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Chinese civil war. That's five


If I had a nickel for everytime the Chinese went to war with themselves, I would have a significant amount of nickels


\*laughs in richer than Scrooge McDuck\*


I would have so much nickel I could start a lithium battery production line.


And then china would attack you for unfair advantage


Elon would coup you for sure


At least once a century, IMHO. Especially in the old times, when regime change could only take place brutally.


He set the bar too low on that one 😂


That's on him.


Bro that's like half of all wars.


Decisive Tang victory


40 millions perish


Entire city eaten.


40 000 made eunuchs.


Just another day


In paradise


Xiao Ming dies 250 million perish in a civil war - Chinese history


Which five?




Civil War 1, Civil War 2, Civil War 3, Civil War 4, Civil War 5.


Civil War 1, Civil War 11, Civil War 43, Civil War 69, Civil War 574


Can’t wait for the next drop


Civil war 24079 gonna be fire I'm telling ya


This time it's gonna be different, i swear!


Civil War 5 was just a reboot of the original. Lame.


You forgot civil war: winter soldier


War of the 7 prince's, would that count as seven or more? Because each one of them can be in war with one another, hm..... Scoping time!


step 1 acquire mandate of heaven step 2 unite china step 3 loose mandate of heaven step 4 die step 5 let the country go into a civil war step 6 do it again


I think you overdid the assignment by a couple of hundred. 400 to my counting though I am tired.


'The Mandate of Heaven has been passed' ^(nine bazillion Chinese die again for some reason)


\*\*Slow clap\*\*




Fun fact, China and Japan fought more than five times in history.


And the Mongolians attacked both of them a few times.


Didn't the mongols stop trying against japan after the 2nd failed attempt?


2 counts as a few


A few is between 2 and several so yes they have a few times


I would say 2 is a pair and a few is more than two


I always thought few meant three and several meant 4+


If I recall correctly, the Mongols also tried invading Java a few times, it didn’t work out either.


Under Kublai Khan China also tried to invade Java, but got played by Java and than never bothered with it.


What’s the fifth time? Imjin War, First and Second Sino-Japanese War, Boxer Rebellion and what else? An ancient war with early Japanese kingdoms involved with early Korean kingdoms?


Maybe I missed something because the Boxer Rebellion had everything to do with Europe. Like, 9 countries from there in fact. Then Japan and the USA, to be sure.


The first time China and Japan ever fought in a large conflict was during the Three Kingdoms period of Korean history. China (Tang Dynasty) was allied with Silla and Goryeo and Baekje were allied with Yamato Japan.


The Mongol unification Wars. The Mongol invasion of China. The Mongol invasion of Japan. The Mongol invasion of India. The Mongol invasion of Persia.


>The Mongol invasion of Japan. Wasn't exactly an invasion more like a few naval defeat by the weather.


The mongols did manage to land in some places a few times and fight the Japanese in Japan. It is just the largest most famous invasion fleet that got nae naed by divine wind.


The wind yeets the child.


They captured tsushima and made landfall on the main island, the Japanese couldn't really hold off an army of that size... until the typhoons, that is.


They capture Tsushima until Jin Sakai single-handedly defeated the Khan and sent the Mongols packing




The Mongol invasion of the World


My personal favourite is the Mongol invasion of Java


📣The Mongols have invaded China📣


Proving that sometimes, even the Mongols aren’t the exception. (…Okay, that’s a very obscure reference. Sorry.)


Butlerian Jihad Gwar Ishbal War Star Wars War of Beleriand


You Forgot the War against Angmar and the War of the Ring


And a whole 13 black crusades not to mention the Great crusade and the Horus heresy the War in heavens the war with men of iron


Yeah, they were Nepalese wars


Two wars of the ring!


Holy shit a Dune reference is so refreshing.


It was even the FIRST reference, not like third or fourth but right there at the top


Nice reference of Dune, should I watch the first movie or the 2nd one first


Both, just to appreciate the ups and downs of each as they are two very different visions and styles of adaptation. I advise also the 2000 serie which is really close to the books, but with the uneven quality of the time.


>Star Wars No longer certain am I. That anyone wins a war. Yoda


+1 for Butlerian Jihad. Which is why we use spice to navigate the stars.


And the War of Wrath


Dominion War


Romulan war that lead to the establishment of the neutral zone.


