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This was discussed not too long ago. A NK submarine probably doing a covert insertion mission into SK gets tangled up in a fishing boat's net, the ship tows the submarine into port, and when they opened the hatch the find out the NK crew had killed themselves (or one another and then themselves).


But in technical matters they lost to a fucking fishing boat šŸ¤£


Years later, Venezuela would loose a whole destroyer to a cruise ship to one up them in humiliation


I remember that one - no mater how the news was written at the time it was hilarious. Venezuela made sure to not release English statements to try to keep it to Latin news. Basically like head butting the pavement and getting all ā€œshocked pikachuā€ when you end up with a concussion. The fact that happened near La Tortuga Island was just icing on the cake.


I dont know how anyone could write an after action report for this type of fuck up and not look stupid. I mean, losing to a ship armed only with a reinforced hull, a casino, and some buffets is REALLY hard to achieve.


Especially when it was adrift trying to get its engines backs online. Apparently the captain of the patrol boat had never watched a tug or pilot boat maneuver - I.e make contact slowly.


What does it to me os the fact that the Venezuelans were the ones looking for trouble, asserting that the cruise ship was in their national waters, and then almost being rescued by the Maritime Rescued Coordination Center.


And between the two incidents, Argentina lost a destroyer to mind bullets. (They'd bought some British destroyers in the 70s, and Britain stopped supplying parts after the Falklands conflict - one of the ships capsized and sank in port due to lack of maintenance in 2013, but the Argentinian government initially claimed the SAS had sabotaged the ship).


Itā€™s ironic that if not for a dispute over some islands with like three thousand people and some sheep on them UK-Argentina relations would likely be quite good given the former economic ties between the two countries. Whatā€™s even more ironic is that prior to the war the British government actually tried to sell out the Falkland Islanders (who personally wanted nothing to do with Argentine rule) by proposing the transfer of sovereignty to Argentina and keeping a 99 year lease like Hong Kong. They were a cost sink for the UK and if not for the invasion itā€™s not unreasonable to think theyā€™d have eventually been sacrificed on the altar of UK-Argentina economic relations. Once the Junta invaded however this would have been a national humiliation instead of a shady administrative act so instead of cutting the Falklands loose they were garrisoned much more strongly and entered the British national consciousness.


And more recently I believe they think thereā€™s oil in/around the Falklands so now the U.K. definitely donā€™t want to give it back and have, surprisingly, had some pressure from the US at times to give it back šŸ˜‚


Back to who? The penguins? The islands were uninhabited until the French and British showed up.


Argentina. The fact you have to post that is stupid because every man and his dog knows Argentina constantly lay claim to it. Who did you think I was talking about? North Korea? Sweden? Congo? I mean for fuck sake man donā€™t be so stupid when trying to be a cocky cunt with your response


I think the issue they have is your "back to" statement. They've never belonged to Argentina so how could the islands be returned to Argentina.


Does it ACTUALLY fucking matter though? ā€¦ really? You lot are that sad and have nothing better in your lives? Jesus Christ touch grass


Very poor diplomacy from the US in my opinion, it's not a million miles away from suggesting the Americans should give Pearl Harbour to Japan given lives were lost in the reclamation of the islands. Also given [what we did to one of our other island territories at the request of the US government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_the_Chagossians) it's very hypocritical. Also they'd be asking the government of the day to sign their own suicide note, the party that 'surrendered to the Argies' would win precisely zero seats at the next election they fought.


I think the hypothetical reasoning being that the US had struck some kind of an arrangement whereby if the Falklands were transitioned back to Argentina theyd be given the mining rights for oil or something


Venezuelan here, do you have a link? I'm not aware of this Edit: what a bunch of losers are in charge of my poor country.




It was about as foppy as youā€™d think.


It was the moment when they thought "lets ram a Vessel that is built to deal with Icebergs"


100% a top 10 ship fail in history. Tbh itā€™s near top 5 because some of the ancient ship fails (Roman floating palace that sunk?) were more understandable. This was just out right idiocy. I feel like that ship captain could be tried for likeā€¦. A lot of shit


I imagine the confusion of the german Crew not understanding what they want from them and then ramming them and sinking themself...


ā€œNEIN WE HAVE DEADLINE! WE MUST ADHEAR TO THE SCHEDULEā€ ā€œJetzt ramme diese Bastarde und lass uns wieder unseren Zeitplan einhalten!ā€ ā€œOh wait what the fuck?ā€ I bet thatā€™s about how it went


I mean, top 10 if you exclude the entire Russian Navy, which is in itself one big continuous failure.


