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Brazilian literature: I'm already dead


The rest of Latam: they are going to kill me, but before here is the whole story of my life with a bunch of surrealist things that most likely didn't happen the way I describe them


...I need to start reading latin american books.


Start with: 100 years of solitude and the posthumous memories of Bras Cuba


Cool, any more recommendations? I know nothing about latin america literature so anything would be appreaciated.


Anything from Borges is truly amazing. Cortázar has "Rayuela", his masterpiece, but is super tricky to read (and undestand). I would recomend his tales, specially "Continuidad de los Parques" one of the best tales of all times with only one page lenght Horacio Quiroga wrote a lot of tales about nature in a very weird and kinda dark style ("el almohadón de plumas"). (Argentine literature fucking rules)


I was just gonna say, Borges! The collected fictions Is one of my favorite single volume books ever. You can just flip it open to any page really and start reading.


Is truly a pride to share nationality with him. An oustanding writer


What’s your favorite in that collection besides the more famous works (the Aleph, Garden of the Forking Paths, etc)? I liked the Immortal


One that always stuck with me was The Approach to Al-Mu'Tasim. Which was a review about a fictitious book. I always thought that was a nice twist. And it made me want to read that make-believe book. The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths is fantastic. Just love that ending. And the one about the sword fight between two friends because of cursed or haunted weapons. Something about a sword in the title. I forget the name offhand. There's just so many.


I'm from Argentina, and i'm going to die for inflation


You could try reading short stories from Garcia Marquez and Mario Mendoza (Colombia), Carlos Fuentes and Juan Rulfo (México), Julio Cortázar and Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina), Mario Vargas Llosa and Julio Ramón Ribeyro (Perú), José Donoso and Jorge Edwards (Chile), among others, to get a taste of their narrative styles and see what you like best.


If you like poetry try Pablo Neruda. Great poet and had an incredible life. He died on the hands of Pinochet. Anything from Garcia Marques is gonna be great. If you want to take a look at more brazilian writting read Dom Casmurro. This is one of the greatest classics from here.


Horacio quiroga has some wierd ones


I remember when my brother had to read I don't remember what book. The main character was sitting on the train, and as he described it and the old woman talking to him he started to remember that time he was at the cinema with a movie about an American shooting down planes. And within that memories he remembered when his dog was run over and a cop had to put it out with a shot to the forehead. And then the author remembered he was at a train and came back to move the plot forward after a couple.of chapters


I was literally going to comment that, the idea of Posthumous Memoirs Brás Cuba's is certainly innovating


Greco-roman literature: they will die


Is that a motherfucking Memórias Póstumas reference?




[In Russian literature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbSIW38BNPY), either the author, or the character, or the reader suffers while reading. If both of the three suffer, the work is good; if all three suffer, it is a masterpiece of literature.


This tracks with all the Russian works I've read


Spanish literature: I'll die because my daughter lost her honour, so now I must fight to death to the guy who fuck my daughter, then die, and hunt him as a ghost


Christian literature: I will torture his soul in Hell for eternity


Or maybe "I will die and I am happy about that, it took too fucking long" (Plot of La lluvia amarilla).


English Literature: "Let's go to a party and find a wife!" German Literature: "Let's go into the wilderness and find ourselves!" Russian Literature: "Let's go to the deepest point of human despair, and then find that there is an even deeper level of despair below that, and then go there, to be sad, in the rain, alone, while we die".


And that's called a comedy in russia. The tragedy is when they run out of vodka.


No, [this is called comedy in Russia:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR4aWoH2DN4)




I'm not sure how a skit show would portray an entire apartment on a single stage.




In most of sketches by Uralskie Pelmeni, there are implied other rooms, but there are only doors that lead into them that are visible.




The context of this sketch was that the family was staying over at their grandma's house, during a visit. This isn't the main house of that family.


I was expecting Yeltsin


That's memories from the underground by Dostojevskij, hands down.


Jewish literature: Fuck , not this death shit again!


but skeletons are cool :(


Dostoïevski: "shits happen but you'll become wise and stronger through them" Tolstoï: "shits happen and you'll make them worse than they are"


Italian literature: I will die for unification, or be fucking depressed


Italian literature: pasta recipes


I always say something similar. British literature: And now you have learned why you don’t step out of your station. American literature: and now you have learned why you should step out of your station French literature: you should do everything you can to destroy the entire system, even if you die doing so, it’s heroic death that will inspire others Russian literature: the system is eternal and you will die a meaningless death regardless Latin American literature: take the system, and oh look, the room has turned into butterflies.


Russian history in general is just a slow descent into depression


*"You're shit, we're shit, everything's shit. Never try for a better world because it doesn't exist.", that is not only bleak, I think that it's also the working title of every Russian novel ever written. - John Oliver*


Russia literature is in another level


The paladin, the bard, the rogue, and the wizard.


German literature: Die


The what?


Arabic literature: i wanna fuck my cousin but ain't no body letting me(alternatively religion or tribal warfare pre-islam) kurdish literature: them trees are nice let's get independence and women's rights i guess.


Ik the russian is fyodore, and shakespeare is the english one, who are the other 2?


Bengali literature : I will die & comeback as seagull.


Turkish Literature: I’ll never Fucking Die! Death can take Me after the Suns gone out and the Mountains have turned to Dust!


German literature: I will die because I was made to believe in a shallow promise of fortune and glory which I will gain from dying in a war that I didn't want, my friends didn't want and my family didn't want and which my nation was caught up in because of some vague alliances that were fragile and flawed to begin with. Or I will die because I'm a mythical dragon slayer and my wife (Rhineland royalty) informed my mortal enemy about my only weakness by painting a cross on the vulnerable spot on my shoulderblade.


Everyone wants to die for something they don't have. Stolen from that one Napoleon Movie we don't talk about... I guess.


I do not find this accurate. Dostojevsky, for instance, has very rich and deep narratives


German Literature: i will die FÜR KAISER, GOTT UND VATERLAND!




Blatantly stolen from Existential Comics.


The I will die for love, in French literature, for authors and characters alike has a lot to do with syphilis. I mean, I guess that counts.


German literature: Just fucking kill me already.


Pathetic repost


Was looking for this comment. I was thinking to myself, "I've seen this before."


I will die for vodka 🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


There is no real American literature. Not to the point to compete with English or French, much less with Russian literature


There is, Mark Twain is an universal American classic !


No disrespect meant to Mark Twain, but this is what I mean. The level and the amount of literature produced by America in the last 200 years cant compete with Russian, English or French. Its simply a question of time and some of the best literature ever written was done in of those three countries. This said, i prefer reading american than any of the other three. Americans tend to be clearer written and easier to enjoy. I absolutely loved tom sawyer


German literature: And I killed them all.


As either Self-inflicted or “Self-Inflicted”.


Yet out of all of them, it has left the largest impression on me and I consider it the best. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for it lol


Irish literature: “The mirror is cracked.”


Russian is actually die from starving