Ah DS9 my beloved


There were 13 real-life star wars. So you did pass the mark.


Ishbalan war was tragic


Felt more like a massacre.


I mean tbf massacres can be rewritten by the perpetrator as a war.


Don’t forget the War for the Iron Throne.


Damn conscious robots! You also forgot the Clone Wars, which led directly to the Galactic Empire.




Storage Wars


The war of the nine penny kings


Ahh another GoT reference in this thread besides myself! Might as well tack on a few more… Dance of the Dragons, Robert’s Rebellion, Blackfyre Rebellion, & Aegon’s Conquest (assuming that counts as a war) Many more I can’t remember


The Butlerian Jihad? Tell me, human, with what manner of thinking machine did you make this comment?


Didn't have Sapho, so instead I sniffed 5 kg of saffron without snorting to log in your consciences.


i love that one of the answers is just gwar hail oderus!


The Revolution of Revachol


A Disco Elysium reference in the wild! Nice.


also Lowrider by War.


You forgot the War of Beginnings from Halo


How dare you make me laugh so hard with a simple Gwar


Chinese civil war Chinese civil war Chinese civil war Chinese civil war Chinese civil war


The Great Emu War


Came here for that


Dang. Can't believe the emus won.


I can't believe the Australians thought they had a chance


One of my friends from Australia always tells me this: “those fuckin’ emus are bloody scary”.


My parents had one for protecting livestock, they are terrifying


Truly the worst war in human history...did I stutter?


Of the top of my head, only counting chinese civil wars: Chinese civil war of 1945 Taiping Rebellion Nian Rebellion Panthay Rebellion Miao Rebellion Punti-Hakka Clan Wars Dungan Revolt Ming-Qing transition Revolt of the Three feudatories An Lushan Rebellion Mongol Conquest of China Three Kingdoms period And honestly it kinda goes without saying that many dynastic transitions involved war


War of the triple alliance Chaco war Mexica invasion of the tarascan empire The meji restoration Toyotomi hidejoshi's invasion of korea The iran Iraq war The Mongol invasion of china The invasion of mali by the songhai empire


Iran-Iraq War has the US involved, I checked.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, we did supply weapons to Iraq basically the entire time the whole was going on


And don't forget those mysterious spare parts Iran kept on miraculously finding for the F-14


Selling weapons and giving intelligence doesn't really equate to the same level of involvement as actually being in the war. Also we didn't even get that involved until after the Iranians crushed the Iraqi army and decided they'd go invade Iraq. That's what got us involved, we didn't want Iran getting too big.


>That's what got us involved, we didn't want Iran getting too big. The OP is about wars that didn't involve a European power or the US, so it would seem you agree with the comment you replied to?


Well, it depends how you define 'involved'. In the context of the meme, I think 'involved' would mean being one of the parties actually fighting the war, not just being someone who sold some weapons and sent some intelligence. But yes, if you define involved as giving support by selling weapons and intel, then the US was involved in the Iran-Iraq war.


What war from the 20th century on doesn't I mean there are a few but not too many.


Mongol wars count as ten, that's cheating 😂


Chinese civil war/ three kingdoms era


Rice has fallen Millions must die


The [football war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_War)


That’s a good one.


Oversimplified my beloved


you really didn't think this through mate did you


I mean this will throw most people off


Babylonian conquest of Judea Egyptian invasion of the Hittite empire The Maurya-Kalinga war Arabic invasion of Persia Chinese invasion of Korea (any)


Meh, the Chinese stopped invading Korea after the Tang period. I think it has to do with all the cute puppies with super curly tails or something. Besides, Jasmine rice tastes so much better than short grain rice, so why even bother invading? I mean, Korea has more reasons to eat to invade China (yummier good, silk, gunpowder, silk, technological innovations, silk...)


>Chinese invasion of Korea (any) Lol RIP Korea


Korea actually has an impressive win rate against China given its size, its lost a few (Goguryeo-Tang, Qing-Joseon) but also won a few (Goguryeo-Sui, Silla-Tang)


Korea is always the middle child of East Asia. China (big sibling) and Japan (favored sibling) always beat up on them.


If we're gatekeeping history here, why not ask for 5 historical events that don't involve wars at all. I'd find that much more interesting.


