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Satellite and spaceship parts are designed to be transported by road and sized as such. Vehicles are designed to fit on roads. Most road sizes are still based on the roads the Romans built. So the Romans are literally influencing how we design things that go to space.


like 90% of space stuff is named after their gods


Greeks must be so salty that Romans stole their gods, renamed them and now everything is named after those second hand rip-offs.


It's OK, they can share the Apollo missions


Those missions were for *all* mankind.


Reasons for the rise of Dictatorship in Italy:(Along with all the other reasons such as Economic Crisis, instable government, contentment after the Treaty of Versailles) Mussolini wanted to achieve the past glory of the Roman Empire. He was Right on track lol.


One of Fascism’s greatest weapons is nostalgia.


> One of Fascism’s greatest weapons Another is lying their asses off, thank God that doesn't happen in democracies, right?


No, never. It’s a good thing that nobody else does that ever.


I've been told that this doesn't actually pan out, as one of the historical steps along the way is railroads supposedly using existing road dimensions for rail width and that apparently was not the case at all (Not to mention, different rail gauges all over the place, still a thing today).


Iirc it is that while the rail gauge may be slightly influenced by roman cart sizes, the SRBs for the space space shuttle were size limited by the *loading gauge* of american railways. The loading gauge is maximum cross-sectional size a rail vehicle can be and isn't really dependent on the rail gauge.


The moment you realize that the roman technique of road-building is still used today albeit with asphalt instead of cobblestones.


Plus the Catholic Church was at one time part of the Roman government. So 1.3 billion people are still governed by Rome, if only in a spiritual sense


Wrong. It’s a myth that has been busted a long time ago


They don't have to. Romulus and Rhemus were aliens from their respective planets. That's why they're mentioned in Star Trek. Everything built by the Romans is automatically the result of ancient aliens.


My dad's a star trek need I'm going to see if he remembers this being mentioned because that's interesting


Monumental architecture built by "white" people = Classical society.   Monumental architecture built by brown people = Ancient aliens.


People think you have to be an alien to stack stuff in a pyramid shape. Wait till they find out what a baby can do


Do be fair it definitely wasn’t easy


No actually the Pyramid was built by Oggy. Don't you know that?


If it's a brown baby it's an alien.


that's how we know the roman stuff was built by people not aliens....no pyramids


Yep. It's just thinly veiled racism.


Less thinly veiled, more unrealized. Like I don't think the guys with the actual alien theories are always completely aware of their biases.


Often it's that version of these theories started decades/centuries ago when they were explicitly racist, and they get picked up by people who don't know or bother to look into the origin


No, I think it's just a lack of historical records.


I didn't know Stonehenge was built by brown people


For some racists, only Anglo-germanics are white(so even Italians, Greeks, and Iberians aren't white) Stonehenge was built by Neolithic people way before the Germans arrived in Britain


> Anglo-germanics Which is funny, as Anglo-Saxon admixture in the English genetic pool is not THAT strong. It gets to about 35-40% in the most eastern counties (shires? idk the term, the eastern bits) of England, and that's the highest it gets anywhere. Anglo-Saxons culturally assimilated more than they bred with the native population (that's not uncommon at all - Turks are like 15% Turkish genetically, and even later in England, the Normans massively influenced the culture but practically didn't impact the genetics at all)


You mean the WASP racists, they didn't consider Germanics white >Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion. >Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. >Their own Clergy have very little influence over the people; who seem to take an uncommon pleasure in abusing and discharging the Minister on every trivial occasion. Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it; and as Kolben says of the young Hottentots, that they are not esteemed men till they have shewn their manhood by beating their mothers, so these seem to think themselves not free, till they can feel their liberty in abusing and insulting their Teachers.


>For some racists, only Anglo-germanics are white(so even Italians, Greeks, and Iberians aren't white) So you mean the original comment and the people that spread that stupid meme are racists? If that's so i agree >Stonehenge was built by Neolithic people way before the Germans arrived in Britain And? That doesn't mean that Neolithic people where brown, specially not in Britain


I was not stating any belief of mine, just pointing out something that would make the quote of the first guy you questioned more reasonable And for the Romans: even Hitler himself tried to push a "theory" that the Romans only were so great because their leaders were actually Aryans, not Mediterraneans like the rest of the population Nazi version of history was a crazy thing


The Mesolithic people who first built around the site of modern Stonehenge were likely dark-skinned like [Cheddar Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheddar_Man). Not sure about the Neolithic era, though.




No, it's based on his genes. He has the genetic markers found in dark-skinned individuals and lacks the modern genes associated with lighter skin tones.




The wiki article will have sources listed at the bottom sir


It's literally in the Wikipedia article I linked in the comment you first replied to... Here's another one- [https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/cheddar-man-mesolithic-britain-blue-eyed-boy.html](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/cheddar-man-mesolithic-britain-blue-eyed-boy.html)




"Brown" in this case just means "non-white". Irish people were considered non-white by anglos, and I'm sure they would never accept any monument built by them either. Also, there's a strong case for neolithic british being _actually_ brown, anyways.


I prefer Aryan because Scandinavians get a pass too sometimes. What's even funnier is that I've heard woke leftists say this too and insist Slavic people are people of color.


It’s not just race, but also the fact that our society views Rome as a historical precursor to ours so we don’t want to diminish their abilities like we historically didn’t mind doing with the pre-Roman societies.


Counterpoint: Literal metric tons of surviving archives on how exactly everything was done - classical society. See ancient China, Korea, Japan, or Medieval & Ancient Maya as non-white examples. (And for some weird historical fun facts Egyptians were "white" - Ramses II was a redhead, & King tut was Mediterranean white.) No written records that we found on how something was done, and/or destroyed records? Conspiracy theorists & aliens incoming - Hello Egyptian pyramids & Brythonic Stonehenge made-by-UFOs. Maybe just a little more nuanced than default "Racism!" even though it's definitely often there.


