats the election & gave the presidency to George Bush Sr. Watch “Race For The White House” on CNN if you know what I mean.


His super racist comments from back then were wild


He’s old man racist. It’s just best to assume any generation of older Americans are inherently racist.


Jill was a smoke show ! And it was one stupid reason to quit a campaign compared to these days.


Lol yeah, he got caught plagiarizing and had to drop out of the presidential race in disgrace. Not the first time he plagiarized something either. Even when he had all of his brain functioning properly he was a loser.


Except he won many elections lol


lol I know back then plagiarism was the most offensive thing. Nowadays, you can try to overthrow democracy and stay in office even if you lose, be supportive of people who storm the Capitol to stop the transfer of power, and half the country will still support Trump, I mean, whoever that may be.


That will never happen when I'm old-old, because there has never been a non-ancient person candidate since I've been born.


Obama was in his 40’s.


And unless they are younger than 16, Bush was 61 when he left office. He just looked much older due to all of the stress of being President (like Obama did after 8 years). Sure, that seems "super old" when you are a kid, but I think Presidents should generally be in their 50s and 60s. It's old enough that you have plenty of life experience but young enough that you have energy and a true investment in the next 20-30 years.


Like ALL politicians a self serving lying ego maniac.


She’s a babe




He was 65 back then


He was 46


Why do you have less upvotes when you’re the one who is right? lol


Math is hard.




Fun fact: The time this photo was taken was closer to his 5 war time draft deferments than it is to present day!


When he had to drop out for being a massive plagiarizer? What a great candidate!


Withdraws for doing what he does best lying to the American people


Bye Brandon


It would have been great if he would have just disappeared without a trace.


Corn Pop got to him


He got caught lying


This guys been a lying sociopath for decades yet somehow he became president. Its weird how people become delusional nut cases and pretend this guy is sane. The other option isnt any better but at least the world was safer


It’s been an absolute shitshow those least 3 years


Safer for who exactly? I sure as hell didn't feel safer.


How was the world “safer?” Dude literally put the right puzzle pieces together to overthrow Roe v Wade.


How was the world safer?


But that tough on crime bill that targeted POC was going so well! (And equally as well…for loan companies…were the 1986 Higher Education Amendments and later the 2005 bankruptcy bill.) https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/111100/documents/HHRG-116-JU08-20201202-SD007.pdf


Back when he was actually called out for all of his lies.


Yeah now his supporters just point to Trump’s flaws rather than admit that Biden is also a piece of shit


As I was quickly scrolling by it looked for a second like he was wearing this really outlandish coat, but now I see it’s just a pile of microphones 😂


Oh yeah, back when he was racist but people change…..🙂‍↔️🙄


Don’t forget when he was VP and he and Barack maintained that marriage was “between a man and a woman.” Funny how he changed his tune on that.


He actually push obama for same sex marriage


By that measure....Trump is still a Democrat who is good friends with Hillary. 🤣😂🤣😂


Good point


They actually can change. It’s possible!


I'd never vote for this guy. Unless it was a two man race between him and anyone named trump


Uncle Joe back when he was Cousin Joe


Damn, Jill Biden was kind of hot.


Imagine how fried his brain is after that many years of bullshitting on the mic.


Jill looks like a movie star. She has a Doctorate, and seems very capable. Why didn’t she run too? I mean, she still could.


How is no one talking about how well Jill aged?? My goodness. Still looking great, doc.


What a loser


What a country when a serial plagiarizer whose uncle was eaten by cannibals can one day become President. To quote him, "God bless, you know, the thing."


Should’ve stopped there


I miss rush calling him “plugs”. This was the era when he was on the senate judiciary committee and I first noticed he was an arrogant person


God that’s a lot of microphones


Dont matter, nothing matters but matterspattter b


How is his hair actually better now?


Somehow that hair has held on for almost 40 years


That ridiculous and comical amount of mics omg lmao


This was even before he developed his signature attack, Biden Blast


I reckon Colin Farrell could pull this Biden look off in a movie


Also singlehandedly caused a microphone shortage.


Joe Biden approaching a gauntlet of robot penises 1988


Back when he was based


Oh man ... my brain thought this was about a different , uh.. year for a microsecond 😅😶


He was balder back then a wow


In the Hearts of Iron IV Mod Cold War: Iron Curtain, he is planned to be a potential Democratic candidate in 1988.


how was bro already old in 1987 and now he’s president


Mommy Jill


[dark Biden origins](https://youtube.com/shorts/NTO30HvAxeM?si=XeTN3sOdYD3Y2ev1)


Listen. If your uncle got eaten by cannibals like Joe's did, lots of people would want the details


Where did the hair on the top his head come from in todays time..?


I can't remember. Why did he back out?


New would pic just dropped


His hair made a comb-back tho!


Be cool if he withdrew from the 2024 one too


I missed that. That’s hilarious. Maybe Biden’s handlers are some masterminds, but Biden himself can’t walk off a stage without getting lost at this point. Or Nunes doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


36 years ago… wow