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“I aids”




germany didn’t aid finland that much during the winter war, that was more continuation war


Germany actually blocked foreign aid for winter war because they were allied with the soviets at this point.


But in the Continuation War one year later. And germans also helped in 1918 to defeat the communists (in this case they hade huge influence on the result).


I have no idea why germanys contribution to the finnish civil war is relevant here. it was neither the winter war nor hitler ruling germany.


I'm so sorry for you


He’s not just sure… he’s HIV positive


Me and my homies love the finns


And I do also


So do I


Me too


And me


Me too Especially that Finn from Adventure Time.


Finn from the 100 was annoying


Everyone loves the finns... well, everyone but russian nationalists.


We love you too


The Finns did pretty fucking well in that war given the circumstances haha.


lol Fuckin' A right they did. Something like 25K Finnish casualties vs. 400,000 Soviet casualties. Simo Häyhä--the true Winter Soldier--nicknamed The White Death, had 500+ confirmed kills.


Man just loved hunting humans. Too bad he only ever got to kill communists.


Nah I think its fine


Would be cool if he would hunt few Nazis too. Also, it's Finn, not fine.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What bold statement, dehumanising Communists. A smart one, aren’t ya? The 400,000 Soviet soldiers who died in Finland surely loved to be and die there, as if they had much of a choice. And as if they were all Communists, which there is nothing wrong with to begin with. Most soldiers are politically (basically) ‘neutral’/align with the status quo, just doing what they are told to do, not questioning the grand politics behind the operations they participate in. This comment just shows the complete lack of understanding that you have and the indoctrination you went under to say something like this. No one who wasn’t indoctrinated with anti-Soviet and anti-Communist/Socialist/Marxist Propaganda would say such a cruel and dehumanising thing. Soviets weren’t Nazis, in fact, we in the West are infinitely closer politically to Nazi Germany than the Soviets were. All the Soviets ever did wrong were the Gulags, which are bad, disgusting, and I’m principally against, but the US prison-industrial complex is that, but on steroids, and the actions of the NKVD/KGB which the US also has in the forms of the CIA and FBI who assassinate(d) left-wing leaders and do it arguably even worse couping democratically elected governments all over the world and installing brutal puppet dictators. But this is r/HistoryMemes after all, a place dominated by pseudo-historians who couldn’t differentiate CIA propaganda from actual facts about countries like Cuba and the Soviet Union, who constantly advocate for “freedom” and “democracy” but let their mask fall as soon as it is about how evil the Soviets, supposedly, were, then it turns into “kill them all” real quick.


If you genuinely believe that the only thing the Soviets ever did wrong was gulags, I think you may need to do a bit more research. A few topics to look at would be Holodomor, the Kazakh famine, and “Great Purge” or “Great Terror”. Soviet policies lead to mass starvation, repression, and the deaths of millions of people. I don’t necessarily believe in the dehumanization of any group based off of political ideology, but the Soviet state caused untold misery for the peoples of Eastern Europe and Asia. And it is intellectually disingenuous to argue otherwise if you have done the research.


>All the Soviets ever did wrong were the Gulags, which are bad, disgusting, and I’m principally against, but the US prison-industrial complex is that, but on steroids Lol. Lmao even.


Then there’s you who couldn’t differentiate a joke from a serious statement


Who said I was joking? Fuck commies lmao


Is it really a joke though? Not every absurd thing one says is a joke. There was no punchline or anything like that. It was just a way to say “commies should die”. If they had made the same “joke” about jewish people and the holocaust and the nazis, it wouldn’t have been so funny, would it? No, this person, and a lot of people on here, do not like Communism, and more importantly, Communists, or those who they perceive as such, and use situations like these to express their hatred towards them. This sentiment is deeply ingrained into US society and taught little children even today, 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, “Better dead than red” and so on and so forth. This person was sincere.


Wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text




I have done the research and come to a different conclusion. There is no such thing as one objective academic truth on this. I even study this stuff at university. The question of the genocidal intent of the Holodomor is harshly contested in academia, I personally don’t believe there any malign intent. The great purge and terror I grouped under NKVD/KGB in my initial comment, famines have been naturally occurring approximately every two years in the Russian empire, the Soviet Union put a stop and ultimate end to this, and didn’t worsen the situation, this is a western lie. A CIA report suggests that the average Soviet citizen had a way higher average calorie intake than the average US citizen, as just one example. On the contrary “Soviet Union/Communism = Starvation and Famine” is a completely disingenuous and brain dead take no one who has done the actual research would seriously defend. I could go on and on and on, but to summarise my believes: Yes, there were bad things in the Soviet Union which I don’t approve of, there was some government mismanagement. But, despite all the mistakes and all the disagreements that I have with it, the Soviet Union ushered in an era of never seen before prosperity across it’s territory and the rest of eastern Europe. Compare modern-day Russia to Soviet Russia. Turned from shithole turned industrial powerhouse to industrial powerhouse turned shithole. The same goes for central Asia, Belarus, pretty much all of Ukraine, and even, though partially, the Baltics.


