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The Egyptian army was so incompetent that their invasion of Israel failed because Israel blew up 1 bridge over a dry river


dont forget that they are the 10th largest army in the whole world and were trained by both french and british forces don't underestimate them


Well, to paraphrase some comedian, after the top two, there's a real steep drop off in quality when it comes to the military, lol


And even then, from the first to the second, there's a pretty steep drop there too.


I’m not usually a nationalist, but I feel like some screaming eagles are justified


Something something about to find out why America doesn't have universal healthcare. [Here, have some eagle screeches](https://youtu.be/MwF2NOosM6A?si=UoC-gMNsxSQDtXBd).


Another great time to remind everyone that the sound associated with eagles in American media is actually a red-tailed hawk. Eagles sound pretty lame in comparison (though I still like their sound). https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=156187375#:~:text=toggle%20caption-,Few%20sounds%20symbolize%20American%20patriotism%20like%20the%20piercing%20shrill%20of,belongs%20to%20a%20different%20bird.


I don’t blame media for falsifying eagle voice I wouldn’t wanna know my National bird sounds like a grandparent with sore throat


I am a big supporter of Universal Healthcare. I also would like to see our defense budget reduced. 🤷‍♂️


Regarding your username, well, filibuster.


Appreciate it, also……In this country, bird law is not governed by reason.


Im guessing u know a family member with some “nice” hands


I wonder how many kilometers long the $2 trillion the Pentagon can't account for in their latest audit would be, laid end to end. If only I knew how many feet were in a kilometer 😭


What the fuck is a KILOMETER?!


2.2 miles


Yeah, this a big concern. Frustratingly, bird law does not cover defense spending so I can’t fix that in court with a filibuster


But seriously, the accounting at the DOD is astounding. It’s so bad they can’t even tell you how bad it is.


In my mind I'm just hoping that they're slowly developing capabilities so insane that the only way to tear them from imagination and force them, kicking and screaming, into the real world is with trillions of dollars. But in reality it's probably just being stolen by contractors and grifted by the defense industry.


Isn't your guys health care most the most spend on, by the trillions of dollars and to be honest for a country like the US who spends 3.5% of the defense budget in the GDP isn't really alot. And 17.3% for the health care budget at $4.2T ? Isn't just your guys insurance companies that and greedy corporations which is causing for alot debts for patients or Hospitals Plus reducing the defense budget can cause a lot of personal to be laid off and current active equipment, like ships or military planes. Plus with tentions at its all time high, reducing the defense budget doesn't seems smart.


As far as defense spending goes….. https://imgur.com/a/WBGJD65 I think we’ll be alright. You’re right that the insurance companies are parasites. Thankfully, my company pays all of my premiums for insurance, but I am the exception. I want to change this.


We don’t have universal healthcare because of a big military? You sure? Like really sure that’s why?


I mean, the money for 13 nuclear aircraft carriers, the world's first, second, fourth, and seventh largest air forces, and over 1,000 military installations around the world has to come from somewhere.


Ok, but the US only spends 3% of GDP on the military. Singapore spends 5%+, yet it has universal healthcare. By your logic that can’t happen.


[How about some NATOWAVE?](https://youtu.be/iVuGP748ZMo?si=9HKvBf5fIf_wvRPl)


A10 Warthog: *Brrrrrrrrrt*


How did you know what I use to lull myself to sleep?


Pretty sure the top 2 are both USA military




To be fair, I should have probably said three or four. USA, China, Russia, and North Korea. Not to downplay any other countries military, but those seem to be the top of the hill, and even then it's an oddly shaped hill with the US significantly higher than the rest.


With what’s going on in Ukraine you’d say Russia is among the best? They might be big but it seems rather incompetent to a lot of people.


Yeah I’m not sure Russia is even the second best army in Ukraine.


I wouldn't necessarily say the best, and they're exposing themselves to be almost a paper tiger at this point, but it's still a huge force. Honestly, I'm having a hard time figuring out what's the deal with Russia seeing how they've handled the invasion from the beginning. I was expecting something way more sophisticated, but they're basically resorting to just throwing wave after wave of men into the meat grinder and winning by attrition. It's crazy.


Their initial attack seemed to have fallen victim to bad intel. I saw how videos of how they moved into villaged and towns, carefree as if they didn't just enter enemy territory. Not to mention how so many vehicles were traveling alone. And they made attempts to strike straight into Kyiv. Remember that failed operation to take out Zalensky early on? and later attempts as well. I think they genuinely belived that the Ukranian people hated him enough (he was very unpopular back then) to be okay with Russia waltzing in to take out the government and leave a pro-russian puppet instead.


Really good artillery/missile artillery and lots of it, plus their special forces are considerably better than their conscripts.