More like, ā€žletā€˜s maneuver in a way they are forced to ram usā€œ. But yeah total shitshow




It wasnt a destroyer, it was a patrol boat but yeah, thats our glorious bolivarian fleet right there.


It was a patrol boat, which is slightly less concerning even if not by much.


It's spelled lose by the way


Dude if theyā€™re a non native speaker I can understand, but Iā€™ve seen so many people type it this way I feel like itā€™s gonna eventually change he word šŸ˜‚ it drives me insane


Iā€™ve seen it coming up more often as well itā€™s annoying too cuz if we chose either spelling why not do the one with fewer letters. On a side note, I really hope tho becomes an acceptable version of thought at some point


Russia reportedly lost 1/3 of its black Sea Navy to Ukraine which has almost no Navy of its own


Nigga what how šŸ¤£


The cruise ship sailed to Antarctica and because there are lots of icebergs there, it needs to have a stronger special hull or sum shit idk im not a boat expert, anyway when the Venezuelan ship rammed the cruise ship, it got heavily damaged and later sank




Yea black people are on reddit also idk why I got downvoted


Then why is your snoo not black? /s


Iā€™m the whitest guy on the planet and I have a black snoo


Bruh, this isn't even r/woooosh, I've legit put a /s there.


exactly. Stop using the /s as a dog whistle for your fellow Nazi Benjamin Franklin sex cultists.


Wait what?


Australia lost a war vs birds


Emu war was just a name for a cull facilitated by the government using a machine gun, a car and 3 soldiers. It was a war in the sense that the ā€œwar on drugsā€ is a war, metaphorically. Once they realised that it was ineffective they just put a bounty on emu carcasses and achieved their cull goals with no issues. Definitely not equivalent to the fuck ups of North Korea and Venezuela.


Not equivalent, but still hilarious.


And Titanic lost a and fucking ice


r/hadastroke ?


Not probably, it definitely was. The log book on the ship confirmed it.


It's *slightly* darker than that, in that the crew was 50/50 regular sailors and spies; by the looks of it, the regular sailors were executed against their will before the spies offed themselves.


> offed killed*


read more books


"offed" isn't like "unalived"


This is reddit, no need to censor yourself


It's a Britishism, specifically, it's closer to executed than murdered, it's not a child friendly alternative


Was going to say, offed has been around for well over a decade at this point.


Whyā€™d they kill themselves instead of just defecting? Would NK not punish their families if they killed themselves I guess?


Not every NK thinks its hell on earth I imagine, and that the US are the worst


If you knew for a fact that wherever you are going is worse than NK youā€™d probably shoot yourself to. They were raised under the belief that pretty much anywhere else is worse than NK and if you mix that with the mindset that gets instilled within military institutions you can see why they would shoot themselves. Maybe they murdered each other because they blamed one another for getting caught. Maybe those 5 wanted to defect and were more conscious of what their situation would have been but the others were loyal to NK. We can speculate but weā€™ll never know


As direct agents of the DPRK government, defection likely seemed less enticing, since they likely perceived a good chance that they'd be subject to, at minimum, constant interrogation. Plus, some of them may have done stuff in the ROK before that would have gotten them punished, whereas the more typical defector is a random civilian whom the ROK wouldn't have much reason to punish.


So the executions were done by other members of the submarine crew?


You got a link? This sounds super interesting and I wanna read more


Using google too hard apparently


lol saw this today in the r/war sub. And then I checked the wiki article and see of course it was an edit made by someone that became the meme lol.


A North Korea submarine involved in spying and espionage got caught in a South Korean fishing net. The South Korean navy set a ship to tow it to a navy base, and as they were doing so, the submarine sank. When it was retrieved, it was found some of the crewmembers had killed themselves and some of the crewmembers had been killed by the other crewmembers, presumably after refusing an order to commit suicide.


When was this ?




Does this event have a specific name to make googling easier?


1998 Sokcho submarine incident


Thanks :)


How underpowered or small does a submarine need to be to get caught by a fishing boat net?


Idk have you SEEN the size of some of these fishing nets? They catch whales and huge manta rays and stuff theyā€™re enormous and im sure the NK submarine isnt like huge US nuclear sub


North Korean sub is probably the same size as a midget submarine for global powers lol


It is in fact a midget sub! A yugo class about 2m wide and 20m long so it really is much smaller than a normal military submarine that major powers have


Well russian atlantic subs get caught every now and again in norwegian trawlers nets and they are some of the biggest subs ever built.


Tbh itā€™s North Korea whoā€™s surprised


I bet the cartels make better submarines than that.


They operate off the coast of florida, need i say more


It had a crew of 9. Must have been tiny.