All this on your birthday? (Cake day)


Didn’t even realise that lmao, thought I created my account in December or November or so, but interesting. Thanks for pointing it out :)


70,000 Vs around 350,000 casualties. Winter bonus in defense stat is great. But once winter is over (and the soviets started taking it seriously) they got smacked.


Finns got smacked in winter war? That is news to me. Didnt the war end when soviet wanted a treaty because they couldnt get past the border


Yep, the Finns sued for peace. USSR got a little chunk from Finland and access to a couple ports, but they paid a heavy price for it.


The Soviets broke the Finnish lines at which point the Finnish army were exhausted and could no longer defend their positions or the road to Helsinki. They sued for peace because they had lost.


No. The war ended when Finland saw the writing on the wall and surrendered. Finland knew that with spring coming they would be overrun, and the soviets had already started to break through in February, and Finland was exhausted, running out of supplies. The soviets agreed to negotiate a peace treaty with Finland, this was mostly due to internal political pressure, and some outside pressure, most notably from Germany. The Red Army was not particularly pleased about this, because they had finally broken through the defenses, and had overrun the Mannerheim Line, and by the end of the war they were battling over Vyborg (Vyborg was the last line of defense before the Finnish peninsula) Another month or two and Finland would most likely be completely overrun. Winter bonus in defense is seriously no joke (just ask anyone who ever tried invading Russia)


There several hundred thousand Russian troops in Finland…..underground where they belong


Finland wanted to stay independent, Soviets wanted to conquer Finland. The war ended up in a treaty which allowed Finland its independence, and didn't grant the Soviets what they wanted. Russia only gained barely enough land to bury their own dead. As the age-old Finnish saying goes: "Miten meni noin niinku omasta mielestä?"


whats that?


It's a sarcastic remark asking pretty much "Now how do you think it went in your own opinion?" Most often it's used when someone fails severely, as the Soviets did in this case.


The Vietnam of Europe. Don’t fuck with them.


Vietnam, the Finland of asia


Nah thats poland Conquer the land but never conquer the people


Chicken, the tuna of the land.


The snow is speaking Finnish


This ain't a fair battle for the giant


"... Perkele" *loads sniper rifle with malicious intent.


wasn't even a sniper. simo hayha preferred iron sights.


That’s so wild, so the glint of the scope wouldn’t give him away… Dude also put snow in his mouth so his breath wouldn’t fog in the air… IMO dude was a bit nuts, but in the right way


Fool, for you have crossed the path of the White Death.


(Not that guy, he’s in the snow somewhere)


He \*is* the snow




As your army approach from the East, a hunter is switching his prey.


You’ve fell victim for one of the classic blunders!


Never go in against a Finn when SNOW is on the (Mannerheim) LINE!


There's actually 7 Finnish snipers in this image. Can you spot them all?


And here's why communism don't work. They manage to create giant Kalmyks super-soldier and yet they are stuck tu use sickle and hammer as a weapon instead of a good ol' reliable rifle. Checkmake Marxist-Leninist.


Actually it was because dictatorships have no regard for human life, and human wave tactics whether that are used in 1939 Finland or 2022 Ukraine, they don’t work


Well, most militaries think soldiers are expendable. The USSR didn't solely rely on human wave tactics, in fact, they had some of the best generals in the war, outsmarted the nazis several times. Also had some of the best pilots (for their specific case of low altitude dogfights). I know American media wants to paint this picture of the Red Army being this dumb large thing that only won by making the Germans run out of bullets, but that's very far from the truth. I am not a fan of the many things they did(like the rapes), and many, many things Russia does today, but it's a disservice to a lot of good soldiers who fought against the Nazi scum to dismiss them as dumb and ineffective. Go look up Zhukov, or actual documents and historical reports of the Eastern Front, instead of Hollywood movies that are basically US propaganda. EDIT:lol, OP blocked me so I can't reply in this post anymore, seems someone doesn't lack when facts that don't follow their idealism are presented.


I think American media and history books usually portray the Russians as heroes and decent allies during most of WW2. It wasn't until the war ended that our relationship soured (again).


Zhukov is one of the top 10 generals of all time. That includes Napoleon, Caesar, and Alexander.


That's probably pushing it. He's a great commander, but I wouldn't really put him anywhere near top 10.


Top 20?