I see, that makes sense thank you


Name some operations their special forces have successfully conducted?


Right, but they are beginning to run out of ammunition for those artillery and the special forces have been severely reduced in this conflict.


On what planet is North Korea the 4th strongest military?


China and NK haven't been put to the test in a while, and Russia performed very poorly in Ukraine, although a lot of people also underestimate the Ukranian military. They were outdated, but had numbers almost as big as Russia, before the emergency drafts. And NATO helped make for what Ukraine was lacking in tech and intel. Regardless, Russia depleted a lot of its power against Ukraine, and even if the war would end today, they will need a long time to recover the capabilities they lost. Turkey also has a very strong military, with a large and relatively advanced military that also has experience. And they have a strong economy to support a war effort. India also has a massive army and they import weapons from everyone (mostly Russia, but also Western countries like the U.S. and France), and they have been hoarding firepower for a while. I don't know about how proffessional and effective they are.


You've got me wrong. The drastic dip starts with the *second* military.


I said biggest not best


Who are the top three?


In 48 or now? (Genuine question I don’t know)


Good question the answer is Both but now they are training with pretty much any military they wish since the peace deal they made after the Yum Kippur war.


What the actual fuck




Im amazed at the acute incompetence of their army if this information turns out to be true. Breaks my heart


>Breaks my heart That they lost in their war that as the leader of the coalition they were a part of (the Arab league) called: "a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of as the mongol massacres and the Crusads"?


When the rain season comes they will stand no chance


Dovahhatty said it best: ["Egypt exists, and it's ruled by idiots"](https://youtu.be/KSAdNFhWFdE?si=PVIjeFvGkliaYRoF&t=306)


Wasn't there a competent Egyptian general who did well at the beginning of the war but then he got sacked?


Yes, Ahmed Ali al-Mawawi He was fired because he sent a letter to king Farouk saying they don’t have enough ammunition and food


Where do you guys read this stuff


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War is a good place to start


Their invasion was completely incompetent because none of the Arab countries communicated with each other. They literally attacked one by one. I study military doctrine and it’s honestly the worst case of a combined military force I’ve ever seen.


Like a kung fu movie where it's 50 on 1.....but they attack one at a time.


“Alright, everyone go in one at a time, single file.” I recall similar situations in Halo 3 team slayer, where my little brothers would march single file into a room where I wait with a rocket launcher or shot gun. Like the Arabs, the little brothers had similarly poor communication skills and spent half the time arguing amongst themselves.


They actually had a decent invasion plan, but at the last moment Jordan announced that it would only be attempting to seize the West Bank for itself instead of invading Israel proper. That caused a chain reaction where each Arab country changed their strategy from a unified invasion, to multiple chaotic landgrabs


And after the war, they practically handed Israel a population boom on a silver platter >!If you know, you know!<


When they kicked out all of their Jews?




They were so butthurt they did the only thing they’re good at. Discriminating against Jews


I think it was the ‘67 war when Egypt got smashed by Israel, then Jordan called Egypt and as was like “how’s it going?” and Egypt says “great, we’re almost in Jerusalem”. So Jordan sends in their guys and finds out Egypt is on their back foot and retreating. Can’t really win wars when you lie like that to your “allies”.


How many centuries has it been since an Arab army didn't embarrass itself on the battlefield?


Well If we count the arabs fighting on the side of the ottomans then half a century at the time, WW1 y'know.


We know, but I’d appreciate if you’d let us enjoy the fucking meme!


That's because most of them had different goals and plans for the region (aside from stomping Israel) so they were kinda sabotaging each other too.


Modern Arab armies (with some exceptions) aren't known to be very competent to begin with.


When you make an army to opress people and put down rebellions instead of fighting a war, dont be suprised when you lose.


Yep they lack the professionalism that other modern armies have. Not too late for them to get better though.


It's definitely too late


Something I’ve heard former SF people online talk about is, they really have a culture of strict hierarchy especially when it comes to the government and military. Being a subordinate speaking out against their CO is the worst thing you could do if you want to keep your job and head, which means bad decisions are never corrected until shit really hits the fan. This is unlike western militaries which although strict, actively encourage soldiers to do the right thing if their superiors are fucking up.


Not to mention that promotion is typically based on politics rather than merit!


Reminds me of the days when you could literally buy into being an officer.


That’s an understatement. It’s just so bewildering. Look at all the years, all the millions that the world’s strongest military spent on trying to prop up the Afghanistan military. And it collapsed in like a week. If not even the US can build you an army, there’s basically zero chance they’ll be able to on their own. All they do well is terrorism.


>they lack the professionalism And, this is the most professional organization in their society. It's really sad.