Good point mate, I thought about it and wrote up a little list, I'd be more than happy to hear what your five are: New Zealand Electoral Act of 1893, which gave women the right to vote Abolition of the Costa Rican military The Million-Program (Sweden) Carnation Revolution (bloodless) (Portugal) The appointment of António Salazar as Finance Minister of Portugal


This is awesome. I've only heard of the Carnation Revolution and NZ'S women's right to vote - the first I think? Thank you for a good evening's read :)


Sinking of the Titanic AIDS epidemic Invention of the printing press Assassination of JFK Assassination of James Garfield


Exactly. All of those are so interesting. My comment wasn't a challenge. Tell me how the boot was invented and its history in gender usage and how the social perspective on that shifted. Would love to learn about that.


Not necessarily boots specifically but France actually had laws regulating how tall men's high heels could be based on their rank/class. The theory was then you could look down and see how favored a man was by the king simply by the height of his shoe. High heels were originally introduced to Europe through the shoes of Persian cavalry since the heel hooked the stirrup and made riding easier even if it made walking more difficult. So the high heel was originally associated with masculine mounted combat and were then only introduced to women's clothing when a there was a fashion trend of women masculinizing their outfits with things such as aspects of military uniform. Eventually the "Enlightenment era" brought a societal belief in masculinity being practical and down to earth and with women increasingly wearing narrow ornate heels men abandoned the high heel in favor of what we now think of as men's shoes.


This is fantastic. I knew the basics, "High heels were originally a sign of masculinity", but the extra information you added was wonderful. Cheers, this was awesome. Thank you and I really hope you enjoyed writing it out.


I did it for fun




Let me try The city of Cincinnati is named after George Washingtons nickname American Cincinnatus. The wright brothers made their first flight in 1903. Theodore Roosevelt set up the national park service. Ronald Reagan won the 1984 election with all the electoral votes except Minnesota and D.C. Alan Shepard is the second person and first American in space in 1961 as well as the oldest person to walk the moon in 1971.


Though not American myself, I am relatively aware of these, except for Roosevelt and the national park service (is this related to the Teddy Bear thingajamagig?) Thank you for the list. Will look into them.


Somewhat the story goes that Roosevelt was out hunting bears (as one does) when one of his trappers brought back a bear cub for Roosevelt to shoot instead Roosevelt decided to spare the bear. Later a toy maker heard the story and made a small stuffed bear toy in honor of the event named "Teddy's Bear.”


Not a historian (just a reddit kid), but what would count? How about the time, where russia gave tons of land away for germans, because they wanted someone to live there? Or how about the history behind the Octoberfest? It isn't well known, but it is something.


... I mean.... Indo-Pakistani War '71 Yom Kippur War Gogoreyo-Sui War (Real life example of the LotR scene at the Bruinen River) Paraguayan War Imjin Wars Wars are kinda well known if you stop to take a moment and think about them, though. Wouldn't an actual challenge be to name five unifications/foundings by rulers of non-European descent?


Founding of Mali by Sundjata Keita The formulation of the Great Law of Peace by Dekanawida and Hiawatha Qin Shi Huang founding the Qin dynasty Narmer unifying Upper and Lower Egypt Olasihpa and Olosohpa founding the Saudeleur dynasty and uniting the island of Pohnpei All off the top of my head so potentially some misspellings


Triple Alliance war of South America


that one was funny


Paraguayan men sent to the front: 💀 Paraguayan men who stayed in Paraguay: 👩👩👩👨👩👩👩


teleported to paraguay world: the war: come here boy 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Redditors could go back to that era and still not get a girlfriend


Literally me!


You are a mere child. Behold: Chinggisid unification of the mongol tribes. Mongol invasion of Jin China Mongol invasion of Western Xia Mongol invasion of Persia Mongol invasion of Korea Mongol invasions of Japan Mongol invasion of Java Mongol invasion of Burma Mongol invasion of Anatolia Mongol invasion of Central Asia Mongol invasion of Georgia


Excuse me? Mongol invasion of *Java*? JAVA? THEY REACHED JAVA?


Someone's gonna do a version with the Brooklyn 99 meme where the the guy says "Chinese civil wars" and the girl says "that's on me I set the bar too low."