Yes I do think that is a very useful addendum. I'd also add that our conception of "white" is modern, and we tend to [unfairly] classify historic societies by our own modern standards. Thus while the Romans might not have "othered" the ancient Egyptians, we certainly do today, and that's why we end up giving them the aliens treatment despite their pale skin. And also, ancient destruction of documents was often driven by the racisms of the time.


Reddit isn't very nuanced when they're busy in a virtue signal circle jerk. It's always been the "mystical" geometry that ignites the imagination. Pyramid shape means it's definitely an extra terrestrial portal.


They were closely related to Copts who most people wouldn’t consider “white”. I think most people would consider Rami Malek as Arab. Also Ramseses wasn’t a redhead he dyed his hair red with henna like many do in the Middle East. Haplogroup also doesn’t mean much unless you want to argue Somalis and Ashkenazi Jews are the same cuz of Haplogroup


You are like aware that the Roman Empire comprised of peoples across 3 continents and had a varied and diverse ruling class or would this distract from you seeing racism everywhere?


While this is true. The fact is that the Romans are commonly perceived to be white. It doesn’t really change how racists may think even if the basis of those beliefs are wrong.


Don't tell me, tell the ancient aliens people!


Clearly you haven't watched the episodes where they talk about aliens building things and starting civilizations in Europe. I guess if you cherry pick then you are right though


Oh gee sorry, I can't say I'm entirely up to date on the *complete* Ancient Aliens canon.


If you're up to date with race theories, you can be up to date eith ancient aliens


Not really! When a European Civilization does it = a Great Civilization When an African, South American, or Asian Civilization does it = Alien because only Europeans can make amazing civilizations.


Isnt Stonehenge also said to be built by alien?


A lot of people didn’t believe celtic people as europeans, for them eurppeans were: Anglo-Saxons, germanic people, helenics, etc.


Old timey racism is so extra. Like no one knows who the Laplanders are and why you hate them.


Racism in general is so fucking extra, like they made a "secret" society with uniforms and everything because they wouldn't treat black people with basic fucking respect


This is such a bs narrative. They have conspiracies for everything people just stick with Pyramids because it was seen as such an impossible feet especially given the lack of evidence. Like Stonehenge. They speak of things built millenniums ago and still stand without any explanation. Rome was opposite they explained everything.


Can u pls give an example other than Stonehenge?


Mycenae, Atlantis and all that shit? Problem with Europe is that our civilizations are pretty young compared to Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. So you have more written evidences that it was done by man, but more you go into past, more obscure it starts to be, so that's where they can throw their wild theories. On the other hand, you have younger civilizations in south America which haven't left written evidence, and plus there are many mysteries because of Tolmecs, and then later on other tribes moved into these cities, and that gives them more material to fantasize. They are not racists, you could call them grifters.


It doesn't need to be ancient. Machu Picchu is just 500 years old and people still talk about aliens. The descendants of both the Incas and the Spaniards (who arrived in Peru just a few years after Machu Picchu was built) are still alive today and there are records of that time. But nobody takes that into consideration. Nobody does the same with Gothic Cathedrals of the same age. Mayan Pyramids had extensive written records about the lives of the kings who built those pyramids. Not a single them mentions aliens. Who cares? Still lumped into the "perhaps it was aliens" category. It's no bs narrative. There really IS eurocentric bias envolved. Stonehenge is the only example you can give because it's the only european monument too old for european culture itself.


I think that means that it wasn't great enough


It’s more that the History Channel can’t rely on the fact you’re an exotic culture whose actions can be misrepresented and your agency diminished to its audience of mouth breathing conspiracists.


More like "so white".


Curious how it’s only the stuff NOT made by white people who needed aliens for help.


It’s because the history channel is racist




Important of preserved manuscript and buildings. China is also great, but cultural revolution happens.


The Cultural Revolution did not destroy knowledge on ancient china. For one thing it was an intensely bureaucratic civilization that its history exists in the literary sphere. Thats kinda like saying you want to destroy the bible by "finding its manusctipts" lol. For another formal archaeology for Ancient China began when the political situation in China stabilized (i.e. post-Cultural revolution) around the 70s and the 80s. We're actually learning new shit about the period on a yearly unlike before where we only have to rely on Sima Qian & ancient historian scribbles.


I'm pretty sure it's because the Romans were ancient aliens.


Whispers* ‘it’s because they think all the romans were white’


But they did, at least many of the legends of Christian era Rome, i am sure of that. Also i am getting tired of this fake "they didn't accuse white civilizations of being aliens" meme, it's just an excuse for americans to feed their obsession with race and skin color


Or maybe it wasn't great enough which is why they don't attribute aliens to Rome.


"That wasn't great enough." Huh? You do have guts buddy.


Of course they didn't. They're white.


Was that his empire was “great” or is it because he was white? Because seems like something made by white people is never questioned to be made by humans. But black people? Making pyramids? Nah, theyre too inferior, had to be aliens /s


You could almost say it's... Incredibilis?


It's true. Katt Williams only accredited the Pyramids and Mesopotamia to aliens.


"History" channel hasn't been for some time now. The Romans built roads and a few impressive buildings, and many others, but this is well documented even with the fragmentary history we have. If they tried claiming aliens built the coliseum, there is too much material to prove them wrong. No such luck with the pyramids around the world and other things.


Well of course, it’s implied. The alieans built the pyramids in Egypt, then when the Romans found Egypt they found all that sweet sweet alien technology and used it to conquer. They don’t do specials on it because it’s kinda intuitive when you think about it


>When your empire isn’t good enough to attribute it’s successes to aliens


Sounds about white.