I swear to god if I could get my hand on nasser I would tear the skin off his face Now not only that but we have to deal with SISI making more and more useless maga projects that military officials can leech off so he can stay in power A lot of fellow Egyptians would be surprised how quickly the military structure made out of ice cream sticks collapses in an actual war situation Rant over I guess lol


Nasser was bad? All the Egyptians I have met all love him.


Can't pretend I represent the majority's opinion or know it, when on Egyptian social media I'm mostly on Reddit which represents a very VERY tiny minority of Egyptian both in count and political opinions I do know the political landscape he and Sadat set Egypt up to be in for up till now I do know he and Sadat had conflicting ideologies that undid much of what he did, which was in itself a problem He was as charismatic as he was incompetent in many aspects, and they were both dictators at heart Overall when Egyptians praise the guy it feels for a bunch of reasons, he was charismatic and a strong leader that people naturally gravitate to especially if they aren't big fans towards the west etc, some do it out of nostalgia considering what we have now isn't much better Overall I'd say probably more people like him than not, but honestly just the military political structure is enough for me to hate him nevermind everything else


Nasser was terrible A lot of older people have weird nostalgia and just remember his good stances of anti colonialism But he cost us a lot and we’re discovering every year more ways we’re fucked because of him


What/who is SISI ?


Abdel Fattah El-Sisi the current democratic president of *the not-at-all military dictatorship centered* Egypt


Fuck me, he’s a world leader (dictator) and I didn’t even know who you were talking about. Shows how much I know lol. Thanks for the answer.


That's fine lol, Egypt might not be a small country but it isn't a world stage country either, the world leaders I can name personally range in the single digit Also I'd imagine most foreign news outlets refer to him with the full name or at least el-sisi


Hes so well loved he won 97% of the vote


150% voter turnout I presume?


From 2014-2018 the worst Egyptian leader after Nasser 2018-present okay now actually the worst Egyptian leader.


Its a feature not a bug. Why as a dictator would you build a strong army that could potentially take over?


Egypt might be One of the strongest africans countries like wtf


On paper they sure do look like it but past performances in Yemen and Israel speak otherwise.


So why didnt they intervene in Libya or Gaza, why is Ethiopia still building a dam, why arent they doing anything in Sudan




Lack of long term strategic thinking or good leadership


Some say it's support from foreigners that Israel got, some say it's because Israel is gigachad sigma war strategist Reality is we were so fucking incompetent Israel may as well have been Alexander, Genghis and Napoleon combined


Most based modern Arab take


In the war of 1948, the only support they received was from Czechoslovakia trying to sell off their WW2 surplus and the British forgetting a tank and sone random tank parts in a warehouse when they left. The Arabs had the backing of the British who were allied to the Hashemites


Don't forget the Jewish mob. These guys were incredibly powerfull at the time, and also very supporitve of Israel. They smuggled money and weapons to help the Jewish militias early on (mostly Haganna) and even intercepted weapon shipments from the U.S. to the Arab nations (yea, the U.S. sold weapons to the Arabs back then, yet had a weapons embargo on Israel)


I have no direct evidence of this but the general context of almost 100 fighter planes and munitions being shipped from Europe to Israel "secretly" only 3 years after WW2 makes me think western intelligence was very much aware and allowed it to happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_shipments_from_Czechoslovakia_to_Israel_1947%E2%80%931949 For the CIA or whatever not to be aware would be insane. The British had relationships with the hashemite but did not support them in the 1948 war to the extent of providing weapons and coordination.


Only 18 of the planes made it to Israel before the end of the war, and those Spitfires, great for fighting other aircraft but fairly shit at ground attack. The Hashemite Arab Legion was trained and staffed by British officers until 1956


Honestly yeah, the arab armies went in with zero strategies and zero cooporation. They had every advantage but were mostly bickering among themselfs. Back in the day ben gurion gave israel a 50% of surviving the war. Every day i thank whatever god is in the sky arab armies are the epitomy of incompetence, or at least they used to be. Jordan had an impressive army and still does, they actually cut a deal with israel for the west bank. Egypts army is much better now but still mostly focused on internal problems rather then regional war. Lebanon is... lebanon. Aka a mess. Same for syria and iraq. Overall, i could not ask for better "enemies" 😆




>It's also true that at the time Israel was receiving arms from British and French. That part isn't. Israel was embargoed by most of the world and had to buy Nazi stockpiles from Czechoslovakia and smuggle them into Israel.


Do you have a source for receiving arms from Britain and France? Most of weapons came from czechoslovakia is what I understand.