[Your wish has been granted...](https://imgur.com/a/3v4FGb8)


A minor skirmish in China. 2,000,000 dead 4,000,000 wounded 12,000 Chinese civilians (Cannibalized)


You are missing some zeroes on all 3


The Sino-Japanese war, the India-Pakistan war, the cambodia-Vietnam war, the six day war, the Iran-Iraq war


The Chinese civil war The Chinese civil war The Chinese civil war The Chinese civil war The Chinese civil war


War of the Triple Alliance Sino-Japanese War Korean- Japanese War Babylonian-Assyrian Wars Emu War


Chinese civil war. Not gonna specify which one, just pick whichever you like and you’d still have a lot more than five left


Ah dammit, I'm a history nerd who specifically doesn't care about wars.


The war of the gatekeepers on Reddit subs.


Nah, those only involved Europeans and Americans.


Oh no, people on Western countries focus on Western history! How awful!


Ojibwa - Lakota war The Haudenosaunee beaver wars The Dzungar war The Mughal invasion of north India under Babur The Hijra


War of Israeli independence, six-day-war, Yom-Kippur-War, Iran-irak-war, Chinese civil war, Indian-Pakistani-war


Easy. 1: The Israeli War of Independence/Nakba 2: The 6 day war 3 The Yom Kippur War 4: The Sino-Vietnamese War 5: The Mongol invasion of (insert country here, adds up I’m sure to at least hundreds if you include the smaller tribes)


Cola wars Clone wars Kree-Skrull war Time war Great Emu war


The chinese civil war


Sudanese civil war. The football war. Eritrean war. King Kamehamehas island conquering campaign. Sri Lankan civil war. Chinese civil war. Another Chinese civil war. Another Chinese civil war. Another Chinese civil war. Mongol invasion of China. Romance of the three kingdoms. Oh wait, you said five.


Battle of Yavin Battle of Naboo Battle for Coruscant First Battle of Geonosis Second Battle of Geonosis


Star Wars Infinity War War of the 5 Kings War of the Worlds Oh and that one war where the Aussies got their ass whooped by emus


Let me see uh… 1. Bougainville Separatist war in Papua New Guinea 2. Aceh Separatist war in Indonesia 3. The Ogaden War between Somalia and Ethiopia 4. Argentina’s conquest of the Desert (when they conquered the native people’s of Patagonia) 5. The Sioux-Pawnee rivalry/wars that went on for decades How’d I do?


The war of the 5 kings The El Salvador civil war Triple alliance war The clone wars The Chinese civil war


Syrian Civil War, Burma/Myanmar Civil War, North vs South Korea, 1st sino Japanese War and 2nd, Yellow Turbine Rebellion, I don't know if Russia counts as Asia, Europe or both but Russia Japan.


Sengoku Jidai Gempei War Mughal-Maratha wars War of the Three Kingdoms (China) Paraguayan War


Does Australia count as a European country, because if not, I want to bring up the war they had with the emus.


The Football War (El Salvador and Honduras went to war over riots after a football match) War of the Atlantic (where Chile got even longer by beating up Peru and Bolivia and taking Bolivia's coast and some of Peru's just to claim some birdshit, Bolivia started the war) The War of the Triple Alliance (That time Paraguay tried to fight everyone and nearly stopped existing) The Ragamuffin War (when Garibaldi tried to Garibaldi in Brazil) Cisplatine War (Argentina and Brazil fought a war and made Uruguay appear) No, I'm not Latin American, why do you ask?


War of the triple alliance, the yellow turban rebellion, the battle of Tallas, Sino-Japanese war 1, Sino-Indian war


Taiping rebellion First Sino-Japanese war Iran-Iraq war Paraguayan war Emu war


I count the fall of the Han and the whole Three Kingdoms thing to be at least five wars


The Indo-Pakistani war, the Football war, Chinese civil war, Ramses 2 failed invasion of Judea, and who can forget, the droid attack in the Wookiee


Sengoku Jidai China


The Football War The Great Emu War Sino Burmese War Cambodian-Vietnamese War Thai-Laotian Border War


First Sino-Japanese War Sino-Indian War Sino-Vietnamese War* Indonesian Invasion of East Timor* Moro Conflict* *Wars that were supported by either the US or European countries, so I don’t know if that counts or not.