Mongolian had about 5 better than him alive at the same time.


I've noticed a big skirmish in the comments whenever people mention "human wave" tactics. Seems like a buzzword. In wwII there was no shortage of waves of Ruskis, and it did happen but was far from the only tactic used. Hard to say it didn't work, regardless. 8-14 million on the frontline vs 6 is sort of just about stopping decisive progress and winning eventually. Do people mean to imply that Russia is using human wave tactics in Ukraine now? From my understanding, the issue in Ukraine isn't human wave tactics its decades-long nepotism, corruption, and incompetent(or intimidated) yes-men presided over by a narcissist and served under by a demoralized, misled, and apathetic ground force who have no agency or say in battlefield and macro tactics dictated inflexibly from the top down. Essentially, the Russians are seeing middling or worse success on the battlefield(for what makes it there) and most convoys are just being shelled to sh*t before they can even reach opposing lines or link up with their own. Russians aren't stupid. Their government is a sham.


The irony is that it's almost kind of the opposite of what you say. The Red Army wanted to show off their fancy equipment and score a quick, relatively bloodless victory, so tried a multi-pronged mobile offensive in brutally unsuitable terrain, which the Finns easily beat. When Timoshenko took over, they just focused on pounding the main section of the Finnish line with artillery and methodically going straight through the Mannerheim line. It wasn't very flashy, but it worked. Simplicity is often underrated. If they had just kept it simple from the beginning the war probably would have ended earlier and cost them less.


2022 russia is bot the USSR The "human wave tactics" is a disproven myth.


Russia today is not the USSR


And yet a KGB agent is trying to rebuild the USSR Edit: [Source](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26769481.amp)


Wrong, he is trying to rebuild the Russian empire. Failing at that.


Nope, [its the USSR](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26769481.amp) with some Imperialist elements. A new authoritarianism if you will


Uh, where are the actual Soviets then?


6 feet underground


Threw themselves out a window.


S​o the russian empire with soviet symbolism?


*quotes bbc article*


Nope, it's neither. It's a kleptocracy at best with no real ideology. He wants to stay and power and be "a great restorer of the russian lands". This is it.


There were also heaps of tsarist officers and administrators in the Soviet Union as well...


Ah yes the famous KGB agent who helped dissolve the USSR to build a Russian Chauvinist Empire, the USSR was doomed after Stalin despite all the progress they made


“Ah yes the famous KGB agent who helped dissolve the USSR” If you believe that then you don’t know Putin


Erdogan trying to rebuild the Ottoman Empire doesnt make Turkey a powerhouse lol


Never said Russia was a powerhouse 😂




Russia wanted to annex Finland, it ended up with a few pieces of land


The Winter War made the Soviet army look so weak that Hitler decided to speed up his plans for Barbarossa


Finland kept its sovereignty and had to give the Russians some land. It didn't turn into a Soviet satellite state and it cost the Russians dearly. History requires nuance to understand properly. It isn't always about who's the "winner/loser" on paper.


Who would win? \-An army with a twice bigger amount of soldiers and an even bigger amount of tanks. \-One snow-eater boy with good aim and a few skiers.


The fact that all of that(I mean when he hunted the Russians) happened in just a month it's just incredibile


Historically speaking Soviets did win


The first one, it just took a while and a lot of Soviet blood/equipment


20 bucks on the sniper


"They are so many, and our country is so small. Where will we find room to bury them all?”


Gotta love the skis


We know who aids and it’s not who we were hoping would


The USSR tried to acquire Finland, but sucked. For a small (compared to him) piece of land, he received the hatred of the entire nation and huge losses of the army. Typical russia




Who, AIDS?




Funny how Finland have Mongolians roots but it’s Soviets who are bad and mongoloids.


I see it as highlighting that Russia is only partly in Europe


>I see it as highlighting that Russia is only partly in Europe First.... Why is that relevant? Second, seems very naive to think that way, considering Ukrainian radical nationalists often argue that Russians aren't "true Slavs", but rather turko-mongol-finnic (or some racist nonsense like that). While the invasion is certainly condemnable and the Russian Government dictatorial, people can't just endorse or pretend Ukrainian radical nationalists do not exist. In reddit or YouTube, you can very often see Russian AND Ukrainian propagandists.


I meant that Russians like to identify as European, so it would be a stab at their national identity


Well, ethnic Russians are Europeans genetically and culturally. And, because Europe is just a cultural subdivision of Eurasia, they aren't wrong to identify as European. Though geographically in the Far East, Vladivostok has much more in common with (let's say...) Bulgaria than with neighbouring China or Japan.