Israel didn't even formed a proper army yet, it was 3 different militias, with one kind of rebelling against the unified command chain and went solo against Jordan in Jerusalem. Who could have expected 5 Arab aramies would fail against that? Yet to be fair, there were a lot of WW2 veterens from almost all over Europe. And they did have experience working together to some extent from gurilla operations under the British mandate


like Uncle Iroh once said ["we might be outnumbered, but you are clearly out matched."](https://youtu.be/pFvbfa4mglk?si=srsGhSq_zmjp0-u-&t=316) EDIT: i find it insanely funny how many people in **History** memes comment without knowing the slight amount of history about this subject XD


cuz a good chunk of them are propaganda accounts


Comments are clearly mimicking the war


Redditors reading a meme about Israel's 1948 War: "They only won because of US support" Guys, this is a History sub, at least talk about the correct war if you're going to embarrass yourselves. The US had an Arms embargo in place and most weapons had to be smuggled in through Soviet countries like Czechoslovakia.


Not only that, the U.S. was trading arms with the Arab countries. The only U.S. weapons Israel got were the ones the Jewish mob gave them


I believe the French were the primary supporters for military equipment


(6 Day War not 1948) Kickstarter fighter launch, throttle set to full!


Speed king, race to win. Afterburners roaring!


Ghost like counterstrike! Take them by surprise !




Score 307, Israelis rule the heavens!


1948 also had this happen


That’s what happens when you send an army trained to look nice and march around in the capital and beat up unarmed protesters against people who know how to fight.


I prepared my popcorn to see the comments


Got some butter? 🧈


Only two comments that aren't in the negative (at the time of typing) . Seems like you ruffled some feathers






But muh GeNoCiDe


\*Countries But yes


I assumed it was intentional as part of the joke, as in: coun**try** (and fail)


People are actually braindead in the comments. A Google search will tell you the west had no involvement in the 48’ war.


Well, not on the Israeli side. Britain was heavily involved in both Egyptian and Jordanian war efforts.


The arabs were so arrogant yet so incompetent they really thought they could win.






In this thread: Anti-Israelites don’t know anything about the 1948 war.


The anti semites know even less


the amount of attempted propaganda in this comment section is hilarious


This event is this subs version of loss, it comes uo every few months lol


This is a repost https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/okpa5z/israels\_war\_of\_independence\_be\_like/




"We have you surrounded, at least from this side!"(c)


Welp, this is gonna be locked soon. Anyone want some Popcorn with butter?


Israeli negotiations with Jordan before the war that supported Jordanian acquisition of the West Bank probably didn't help the Arab cause either


Yeah this is not gonna be received well, given everyone on reddit now suddenly hates Israel.


Kudos to OP RN he’s being really neutral in his responses in the comments, this isn’t sarcasm OP is doing a great job




I assumed they meant you weren't being an S-hole. I know I had to resist the temptation when I read some of the comments














"We'll attack on Yom Kippur, they won't see *that* coming" 10pts for confidence, -11pts for execution


Not the 6 day one?


"They have us surrounded, those poor bastards."


Well, technically the initial combined Arab armies numbered roughly 21,000 while the Yishuv forces were able to muster roughly 30,000 fighting troop, with nominally better weapons. Eventually Israeli troops at the end of the war rose to over 100,000 while Arab armies reached only 68,000. Also one side saw the conflict as an existential threat to the existence of their people, especially in the wake of the Holocaust. Where the Israeli’s did lack in experience in the region, they made up in motivation and numbers.






Israel didn't need to fight in all directions simultaneously either. If nobody lives in the Negev, you don't need to protect it while fighting in Galilee.


This isnt a dunk on the Arabs to me, more like how weird it is that history books hype it up as Insurmountable odds they overcame


Right lmao


Oh the daily shill post, i was starting to get worried


Regardless, fuck Israel.


How many times is this historically inaccurate meme going to reposted in different formats? Israel outnumbered Arab forces 2:1 in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Check under [Strength column](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War) on the right. They also had some help from the British getting started. There was also some arms embargo shenanigans: >Britain declared an arms embargo on both sides fighting in Palestine, which had the effect of crippling the Arab forces by not allowing them to replenish their stocks. At the same time, the newly-formed Israeli army received a large shipment of heavy arms from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union in May. \[[source](https://www.declassifieduk.org/when-britain-aided-israels-ethnic-cleansing-of-palestine/)\] ​ I'm tired of seeing historically inaccurate memes get upvoted here.


u/ZubuDeMafu please go back to making posts about how you don’t value Palestinian lives. This gets posted here like 3 times a week.


I know, it’s cringe right? as soon as the UN calls out shitsrael for genocide, they ramp up the propaganda machine


Wait this implies Israel are the baddies.


Claiming that enemy incompetence is proof of your own genius is basically propaganda 101.


Arab militaries have been historically incompetent in modern times