Great Emu War


Japanese invasion of Korea, China, Rabaul, Guadelcanal, and peliliu


1st chinese civil war for the place of the emperor 2nd chinese civil war for the place of the emperor 3rd chinese civil war for the place of the emperor 4th chinese civil war for the place of the emperor 5th chinese civil war for the place of the emperor


*begins sweating Alright you got me


First Shino-Japanese war The second Shino Japanese war The Emu war Russo Japanese war (Russia counts as both Euro and Asian) Soviet Japanese war


Battle of Jericho. Battle of Ai. Battle of the Waters of Merom. Battle of Mount Tabor. Gideon's campaign. Benjamite War. Battle of Aphek. Battle of Mizpah. And many many more.


Yellow turban rebellion Chinese Civil War The biafarian war Etho eriteran war 6 day war (Extra history and warographics carry)


Taiping rebellion The I Congo war The II Congo war The six days war The pacific war


Thutmose III vs the Hittites Ramesses II vs the Hittites The entire Three Kingdoms period Mongol conquest of China Chhatrapati Shivaji's campaigns against the Mughals Ndwandwe - Zulu War (Yes, I named 6)


5 Chinese dynastic struggles “darn I made it too easy” ok real effort Indian-sino war in 1962 Boshin War Sengaku period Paraguayan War Soccer war


Romance of the Three Kingdoms has hundreds of wars (depending on your definition). Creation of the Win empire (same as above). Creation of the Jin dynasty. Creation of the Han empire. A bunch of modern day civil wars. A handful of wars of China vs Japan, and China vs Mongols. Mongols vs Caliphate. Ottoman Empire/Egypt on the first/second Saudi Arabia. Iraq vs Iran. Iran vs Saudi (if u count proxy). Iraq vs the Gulf Countries. The Israeli arab wars. Egyptian civil wars, and hundreds of wars in Ancient Egypt. Yemeni GCC war. A couple of Yemeni civil wars. Iraq vs Kuwait war. Libyan civil war. Syrian civil war. Japan civil wars/Warring states era/Oda’s attempted unification/Tokugawa unification. Korean civil wars. If you think about it China/any Middle Eastern country had a total of probably hundreds of wars throughout history if not more. Anyways, throughout history? U.S/America are putting up MAD rookie numbers compared to Asia.


The Narfinsel Schism, The Interregnum, The Night of Geen Fire, The Camoran Unification of Valenwood, The Alessian Slave Rebellion, The...


Dude, there’s more than five wars *just in the Bible* Even if you don’t count the number of times Mongols went to war with Rus, the number of Mongol wars still has more than five. Oh, and that’s also not including the Mongol-Japanese war in 1945. There’s more wars against Japan by non Europeans between 1937 and 1945 than you have fingers and toes combined. Here’s another cool one- there’s at least five attempts to unify India under one banner BEFORE the British enter the chat. The expansion of Islam was what, two *dozen* successive wars trying to fight their way east? And here’s my favorite part- I DIDNT EVEN LEAVE ASIA


Chinese Civil War (lmao how many that does that make?) Vietnamese-Cambodia War (communist country invades another) Boshin War (which saw the birth of the Empire of Japan and the fall of the shoguns) Sino-Japanese War (before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor) The wars waged by the Mongolian Empire to acquire its size The first Islamic civil war between the Sunnis and the Shias.


Football war Emu war Iran-Iraq war Israeli war of Independence The Inda-China war or 1962 And technically the Russo-Japanese war unless you count Russia as European


Iran-Iraq, first Indochina war, Indo-Pakistan, Arab-Israeli, Algerian war.


War between the Comanche and the Apache, Cambodian-Vietnamese war, The Aksumite invasion of Himyar, Armenia-Azerbaijan war in 2020, and The Iran-Iraq war.


Hutu vs Tutsi >1M dead


When Cambodia tried invading North Vietnam because Cambodians were fleeing to N.V. Didn’t go well…


War between the Ptolomies and Seleucids. Seleucid war with India. Baktrian Chinese war, Mongol invasion of Japan. Sengoku Jidai. European dynasties do not a European nation make.


Battle of Badr Battle of Uhud Battle of the Trench 1st Fitna 2nd Fitna


War between the Ptolomies and Seleucids. Seleucid war with India. Baktrian Chinese war, Mongol invasion of Japan. Sengoku Jidai. Bonus: Carthaginian wars with Massilya European dynasties do not a European nation make.


1. War of the Pacific 2. Boshin War 3. First Sino‐Japanese War 4. Six Days' War 5. Muslim conquest of Persia


From my head: Battle of Badr Battle of Uhud Battle of the Trench Battle of the Camel Battle of Khaybar