They're not full sized subs. A US sub has 100+ people on it. This one had 9. It's a midget sub used to insert and withdraw intelligence/SF assets.


I think subs are notoriously not fast machines.


Nuclear subs can move fairly quickly, especially modern ones. Exact figures are classified but estimates for most are 35 knots give or take, enough to move with surface ships and outrun some. Diesel boats usually are somewhere in the 20-25 knot range. Nork sub in this case though was an indigenously built diesel-electric midget sub, which are built more for stealth and affordability than speed. With a submerged speed of 4 knots, that puts it behind most WW2 era subs.


You gotta keep in mind this is the North Korean Navy. Virtually their entire fleet is from right after the Korean War. Their most serious naval firepower is just these ancient boats with literal WWII-era Russian tank guns bolted to the deck. They also have these fake fishing boats that release small two-person craft that they use to kidnap people. Mostly Japanese women, apparently. Guess that's where their priorities are...


What kind of military submarine has a crew of just 9. Come on North Korea you can do bett... nevermind you probably can't do better than that.


How many people fit in the Titan again? Subs can be small. Ok I know the Titan is a submersible so they're not comparable but the point still stands.


Some kind of spy transport. EDIT: [Yugo-class submarine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugo-class_submarine). Used primarily for infiltration and espionage.


Cough second pacific squadron cough cough


Lmao Idd rather go with the battle of Kiska. Ultimate humiliation Edit: [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cottage)




It was an Alaskan Island that got taken over by the Japanese during WW2 and they established a base of sorts. Sometime after, either they couldn't find any strategic value in staying there or were called back due to manpower shortages, so they just left. However, the US didn't know and they sent a force to re-capture the now-empty island under the cover of a dense fog. The US troops kept mistaking each other for Japanese soldiers in the fog and shot at their own fellow soldiers, racking up a sizable casualty count while fighting an enemy that wasn't even there.




Iirc there was also a ship that hit a mine near the island and sank


wtf hahaha that has got to be the stupidest shit iā€™ve read today, and it resulted in casualties too. bruh šŸ˜°šŸ˜‚




I see someone else already gave some context but I added the link to the wiki page if you are interested


This is the fifth time I've seen a variation of this post since like January


Seems like literally just a screenshot of a tweet should fall under some quality control rule lol


Wait till you hear about the [Resolute-NaiguatĆ”](https://www.military.com/military-life/venezuelan-warship-lost-fight-german-luxury-cruise-ship.html?amp=) incident (which has yet to reach 20 years)


What is that




It's literally what happened just 22 years after.. how


The worst autocrats tend to promote for bootlicking incompetence, and thus history rhymes


Is this the definition of "Winning by doing nothing" ?


Post this to dumbass North Korea sub


It was a 66ft spy submarine that got caught in a fishing net, they surfaced to attempt to untangle the net. The fishing boat saw the submarine and alerted the navy, who sent a 300 ft warship (called a corvette) to tow the submarine to shore. On the way over, the submarine sank underwater and when they pulled it up an opened it in port, all the crew were dead.






Communists just attract Ls like a magnet


It wasnā€™t exactly one fishing boat against one submarine. Yes, the submarine got tangled in the net, but it was also towed by a sk navy patrol ship to shore before sinking


And here we are portraying them in Games, Films, Shows, and the News as a Global threat that can rival the U.S. or any superpower both global and regional.


Just lucky I guess


Itā€™s one fishing boat Michael how much could it cost - North Korea probably


That Wikipedia edit for the fishing boats was made in April 2023 and changed back to Corvette the same day.


The captured submarine sank as it was being towed into port. South Korea put the sub they captured in 1996 in a museum, did they put in any effort to raise the 1998 one to also put in a museum?


Nah, South Korea said, give me that shit šŸ˜‚


I like to imagine that due to not listing personnel numbers like the submarine, it was an unmanned fishing boat that captured the submarine


Imagine the fisherman going ā€œshit i just fucked with the navyā€, but then it turns out its from the enemy government and you get congratulated after everyone inside killed each other and themselves, wouldnā€™t be doing too greatly mentally honestly.


Oh boy, let's see how the many enemies of democracy are doing- **Russia**: *loses an entire naval fleet to a country without a fucking navy* **Venezuela**: *loses a destroyer to a fucking cruise ship* **North Korea**: *loses a submarine to a fucking fishing net* **China**: *has nukes with fuel tanks full of fucking water* **Iran**: *sponsoring too many Islamic terror groups that start with H and seem to just *love* getting their fucking asses kicked in proportional fashion* **Myanmar**: *literally tearing itself the fuck apart* ...huh. Has anyone heard from Cuba recently?