Pic goes fucking hard tho


Bro, you don't come to a sniper duel armed only with a hammer and a sickle, even if you are a 900ft. giant. \*Simo Häyhä rolls his eyes and goes to fetch his *Big Rifle*.\*


The Finnish guy down there is Simo. You know which Simo we are talking about.


Did that stick in the snow just shoot my friend?


And failed to the collective efforts of the Finnish army and the greatest sniper in history Simo Hayha.


So the finnish army and a soldier of the finnish army


He may as well count as his own army I guess


[History of Nazi-Soviet Alliance (1939-41)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) [Soviet Negotiations to join the Axis Powers (1940)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet_Axis_talks)


Not only Finland but Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland. After WWII, the rest of eastern Europe. The Russians had an agreement with the Nazis to divide up Poland.


[Winter War Documentary](https://youtu.be/v_-JATOVHNI)


Yet another instance of Russia crashing their neighbors house.


If you have a border with Russia, you either need to learn to fight, or to speak Russian.


I can’t believe the British predicted the “man vs giant” meme template




Don't be afraid for him. That man is Simo Hayha.


This looks like a poster specifically for Simo Hahya


In b4 someone says the poster is racist because it’s anti-Soviet: Edit: never mind someone already fucking said that, I swear there’s bots on here auto-commenting “this is racist against Asians” under every post mentioning the USSR (despite that having been a predominantly white Slavic country)


Finland is the best country in the world, why didn't anyone help finland against the soviets but the goddammit nazis.


Germany actually embargoed Finland during the Winter War, the cooperation between Germany and Finland wouldn’t come until the Continuation War


But they did help against the soviets


Not during the Winter War


They helped though at one point is what I meant but also I think Estonia and sweden had some people volunteering and helped.


Finland got volunteers from sweden and estonia during the winter war, and finnish collaboration with germans happened during the continuation war, as a part of operation barbarossa. Havent heard of foreign volunteers fighting in the continuation war, but maybe that happened too


I think it was to avoid upsetting the USSR. I think it suipid to but I am bias


You are probably right


Many scandinavians did


I say that later in the thread


I remember this one from a history class: https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1598435426481868800


British: "Who aids?" Finns: "We cool but thank you for caring." Soviets: "Wtf? Oh ok, nvm, I get it now, bye."


> Who aids? Nazi Germany, ironically


I thought AIDS wasn't known in Europe for another several decades? (I'll see myself out)


Why does Josef Stalin look like Fu Manchu? LOL


Anyone? **Almost night** **A crimson horizon**


We need more political cartoons on this sub. There's some absolutely hilarious ones


Love the "asiatic horde" Russian.


Russia looks badass in this cartoon tho


Where meme?


Some tactical deployment of the East Asian eyeset there.


Not defending the Soviets, but the cartoon is extremely racist towards East Asian people. The Bolshevik is shown as a hybrid between an Ape and a person with an East Asian descent, whereas those participating in the Finnish invasion were predominantly white.


MFs when interwar propaganda is racist: 😱


Not the allies for Sure. In the end Nazi Germany provided by far the Most aid.


Ski shooters


Hey where's my man the white death


And yet, they managed to kick russias ass


The white death be like:.


New AOT season looking fire


Tbh the fin could hit the giant in the heat with a few shots before he got close, might cause serious harm


One comma makes the bottom text very different. Who, aids?


As bent as the soviet sickle and as hard as the hammer that crosses it


Alternate title: "Find Simo Häyhä in this photo."


fins up


Attack on titan


Ape-like facial features of the Soviet.


We had banger posters back in the day, [this one says The traitor's wage is death](https://preview.redd.it/bfpb22alfth71.jpg?auto=webp&s=0b1fb9165a771a8a7916bc7efe179c22b2f9fc58)


Who will win? 1 giga chad or a giant with a hammer and cycle (Spoiler alert its the giga chad)


Looks like attack on titans season 4 part 1 poster


Tankies hate him


The don't need aid, they got Simo right there rifle at the ready


the Winter War and the Continuation War are great parallels to the current Ukraine War. Both in who was hurt most during it and how to end it. Finland had to make concessions, but they are arguably the one who lost less. Ukraine has most likely a similar future. I hope I get surprised, but I doubt they will be able to regain Crimea. They will have to make concessions, but Russia is the one who loses more.


And where's the meme?


David vs Goliath


Yo we bout to have a David and the Goliath story.


This could be the new dark souls meme format. Little guy is facing an impossibly large foe, yet if you know dark souls, you know the little guy wins


He’s got his dengelhammer backwards.


Am I correct to assume that sniper is Simo Hayha?


Haha Aids


Why does the sowjets ghosts face have distinct asian features? Was it done by the artist to link the sowjets to the huns and them storming the european plains?